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The first observatory-class space-based solar

mission from India

Our Sun is the nearest star and the
largest object in the solar system. The
estimated age of sun is about 4.5 billion

years. It is a hot glowing ball of hydrogen
and helium gases. The distance to the
sun from the earth is about 150 million
kilometres, and is the source of energy
for our solar system. Without the solar

energy the life on earth, as we know, can
not exist. The gravity of the sun holds all
the objects of the solar system together.
At the central region of the sun, known
as ‘core’, the temperature can reach as
high as 15 million degree Celsius. At this
temperature, a process called nuclear
THE FIRST OBSERVATORY-CLASS SPACE-BASED SOLAR fusion takes place in the core which
powers the sun. The visible surface of the
sun known as photosphere is relatively
cool and has temperature of about
The first observatory-class space-based solar
mission from India


The sun is the nearest star and Various spacecraft and
The sun constantly influences the
Earth with radiation, heat and
constant flow of particles and
Space weather refers to
changing environmental
conditions in space in the
therefore can be studied in much communication systems are magnetic fields. The constant flow vicinity of Earth and other
more detail as compared to other prone to such disturbances of particles from the sun is known as planets. We use more and
stars. By studying the sun we can and therefore an early warning solar wind and are mostly composed more technology in space,
learn much more about stars in of such events is important of high energy protons. The solar as understanding space
our Milky Way as well as about for taking corrective measures wind fills nearly all the space of the weather is very important.
stars in various other galaxies. beforehand. In addition to these, known solar system. Along with the Also, understanding near Earth
if an astronaut is directly exposed solar wind, the solar magnetic field space weather sheds light on
The sun is a very dynamic star
to such explosive phenomena, also fill the solar system. The solar the behaviour of space weather
that extends much beyond
he/she would be in danger. wind along with other explosive/ of other planets.
what we see. It shows several
eruptive phenomena and releases The various thermal and magnetic eruptive solar events like Coronal
immense amount of energy in the phenomena on the sun are of Mass Ejection (CME) affects the nature
solar system. If such explosive solar extreme nature. Thus, the sun of space. During such events, the
phenomena is directed towards also provides a good natural nature of magnetic field and charge
the earth, it could cause various laboratory to understand those particle environment near to the
types of disturbances in the near phenomena which cannot be planet change. In case of the Earth,
earth space environment. directly studied in the lab. the interaction of Earth magnetic
field with the field carried by CME can
trigger a magnetic disturbance near
the Earth. Such events can affect the
functioning of space assets.
The first observatory-class space-based solar
mission from India


ADITYA-L1 • Understanding the Coronal Heating and Solar Wind
• Understanding initiation of Coronal Mass Ejection
Aditya L1 is the first space based (CME), flares and near-earth space weather.
observatory class Indian solar
• To understand coupling and dynamics of the solar
mission to study the Sun. The
spacecraft is planned to be
placed in a halo orbit around the • To understand solar wind distribution and
Lagrangian point 1 (L1) of the temperature anisotropy.
Sun-Earth system, which is about
1.5 million km from the Earth. A
satellite placed in the halo orbit
around the L1 point has the major
directly view the Sun and the
remaining three payloads carry UNIQUENESS
advantage of continuously viewing
out in-situ studies of particles and
fields at the Lagrange point L1.
the Sun without any occultation/ • First time spatially resolved solar disk in the near
eclipse. This will provide a greater The suit of Aditya L1 payloads
UV band.
advantage of observing the are expected to provide most
solar activities continuously. The crucial information to understand • CME dynamics close to the solar disk (~ from 1.05
spacecraft carries seven payloads the problems of coronal heating, solar radius) and thereby providing information
to observe the photosphere, Coronal Mass Ejection, pre-flare in the acceleration regime of CME which is not
chromosphere, and the outermost and flare activities, and their observed consistently.
layers of the Sun (the corona) using characteristics, dynamics of space • On-board intelligence to detect CMEs and solar
electromagnetic and particle weather, study of the propagation flares for optimised observations and data volume.
detectors. Using the special of particles, and fields in the • Directional and energy anisotropy of solar wind
vantage point of L1, four payloads interplanetary medium etc. using multi-direction observations.
The first observatory-class space-based solar
mission from India

ADITYA-L1 L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer

SCIENCE (HEL1OS) studies the X-ray flares

from the Sun over a wide X-ray
energy range. The Magnetometer

payload is capable of measuring
interplanetary magnetic fields at
the L1 point.
The science payloads of Aditya-L1
The Aditya-L1 mission carries a are indigenously developed
suit of seven scientific payloads by different laboratories in the
to carry out systematic study of country. The VELC instrument is Fig1: Locations of Aditya-L1 payloads on the spacecraft. R, P and Y indicate the
the Sun. The Visible Emission developed at the Indian Institute Raw, Pitch and Roll axis of the spacecraft. ASPEX Payload Consists of
Line Coronagraph (VELC) studies of Astrophysics, Bangalore; SUIT SWIS & STEPS.
the solar corona and dynamics of instrument at Inter University

Coronal Mass Ejections. The Solar Centre for Astronomy &
Ultra-violet Imaging Telescope Astrophysics , Pune; ASPEX
(SUIT) payload images the Solar instrument at Physical Research
Photosphere and Chromosphere Laboratory, Ahmedabad; For a two body gravitational system, the Lagrange Points are the postions
in near Ultra-violet (UV) and also PAPA payload at Space Physics in space where a small object tends to stay, if put there. These points
measures the solar irradiance Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space in space for a two body systems such as Sun and Earth can be used by
variations in near UV. The Aditya Centre, Thiruvananthapuram; spacecraft to remain at these positions with reduced fuel consumption.
Solar wind Particle EXperiment SoLEXS and HEL1OS payloads at
(ASPEX) and Plasma Analyser U R Rao Satellite Centre, Bangalore, Technically at Lagrange point, the gravitational pull of the two large
Package for Aditya (PAPA) and the Magnetometer payload bodies equals the necessary centripetal force required for a small object
payloads study the solar wind at the Laboratory for Electro to move with them. For two body gravitational systems, there are total
and energetic ions, as well as their Optics Systems, Bangalore. All five Lagrange points denoted as L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5. The Lagrange points
energy distribution. The Solar the payloads are developed with for Sun-Earth system are shown in the figure. The Lagrange point L1 lies
Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer the close collaboration of various between Sun-Earth line. The distance of L1 from Earth is approximately
(SoLEXS) and The High Energy centres of ISRO. 1% of the Earth-Sun distance.

The first observatory-class space-based solar

mission from India

L3 L1 L2
Fig 2 : Illustration of
Lagrange points of the
Sun-Earth system

Halo orbit insertion in L1 ADITYA-L1 TRAJECTORY TO L1 FROM SPACE?
The sun emits radiation/light in travel through the interplanetary
Cruise Phase nearly all wavelengths along with space, measurements are to be
various energetic particles and performed from a point which is
Earth SOI Exit magnetic field. The atmosphere far away from the influence of the
of the Earth as well as its magnetic Earth’s magnetic field.
L1 1.5 million km field acts as a protective shield
and blocks a number of harmful
Fig 3: wavelength radiations including
Aditya-L1 particles and fields. As various
Earth centered trajectory from
orbit transfer radiations don’t reach the surface
Earth to L1.
of the Earth, the instruments
from the Earth will not be able to
The Aditya-L1 mission will be launched by ISRO PSLV rocket from Sathish detect such radiation and solar
Dhawan Space Centre SHAR (SDSC SHAR), Sriharikota. Initially the studies based on these radiations
spacecraft will be placed in a low earth orbit. Subsequently, the orbit will could not be carried out. However,
be made more elliptical and later the spacecraft will be launched towards such studies can be carried out by
the Lagrange point L1 by using on-board propulsion. As the spacecraft making observations from outside
travels towards L1, it will exit the earths’ gravitational Sphere of Influence the Earth atmosphere i.e., from
(SOI). After exit from SOI, the cruise phase will start and subsequently space. Similarly, to understand
the spacecraft will be injected into a large halo orbit around L1. The total how the solar wind particles
travel time from launch to L1 would take about four months for Aditya-L1. and magnetic field from the Sun
The trajectory of Aditya-L1 mission is shown in the figure above.
The obvious answer is a ‘NO’ which due to technological challenges
is not only true for Aditya-L1 but of achieving spacecraft orbits
in general for any space mission. for such studies. The sun polar
The reason is that due to the dynamics and magnetic fields are
limited mass, power and volume believed to play important role in
of the spacecraft that carries the deriving the solar cycles. Further,
scientific payloads in space, only the polarisation measurements
a limited set of instruments with of solar radiations at different
limited capacity can be sent on- wavelengths are required to
board the spacecraft. In case of understand the various processes
Aditya-L1, all the measurements occurring in and around the sun.
will be made from the Lagrange
point L1. As an example, the

various phenomena of the sun are
multi-directional and therefore the

directional distribution of energy
of explosive/eruptive phenomena
will not be possible to study with
Aditya-L1 alone.
Another Lagrange point known
as L5 is a good vantage point for
studying the Earth directed CME
events and assessing the space
weather. Also, the polar regions Indian Space Research Organisation
of the sun are not well studied Department of Space, Government of India
Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore-560094, India

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