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Agenda Setting dan Formulasi Kebijakan

Dumilah Ayuningtyas
FKM Universitas Indonesia
Evolution of evidence based to make
policy ( Gray, 99)
 Doing things cheaper
 Doing things better
 Doing things right

 (Doing the right things)

 (Doing the right things right)
Health Policy Development

Proses Panjang dan Sistemik Pengembangan Kebijakan


Policy Development Cycle
Public Problem
Tidak masuk dalam
Policy Public Demand Policy Agenda

Process Policy Agenda Leave it alone

Tidak ada keputusan
Policy Formulation: kebijakan
Policy Analysis

Policy Decision
(keputusan Positive Action
Policy Statement

Policy Output

Policy Evaluation

Feedback a) Those who initiate and

maintain process
b) Effect on state of society
The health care policy

Issue definition

Setting objectives

Priority setting

Defining options

Options appraisal



Stages in the policy-making process

Stages of policy making process
 Problem Identification &  Deciding to decide (issue
issue recognition search & agenda setting)
 Deciding how to decide(issue
 Policy formulation filtration)
 Policy Implementation  Issue definition
 Policy Evaluation  Forecasting
 Setting objectives & priorities
 Option analysis
 Policy implementation,
monitoring and control
 Evaluation and Review
 Policy maintenance,
succession or termination
Policy is political.

Policy Problem, Agenda Setting dan Konteks Politik

Policy Problem, Public Problem,
Strategic Issue & Agenda Setting
 Knoepfel et all, 2007 : “A series of decisions or activities resulting
from structured and recurrent interactions between different actors,
both public and private, who are involved in various different ways
in the emergence, identification, and resolution of problem defined
politically as a public issues
 …..problem defined politically as a public issues (Gormley dan
Boccuti, 2001).

 agenda setting :  (problems, possible solutions to the problem &

politic circumstances). (Kingdon (1995)
Policy Problem, Public Problem,
Strategic Issue & Agenda Setting
 pembuatan agenda menempati urutan pertama dalam siklus
pengembangan kebijakan.
 agenda setting : pertemuan dari tiga “pilar pertimbangan”
penting, yaitu : masalah (problems), solusi yang
memungkinkan untuk masalah tersebut (possible solutions to the
problems), dan keadaan politik (politic circumstances). (Kingdon
Politik & Posisi strategis
Partisipasi Politik
 choices, power, and influence
 Politics has been related to distribution of power, wealth and
 The art of possibilities
 Who Get What, When, and How (Interest, Elite)
 By political participation we mean activity by private citizens
designed to influence government decision making. Participation may
be individual or collective, organized or spontaneous, sustained or
sporadic, peaceful or violent, legal or illegal, effective or ineffective
(Samuel P Huntington & Joan M.Nelson, No Easy Choice :
Political Participation in Developing Countries
Gambar 3.3. Tahapan Agenda Model Birkland
(2001: 108)

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