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^mJ-~r : n[a^mfmE± PART – B : DEFINITIONS

Bg nm°{bgr _| à`wŠV nm[a^m{fH$ eãX/eãXm| H$s n[a^mfmE§ {ZåZ àH$ma h¢: The definitions of terms/words used in the Policy Document
are as under:
1. Am`w nm°{bgr Ho$ àma§^ hmoZo Ho$ g_` ~r{_V ì`pŠV Ho$ {ZH$Q>V_ OÝ_
1. Age is the age nearer birthday of the Life Assured at the time of
{Xdg na CgH$s Am`w h¡& bo{H$Z 8 df© H$s Am`w Ho$ {bE `h nyU© dm{f©H$
commencement of the policy except for age 8 yrs for which the
df© _| hmoJr& age is in completed year.
2. {Z`wŠV dh ì`pŠV h¡ {OgH$mo, nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V gw{Z{üV àm{á`m|/ 2. Appointee is the person to whom the proceeds/benefits
{hVbm^ H$m ^wJVmZ Xo` h¡, `{X {hVbm^ Zm_m§{H$V ì`pŠV H$mo Xo` h¡ secured under the Policy are payable if the benefit becomes
Am¡a Xmdo H$s ^wJVmZ VmarI na dh Zm~m{bJ h¡& payable to the nominee and nominee is minor as on the date of
claim payment.
3. dm{f©H$sH¥$V àr{_`_ ~r{_V ì`pŠV Ûmam MwZr JB© àr{_`_ hmoJr Am¡a Cg_|
3. Annualized Premium shall be the premium amount payable
H$moB© H$a, AZwd¥{Õ àr{_`_ ~r_mboIZ {ZU©` Ho$ H$maU {bE OmZo dmbr in a year chosen by the policyholder, excluding the taxes, rider
A{V[aŠV àr{_`_ am{e, Am¡a àr{_`_ ^wJVmZ àUmbr Ho$ {bE bmoqS>J premiums, underwriting extra premiums and loadings for
`{X H$moB© hmo, em{_b Zht h¡& modal premiums, if any.
4. g_ZwXo{eVr dh ì`pŠV h¡ {Ogo EH$ g_ZwXoeZ Ho$ AmYma na A{YH$ma 4. Assignee is the person to whom the rights and benefits are
Am¡a {hVbm^ hñVm§V[aV {H$E JE h¢& transferred by virtue of an Assignment.

5. g_ZwXoeZ {H$gr ''g_ZwXo{eVr'' H$mo A{YH$ma Am¡a {hVbm^m| H$mo 5. Assignment is the process of transferring the rights and
benefits to an “Assignee”. Assignment should be in
hñVm§V[aV H$aZo H$s à{H«$`m h¡& g_ZwXoeZ, g_`-g_` na `Wmg§emo{YV accordance with the provisions of Section 38 of Insurance Act,
~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 H$s Ymam 38 H$o àmdYmZm| H$o AZg w ma hmZom Mm{hE& 1938 as amended from time to time.
6. _yb nm°{bgr, nm°{bgr H$m dh ^mJ h¡, {Og_| _yb {hVbm^m| H$m C„oI 6. Base Policy is that part of the Policy referring to basic benefit
{H$`m J`m h¡ (`{X AZwd¥{Õ H$m M`Z {H$`m J`m h¡ Vmo CgHo$ A§VJ©V (benefits referred to in this Policy Document excluding benefits
covered under rider, if opted for).
{hVbm^m| H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a, Cg nm°{bgr _| C{„pIV {hVbm^)&
7. Basic Sum Assured means the amount specified in the
7. _yb ~r_m am{e H$m AW© Cg am{e go h¡ Omo AZwgyMr _| {d{Z{X©ï> h¡ Am¡a Schedule as opted by the Policyholder at the time of taking the
nm°{bgr boZo Ho$ g_` {OgH$m M`Z nm°{bgrYmaH$ Zo {H$`m h¡& policy.
8. bm^mWu/XmdmH$Vm© H$m AW© Cg ì`pŠV/g§ñWm go h¡, Omo Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ 8. Beneficiary/ Claimant means the person(s)/ entity who is/ are
A§VJ©V {hVbm^ àmá H$aZo H$m A{YH$mar hmo& bm^mWu, {OÝh| {hVbm^ Xo` entitled to receive the benefits under this policy. The
h¡, dh h¡ àñVmdH$ `m ~r{_V `m ~r_m A{Y{Z`_ 1938 H$s Ymam 38 Beneficiary to whom benefits are payable is the Proposer or
Life Assured or his Assignee under Section 38 of the Insurance
Ho$ A§VJ©V CgHo$ g_ZwXo{eV `m g_` g_` na `Wmg§emo{YV ~r_m Act, 1938, as amended from time to time or Nominee(s) under
A{Y{Z`_ 1938 H$s Ymam 39 Ho$ A§VJ©V Zm{_Vm| `m à_m{UV {ZînmXH$m| Section 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time
`m àemgH$m| `m AÝ` d¡Ym{ZH$ à{V{Z{Y`m|, {OÝhm|Zo CgH$s g§nXm `m Bg to time or proved Executors or Administrators or other Legal
nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V Xo` am{e _mÌ Ho$ {bE ^maVr` g§K Ho$ {H$gr amÁ` `m Representatives who should take out representation to his/ her
Estate or limited to the moneys payable under this Policy from
g§K em{gV àXoe Ho$ {H$gr Ý`m`mb`,Omo ^r bmJy hmo, go AnZo à{V{Z{Y any Court of any State or Territory of the Union of India, as
hmoZo H$m à_mUnÌ àmá {H$`m h¡& applicable.
9. {Za§Va ~r_m`mo½`Vm, `{X {H$gr AZwd¥{Õ H$m M`Z {H$`m J`m h¡ Vmo CgHo$ 9. Continued Insurability is the determination of insurability of
g{hV nm°{bgr Ho$ nwZM©bZ {H$E OmZo na {ZJ_ Ho$ g§Vw{ï> Ho$ AZwgma Life Assured/Proposer on revival of policy with rider(s) if opted
~r{_V ì`pŠV/àñVmdH$ H$s ~r_m`mo½`Vm H$m {ZYm©aU h¡ Omo nhbo go for, to the satisfaction of the Corporation based on the
information, documents and reports that are already available
CnbãY gyMZm, XñVmdoOm| Am¡a [anmoQ>m] na VWm nwZM©bZ Ho$ g_` {ZJ_ and any additional information in this regard if and as may be
H$s ~r_mboIZ Zr{V Ho$ AZwgma Bg g§~§Y _| _m§Jr JB© A{V[aŠV gyMZm required in accordance with the Underwriting Policy of the
na {Z^©a hmoJr& Corporation at the time of revival.
10. {ZJ_ H$m AW©, OrdZ ~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1956 H$s Ymam 3 Ho$ A§VJ©V 10. Corporation means the Life Insurance Corporation of India
ñWm{nV ^maVr` OrdZ ~r_m {ZJ_ h¡& established under Section 3 of the LIC Act, 1956.

11. nm°{bgr àma§^ hmoZo H$s VmarI Bg nm°{bgr H$s àma§^-VmarI h¡& 11. Date of commencement of policy is the start date of this Policy.
12. Date of commencement of risk is the date on which the
12. OmopI_ àma§^ hmoZo H$s VmarI dh VmarI h¡, {Og na {ZJ_, ~r_m
Corporation accepts the risk for insurance (cover) as
(gwajm) Ho$ {bE OmopI_ H$mo ñdrH¥$V H$aVm h¡, O¡gm{H$ Bg nm°{bgr H$s evidenced in the Schedule of the policy.
AZwgyMr _| Xem©`m J`m h¡& 13. Date of issuance of policy is a date when a proposal after
13. nm°{bgr Omar H$aZo H$s VmarI dh VmarI h¡, O~ ~r_mboIZ Ho$ nümV² underwriting is accepted as a policy and this contract gets
àñVmd H$mo nm°{bgr Ho$ ê$n _| ñdrH$ma H$a {b`m J`m h¡ Am¡a `h g§{dXm effected.
Mmby hmo J`m h¡& 14. Date of Maturity means the date specified in the Schedule on
which the Policy Term is completed.
14. n[an¹$Vm H$s VmarI AZwgyMr _| {d{Z{X©ï> dh VmarI h¡ O~ nm°{bgr
15. Date of Vesting shall be the policy anniversary date coinciding
Ad{Y nyar hmoVr h¡&
with or immediately following the completion of 18 years of age.
15. {Z{hV hmoZo H$s VmarI, 18 df© H$s Am`w nyU© hmoZo na n‹S>Zo dmbr AWdm On such vesting date, this policy shall be deemed to be a
CgHo$ Vwa§V ~mX AmZo dmbr nm°{bgr df©Jm§R> {V{W h¡& Eogo {Z[hV hmoZo H$s contract between the Corporation and the Life Assured. The
VmarI na `h nm°{bgr {ZJ_ Am¡a ~r{_V ì`pŠV Ho$ ~rM EH$ AZw~§Y Life Assured shall become the absolute owner of the policy and
the proposer or his estate shall cease to have any right or
_mZm OmEJm & ~r{_V ì`pŠV nm°{bgr H$m nwU© ñdm_r ~Z OmEJm Am¡a Bg interest therein.
na àñVmdH$ AWdm CgH$m g§nXm H$m H$moB© A{YH$ma `m ñdmW© Zht ahoJm& 16. Death Benefit means the benefit, which is payable on
16. _Ë¥`w {hVbm^ dh {hVbm^ h,¡ Omo ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s _Ë¥`w na X`o hmVom h,¡ death, as specified in Condition 1.A of Part C of this Policy
Og ¡ m{H$ Bg nm{°bgr XñVmdO o H$o ^mJ 'gr' H$s eV© 1.H$ _| {d{Z{Xï©> h&¡ Document.
17. {d_wpŠV ànÌ dh ànÌ h¡ Omo Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V n[an¹$Vm/ 17. Discharge form is the form to be filled by policyholder/
claimant to claim the maturity/surrender/death benefit under
Aä`n©U/_¥Ë`w {hVbm^ H$m Xmdm H$aZo Ho$ {bE nm°{bgrYmaH$/XmdmH$Vm©
the policy.
H$mo ^aZm hmoVm h¡&
18. Due Date means a fixed date on which the policy premium is
18. {Z`V VmarI dh {Z`V VmarI h¡ O~ àr{_`_ Xo` hmoVm h¡ Am¡a due and payable by the policyholder.
nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam AXm H$a {X`m OmZm Mm{hE& 19. Endorsement means conditions attached/ affixed to this
19. n¥ð>m§H$Z H$m AW© do eV] h¢, Omo Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ gmW g§b¾ h¢ Am¡a Policy incorporating any amendments or modifications agreed
{OZH$o Ûmam {ZJ_ Zo nm{°bgr _| gh_{VndyH©$ ge§mYoZ AWdm gYwma {H$E h&¢ to or issued by the Corporation.

20. A{V[aŠV àr{_`_ dh à^ma h¡ Omo ~r_mboIZ {ZU©` Ho$ H$maU {H$gr Eogo 20. Extra premium means a charge, due to underwriting decision,
for any additional risk not provided for, in minimum contract
A{V[aŠV OmopI_ Ho$ {bE {b`m OmVm h¡ Omo Ý`yZV_ g§{dXm àr{_`_ _| premium.
Zht {X`m J`m h¡&
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21. A§{V_ A{V[aŠV ~moZg {Ogo A§{V_ ~moZg ^r H$hm OmVm h¡, dh 21. Final Additional Bonus, also called as Terminal Bonus, is an
A{V[aŠV am{e h¡ Omo nm°{bgr g_m{á na gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg Ho$ additional amount payable along with the Simple Reversionary
Bonus when the policy terminates, provided such a Final
gmW Xo` hmoVr h¡ ~eV} {H$ Eogm A§{V_ A{V[aŠV ~moZg {ZJ_ Ûmam
Additional Bonus is declared by the Corporation and the policy
Kmo{fV {H$`m J`m hmo Am¡a nm°{bgr Eogo A§{V_ A{V[aŠV ~moZg Ho$ {bE is eligible for such Final Additional Bonus.
J«mø hmo&
22. Foreclosure is an action of closing the policy due to default in
22. nyd©-g_mnZ, Xo` VmarI na ~H$m`m F$U Am¡a/AWdm F$U Ho$ ã`mO Ho$ payment of outstanding loan and/or loan interest on due date
^wJVmZ _| MyH$ hmoZo Ho$ H$maU nm°{bgr Ho$ ~§X H$aZo H$s H$ma©dmB© h¡ O~{H$ when the outstanding loan amount along with interest is to
~H$m`m F$U Am¡a CgHo$ ã`mO H$s am{e Aä`n©U _yë` go A{YH$ hmo OmE& exceed the surrender value.
23. {Z:ewëH$ AdbmoH$Z Ad{Y nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam nm°{bgr àmá H$aZo H$s 23. Free Look Period is the period of 15 days from the date of
receipt of the Policy Document by the Policyholder to review
VmarI Ho$ ~mX 15 {XZm| H$s dh Ad{Y h¡, {OgHo$ Xm¡amZ dh nm°{bgr Ho$
the terms and conditions of this policy and where the
{Z`_/eVm] H$m nwZamdbmoH$Z H$a gH$Vm h¡ Am¡a `{X nm°{bgrYmaH$ {H$gr Policyholder disagrees to any of those terms and conditions,
{Z`_/eV© go gh_V Zht h¡ Vmo CgHo$ nmg nm°{bgr dmng H$aZo H$m he/ she has the option to return this policy.
{dH$ën h¡& 24. Grace period is the time granted by the insurer from the due
24. AZJwh« Ad{Y {H$gr O_wmZ©o `m {db~§ eëwH$ H$o {~Zm àr{_`_ AXm H$aZo H$o date for the payment of premium, without any penalty or late
{bE {Z`V VmarI H$o ~mX ~r_mH$Vm© Ûmam {X`m J`m dh A{V[aŠV g_` h,¡ fee, during which time the policy is considered to be in-force
{OgH$o Xma¡mZ nm{°bgr ~r_m gawjm H$o gmW Mmby _mZr OmVr h¡ Ama¡ nm{°bgr with the risk cover without any interruption.
H$o {Z`_/eVm] H$o AZg w ma Cg_| H$mBo© ì`dYmZ Zht AmVm& 25. Guaranteed Surrender Value is the minimum guaranteed
amount of Surrender Value payable to the policyholder on
25. Jma§Q>rH¥$V Aä`n©U _yë`, nm°{bgr Aä`{n©V {H$E OmZo na nm°{bgrYmaH$ surrender of the policy.
H$mo Xo` Aä`n©U _yë` H$s Ý`yZV_ Jma§Q>rH¥$V am{e h¡&
26. In-force policy means a policy in which all the due premiums
26. Mmby nm{°bgr Eg o r nm{°bgr h,¡ {Og na g^r X`o àr{_`_ AXm H$a {XE JE have been paid and the premiums are not outstanding beyond
h¢ Ama¡ AZJwh« Ad{Y go A{YH$ g_` H$o {bE àr{_`_ ~H$m`m Zht h&¢ grace period.
27. AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© H$m AW© ^maVr` ~r_m {Z`m_H$ Ed§ {dH$mg àm{YH$aU 27. IRDAI means Insurance Regulatory and Development
h¡, {Ogo nhbo ~r_m {Z`m_H$ Ed§ {dH$mg àm{YH$aU (AmB©AmaS>rE) H$hm Authority of India earlier called as Insurance Regulatory and
OmVm Wm& Development Authority (IRDA).

28. ''H$mbmVrV'' nm°{bgr H$s dh AdñWm h¡ O~ AZwJ«h Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ 28. Lapse is the status of the Policy when due premium is not paid
within the grace period.
Xo` àr{_`_ H$m ^wJVmZ Z {H$`m J`m hmo&
29. Life Assured is the person on whose life the insurance cover
29. ~r{_V ì`pŠV dh ì`pŠV h¡, {OgHo$ OrdZ na ~r_m gwajm ñdrH¥$V {H$`m has been accepted.
J`m h¡&
30. Loan is the interest bearing repayable amount granted by the
30. F$U, {ZJ_ Ûmam nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$mo Aä`n©U _yë` Ho$ EdO _| Xo` dh Corporation against the surrender value payable to the
am{e h¡, Omo ã`mO g{hV MwH$mB© OmZr h¡& policyholder.
31. n[an¹$Vm {hVbm^ dh {hVbm^ h¡ Omo nm°{bgr Ho$ n[an¹$ hmoZo na Xo` 31. Maturity Benefit means the benefit, which is payable on
hmoVm h¡, O¡gm{H$ Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ ^mJ 'gr' H$s eV© 1.I _| maturity, as specified in Condition 1.B of Part C of this Policy
{d{Z{X©ï> h¡&
32. Material information is the information already known to the
32. _hËdnyU© gyMZm nm°{bgr boZo Ho$ g_` ~r{_V ì`pŠV nm°{bgrYmaH$/ Policyholder/Life Assured/Proposer at the time of obtaining a
àñVmdH$ H$mo nhbo go hr kmV dh gyMZm h¡, Omo àñVwV {H$E JE àñVmd/ policy which has a bearing on underwriting of the proposal
nm°{bgr Ho$ ~r_mboIZ H$mo à^m{dV H$aVr h¡& /Policy submitted.
33. Zm~m{bJ dh ì`pŠV h¡, {OgZo 18 df© H$s Am`w nyar Zht H$s h¡& 33. Minor is a person who has not completed 18 years of age.
34. Zm_m§H$Z dh à{H«$`m h¡, {OgHo$ Ûmam àñVmd-nÌ _| {H$gr ì`pŠV/ 34. Nomination is the process of nominating a person(s) who is
ì`pŠV`m| H$mo ''Zm{_Vr'' Ho$ ê$n _| XO© {H$`m J`m hmo AWdm ~mX _| (are) named as “Nominee(s)” in the proposal form or
n¥ð>m§H$Z Ho$ _mÜ`_ go em{_b {H$`m J`m hmo/~Xbm J`m hmo& Zm_m§H$Z subsequently included/ changed by an endorsement.
Nomination should be in accordance with provisions of Section
g_`-g_` na g§emo{YV ~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 H$s Ymam 39 Ho$ 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time.
AZwgma hmoZm Mm{hE&
35. Nominee(s) means the person(s) nominated by the
35. Zm{_Vr Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V nm°{bgrYmaH$ (Omo ~r{_V ì`pŠV ^r h¡) Policyholder (who is also the Life Assured) under this Policy
Ûmam Zm{_V ì`pŠV h¡/h¢, Omo Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V Xo` Xmdm {hVbm^ who is (are) authorised to receive the claim benefit payable
àmá H$aZo Am¡a Xmdo Ho$ {ZnQ>mZ na {ZJ_ H$mo d¡Y {d_wpŠV XoZo Ho$ {bE under this Policy and to give a valid discharge to the
àm{YH¥$V h¡/h¢& Corporation on settlement of the claim.

36. _¥Ë`w {hVbm^ {H$íVm| _| boZo H$m {dH$ën: Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ ^mJ 36. Option to take Death Benefit in instalments: Option to take
death benefit in instalments, as specified in Condition 8 of Part
'S>r' H$s eV© 8 Ho$ {d{ZX}e Ho$ AZwgma, _¥Ë`w {hVbm^ {H$íVm| _| àmá D of this Policy Document, is an option available under this
H$aZo H$m {dH$ën Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V CnbãY EH$ {dH$ën h¡, {OgHo$ Policy, to receive Death Benefit in instalments instead of
AZwgma _¥Ë`w {hVbm^ EH$_wíV boZo Ho$ ~Om`, nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam MwZr lumpsum amount over a period chosen by the Policyholder/
JB© g_`-Ad{Y _| {H$íVm| _| {b`m Om gH$Vm h¡& Life Assured.
37. ^mJrXma nm°{bgr H$m AW©, Cg nm°{bgr go h¡, Omo nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z`_/eVm] 37. Participating policy means a policy is eligible for share of
Ho$ AZwgma CËnÞ ~MV (bm^) Ho$ {H$gr ^mJ Ho$ {bE hH$Xma hmo& profit depending upon the Corporation’s experience in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.
38. àXÎm nm{°bgr H$s dh AdñWm h,¡ O~ àr{_`_ H$_ go H$_ Xmo nUy© dfm] H$o
38. Paid-Up is the status of the Policy, if the premiums are paid for
{bE AXm H$a Xr JB© hmo Ama¡ CgH$o ~mX H$s àr{_`_ AXm Z H$s JB© hm&o at least two full years and subsequent premium/s be not paid.
39. nm°{bgr H$s df©Jm§R> H$m AW©, nm°{bgr àma§^ hmoZo H$s VmarI go EH$ df© 39. Policy Anniversary means one year from the date of
Am¡a CgHo$ ~mX nm°{bgr n[an¹$ hmoZo H$s VmarI VH$, àË`oH$ df© AmZo commencement of the Policy and the same date falling each
dmbr dhr VmarI h¡& year thereafter, till the date of maturity.
40. nm°{bgr/nm°{bgr XñVmdoO {ZJ_ Ûmam Omar `h XñVmdoO Am¡a n¥ð>m§H$Z 40. Policy/ Policy Document means this document along with
(`{X H$moB© hmo) h¡, Omo nm°{bgrYmaH$ Am¡a {ZJ_ Ho$ ~rM EH$ H$mZyZr endorsements, if any, issued by the Corporation which is a
H$ama h¡& legal contract between the Policyholder and the Corporation.

41. nm°{bgrYmaH$ Bg nm°{bgr H$m H$mZyZr ñdm_r h¡& 41. Policyholder is the legal owner of this policy.

42. nm°{bgr Ad{Y nm°{bgr àma§^ hmoZo H$s VmarI go n[an¹$Vm H$s VmarI 42. Policy term is the period, in years, as chosen by the
policyholder and mentioned in the Schedule, commencing
VH$ dfm] _| ì`ŠV dh Ad{Y h¡ Omo nm°{bgrYmaH$ Zo MwZr h¡ Am¡a Omo from the Date of commencement of policy to the Date of
AZwgyMr _| {d{Z{X©ï> h¡& Maturity.
43. nm°{bgr df© Xmo bJmVma nm°{bgr df©Jm§R>m| Ho$ ~rM H$m g_` h¡& Bg Ad{Y 43. Policy year is the period between two consecutive policy

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_| nhbm {XZ em{_b h¡, qH$Vw AJbr df©Jm§R> H$m {XZ em{_b Zht h¡& anniversaries. This period includes the first day and excludes
44. àr{_`_, Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V {hVbm^ gw{Z{üV H$aZo Ho$ {bE, Bg the next policy anniversary day.
44. Premium is the contractual amount payable by the
nm°{bgr XñVmdoO H$s AZwgyMr _| C{„pIV dh g§{dXmJV am{e h¡ Omo
Policyholder at specified times periodically as mentioned in the
nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam Amd{YH$ ê$n go {d{Z{X©ï> g_`m| na AXm H$s OmZr h¡& Schedule of this Policy Document to secure the benefits under
Xo` àr{_`_ ''Hw$b {H$íV àr{_`_'' hmoJm, {Og_| {ZåZ{bpIV àr{_`_ the policy. The premium payable will be “Total Instalment
em{_b h¢: Premium” which includes
• _yb nm°{bgr Ho$ {bE {H$íV àr{_`_; Am¡a • Instalment Premium for Base Policy and
• `{X AZwd¥{Õ(`m|) H$m M`Z {H$`m J`m h¡ Vmo AZwd¥{Õ(`m|) Ho$ {bE • Instalment Premium for Rider(s), if rider(s) has been opted
{H$íV àr{_`_
The term ‘Premium’ used anywhere in this Policy Document
Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO _| H$ht na ^r à`wŠV ''àr{_`_'' eãX _| H$moB© H$a does not include any taxes which is payable separately.
em{_b Zht h¡, CZH$m ^wJVmZ AbJ go {H$`m OmZm h¡&
45. Proposer is a person who proposes the life insurance proposal.
45. àñVmdH$ OrdZ ~r_m Ho$ àñVmd H$mo àñVwV H$aZo dmbm ì`pŠV h¡&
46. Revival of a policy means restoration of the policy, which was
46. nwZM©bZ àr{_`_ H$s J¡a-AXm`Jr Ho$ H$maU g_má H$s JB© nm°{bgr Ho$ discontinued due to non-payment of premium, by the insurer
nwZM©bZ H$m AW© h¡ ~r{_V ì`pŠV Am¡a/AWdm àñVmdH$ (`{X OrdZ with all the benefits mentioned in the policy document, with or
~r_m {ZJ_ H$s àr{_`_ AZwJ«h AZwd¥{Õ H$m M`Z {H$`m h¡) H$s {Za§Va without rider benefits if any, upon the receipt of all the
premiums due and other charges or late fee, if any, as per the
~r_m`mo½`Vm Ho$ {df` _| g§Vwï> hmoH$a, nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z`_/eVm] Ho$ AZwgma terms and conditions of the policy, upon being satisfied as to
g^r Xo` àr{_`_ VWm AÝ` à^ma/{db§~ ewëH$, `{X H$moB© hmo, boH$a the Continued Insurability of the Life Assured and/or
~r_mboIZ {ZU©` ~r_mH$Vm© Ûmam nm°{bgr XñVmdoO _| Cëbo{IV g^r Proposer (if LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider is opted for).
{hVbm^m| Ho$ gmW, AZwd¥{Õ {hVbm^, `{X H$moB© hmo, Ho$ gmW `m dJ¡a 47. Revival Period means the period of five consecutive years
nm°{bgr H$mo {\$a go ~hmb H$aZm& from the date of first unpaid premium, during which period the
policyholder is entitled to revive the policy which was
47. nwZM©bZ Ad{Y nhbr AXÎm àr{_`_ H$s VmarI go nm§M {Za§Va df© H$s discontinued due to the non-payment of premium.
dh Ad{Y h¡ {OgHo$ Xm¡amZ nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$mo Cg nm°{bgr H$mo nwZM©{bV
48. Rider is an additional cover which can be opted for along with
H$amZo H$m A{YH$ma hmoJm, Omo àr{_`_ AXm Z H$aZo Ho$ H$maU ~§X H$a Xr base plan.
JB© Wr&
49. Rider Benefits means an amount of benefit payable on a
48. AZwd¥{Õ dh A{V[aŠV gwajm h¡ {OgH$m M`Z _yb `moOZm Ho$ gmW {H$`m specified event offered under the rider, and is allowed as add-
Om gH$Vm h¡& on benefit to benefit under Base Policy.
49. AZwd¥{Õ {hVbm^ H$m AW© {hVbm^ H$s dh am{e h¡ Omo AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ 50. Rider Premium is the premium payable by the policyholder
A§VJ©V àXÎm KQ>Zm hmoZo na Xo` h¡ Am¡a `h _yb nm°{bgr CËnmX Ho$ along with the premium under Base Policy towards the
additional cover/benefit opted under the rider, if opted.
{hVbm^m| na A{V[aŠV {hVbm^ Ho$ ê$n _| {X`m OmVm h¡&
51. Rider Sum Assured is the assured amount payable on
50. AZwd¥{Õ àr{_`_, dh àr{_`_ h¡ Omo nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam _yb nm°{bgr Ho$ happening of a specified event covered under the rider, if
àr{_`_ Ho$ gmW-gmW, AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ A§VJ©V MwZo JE {H$gr A{V[aŠV opted.
gwajm/{hVbm^ Ho$ {bE Xo` h¡& 52. Schedule is the part of policy document that gives the specific
51. AZwd¥{Õ ~r_m am{e dh {Z{üV YZam{e h¡ Omo MwZr JB© AZwd¥{Õ Ho$ A§VJ©V details of your policy.
Amd¥Îm KQ>Zm hmoZo na Xo` hmoVr h¡& 53. Simple Reversionary Bonus is the surplus/profit declared at
52. AZwgyMr nm°{bgr XñVmdoO H$m dh ^mJ h¡ {Og_| AmnH$s nm°{bgr Ho$ the end of each financial year by the Corporation based on the
Corporation’s experience to the Participating policies and
{deof {ddaU h¢& added to the benefits under the policy as per terms and
53. gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg, dh A{Yeof/bm^ h¡ Omo {ZJ_ Ûmam ^mJrXma conditions as specified in the policy document.
nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ AZw^d Ho$ AmYma na àË`oH$ {dÎmr` df© Ho$ A§V _| Kmo{fV 54. Settlement Option: Settlement Option, as specified in
{H$`m OmVm h¡ Am¡a {OgH$mo nm°{bgr _| {d{Z{X©ï> {Z`_ Am¡a eVm] Ho$ Condition 9 of Part D of this Policy Document, is an option
AZwgma nm°{bgr Ho$ {hVbm^m| _| Omo‹S> {X`m OmVm h¡& available under this Policy, to receive Maturity Benefit in
instalments instead of lumpsum amount over a period chosen
54. {ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ ^mJ 'S>r' H$s eV© 9 _| {d{Z{X©ï> nm°{bgr by the Policyholder/ Life Assured.
Ho$ A§VJ©V dh {dH$ën h¡, {Og_| nm°{bgr {hVbm^ EH$_wíV àmá H$aZo Ho$
55. Sum Assured on Death means an absolute amount of benefit
~Om`, nm°{bgrYmaH$/~r{_V ì`pŠV Ûmam MwZr JB© g_` Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ which is guaranteed to become payable on death of life
{H$íVm| _| àmá {H$E OmVo h¢& assured in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
55. _¥Ë`w na ~r_m am{e, Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z`_ Ed§ eVm] Ho$ AZwgma, ~r{_V policy.
ì`pŠV H$s _¥Ë`w hmo OmZo na Xo` {Z{üV am{e dmbm {hVbm^ h¡& 56. Sum Assured on Maturity means the amount which is
guaranteed to become payable on maturity of the policy, in
56. n[an¹$Vm na ~r_m am{e dh am{e h¡ Omo nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z`_ Ed§ eVm] Ho$ accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.
AZwgma, nm°{bgr H$s n[anŠdVm H$s pñW{V _| Xo` hmoZr {Z{üV h¡&
57. Surrender means complete withdrawal or termination of the
57. Aä`nU © H$m AW© h¡ n[anŠdVm go nhbo hr nayr nm{°bgr H$m nUy© AmhaU/g_mnZ& entire policy before expiry of the policy term.
58. Aä`n©U _yë` H$m AW© Cg am{e go h¡ Omo Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z`_ Ed§ 58. Surrender Value means an amount, if any, that becomes
eVm] Ho$ AZwgma, Aä`n©U H$s pñW{V _| Xo` hmoVr h¡& payable in case of surrender in accordance with the terms and
59. gmaUr~Õ àr{_`_ {H$gr Nw>Q> `m A{V[aŠV bmoqS>J Ho$ à`moJ Ho$ {~Zm conditions of the policy.
~r{_V ì`pŠV Ho$ Am`w na MwZr JB© _yb ~r_m am{e Ho$ {bE àr{_`_ h¡& 59. Tabular premium is the premium for the chosen Basic Sum
Assured on the age of the Life Assured without application of
60. Hw$b AXm {H$`m J`m àr{_`_, {H$gr A{V[aŠV àr{_`_, AZwd¥{Õ àr{_`_ any rebate or extra loading.
Am¡a H$am| H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a, àmá {H$E JE g^r àr{_`_m| H$m `moJ h¡&
60. Total Premiums paid means the total of all premiums received,
61. ~r_mboIZ dh nm[a^m{fH$ eãX h¡, {OgH$m à`moJ OmopI_ H$m {ZYm©aU excluding any extra premium, any rider premium and taxes.
H$aZo Am¡a `h gw{Z{üV H$aZo Ho$ {bE {H$`m OmVm h¡ {H$ gwajm H$s bmJV 61. Underwriting is the term used to describe the process of
g§~§{YV ì`pŠV Ûmam CR>mE JE OmopI_ Ho$ g_mZwnmVr h¡& ~r_mboIZ Ho$ assessing risk and ensuring that the cost of the cover is
AmYma na, gwajm H$mo ñdrH¥$V `m AñdrH¥$V H$aZo H$m VWm C{MV proportionate to the risks faced by the individual concerned.
àr{_`_ `m g§emo{YV eVm], `{X H$moB© hm|, H$s à`moÁ`Vm na {ZU©` {b`m Based on underwriting, a decision on acceptance or rejection
of cover as well as applicability of suitable premium or modified
OmVm h¡& terms, if any, is taken.
62. `yAmB©EZ H$m AW© h¡ AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© Ûmam Bg `moOZm H$mo Amd§{Q>V 62. UIN means the Unique Identification Number allotted to this
AZÝ` nhMmZ g§»`m& plan by the IRDAI.
63. {Z{hV ~moZg dh gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg (`{X H$moB© hmo) {OgH$s KmofUm 63. Vested Bonus is the simple reversionary bonus, if any, which
nhbo hr H$a Xr JB© h¡ Am¡a Omo nm°{bgr go gå~Õ ahVm h¡& has already been declared and remains attached to the policy.

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 7 of 20 Plan No.- 914

^mJ-'gr': {hVbm^ PART - C: BENEFITS
1. EH$ Mmby nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V {ZåZ{bpIV {hVbm^ Xo` h¢: 1. The following benefits are payable under an in-force
H$. _Ë¥`w {hVbm^: n[an¹$Vm H$s {Z`V VmarI go ndy© ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s _Ë¥`w policy:
H$s pñW{V _| X`o _Ë¥`w {hVbm^, {Z{hV gmYmaU ~mZogm| H$o Ama¡ {H$gr A. Death Benefit: Death benefit payable in case of death of
A{§V_ A{V[aŠV ~mZog H$o gmW ''_Ë¥`w na ~r_m am{e'' hmJom& the Life Assured before the stipulated Date of Maturity
{Og_| {H$ ''_Ë¥`w na ~r_m am{e'' H$m,o _b y ~r_m am{e `m dm{fH©$ àr{_`_ provided the policy is in-force shall be “Sum Assured on
Death” along with vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses
H$o 7 JUwm _| Omo ^r A{YH$ hm,o H$o ê$n _| n[a^m{fV {H$`m J`m h&¡ and Final Additional Bonus, if any.
_¥Ë`w {hVbm^, _¥Ë`w H$s VmarI VH$ AXm {H$E JE àr{_`_m| ({H$gr
^r A{V[aŠV àr{_`_, AZwd¥{Õ àr{_`_ Am¡a H$am| H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a) Ho$ Where, “Sum Assured on Death” is defined as higher of
Basic Sum Assured or 7 times of Annualized Premium.
105 à{VeV go H$_ Zht hmoJm&
_¥Ë`w {hVbm^ H$m ^wJVmZ Zm{_{V`m| H$mo nm°{bgrYmaH$/ ~r{_V This death benefit shall not be less than 105% of total
premiums paid (excluding any extra premium, any rider
ì`pŠV Ho$ M`Z Ho$ AZwgma D$na {d{Z{X©ï> VarHo$ go Am¡a/ AWdm premium and taxes) upto the date of death.
{H$íVm| _| {H$`m OmEJm O¡gm{H$, Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ ^mJ 'S>r' H$s eV©
8 _| {d{Z{X©ï> {H$`m J`m h¡& The Death Benefit shall be paid in lumpsum as specified
above and/or in instalments, as specified in Condition 8 of
I. n[an¹$Vm {hVbm^: n[an¹$Vm H$s VmarI VH$ ~r{_V ì`pŠV Ho$ Part D of this Policy Document, as per the option exercised
Or{dV ahZo na `{X nm°{bgr Mmby h¡ Vmo {Z{hV gmYmaU àË`mdVu by the Policyholder/Life Assured.
~moZg Am¡a {H$gr A{V[aŠV ~moZg Ho$ gmW ''n[an¹$Vm na ~r_m B. Maturity Benefit: On Life Assured surviving the stipulated
am{e'' Xo` hmoJr, {Og_| ''n[an¹$Vm na ~r_m am{e'', _yb ~r_m Date of Maturity provided the policy is in-force, “Sum
am{e Ho$ g_mZ h¡& Assured on Maturity” along with vested Simple
nm°{bgrYmaH$/~r{_V ì`pŠV Ho$ nmg `h {dH$ën hmoJm {H$ dh Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional Bonus, if any,
n[an¹$Vm {hVbm^ Cn`w©ŠV VarHo$ go EH$_wíV àmá H$a gH$Vm/ shall be payable. Where “Sum Assured on Maturity” is
equal to Basic Sum Assured.
gH$Vr h¡ `m {H$íVm| _| ({ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën) O¡gm{H$ Bg nm°{bgr
XñVmdoO Ho$ ^mJ ''S>r'' H$s eV© 9 _| {d{Z{X©ï> h¡& The Policyholder/Life Assured shall have an option to
receive the Maturity benefit in lumpsum as specified above
2. AZwd¥{Õ {hVbm^ : and/or in instalments (Settlement Option), as specified in
Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V {ZåZ{bpIV nm§M AZwd¥{Õ {hVbm^ CnbãY h¢: Condition 9 of Part D of this Policy Document.
H$. Eb. AmB©. gr. H$s XþK©Q>ZmJV _¥Ë`w Ed§ An§JVm {hVbm^ AZwd¥{Õ 2. Rider Benefits:
(`yAmB©EZ: 512B209V02)
I. Eb. AmB.© gr. H$s ZB© Ad{Y ~r_m AZdw{¥Õ (`A y mBE©Z: 512B210V01) The following five riders are available under this policy:
J. Eb. AmB.© gr. H$s XKþQ©>Zm {hVbm^ AZdw{¥Õ (`A y mBE©Z: 512B203V03) A. LIC’s Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider (UIN:
K. Eb. AmB©. gr. H$s ZB© J§^ra amoJ {hVbm^ AZwd¥{Õ 512B209V02)
(`yAmB©EZ: 512A212V01) B. LIC’s New Term Assurance Rider (UIN: 512B210V01)
L. Eb. AmB©. gr. H$s àr{_`_ AZwJ«h {hVbm^ AZwd¥{Õ C. LIC’s Accident Benefit Rider (UIN: 512B203V03)
(`yAmB©EZ: 512B204V03) D. LIC’s New Critical Illness Benefit Rider (UIN: 512A212V01)
VWm{n, `mo½` ~r{_V ì`pŠV, Eb. AmB©. gr. H$s XþK©Q>ZmJV _¥Ë`w Ed§
An§JVm AZwd¥{Õ Am¡a Eb. AmB©. gr. H$s XþK©Q>Zm {hVbm^ AZwd¥{Õ _| go E. LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider (UIN: 512B204V03)
EH$ H$m hr M`Z H$a gH$Vm h¡& However, the eligible Life Assured can opt between either of
Eb. AmB©. gr. H$s XþK©Q>ZmJV _¥Ë`w Ed§ An§JVm {hVbm^ AZwd¥{Õ/ the LIC’s Accidental Death and Disability Rider or LIC’s
Accident Benefit Rider.
XþK©Q>Zm {hVbm^ AZwd¥{Õ: EH$ Mmby nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V, BZ XmoZm| _| go
EH$ AZwd¥{Õ H$m M`Z, _yb nm°{bgr H$s Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ {H$gr ^r g_` LIC’s Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider / LIC’s
Accident Benefit Rider: Under an in-force policy either of
{H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ ~eV} {H$ _yb nm°{bgr Ho$ gmW gmW AZwd¥{Õ H$s eof
these riders can be opted for at any time within the policy term
àr{_`_ ^wJVmZ Ad{Y H$_ go H$_ nm§M df© hmo, qH$Vw `h M`Z nm°{bgr of the Base Policy provided, the outstanding premium paying
H$s Cg df©Jm§R> go nyd© {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE, {Og na ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s term of the Base Policy as well as the rider is at least five years
Am`w {ZH$Q>V_ OÝ_ {Xdg na 65 df© hmo& Zm~m{bJm| Ho$ OrdZ na Omar but before the policy anniversary on which the age nearer
nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V, `h AZwd¥{Õ {d{eï> AZwamoY àmá hmoZo na, 18 df© birthday of the Life Assured is 65 years. Under the policy on the
H$s Am`w nyU© hmoZo Ho$ ~mX H$s nm°{bgr df©Jm§R> go CnbãY hmoJr& life of minors, this rider will be available from the policy
anniversary following completion of age 18 years on receipt of
Eb. AmB.© gr. H$s àr{_`_ AZJwh« {hVbm^ AZdw{¥Õ: EH$ Mmby nm{°bgr H$o specific request.
AV§JV©, nm{°bgr H$o àñVmdH$ H$o OrdZ na (Š`m{|H$ ~r{_V ì`pŠV Zm~m{bJ
LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider: Under an in-force
h)¡ Bg AZdw{¥Õ H$m M`Z, nm{°bgr dfJ©mR§> na {H$gr ^r g_` qH$Vw _b y policy, this rider can be opted for on the life of Proposer of the
nm{°bgr H$o àr{_`_ H$o ^JwVmZ H$s Ad{Y H$o Xma¡mZ {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ ~eV} policy (as the Life assured is minor), at any time coinciding with
{H$ _b y nm{°bgr Ama¡ AZdw{¥Õ H$o àr{_`_ H$s ^JwVmZ Ad{Y H$_ go H$_ the policy anniversary but within the premium paying term of
nmM§ df© efo hm&o gmW hr, Bg AZdw{¥Õ H$s AZ_w{V Cg nm{°bgr H$o AV§JV© the Base Policy provided the outstanding premium paying term
Xr OmEJr, {OZ_| `h AZdw{¥Õ MZwZo H$o g_` ~r{_V ì`pŠV Zm~m{bJ hmJom& of the Base Policy and the rider is at least five years. Further,
this rider shall be allowed under the policy wherein the Life
AZdw{¥Õ H$s Ad{Y, Bg AZdw{¥Õ H$o M`Z H$s {V{W na _b y nm{°bgr H$o efo
Assured is Minor at the time of opting this rider. The Rider term
àr{_`_ ^JwVmZ H$s Ad{Y AWdm Bg AZdw{¥Õ H$o M`Z H$o g_` na ~r{_V shall be outstanding premium paying term of Base Policy as on
Zm~m{bJ H$s Am`w 25 _| go KQ>mH$a AmZdombr Ad{Y, XmZom| _| go Omo ^r date of opting this rider or (25 minus age of the minor Life
H$_ hm,| dh hmJor& Assured at the time of opting this rider), whichever is lower.
`{X Bg AZdw{¥Õ H$m M`Z {H$`m OmVm h¡ Vmo àñVmdH$ H$s _Ë¥`w H$s pñW{V If this rider is opted for, on death of proposer, payment of
_,| _Ë¥`w H$s VmarI H$o ~mX AZdw{¥Õ Ad{Y g_má hmZoo VH$ X`o hmZoo dmbo premiums in respect of base policy falling due after the date of
_b y nm{°bgr go g~§{§YV àr{_`_m| H$o ^JwVmZ H$s AZJwh« Xo Xr OmEJr& death till the expiry of rider term shall be waived. However, in
VWm{n, Eg o r pñW{V _| `{X _b y nm{°bgr H$o àr{_`_ ^JwVmZ H$s Ad{Y such case, if the premium paying term of the base policy exceeds
the rider term, all the further premiums due under the base policy
AZdw{¥Õ Ad{Y go A{YH$ h¡ Vmo Bg àr{_`_ N>yQ> {hVbm^ AZdw{¥Õ Ad{Y
from the date of expiry of this Premium Waiver Benefit Rider term
H$s g_m{á H$s VmarI VH$ _b y nm{°bgr H$o AV§JV© ^{dî` _| X`o g^r shall be payable by the Life Assured. On non-payment of such
àr{_`_m| H$m ^JwVmZ ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$mo H$aZm hmJom& Eg o o àr{_`_m| H$m ^JwVmZ premiums the policy would become paid-up.
Z H$aZo na nm{°bgr, àXÎm nm{°bgr hmo OmEJr& LIC’s New Term Assurance Rider/LIC’s New Critical Illness
Eb. AmB©. gr. H$s ZB© Ad{Y ~r_m AZwd¥{Õ/ZB© J§^ra amoJ {hVbm^ Benefit Rider: These riders are available only at the inception
AZwd¥{Õ: `o AZwd¥{Õ`m§ A{V[aŠV àr{_`_ Ho$ ^wJVmZ na Ho$db nm°{bgr of the policy on payment of additional premium.
Ho$ àma§^ _| hr CnbãY h¢& Conditions of rider(s), if opted, are enclosed as
`{X AZwd¥{Õ`m| H$m M`Z {H$`m OmVm h¡ Vmo CZH$s eV] Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ endorsement to this policy.
n¥ð>m§H$Z Ho$ ê$n _| g§b¾ h¢& 3. Vesting of policy on the life of a minor: If the Life Assured is
3. Zm~m{bJ$ Ho$ OrdZ na Omar nm°{bgr H$m {Z{hV hmoZm: `{X ~r{_V ì`pŠV alive on the date of vesting and if a request in writing for

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 8 of 20 Plan No.- 914

{Z{hV hmoZo H$s VmarI na Or{dV h¡ Am¡a nm°{bgr H$s YZam{e`m| H$mo àmá surrendering the policy has not been received by Corporation
H$aZo Ho$ A{YH$mar ì`pŠV go, {Z{hV hmoZo VH$ H$s VmarI VH$ nm°{bgr before such date of vesting from the person entitled to the
Ho$ Aä`n©U H$m {bpIV AZwamoY {ZJ_ H$mo àmá Zht hþAm h¡ Vmo {Z{hV policy moneys, this policy shall automatically vest in the Life
Assured on such vesting date.
hmoZo H$s Eogr VmarI H$mo `h nm°{bgr ñdV: ~r{_V ì`pŠV _| {Z{hV hmo
OmEJr& 4. Participation in profits: Provided the policy is in-force,
depending upon the Corporation's experience, the policy shall
4. bm^ _| à{V^mJr: ~eV} {H$ nm°{bgr Mmby hmo, {ZJ_ Ho$ AZw^d na {Z^©a participate in profits in accordance with the applicable
H$aVo hþE, g_`-g_` na g§emo{YV ^maVr` OrdZ ~r_m {ZJ_ provisions of LIC Act, 1956, as amended from time to time, and
A{Y{Z`_, 1956 Ho$ à`moÁ` àmdYmZm| Ho$ AZwgma, nm°{bgr bm^m| H$s shall be eligible for simple reversionary bonus at such rate and
à{V^mJr hmoJr, Am¡a Eogr Xa Am¡a Eogr eVm], O¡gr{H$ {ZJ_ Ûmam Kmo{fV on such terms as may be declared by the Corporation.
H$s OmE§, na gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg H$s nmÌ hmoJr& Simple Reversionary Bonuses shall be declared annually at
the end of each financial year provided the policy is in-force.
àË`oH$ {dÎmr` df© Ho$ A§V _| ha gmb gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg H$s Once declared, they form part of the guaranteed benefits of the
KmofUm H$s OmEJr ~eV} {H$ nm°{bgr nyar Vah Mmby hmo& EH$ ~ma Kmo{fV plan. Simple Reversionary Bonuses will be added from the
{H$E OmZo Ho$ ~mX, `o ~moZg, `moOZm Ho$ Jma§Q>rH¥$V {hVbm^m| H$m {hñgm date of commencement of policy until the selected policy term
~Z OmE§Jo& gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg, nm°{bgr Ho$ àma§^ go boH$a MwZr JB© or till death, if it occurs earlier.
nm°{bgr VH$ `m _¥Ë`w VH$ (`{X _¥Ë`w nhbo hmo OmE) Omo‹S>m OmEJm& In case the premiums are not duly paid, the policy shall cease
`{X àr{_`_m| H$m nyam ^wJVmZ Zht {H$`m J`m h¡ Vmo nm°{bgr ^{dî` Ho$ to participate in future profits irrespective of whether or not the
policy has acquired paid-up value.
bm^m| Ho$ à{V^mJr Zht ahoJr, Mmho nm°{bgr Zo àXÎm _yë` H$mo àmá H$a
{b`m hmo `m Zht& In the event of policy being surrendered, the surrender value of
vested bonuses, if any, as applicable on the date of surrender,
nm°{bgr Ho$ Aä`n©U H$s pñW{V _|, Aä`n©U H$s VmarI na bmJy {Z{hV will be payable as specified in Condition 4 of Part D of this
~moZgm| H$m Aä`©nUZ _yë`, Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ ^mJ 'S>r' H$s eV© Policy Document.
4 Ho$ {d{ZX}e Ho$ AZwgma Xo` hmoJm& Final Additional Bonus may also be declared under the policy in
A§{V_ àË`mdVu ~moZg H$s KmofUm ^r nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V Cg df© _| H$s the year when the policy results into a claim either by death or
Om gH$Vr h¡ {Og_| _¥Ë`w AWdm n[an¹$Vm Ho$ H$maU nm°{bgr Xmdo _| maturity.
n[ad{V©V hmoVr h¡& Final Additional Bonus shall not be payable under paid-up
A§{V_ àË`mdVu ~moZg, àXÎm nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ A§VJ©V Xo` Zht hmoJm&
5. àr{_`_m| H$m ^wJVmZ: 5. Payment of Premiums:
H$) Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO H$s AZwgyMr Ho$ {d{ZX}e Ho$ AZwgma, a) The policyholder has to pay the Premium on the due dates
as specified in the Schedule of this Policy Document along
nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$mo g_`-g_` na bmJy H$am| g{hV, àr{_`_ H$m with applicable taxes, if any, from time to time.
^wJVmZ H$aZm hmoVm h¡&
b) In case of death of Life Assured under an in-force policy
I) {Og Mmby nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V, _¥Ë`w H$s VmarI VH$ Xo` g^r wherein all the premiums due till the date of death have
àr{_`_m| H$m ^wJVmZ H$a {X`m J`m h¡ Am¡a {Og_| àr{_`_ ^wJVmZ been paid and where the mode of payment of premium is
H$m àUmbr dm{f©H$ go AbJ h¡, CgHo$ A§VJ©V ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s other than yearly, balance premium(s), if any, falling due
_¥Ë`w H$s pñW{V _|, _¥Ë`w H$s VmarI go AJbr nm°{bgr df©Jm§R> VH$ from the date of death and before the next policy
anniversary shall be deducted from the claim amount.
H$moB© àr{_`_ `{X eof hmoJm, Vmo dh Xmdm am{e _| go H$mQ> {b`m
OmEJm& The Corporation does not have any obligation to issue a
notice that premium is due or for the amount that is due.
{ZJ_ Eogm H$moB© Zmo{Q>g Omar H$aZo Ho$ {bE ~mÜ` Zht h¡ {H$
6. Grace Period:
àr{_`_ AWdm am{e Xo` hmo JB© h¡&
6. AZwJ«h Ad{Y: A grace period of 30 days shall be allowed for payment of
yearly or half yearly or quarterly premiums and 15 days for
dm{f©H$ `m AY©-dm{f©H$ `m Ì¡_m{gH$ àr{_`_m| Ho$ ^wJVmZ Ho$ {bE nhbo monthly premiums from the date of First unpaid premium. If the
AXÎm àr{_`_ H$s VmarI go 30 {XZ Am¡a _m{gH$ àr{_`_m| Ho$ ^wJVmZ premium is not paid before the expiry of the days of grace, the
Ho$ {bE 15 {XZ H$s AZwJ«h Ad{Y H$s AZw_{V Xr OmEJr& `{X AZwJ«h Policy lapses.
Ho$ {XZ g_má hmoZo go nyd© àr{_`_ H$m ^wJVmZ Zht {H$`m OmVm h¡ Vmo If the death of the Life Assured occurs within the grace period
nm°{bgr H$mbmVrV hmo OmEJr& but before the payment of the premium then due, the policy will
still be valid and the benefits shall be paid after deductions of
`{X ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s _¥Ë`w AZwJ«h-Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ qH$Vw Xo` àr{_`_ the said unpaid premium as also the balance premium(s), if
AXm H$aZo go nyd© hmo OmVr h¡ Vmo nm°{bgr V~ ^r d¡Y ahoJr Am¡a Cn`w©ŠV any, falling due from the date of death and before the next
AXÎm àr{_`_ VWm _¥Ë`w H$s VmarI go AJbr nm°{bgr df©Jm§R> VH$ Xo` policy anniversary.
àr{_`_ Ho$ gmW {H$gr eof àr{_`_m| H$s am{e H$mQ>H$a, {hVbm^m| H$m The above grace period will also apply to rider premiums which
^wJVmZ {H$`m OmEJm& are payable along with premium for base policy.
Cn`w©ŠV AZwJ«h Ad{Y CZ AZwd¥{Õ àr{_`_m| na ^r bmJy hmoJr, Omo _yb
~r_m nm°{bgr àr{_`_ Ho$ gmW hr Xo` hmoVo h¢& PART - D:
^mJ - 'S>r': godm nj go g§~§{YV eV]
1. Proof of Age: The premiums having been calculated on the
1. Am`w H$m à_mU: My§{H$ àr{_`_m| H$s JUZm, àñVmd nÌ _| ~r{_V ì`pŠV age of the Life Assured as declared in the Proposal, in case the
H$s Kmo{fV Am`w Ho$ AmYma na H$s JB© h¡, Bg{bE `{XAm`w Eogr Kmo{fV age is found higher than such age, without prejudice to the
Am`w go A{YH$ nmB© OmVr h¡ Vmo g_`-g_` na g§emo{YV ~r_m Corporation’s other rights and remedies, including those under
the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time, the
A{Y{Z`_, 1938 Ho$ A§VJ©V àmá A{YH$mam| Am¡a Cnm`m| g{hV, {ZJ_
premiums shall be payable in such case at the rate calculated
Ho$ AÝ` A{YH$mam| VWm Cnm`m| na H$moB© à{VHy$b à^md S>mbo {~Zm, àdoe on the Basic Sum Assured and Rider(s) Sum Assured, if opted
Ho$ g_` H$s ghr Am`w Ho$ g_` nm°{bgr H$s pñW{V Ho$ AZwgma g§~§{YV for, the correct age at entry, and the accumulated difference
~r_m am{e na VWm AZwd¥{Õ ~r_m am{e (`{X H$moB© hmo) na JUZm H$s Xa between the premiums for the correct age and the original
go àr{_`_ Xo` hmoJm Am¡a nm°{bgr àma§^ hmoZo go boH$a, Eogo ^wJVmZ H$s premiums, from the commencement of the Policy upto the date
of such payment shall be paid to the Corporation with interest
VmarI VH$ ghr Am`w Ho$ àr{_`_m| Am¡a _m¡{bH$ àr{_`_m| Ho$ g§{MV A§Va at such rate as fixed by the Corporation from time to time.
H$m ^wJVmZ {ZJ_ H$mo ã`mO g{hV Cg Xa na Xo` hmoJm, {OgH$m {ZYm©aU However, in case the Life Assured/Proposer continues to pay
{ZJ_ g_`-g_` na H$aoJm& VWm{n, `{X ~r{_V ì`pŠV/ àñVmdH$ `hm§ the premiums at the rates shown herein, and also does not pay
{bpIV Xam| na àr{_`_m| H$m ^wJVmZ Omar aIVm h¡ Am¡a Cn`w©ŠV g§{MV the above mentioned accumulated debt, the accumulated
F$U H$m ^wJVmZ Zht H$aVm h¡ Vmo nm°{bgr àma§^ hmoZo go nm°{bgr Ho$ Xmdo difference between the premiums for the correct age and the
original premiums from the commencement of this Policy up to
_| n[ad{V©V hmoZo VH$, R>rH$ Am`w Ho$ àr{_`_m| Am¡a _m¡{bH$ àr{_`_m| H$m the date on which the Policy becomes a claim, with interest on
g§{MV A§Va, Eogo A§Va H$s àË`oH$ {H$íV na {ZJ_ Ûmam g_`-g_` na each instalment of such difference at such rate as may be

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 9 of 20 Plan No.- 914

{Z`V Xa na ã`mO g{hV Cn{MV hmo OmEJm, Omo Cg nm°{bgr na ~r{_V fixed by the Corporation from time to time , shall accrue and be
ì`pŠV/ àñVmdH$ Ûmam Xo` F$U _mZm OmEJm Am¡a CgH$s am{e, nm°{bgr treated as a debt due by the Life Assured / Proposer against the
said Policy and shall be deducted from the Policy moneys
Ho$ Xmdo _| n[ad{V©V hmoZo na Xo` nm°{bgr _wÐm _| go H$mQ> br OmEJr&
payable on the Policy becoming a claim.
BgHo$ A{V[aŠV `h ^r eV© h¡ {H$ `{X àdoe Ho$ g_` ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s
Provided further that if the Life Assured’s correct age at entry is
ghr Am`w Eogr h¡ {Oggo {H$ Cn`w©ŠV AZwgyMr _| {d{Z{X©ï> dJ© `m ~r_m such as would have made him/her uninsurable under the class
eVm] Ho$ A§VJ©V ~r_o Ho$ A`mo½` hmo OmVm Vmo dJ© Am¡a ~r_m g§~§Yr eV] or terms of assurance specified in the said Schedule hereto,
n[ad{V©V hmoH$a, ~r_o H$s Eogr `moOZm hmo OmE§Jr, O¡gm{H$ Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ the class or terms shall stand altered to such Plan of Assurance
àma§^ Ho$ g_` Mmby à{H«$`m Ho$ AZwgma {ZJ_ Ûmam àXmZ H$s OmVr h¢ as are granted by the Corporation according to the practice in-
Am¡a Eogm nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$s gh_{V go {H$`m OmEJm AÝ`Wm nm°{bgr force at the commencement of this policy subject to the
consent of the Policyholder, otherwise the policy will be
{ZañV H$a Xr OmEJr& cancelled.
2. OãVr Am¡a J¡a-OãVr {d{Z`_:
2. Forfeiture and Non-forfeiture Regulations:
OãVr {d{Z`_:
Forfeiture Regulations:
I. gr{_V àr{_`_ ^wJVmZ nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ _m_bo _|, `{X Bg nm°{bgr Ho$
{bE Xmo df© go H$_ H$m àr{_`_ AXm {H$`m J`m h¡ Am¡a CgHo$ ~mX i. If less than two years’ premiums have been paid in respect
of this policy and any subsequent premium be not duly
Xo` H$moB© àr{_`_ AXm Zht {H$`m J`m h¡ Vmo AZwJ«h H$s Ad{Y paid, all the benefits under this policy shall cease after the
g_má hmoZo Ho$ nümV nhbo AXÎm àr{_`_ H$s VmarI go g^r expiry of grace period from the date of first unpaid premium
{hVbm^ g_má hmo OmE§Jo Am¡a Hw$N> ^r Xo` Zht hmoJm VWm V~ VH$ and nothing shall be payable, and the premiums paid
AXm {H$E JE àr{_`_ ^r dmngr `mo½` Zht hm|Jo& thitherto are also not refundable.
ii. Hw$N> AÝ` pñW{V`m| _| OãVr: `{X `hm§ {Z{hV AWdm n¥ð>m§{H$V {H$gr ii. Forfeiture in Certain Other Events: In case any condition
eV© H$m C„§KZ hmoVm h¡ AWdm `{X Eogm nm`m OmVm h¡ {H$ àñVmd herein contained or endorsed hereon be contravened or in
nÌ _|, ì`pŠVJV ~`mZ/H$WZ _|, KmofUm Am¡a g§~§{YV XñVmdoOm| _| case it is found that any untrue or incorrect statement is
contained in the proposal, personal statement, declaration
H$moB© AgË` AWdm JbV ~`mZ {Z{hV h¡ `m H$moB© _hËdnyU© gyMZm and connected documents or any material information is
{N>nmB© JB© h¡ Vmo V~ Am¡a Eogo àË`oH$ _m_bo _| `h nm°{bgr ^§J hmo withheld, then and in every such case this policy shall be
OmEJr Am¡a Bg H$maU go, {H$gr ^r {hVbm^ Ho$ Xmdm| na, g_`- void and all claims to any benefit in virtue of this policy shall
g_` na g§emo{YV ~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 H$s Ymam 45 Ho$ be subject to the provisions of Section 45 of the Insurance
Act, 1938, as amended from time to time.
àmdYmZ bmJy hm|Jo&
J¡a-OãVr {d{Z`_: Non-forfeiture Regulations:
`{X H$_ go H$_ Xmo dfm] H$m nyU© àr{_`_ AXm H$a {X`m J`m h¡ Am¡a If after at least two full years’ premiums have been paid and any
CgHo$ nümV Ho$ àr{_`_ AXm Zht {H$E JE h¢ Vmo `h nm°{bgr nyar Vah subsequent premiums be not duly paid, this policy shall not be
wholly void, but shall subsist as a paid-up policy till the end of
eyÝ` Zht hmoJr ~pëH$ EH$ àXÎm nm°{bgr Ho$ ê$n _| ~Zr ahoJr& the policy term.
àXÎm nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V _¥Ë`w na ~r_m am{e KQ> H$a Eogr am{e ah
The Sum Assured on Death under a paid-up policy shall be
OmEJr, {Ogo _¥Ë`w àXÎm ~r_m am{e H$hm OmVm h¡ Am¡a `h am{e, _yb ê$n reduced to such a sum called Death Paid-up Sum Assured
go Xo` àr{_`_ ^wJVmZ H$s A{YH$V_ Ad{Y Am¡a nhbo go hr ^wJVmZ and shall be equal to Sum Assured on Death multiplied by the
H$a {XE JE àr{_`_ H$s Hw$b Ad{Y Ho$ AZwnmV go, _¥Ë`w na ~r_m am{e ratio of the total period for which premiums have already been
H$mo JwUm H$aHo$ AmB© am{e Ho$ g_mZ hmoJr& _¥Ë`w àXÎm ~r_m am{e Ho$ paid bears to the maximum period for which premiums were
originally payable. In addition to the Death Paid-up Sum
A{V[aŠV, `{X H$moB© gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg {Z{hV hmoJm, CgH$m Assured, the vested Simple Reversionary Bonus, if any shall
^wJVmZ ^r _¥Ë`w na Xo` hmoJm& also be payable on death.
àXÎm nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V n[an¹$Vm na ~r_m am{e KQ>H$a Eogr am{e ah The Sum Assured on Maturity under a paid-up policy shall be
OmEJr {Ogo ''n[an¹$Vm àXÎm ~r_m am{e'' H$hm OmVm h¡ Am¡a `h am{e, reduced to such a sum called ‘Maturity Paid-up Sum
_yb ê$n go Xo` àr{_`_ ^wJVmZ H$s A{YH$V_ Ad{Y Am¡a nhbo go hr Assured’ and shall be equal to Sum Assured on Maturity
^wJVmZ H$a {XE JE àr{_`_ H$s Hw$b Ad{Y Ho$ AZwnmV go, n[an¹$Vm multiplied by the ratio of the total period for which premiums
have already been paid bears to the maximum period for which
na ~r_m am{e H$mo JwUm H$aHo$ AmB© am{e Ho$ g_mZ hmoJr& n[an¹$Vm àXÎm premiums were originally payable. In addition to the Maturity
~r_m am{e Ho$ A{V[aŠV `{X H$moB© gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg {Z{hV hmoJm, Paid-up Sum Assured, the vested Simple Reversionary Bonus,
dh ^r n[an¹$Vm na Xo` hmoJm& if any shall also be payable on maturity.
àXÎm nm°{bgr ^{dî` Ho$ bm^ H$s ^mJrXmar Ho$ {bE J«mø Zht hmoJr& A paid-up policy shall not be entitled to participate in future
VWm{n, `{X H$moB© {Z{hV gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg hmoJm Vmo dh KQ>r hþB© profits. However, the vested Simple Reversionary bonuses, if
àXÎm nm°{bgr go gå~Õ ahoJm& any, shall remain attached to the reduced paid-up policy.
D$na Mmho Hw$N> ^r C„oI {H$`m J`m hmo, `{X Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ g§~§Y _| 3 Notwithstanding what is stated above, if atleast 3 full years’
nyU© dfm] H$m àr{_`_ AXm H$a {X`m J`m h¡ Am¡a CgHo$ ~mX Ho$ àr{_`_m| premiums have been paid in respect of this policy, and any
subsequent premium be not duly paid, in the event of the death
H$m {d{YdV² ^wJVmZ Zht hþAm h¡ Vmo nhbo AXÎm àr{_`_ H$s Xo` VmarI
of the Life Assured within six months from the due date of first
go N>h _hrZo Ho$ A§Xa ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s _¥Ë`w hmoZo H$s pñW{V _|, (H$) unpaid premium, “Sum Assured on Death” along with vested
_yb ~r_m nm°{bgr Ho$ {bE _¥Ë`w H$s VmarI VH$ Eogr Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ simple reversionary bonuses and final additional bonus, if any,
nm°{bgr Ho$ nwZM©bZ Ho$ g_mZ eVm] na, ã`mO g{hV AXÎm àr{_`_; will be paid after deduction of (a) the unpaid premium (s) for the
Am¡a (I) _¥Ë`w H$s VmarI go Am¡a AJbr nm°{bgr df©Jm§R> go nyd© _yb Base Policy with interest thereon upto the date of death, on the
same terms as for revival of the Policy during such period, and
nm°{bgr na Xo` hmoZo dmbo eof àr{_`_m| H$mo H$mQ>H$a ''_¥Ë`w na ~r_m (b) the balance premium(s) for the base policy falling due from
am{e'' H$m ^wJVmZ {H$`m OmEJm& `h àmdYmZ AmË_hË`m go hþB© _¥Ë`w H$s the date of death and before the next policy anniversary. This
pñW{V _| bmJy Zht hmoJm& provision shall not apply in case of death due to Suicide.
D$na Mmho Hw$N> ^r C„oI {H$`m J`m hmo, `{X Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ g§~§Y _| Notwithstanding what is stated above, if at least five full years'
H$_ go H$_ nm§M nyU© dfm] Ho$ àr{_`_ H$m ^wJVmZ hmo J`m h¡ Am¡a CgHo$ premiums have been paid in respect of this policy, any
~mX Ho$ àr{_`_m| H$m {d{YdV² ^wJVmZ Zht {H$`m J`m h¡ Vmo nhbo AXÎm subsequent premium be not duly paid, in the event of death of
àr{_`_ H$s Xo` VmarI go 12 _mh Ho$ A§Xa ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s _¥Ë`w hmoZo the Life Assured within 12 months from the due date of first
unpaid premium, “Sum Assured on Death” along with vested
H$s pñW{V _| (H$) _yb ~r_m nm°{bgr Ho$ {bE _¥Ë`w H$s VmarI VH$ Eogr simple reversionary bonuses and final additional bonus, if any,
Ad{Y Ho$ {bE nm°{bgr Ho$ nwZM©bZ Ho$ g_mZ eVm] na, ã`mO g{hV will be paid after deduction of (a) the unpaid premium(s) for the
AXÎm àr{_`_; Am¡a (I) _¥Ë`w H$s VmarI go Am¡a AJbr nm°{bgr Base Policy with interest thereon upto the date of death, on the
df©Jm§R> go nyd© _yb nm°{bgr na Xo` hmoZo dmbo àr{_`_m| H$mo H$mQ>H$a same terms as for revival of the Policy during such period and
''_¥Ë`w na ~r_m am{e'' H$m ^wJVmZ, {Z{hV gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg (b) the balance premium(s) for the base policy falling due from
the date of death and before the next policy anniversary. This
Am¡a A{V[aŠV ~moZg (`{X H$moB© hmo) Ho$ gmW {H$`m OmEJm& `h àmdYmZ provision shall not apply in case of death due to Suicide.
AmË_hË`m go hþB© _¥Ë`w H$s pñW{V _| bmJy Zht hmoJm&

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 10 of 20 Plan No.- 914

Cn`w©ŠV J¡a-OãVr {d{Z`_ AZwd¥{Õ`m| na bmJy Zht hmoJ|, Š`m|{H$ All of the above mentioned Non-Forfeiture Regulations do not
AZwd¥{Õ`m§ H$moB© àXÎm _yë` A{O©V Zht H$aVr& `{X nm°{bgr H$mbmVrV apply to Riders as the riders do not acquire any paid-up value.
AdñWm _| h¡ Vmo AZwd¥{Õ`m§ bmJy Zht ahVr& The riders cease to apply, if policy is in lapsed condition.
3. H$mbmVrV nm°{b{g`m| H$m nwZM©bZ: AZwJ«h H$s Ad{Y Ho$ A§Xa Xo` 3. Revival of lapsed Policies: An Insurance Policy would lapse
àr{_`_ H$m ^wJVmZ Z {H$E OmZo na ~r_m nm°{bgr H$mbmVrV hmo OmEJr& on non-payment of due premium within the days of grace. A
policy in lapsed condition may be revived during the life time of
H$mbmVrV AdñWm dmbr nm°{bgr H$mo ~r{_V ì`pŠV Ho$ OrdZH$mb _| the Life Assured, but within the Revival Period and before the
qH$Vw, `WmpñW{V, nwZM©bZ Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ n[an¹$Vm H$s VmarI go Date of Maturity, as the case may be. The revival shall be
nhbo nwZM©{bV {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡& àr{_`_m| H$s gmar ~H$m`m am{e`m| H$m effected on payment of all the arrears of premium(s) together
^wJVmZ, g_`-g_` na {ZJ_ Ûmam V` ã`mO Xa na ã`mO (AY©- with interest (compounding half yearly) at such rate as may be
dm{f©H$ g§`moOZ Ho$ gmW) g{hV H$aZo na Am¡a nm°{bgrYmaH$/~r{_V fixed by the Corporation from time to time and on satisfaction of
ì`pŠV/àñVmdH$ Ûmam, nwZM©bZ Ho$ g_` {ZJ_ H$s ~r_mboIZ Zr{V Ho$ Continued Insurability of the Life Assured and/or Proposer (if
LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider is opted for) on the basis
AZwgma nhbo go CnbãY gyMZm, XñVmdoOm| Am¡a [anmoQ>m] Ho$ AmYma na
of information, documents and reports that are already
Am¡a Bg {df` _| _m§Jr JB© {H$gr A{V[aŠV gyMZm Ho$ AmYma na ~r{_V available and any additional information in this regard if and as
ì`pŠV Am¡a/AWdm àñVmdH$ (`{X OrdZ ~r_m {ZJ_ H$s àr{_`_ AZwJ«h may be required in accordance with the Underwriting Policy of
{hVbm^ AZwd¥{Õ MwZr JB© h¡) H$s {Za§Va ~r_m`mo½`Vm Ho$ {df` _| g§Vwï> the Corporation at the time of revival, being furnished by the
hmoZo na, nwZM©bZ Mmby {H$`m OmEJm& Policyholder/Life Assured/Proposer.
VWm{n, {H$gr g_má nm°{bgr Ho$ nwZM©bZ H$mo _yb eVm] na ñdrH$ma The Corporation, however, reserves the right to accept at
H$aZo, g§emo{YV eVm] na ñdrH$ma H$aZo `m AñdrH$ma H$aZo H$m A{YH$ma original terms, accept with modified terms or decline the revival
{ZJ_ Ho$ nmg gwa{jV h¡& g_má nm°{bgr H$m nwZM©bZ V^r Mmby hmoJm of a discontinued policy. The revival of the discontinued policy
O~ {ZJ_ BgH$m AZw_moXZ H$a XoJm, Bgo ñdrH$ma H$aoJm Am¡a nwZM©bZ shall take effect only after the same is approved, accepted and
revival receipt is issued by the Corporation.
agrX Omar H$a Xr OmEJr&
`{X AZdw{¥Õ (`m)| H$m M`Z {H$`m J`m h¡ Vmo CgH$o/CZH$o nZwMb © Z na _b
y Revival of Rider(s), if opted for, will only be considered along
with the revival of the Base policy and not in isolation.
nm{°bgr H$o nZwMb © Z H$o gmW hr {dMma {H$`m OmEJm, AbJ go Zht&
4. Surrender: The policy can be surrendered by the policyholder
4. Aä`n©U: nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam nm°{bgr Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ {H$gr ^r g_`
at any time during the policy term provided two full years’
Aä`{n©V {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ ~eV} {H$ Xmo nyU© dfm] Ho$ àr{_`_ AXm H$a premiums have been paid. On surrender of the policy, the
{XE JE hm|& nm°{bgr Ho$ Aä`n©U na, Jma§Q>rH¥$V Aä`n©U _yë` Am¡a {deof Corporation shall pay the Surrender Value equal to higher of
Aä`n©U _yë` _| go Omo A{YH$ hmoJm, CgHo$ ~am~a Aä`n©U _yë` {ZJ_ Guaranteed Surrender Value and Special Surrender Value.
Ûmam AXm {H$`m OmEJm& The Special Surrender Value is reviewable and shall be
{deof Aä`n©U _yë` H$m nwZamdbmoH$Z {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ {OgH$m determined by the Corporation from time to time subject to prior
{ZYm©aU {ZJ_ Ûmam g_`-g_` na AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© Ho$ AZw_moXZ Ho$ approval of IRDAI.
AYrZ {H$`m OmEJm& The Guaranteed Surrender Value payable during the policy
nm°{bgr Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ Xo` Jma§Q>rH¥$V Aä`n©U _yë`, AXm {H$E JE Hw$b term shall be equal to the total premiums paid (excluding any
àr{_`_m| ({H$gr A{V[aŠV àr{_`_ MwZr JB© AZwd¥{Õ`m| Ho$ àr{_`_ Am¡a extra premium, any premiums for rider(s), if opted for and
taxes) multiplied by the Guaranteed Surrender Value factor
H$am| H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a) H$mo, nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V AXm {H$E JE Hw$b àr{_`_m|
applicable to total premiums paid. These Guaranteed
na bmJy Jma§Q>rH¥$V Aä`n©U _yë` JwUH$ go JwUm H$a Ho$ àmá am{e Ho$ Surrender Value factors expressed as percentages will
~am~a hmoJm& à{VeV Ho$ ê$n _| A{^ì`ŠV `o Jma§Q>rH¥$V Aä`n©U _yë` depend on the policy term and policy year in which the policy is
JwUH$ nm°{bgr Ad{Y Am¡a nm°{bgr Aä`{n©V H$aZo Ho$ nm°{bgr df© na surrendered and are contained in Annexure - 4 of this policy
{Z^©a H$aVo h¢, Omo Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ n[a{eï>-4 _| {XE JE h¢& document.
BgHo$ A{V[aŠV, `{X {Z{hV gmYmaU àË`mdVu ~moZg H$s H$moB© am{e h¡ In addition, the surrender value of vested simple reversionary
Vmo dh ^r Xo` hmoJr Omo {H$ {Z{hV ~moZg H$mo, {Z{hV ~moZg na bmJy bonuses, if any, shall also be payable, which is equal to vested
Jma§Q>rH¥$V Aä`n©U _yë` JwUH$ go JwUm H$aHo$ AmB© am{e Ho$ g_mZ hmoJm& bonuses multiplied by the Guaranteed Surrender Value factor
`o Jma§Q>rH¥$V Aä`n©U _yë` JwUH$ nm°{bgr Ad{Y na Am¡a nm°{bgr applicable to vested bonuses. These Guaranteed Surrender
Value factors will depend on the policy term and the policy year
Aä`n©U H$aZo Ho$ df© na {Z^©a hm|Jo Am¡a `o Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ in which policy is surrendered and are contained in Annexure –
n[a{eï> - 5 _| {XE JE h¢& 5 of this policy document.
`{X H$moB© AZwd¥{Õ (AZwd¥{Õ`m§) h¡ Vmo CZ na H$moB© Aä`n©U _yë` No surrender value will be available on Rider(s), if any.
CnbãY Zht hmoJm&
5. Policy Loan: Loan shall be available under the Policy subject
5. nm{°bgr na F$U: Bg nm{°bgr H$o AV§JV©, {ZåZ{bpIV {Z`_/eVm] H$o AYrZ, to the following terms and conditions, within the surrender
nm{°bgr H$o Aä`nU© _ëy` VH$ H$m F$U CZ am{e`m| H$o {bE Ama¡ Ego r AÝ` eVm] value of the policy for such amounts and on such further terms
na CnbãY hmJom, Omo g_`-g_` na {ZJ_ Ûmam V` H$s OmEJ§r& and conditions as the Corporation may fix from time to time:
i. Xmo nyU© dfm] Ho$ àr{_`_m| H$m ^wJVmZ H$a XoZo na F$U {b`m Om i) Loan can be availed provided atleast two full years’
gH$Vm h¡& premiums have been paid.
ii. {X`m Om gH$Zo dmbm A{YH$V_ F$U, {ZåZmZwgma hmoJm: ii) The maximum Loan that can be granted shall be as under:
• Mmby nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ {bE - Aä`n©U _yë` Ho$ 90 à{VeV VH$ • For in-force policies : upto 90% of Surrender Value
• àXÎm nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ {bE - Aä`n©U _yë` Ho$ 80 à{VeV VH$ • For paid-up policies : upto 80% of Surrender Value
iii. àñVmdH$ Ûmam ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s Ad`ñH$Vm Ho$ Xm¡amZ F$U {b`m
iii) The loan during the minority of Life Assured can be availed
Om gH$Vm h¡, ~eV} {H$ F$U Zm~m{bJ ~r{_V ì`pŠV Ho$ H$ë`mU Ho$ by the Proposer provided the loan is raised for the benefit of
{bE {b`m Om ahm hmo& the minor Life Assured.
iv. nm°{bgr H$m nyU© g_ZwXoeZ {ZJ_ Ho$ nj _| {H$`m OmEJm Am¡a {ZJ_ iv) The Policy shall be assigned absolutely to and held by the
nm°{bgr H$mo, F$U Am¡a CgHo$ ã`mO H$mo dmngr Ho$ {bE à{V^y{V Ho$ Corporation as security for the repayment of Loan and of
ê$n _| AnZo nmg aIoJm& the interest thereon.
v. Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V F$U boZo Ho$ g_` {ZJ_ Ûmam {d{Z{X©ï> H$s v) Interest on Loan shall be paid on compounding half-yearly
OmZo dmbr Xa go, F$U na {ZJ_ H$mo ã`mO H$m ^wJVmZ AY©-dm{f©H$ basis to the Corporation at the rate to be specified by the
MH«$d¥{Õ Ho$ AmYma na {H$`m OmEJm& bmJy hmoZo dmbr ã`mO Xa Corporation at the time of taking loan under this policy. The
AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© Ûmam AZw_mo{XV {d{Y na AmYm[aV hmoJr& ã`mO H$m applicable interest rate shall be based on the method
approved by IRDAI. The first payment of interest is to be
nhbm ^wJVmZ AJbr nm°{bgr df©Jm§R> go nyd© `m AJbr nm°{bgr made on the next Policy anniversary or on the date six
df©Jm§R> go N>h _hrZo nhbo H$s VmarI na (F$U-ñdrH¥${V H$s months before the next Policy anniversary whichever
VmarI Ho$ Vwa§V ~mX, BZ_| go Omo ^r nhbo hmo) {H$`m OmZm h¡ Am¡a immediately follows the date on which the Loan is
CgHo$ ~mX àË`oH$ AmYo df© na {H$`m OmZm h¡& sanctioned and every half year thereafter.
vi. `hm§ D$na C{„pIV Xo` VmarIm| na F$U na ã`mO Ho$ ^wJVmZ _| vi) In the event of default in payment of loan interest on the due
MyH$ hmoZo H$s pñW{V _| `{X ~H$m`m F$U Am¡a ã`mO Aä`n©U _yë` dates as herein mentioned above, and when the
go A{YH$ hmo OmVm h¡ Vmo {ZJ_ Eogr nm°{b{g`m| H$m nyd©-g_mnZ outstanding loan along with interest is to exceed the
surrender value, the Corporation would be entitled to

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 11 of 20 Plan No.- 914

H$aZo H$m hH$Xma hmoJm& nyd©-g_mnZ H$s OmZo dmbr Eogr nm°{b{g`m§, foreclose such policies. Such policies when being
Aä`n©U _yë` Am¡a ã`mO g{hV F$U H$s ~H$m`mam{e Ho$ A§Va Ho$ foreclosed shall be entitled to payment of the difference of
^wJVmZ H$s hH$Xma hm|Jr& surrender value and the loan outstanding amount along
with interest, if any.
vii. {ZJ_, VrZ _hrZo H$m Zmo{Q>g XoH$a, F$U H$s am{e Cg na Xo`
vii) Corporation is entitled to recover or recall the amount of the
g_ñV ã`mO g{hV dgyb H$aZo `m dmng _m§JZo H$m A{YH$mar h¡& Loan with all due interest by giving 3 months notice.
viii. `{X nm{°bgr n[an¹$ hmo OmVr h¡ `m Aä`{nV © H$a Xr OmVr h¡ `m _Ë¥`w viii) In case the policy shall mature or surrendered or become a
H$o H$maU Xmdo _| n[ad{VV© hmo OmVr h¡ Vmo {ZJ_, nm{°bgr H$s am{e _| claim by death, the Corporation shall become entitled to
go ~H$m`m F$U H$s am{e ã`mO g{hV H$mQ>Zo H$m A{YH$mar hmJom& deduct the amount of the Loan or any portion thereof which
6. nm°{bgr H$m g_mnZ: is outstanding, together with all interest from the policy
{ZåZ{bpIV _| go g~go nhbo H$moB© ^r pñW{V K{Q>V hmoZo na, nm°{bgr 6. Termination of Policy:
Vwa§V Am¡a ñdV: hr g_má hmo OmEJr:
The policy shall immediately and automatically terminate on
H$) dh VmarI, {Og na _¥Ë`w {hVbm^ H$m EH$_wíV ^wJVmZ/A§{V_ the earliest occurrence of any of the following events:
{H$íV H$m ^wJVmZ {H$`m J`m hmo; `m a) The date on which lumpsum death benefit/final instalment
I) {Og VmarI na nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V Aä`n©U {hVbm^m| H$m {ZnQ>mZ of death benefit is paid; or
{H$`m J`m hmo; `m b) The date on which surrender benefits are settled under the
J) `{X {ZnQ>mZ H$m {dH$ën Zht MZwm J`m h¡ Vmo n[an¹$Vm H$s VmarI; `m policy; or
K) {ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën Ho$ A§VJ©V A§{V_ {H$íVm| Ho$ ^wJVmZ na; `m c) The date of maturity if settlement option is not exercised; or
S>.) Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ ^mJ-"S>r' H$s eV© 5 Ho$ C„oI Ho$ d) On payment of final installment under Settlement Option; or
AZwgma F$U Ho$ ã`mO Ho$ ^wJVmZ _| MyH$ hmoZo H$s pñW{V _|; `m e) In the event of default in payment of loan interest as
specified in Condition 5 of Part D of this policy document; or
M) `{X nm°{bgr H$m nwZM©bZ Zht H$am`m J`m h¡ Am¡a nm°{bgr H$mo àXÎm
nm°{bgr _| n[ad{V©V Zht {H$`m J`m h¡ Vmo nwZM©bZ Ad{Y g_má f) On expiry of Revival Period if the policy, which has not
hmoZo na; `m acquired paid up status, has not been revived within the
revival period; or
N>) {Z:ewëH$ AdbmoH$Z {ZañVrH$aU H$s am{e H$m ^wJVmZ hmo OmZo na&
g) On payment of free look cancellation amount.
O) nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ ^mJ S>r Ho$ eVª 2 _| {d{Z{X©ï> OãVr H$s h) In the event of forfeiture as specified in Condition 2 of Part D
pñW{V _|& of this Policy Document.
7. {Z:ewëH$ AdbmoH$Z Ad{Y: 7. Free look period:
`{X nm°{bgrYmaH$ nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z`_ Ed§ eVm] go g§Vwï> Zht h¡ Vmo During the Free Look period of 15 days from the date of receipt
nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam nm°{bgr XñVmdoO àmá H$aZo H$s VmarI go 15 {XZ of the Policy Document by the Policyholder, if the Policyholder
H$s {ZewëH$ AdbmoH$Z Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ dh Amn{Îm`m| H$m H$maU ~VmVo hþE is not satisfied with the Terms and Conditions of the policy,
nm°{bgr {ZJ_ H$mo bm¡Q>m gH$Vm h¡ & nm°{bgr àmá hmoZo na, {ZJ_ nm°{bgr he/she may return the policy to the Corporation stating the
reason of objections. On receipt of the same the Corporation
H$mo {ZañV H$a XoJm Am¡a gwajm Ad{Y Ho$ {bE g_mZwnmVr OmopI_ shall cancel the policy and return the amount of premium
àr{_`_ (_yb nm°{bgr Ho$ {bE Am¡a AZwd¥{Õ H$m M`Z {H$`m J`m h¡ Vmo deposited after deducting the proportionate risk premium (for
CgHo$ {bE) VWm {M{H$Ëgm Om§M, {deof [anmoQ>m] Am¡a ñQ>m§n ewëH$ Ho$ à^ma Base Policy and Rider, if opted for) for the period of cover and
H$mQ>H$a O_m {H$E JE àr{_`_ H$s am{e bm¡Q>m XoJm & charges for medical examinations, special reports, if any and
stamp duty.
8. _¥Ë`w {hVbm^ {H$íVm| _| boZo H$m {dH$ën:
8. Option to take Death Benefit in instalments:
`h {dH$ën Mmby nm°{bgr Am¡a àXÎm XmoZm| nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ A§VJ©V, _¥Ë`w
{hVbm^m| H$mo EH$_wíV boZo H$s ~Om` 5 `m 10 `m 15 df© H$s MwZr JB© This is an option to receive Death Benefit in instalments over
the chosen period of 5 or 10 or 15 years instead of lump sum
Ad{Y _| {H$íVm| _| boZo H$m {dH$ën h¡ & nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V Xo` nyU© `m amount under an in-force as well as paid-up policy. This option
Am§{eH$ _¥Ë`w {hVbm^m| Ho$ {bE nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s can be exercised by the Policyholder during minority of the Life
Ad`ñH$Vm Ho$ Xm¡amZ AWdm 18 df© Am¡a Cggo A{YH$ Ho$ ~r{_V ì`pŠV Assured or by Life Assured aged 18 years and above, during
Ûmam AnZo OrdZH$mb _| Bg {dH$ën H$m M`Z {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ & his/her life time; for full or part of Death benefits payable under
nm°{bgrYmaH$/~r{_V ì`pŠV Ûmam MwZr JB© am{e (AWm©V {Zdb Xmdm the policy. The amount opted for by the Policyholder/Life
Assured (i.e. Net Claim Amount) can be either in absolute
am{e) `m Vmo gw{Z{üV _yë` Ho$ ê$n _| hmo gH$Vr h¡ AWdm Hw$b Xo` Xmdm value or as a percentage of the total claim proceeds payable.
àm{á`m| Ho$ Hw$N> à{VeV Ho$ ê$n _| & {H$E JE M`Z Ho$ AZwgma, {H$íVm|
The instalments shall be paid in advance at yearly or half-
H$m A{J«_ ^wJVmZ dm{f©H$ `m AY©-dm{f©H$ `m Ì¡_m{gH$ `m _m{gH$ yearly or quarterly or monthly intervals, as opted for, subject to
A§Vamb na {H$`m OmEJm Am¡a {d{^Þ àH$ma Ho$ ^wJVmZm| Ho$ {bE {H$íV minimum instalment amount for different modes of payments
H$s Ý`yZV_ am{e {ZåZ àH$ma hmoJr: being as under:
{H$íV ^wJVmZ H$m àH$ma Ý`yZV_ {H$íV am{e Mode of Instalment Minimum Instalment
payment amount
_m{gH$ `5,000/-
Monthly `5,000/-
Ì¡_m{gH$ `15,000/- Quarterly `15,000/-
AY©-dm{f©H$ `25,000/- Half-Yearly `25,000/-
dm{f©H$ `50,000/- Yearly `50,000/-

`{X nm°{bgrYmaH$/~r{_V ì`pŠV Ûmam MwZo JE {dH$ën Ho$ AZwgma, If the Net Claim Amount is less than the required amount to
provide the minimum instalment amount as per the option
Ý`yZV_ {H$íV H$s am{e H$s ì`dñWm H$aZo Ho$ {bE dm§{N>V am{e go H$_ h¡
exercised by the Policyholder/Life Assured, the claim proceed
Vmo Xmdo H$s àm{á`m| H$m ^wJVmZ EH$_wíV hr {H$`m OmEJm & shall be paid in lumpsum only.
Bg {dH$ën Ho$ A§VJ©V {H$íV Ho$ ^wJVmZm| H$s JUZm H$aZo Ho$ {bE bmJy The interest rates applicable for arriving at the instalment
ã`mO Xam| H$m {ZYm©aU {ZJ_ Ûmam g_`-g_` na {H$`m OmEJm & payments under this option shall be as fixed by the Corporation
_¥Ë`w {hVbm^ {H$íVm| _| boZo H$m {dH$ën MwZZo Ho$ {bE, nm°{bgrYmaH$, from time to time.
~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s Ad`ñH$Vm Ho$ Xm¡amZ Am¡a d`ñH$ ~r{_V ì`pŠV AnZo For exercising option to take Death Benefit in instalments, the
Policyholder during minority of the Life Assured or the Life
OrdZH$mb _| nm°{bgr Ho$ Mmby ahVo hþE {H$gr ^r g_` `h {dH$ën MwZ Assured, if major, can exercise this option during his/her
gH$Vm h¡, {Og_| {H$íVm| Ho$ ^wJVmZ H$s Ad{Y Am¡a {Og {Zdb am{e Ho$ lifetime while in currency of the policy, specifying the period of
{bE `h {dH$ën MwZm OmZm h¡, Cg am{e H$mo {d{Z{X©ï> {H$`m OmEJm & Eogo Instalment payment and net claim amount for which the option
_| _¥Ë`w Xmdm am{e H$m ^wJVmZ nm°{bgrYmaH$/~r{_V ì`pŠV Ho$ {dH$ën Ho$ is to be exercised. The death claim amount shall then be paid
AZwgma Zm{_Vr H$mo H$a {X`m OmEJm Am¡a Zm{_Vr H$mo Bg_| {H$gr ^r to the nominee as per the option exercised by the
Policyholder/Life Assured and no alteration, whatsoever, shall
àH$ma H$m n[adV©Z H$aZo H$s AZw_{V Zht Xr OmEJr &
be allowed to be made by the nominee.

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 12 of 20 Plan No.- 914

9. {ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën (n[an¹$Vm {hVbm^ Ho$ {bE): 9. Settlement Option (for Maturity Benefit):
{ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën, Mmby Am¡a àXÎm XmoZm| hr nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ A§VJ©V, n[an¹$Vm Settlement Option is an option to receive Maturity Benefit in
{hVbm^ H$s EH$_wíV am{e àmá H$aZo H$s ~Om`, CgH$mo 5 `m 10 `m instalments over the chosen period of 5 or 10 or 15 years
15 dfm] H$s MwZr JB© Ad{Y _| {H$íVm| _| boZo H$m {dH$ën h¡ & instead of lumpsum amount under an in-force as well as paid-
up policy. This option can be exercised by the Policyholder
nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam Bg {dH$ën H$m MwZmd, Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V Xo` during minority of the Life Assured or by Life Assured aged 18
n[an¹$Vm-àm{á H$mo nyU© `m Am§{eH$ ^mJ Ho$ {bE, ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s years and above, for full or part of Maturity proceeds payable
Ad`ñH$Vm Ho$ Xm¡amZ AWdm 18 df© `m Cggo A{YH$ Am`w Ho$ ~r{_V under the policy. The amount opted for by the Policyholder/Life
ì`pŠV Ûmam {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ & nm°{bgrYmaH$/~r{_V ì`pŠV Ûmam MwZr Assured (ie. Net Claim Amount) can be either in absolute value
or as a percentage of the total claim proceeds payable.
JB© am{e (AWm©V {Zdb Xmdm am{e) `m Vmo gw{Z{üV _yë` Ho$ ê$n _| hmoJr
`m Hw$b Xo` Xmdm àm{á`m| Ho$ Hw$N> à{VeV Ho$ ê$n _| & The instalments shall be paid in advance at yearly or half-
yearly or quarterly or monthly intervals, as opted for subject to
{H$E JE M`Z Ho$ AZwgma, {H$íVm| H$m A{J«_ ^wJVmZ dm{f©H$, AY©- minimum instalment amount for different mode of payments
dm{f©H$, Ì¡_m{gH$ `m _m{gH$ A§Vambm| na {H$`m OmEJm Am¡a {d{^Þ àH$ma being as under:
Ho$ ^wJVmZm| Ho$ {bE {H$íVm| H$s Ý`yZV_ am{e {ZåZ àH$ma hmoJr: Mode of Instalment Minimum Instalment
{H$íV ^wJVmZ H$m àH$ma Ý`yZV_ {H$íV am{e payment amount

_m{gH$ `5,000/- Monthly `5,000/-

Quarterly `15,000/-
Ì¡_m{gH$ `15,000/-
Half-Yearly `25,000/-
AY©-dm{f©H$ `25,000/-
Yearly `50,000/-
dm{f©H$ `50,000/-
If the Net Claim Amount is less than the required amount to
`{X nm°{bgrYmaH$/~r{_V ì`pŠV Ûmam MwZo JE {dH$ën Ho$ AZwgma, provide the minimum instalment amount as per the option
Ý`yZV_ {H$íV H$s am{e H$s ì`dñWm H$aZo Ho$ {bE dm§{N>V am{e go H$_ h¡ exercised by the Policyholder/Life Assured, the claim proceed
Vmo Xmdo H$s àm{á`m| H$m ^wJVmZ EH$_wíV hr {H$`m OmEJm & shall be paid in lumpsum only.

{ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën Ho$ A§VJ©V {H$íV Ho$ ^wJVmZm| H$s JUZm H$aZo Ho$ {bE The interest rates applicable for arriving at the instalment
payments under Settlement Option shall be as fixed by the
bmJy ã`mO Xam| H$m {ZYm©aU {ZJ_ Ûmam g_`-g_` na {H$`m OmEJm & Corporation from time to time.
n[an¹$Vm {hVbm^ Ho$ ~Xbo {ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën MwZZo Ho$ {bE,
For exercising the Settlement Option against Maturity Benefit,
nm°{bgrYmaH$/ ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$mo, n[an¹$Vm Xmdo H$s Xo` VmarI go H$_ the Policyholder/Life Assured shall be required to exercise
go H$_ VrZ _hrZo nyd© {Zdb Xmdm am{e H$m ^wJVmZ {H$íVm| _| H$aZo H$m option for payment of net claim amount in instalments at least 3
{dH$ën MwZZm hmoJm & months before the due date of maturity claim.
nhbm ^wJVmZ n[an¹$Vm H$s VmarI na {H$`m OmEJm Am¡a CgHo$ nümV², The first payment will be made on the date of maturity and
nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam MwZo JE {H$íV Ho$ ^wJVmZ Ho$ àH$ma Ho$ AmYma na, thereafter, based on the mode of instalment payment opted for
by the policyholder, every month or three months or six months
`WmpñW{V, n[an¹$Vm H$s VmarI go àË`oH$ _hrZo, Ì¡_m{gH$s, AY©- or annually from the date of maturity, as the case may be.
dm{f©H$s `m dm{f©H$s na {H$`m OmEJm &
After the commencement of Instalment payments under
{ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën Ho$ A§VJ©V {H$íVm| H$m ^wJVmZ àma§^ hmoZo Ho$ nümV² : Settlement Option:
i. n[an¹$Vm {hVbm^ Ho$ ~Xbo {Og ~r{_V ì`pŠV Zo {ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën i. If a Life Assured, who has exercised Settlement Option
MwZm h¡ `{X dh ì`pŠV Bg {dH$ën H$mo dmng boZm MmhVm h¡ Am¡a against Maturity Benefit, desires to withdraw this option
~H$m`m {H$íVm| H$m {d{Z_` H$amZm MmhVm h¡ Vmo ~r{_V ì`pŠV go and commute the outstanding instalments, the same shall
be allowed on receipt of written request from the Life
{bpIV AZwamoY àmá hmoZo na BgH$s AZw_{V Xr OmEJr & Eogo _m_bo Assured. In such case, the lump sum amount which is
_|, {ZåZm§{H$V _| go CƒV_ EH$_wíV am{e H$m ^wJVmZ H$a {X`m higher of the following shall be paid and policy shall
OmEJm Am¡a nm°{bgr g_má hmo OmEJr: terminate,
• ^{dî` _| Xo` g_ñV {H$íVm| H$m KQ>m _yë`; AWdm • discounted value of all the future instalments due; or
• (_yb am{e {OgHo$ {bE {ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën MwZm J`m Wm) _| go • (the original amount for which settlement option was
(^wJVmZ H$s JB© Hw$b {H$íVm| H$s amer) H$mo KQ>mH$a exercised) less (sum of total instalments already paid);
ii. ^{dî` Ho$ {H$íV ^wJVmZm| H$s [a`m`Vr Xa na bmJy ã`mO Xa H$m ii The interest rate applicable for discounting the future
{ZYm©aU {ZJ_ Ûmam g_`-g_` na {H$`m OmEJm & instalment payments shall be as fixed by the Corporation
from time to time.
iii. {ZnQ>mZ {dH$ën MwZZo dmbo ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s _¥Ë`w H$s pñW{V _|,
iii. After the Date of Maturity, in case of death of the Life
~H$m`m {H$íVm| H$m ^wJVmZ, ~r{_V ì`pŠV Ûmam MwZo JE {dH$ën Ho$ Assured, who has exercised Settlement Option, the
AZwgma Zm{_Vr H$mo {H$`m OmZm Omar ahoJm Am¡a Bg_| Zm{_Vr H$mo outstanding instalments will continue to be paid to the
H$moB© ^r n[adV©Z H$aZo H$s AZw_{V Zht hmoJr & nominee as per the option exercised by the Life Assured
^mJ - B© and no alteration whatsoever shall be allowed to be made
by the nominee.
bmJy Zht
^mJ - "E\$': AÝ` {Z`_ Ed§ eV] Not Applicable
1. H$) g_ZwXoeZ:
g_`-g_` na g§emo{YV ~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 H$s Ymam 38 Ho$ PART - F: OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS
AZwgma, Bg `moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V g_ZwXoeZ H$s AZw_{V h¡ & Ymam 1. a) Assignments:
38 Ho$ dV©_mZ àmdYmZ Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ n[a{eï>-1 _| Assignment is allowed under this plan as per Section 38 of
{Z{hV h¡ & g_ZwXoeZ H$m Zmo{Q>g, n§OrH$aU Ho$ {bE {ZJ_ Ho$ Cg the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time.
H$m`m©b` _| àñVwV {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE, Ohm§ Bg nm°{bgr go g§~§{YV The current provisions of Section 38 are contained in
Annexure-1 of this policy document. The notice of
godmE§ Xr OmVr h¢ & assignment should be submitted for registration to the
I) Zm_m§H$Z: office of the Corporation, where the policy is serviced.
g_`-g_` na g§emo{YV ~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 H$s Ymam 39 Ho$ b) Nominations:
AZwgma, OrdZ ~r_m Ho$ nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam Zm_m§H$Z {H$`m OmZm Nomination by the holder of a policy of life assurance on
dm§{N>V h¡ & Ymam 39 Ho$ dV©_mZ àmdYmZ Bg nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ his/her own life is allowed as per Section 39 of the
Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time. The
n[a{eï>-2 _| {Z{hV h¢ & Zm_m§H$Z H$m Zmo{Q>g, n§OrH$aU Ho$ {bE current provisions of Section 39 are contained in Annexure-

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 13 of 20 Plan No.- 914

{ZJ_ Ho$ Cg H$m`m©b` _| àñVwV {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE, Ohm§ Bg 2 of this policy document. The notice of nomination or
nm°{bgr go g§~§{YV godmE§ Xr OmVr h¢ & Zm_m§H$Z Ho$ n§OrH$aU _| change of nomination should be submitted for registration
to the office of the Corporation, where the policy is serviced.
{ZJ_ H$moB© {Oå_oXmar Zht boVm Am¡a Z hr CgH$s d¡YVm `m H$mZyZr In registering nomination the Corporation does not accept
à^md Ho$ {df` _| H$moB© _V àH$Q> H$aVm h¡ & any responsibility or express any opinion as to its validity or
2. AmË_hË`m g§~§Yr AndO©Z: _¥Ë`w {hVbm^ ^wJVmZ hoVw Omo ^r eV] Bg legal effect.
nm°{bgr ànÌ _| H$ht ^r C{„pIV hm| na§Vw AmË_hË`m go hþB© _¥Ë`w H$s 2. Suicide Exclusion: Notwithstanding the provision of benefits
AdñWm _| Xmdo H$m ^wJVmZ {ZåZ{bpIV eVm] Ho$ A§VJ©V {H$`m OmEJm: payable on death mentioned anywhere in this Policy
Document, the provisions related to claim payment in case of
I) `{X ~r{_V ì`pŠV (Mmho {d{já hmo `m ñdñW), OmopI_ àma§^ hmoZo death due to suicide shall be subject to the conditions as
H$s VmarI go 12 _hrZo Ho$ A§Xa {H$gr g_` AmË_hË`m H$a boVm specified herein under:
h¡ Vmo {H$Ýht H$am|, A{V[aŠV àr{_`_m| (Ad{Y ~r_m AZwd¥{Õ i) If the Life Assured (whether sane or insane) commits
àr{_`_ H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a) H$mo H$mQ>H$a, Hw$b AXm àr{_`_m| Ho$ 80 suicide at any time within 12 months from the date of
à{VeV Ho$ Abmdm AÝ` {H$gr Xmdo na {ZJ_ {dMma Zht H$aoJm, commencement of risk, the Corporation will not entertain
any claim under this policy except for 80% of the total
~eV} {H$ nm°{bgr Mmby hmo& premiums paid excluding any taxes, extra premium and
ii) `{X ~r{_V ì`pŠV (Mmho {d{já hmo `m ñdñW), nwZM©bZ H$s VmarI rider premiums other than term assurance rider, if any,
go 12 _hrZo Ho$ A§Xa AmË_hË`m H$a boVm h¡ Vmo _¥Ë`w H$s VmarI provided the policy is in-force.
VH$ AXm {H$E JE àr{_`_m| (H$am|, A{V[aŠV àr{_`_ Am¡a {H$Ýht ii) If the Life Assured (whether sane or insane) commits
Ad{Y ~r_m AZwd¥{Õ àr{_`_m| H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a AZwd¥{Õ àr{_`_m| Ho$ suicide within 12 months from date of revival, an amount
which is higher of 80% of the total premiums paid till the
Abmdm) H$s 80 à{VeV am{e `m _¥Ë`w H$s {V{W na CnbãY
date of death (excluding any taxes, extra premium and rider
Aä`n©U _yë` _| go Omo ^r A{YH$ hmoJm, dh Xo` hmoJm& Bg nm°{bgr premiums other than term assurance rider if any,) or the
Ho$ A§VJ©V, {ZJ_ {H$gr AÝ` Xmdo na {dMma Zht H$aoJm& surrender value available as on the date of death, shall be
àXÎm _yë` àmá {H$E {~Zm H$mbmVrV hþB© nm°{bgr na `h Ymam bmJy payable. The Corporation will not entertain any other claim
under this policy.
Zht hmoJr Am¡a Eogr nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ A§VJ©V Hw$N> ^r Xo` Zht hmoJm&
This clause shall not be applicable for a policy lapsed
J¡a-OãVr Cn~§Ym| Ho$ A§VJ©V C{„pIV AZwJ«h, AmË_hË`m go hþB© without acquiring paid-up value and nothing shall be
_¥Ë`w Ho$ _m_bo _| bmJy Zht hmoJr& payable under such policies.
3. H$a: The relaxation mentioned under Non-forfeiture provisions
^maV gaH$ma AWdm {H$gr AÝ` g§d¡Ym{ZH$ H$a àm{YH$mar Ûmam Eogr shall not be applicable in case of death due to suicide.
~r_m `moOZmAm| na `{X H$moB© H$a bJm`m OmVm h¡, Vmo dh Am¡a bmJy H$am| 3. Tax:
H$s Xa H$a-H$mZyZm| Ho$ AZwgma hm|Jo & Statutory Taxes, if any, imposed on such insurance plans by
àM{bV Xam| na bmJy H$am| H$s am{e nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam àr{_`_m| (_yb the Government of India or any other constitutional tax
Authority of India shall be as per the Tax laws and the rate of tax
nm°{bgr Am¡a `{X H$moB© AZwd¥{Õ h¡ Vmo CgHo$ {bE) H$s am{e, ~r_mboIZ as applicable from time to time.
Ho$ H$maU nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V br JB© A{V[aŠV am{e g{hV (`{X H$moB©
The amount of applicable taxes as per the prevailing rates,
hmo), nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam Xo` hmoJr, Omo AbJ go Am¡a nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam shall be payable by the policyholder on premiums (for base
Xo` àr{_`_ Ho$ A{V[aŠV dgyb H$s OmEJr & Bg `moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V Xo` policy and rider(s), if any) including extra premiums, if any,
{hVbm^m| H$s JUZm H$aZo Ho$ {bE H$am| H$s am{e H$mo em{_b Zht {H$`m which shall be collected separately over and above in addition
OmEJm & to the premiums payable by the policyholder. The amount of
tax paid shall not be considered for the calculation of benefits
4. Xmdo Ho$ {bE gm_mÝ` AnojmE§: payable under the plan.
H$) _¥Ë`w Xmdm: ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s _¥Ë`w H$s pñW{V _| Xmdm XmpIb H$aVo 4. Normal requirements for a claim:
hþE, XmdmH$Vm© {ZJ_ H$s g§Vw{ï> Ho$ AZwgma Omo gm_mÝ` AnojmE± a) Death Claim: The normal documents which the claimant
Xm{Ib H$aoJm, do hm|Jo: {ZJ_ Ûmam {ZYm©[aV Xmdm ànÌ Ho$ gmW _yb shall submit while lodging the claim in case of death of the
nm°{bgr XñVmdoO, ~¢H$ ImVo _| Xmdm am{e grYo O_m H$aZo Ho$ {bE Life Assured shall be claim forms, as prescribed by the
XmdmH$Vm© go EZB©E\$Q>r AmXoe-nÌ, A{YH$ma H$m à_mU, _¥Ë`w H$m Corporation, accompanied with original policy document,
NEFT mandate from the claimant for direct credit of the
à_mU, _¥Ë`w go nhbo `{X H$moB© BbmO hþAm hmo, ñHy$b/ H$m°boO/ claim amount to the bank account, proof of title, proof of
{Z`moŠVm H$m à_mU, Omo ^r bmJy hmoVo hm|& `{X nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V death, medical treatment prior to the death (if any),
Am`w ñdrH¥$V Zht h¡ Vmo ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$s Am`w H$m à_mU ^r school/college/ employer’s certificate, whichever is
XmpIb {H$`m OmEJm& applicable, to the satisfaction of the Corporation. If the age
is not admitted under the policy, the proof of age of the Life
H$moB© ^r Xmdm ñdrH$m`© hmoZo Ho$ {bE _¥Ë`w H$s VmarI go 90 {XZ Ho$ Assured shall also be submitted.
A§Xa, _¥Ë`w H$s gyMZm _¥Ë`w à_mUnÌ Ho$ gmW {ZJ_ Ho$ Cg Within 90 days from the date of death, intimation of death
H$m`m©b` _| A{Ygy{MV H$s OmZr Mm{hE, Ohm§ nm°{bgr go g§~§{YV along with death certificate must be notified in writing to the
godmE§ Xr OmVr h¢& VWm{n, XmdmH$Vm© Ho$ Ûmam gƒo Xmdm| H$s gyMZm office of the Corporation where the policy is serviced for any
_| hþB© Xoar H$mo, {ZJ_ Ho$ Ûmam JwU-Xmof Ho$ AmYma na Am¡a XmdmH$Vm© claims to be admissible. However, delay in intimation of the
genuine claim by the claimant, may be condoned by the
Ho$ AmYma na VWm XmdmH$Vm© Ho$ {Z`§ÌU go ~mha Ho$ H$maUm| go hþB© Corporation, on merit, and where delay is proved to be for
Xoar à_m{UV hmoZo na bmJy {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡& the reasons beyond his/her control.
I) n[an¹$Vm/Aä`n©U Xmdm: O~ nm°{bgr H$m A§V n[an¹$Vm Xmdo Ho$ b) Maturity/Surrender Claim: Where the policy results into a
ê$n _| hmo `m nm°{bgr Ho$ Aä`n©U H$s pñW{V _|, ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$mo, maturity claim or in case of surrender of the policy, the Life
_yb nm°{bgr XñVmdoO Ho$ gmW {d_wpŠV ànÌ, ~¢H$ ImVo _| Xmdm Assured shall submit the discharge form along with the
original policy document, NEFT mandate from the claimant
am{e grYo O_m aH$Zo Ho$ {bE XmdmH$Vm© go EZB©E\$Q>r AmXoe-nÌ Ho$ for direct credit of the claim amount to the bank account
gmW hr Am`w H$m à_mU (`{X Am`w nhbo ñdrH¥$V Zht H$s JB©) besides proof of age, if the age is not admitted earlier.
XmpIb H$aZm hmoJm & In addition to above, any requirement mandated under any
Cn`w©ŠV XñVmdoOm| Ho$ Abmdm, do AnojmE§ ^r àñVwV H$aZo H$mo H$hm statutory provision or as may be required as per law shall
Om gH$Vm h¡, Omo {H$gr d¡Ym{ZH$ àmdYmZ Ho$ A§VJ©V AmXo{eV hm| also be required to be submitted.
`m H$mZyZ Ho$ AZwgma dm§{N>V hm| & 5. Force Majeure: In the event where the Corporation’s
5. àmH¥${VH$/An[ahm`© AmnXm: àmH¥${VH$ AmnXm, amOH$s` H$ma©dmB©, performance or any other obligations are prevented or
hindered as a consequence of any act of God or state, strike,
h‹S>Vmb, Vmbm~§Xr, {H$gr gaH$ma `m {H$gr ^r d¡Ym{ZH$ àm{YH$mar Ho$ lock out, legislation or restriction by any government or any
{H$gr H$mZyZ AWdm à{V~§Y AWdm {ZJ_ Ho$ nydm©Zw_mZ `m {Z`§ÌU Ho$ other statutory authority or any other circumstances that lie
~mha H$s n[apñW{V`m| Ho$ \$bñdê$n, `{X {ZJ_ H$m H$m`©-{ZînmXZ `m beyond the Corporation’s anticipation or control, the
AÝ` H$Îm©ì` ~m{YV hmoZo H$s pñW{V _|, Eogr AmnXm Ho$ Omar ahZo Ho$ performance of this policy shall be wholly or partially
suspended during the continuance of such force majeure. The
LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 14 of 20 Plan No.- 914
Xm¡amZ Bg nm°{bgr H$m {ZînmXZ nyU©V: `m Am§{eH$ ê$n go {Zb§{~V ahoJm& Corporation shall resume its obligations towards the Policy as
BZ_| go H$moB© ^r n[adV©Z H$aZo go nhbo, AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© H$mo gyMZm XoZo soon as the Force Majeure event ceases. The Corporation
undertakes to keep the IRDAI informed and seek prior
Am¡a CZH$m nyd©-AZw_moXZ àmá H$aZo Ho$ {bE, {ZJ_ dMZ~Õ h¡& approval before effecting any of these changes.
6. d¡Ym{ZH$ n[adV©Z: Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V Xo` àr{_`_ Ed§ {hVbm^
6. Legislative Changes: The Terms and Conditions including
g{hV, {Z`_ Ed§ eVm] g§~§{YV {dYmZ Ed§ {d{Z`_m| Ho$ AZwgma the premiums and benefits payable under this policy are
n[adV©Zerb h¢ & subject to variation in accordance with the relevant Legislation
7. {hVbm^ {ZXe©Z: AmnH$m {ZX}e {Z{_©V {hVbm^ {ZXe©Z Bg nm°{bgr & Regulations.

XñVmdoO Ho$ gmW g§b¾ h¢ & 7. Benefit Illustration: Your customized Benefit Illustration is
enclosed to this Policy document.
^mJ "Or' : d¡Ym{ZH$ àmdYmZ
~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 H$s Ymam 45:
g_`-g_` na g§emo{YV ~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 H$s Ymam 45 Ho$ àmdYmZ Section 45 of Insurance Act, 1938:
g_`-g_` na g§emo{YV ê$n _| bmJy hm|Jo & dV©_mZ àmdYmZ Bg nm°{bgr The provisions of Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as
XñVmdoO H$s n[a{eï> 3 _| g§b¾ h¡ & amended from time to time, shall be applicable. The current
{eH$m`V {ZdmaU aMZmV§Ì: provisions are contained in Annexure-3 of this policy document.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism:
{ZJ_ H$s:
J«mhH$m| Ho$ {eH$m`Vm| Ho$ {ZdmaU Ho$ {bE emIm/ _ÊS>br`/ joÌr`/ Ho$ÝÐr` Of the Corporation:
H$m`m©b`m| _| {ZJ_ Ho$ {eH$m`V {ZdmaU A{YH$mar hmoVo h¢& J«mhH$m| H$s The Corporation has Grievance Redressal Officers at Branch/
{eH$m`Vm| Ho$ erK« {ZdmaU Ho$ {bE {ZJ_ Zo AnZo J«mhH$ nmoQ>©b (do~gmBQ>: Divisional/ Zonal/ Central Office to redress grievances of
customers. For ensuring quick redressal of customer grievances Ho$ _mÜ`_ go J«mhH$-AZwHy$b, g_mH${bV {eH$m`V the Corporation has introduced Customer friendly Integrated
à~§YZ àUmbr H$s ewê$AmV H$s h¡, Ohm§ na H$moB© ^r n§OrH¥$V nm°{bgrYmaH$ Complaint Management System through our Customer Portal
{eH$m`V H$m n§OrH$aU H$am gH$Vm h¡ Am¡a CgH$s pñW{V na Ñ{ï> aI (website) which is, where a registered
gH$Vm h¡& {H$gr ^r {eH$m`V Ho$ {ZdmaU Ho$ {bE J«mhH$ B©-_ob policy holder can directly register complaint/ grievance and
track its status. Customers can also contact at e-mail id na ^r g§nH©$ H$a gH$Vo h¢ & for redressal of any grievances.
_¥Ë`w Xmdm| Ho$ AñdrH¥${V Ho$ {ZU©` go Ag§Vwï> XmdmH$Vm©Am| Ho$ nmg, AnZo Claimants not satisfied with the decision of death claim repudiation
_m_bm| Ho$ nwZarjU Ho$ {bE joÌr` H$m`m©b` Xmdm {eH$m`V {ZdmaU g{_{V `m have the option of referring their cases for review to Zonal Office
Ho$ÝÐr` H$m`m©b` Xmdm {eH$m`V {ZdmaU g{_{V Ho$ nmg bo OmZo Ho$ {dH$ën h¢& Claims Dispute Redressal Committee or Central Office Claims
Cƒ Ý`m`mb`/{Obm Ý`m`mb` H$m EH$ Ý`m`mYre g^r Xmdm {eH$m`V {ZdmaU Dispute Redressal Committee. A retired High Court/ District Court
Judge is member of each of the Claims Dispute Redressal
g{_{V`m| H$m gXñ` hmoVm h¡ & Committees.
AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© H$s: Of IRDAI:
`{X J«mhH$ h_mao CÎma go g§Vwï> Zht h¡ `m h_go 15 {XZm| Ho$ A§Xa H$moB© CÎma In case the customer is not satisfied with the response or does not
Zht {_bVm h¡ Vmo J«mhH$, {ZåZ{bpIV {H$gr ^r _mÜ`_ go AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© Ho$ receive a response from us within 15 days, then the customer may
{eH$m`V H$j _| Om gH$Vm h¡: approach the Grievance Cell of the IRDAI through any of the
• Q>mob-\«$s ({Z:ewëH$) Z§~a 155255 / 18004254732 (AWm©V following modes:
AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© H$m {eH$m`V Q>obr\$moZ Ho$ÝÐ) _| \$moZ H$aHo$ & • Calling Toll Free Number 155255 / 18004254732 (i.e. IRDAI
Grievance Call Centre)
• na B©-_ob H$aHo$
• Sending an email to
• B§Q>aZoQ> Ho$ _mÜ`_ go na {eH$m`V XO©
H$aHo$ • Register the complaint online at

• Hw$[a`a/nÌ Ûmam {eH$m`V ^oOZo Ho$ {bE nVm: Cn^moŠVm _m_bm {d^mJ, • Address for sending the complaint through courier / letter:
Consumer Affairs Department, Insurance Regulatory and
^maVr` ~r_m {Z`m_H$ Ed§ {dH$mg àm{YH$aU, gd} g§»`m-115/1, Development Authority of India, Survey No.115/1, Financial
\$mBZ|{e`b {S>pñQ´>ŠQ>, ZmZH$am_Jw‹S>m, JmMr~mdbr, h¡Xam~mX - 500032 District, Nanakramguda, Gachibowli, Hyderabad- 500032,
(Vob§JmZm) Telangana.
bmoH$nmb H$s: Of Ombudsman:
Xmdo go g§~§{YV {eH$m`Vm| Ho$ {ZdmaU Ho$ {bE, XmdmH$Vm© ~r_m bmoH$nmb Ho$ For redressal of Claims related grievances, claimants can also
nmg ^r Om gH$Vo h¢ Omo J«mhH$m| H$mo H$_ bmJV na erK« _Ü`ñWVm àXmZ approach Insurance Ombudsman who provides for low cost and
speedy arbitration to customers.
H$aVo h¢&
The Ombudsman, as per Insurance Ombudsman Rules, 2017, can
~r_m bmoH$nmb {Z`_mdbr, 2017 Ho$ AZwgma, bmoH$nmb Eogo _m_bm| go
receive and consider complaints or disputes relating to the matters
g§~§{YV {eH$m`V AWdm {eH$m`V àmá H$a gH$Vo h¢ Am¡a CZ na {dMma H$a such as:
gH$Vo h¢, O¡go {H$:
a) Delay in settlement of claims, beyond the time specified in the
H$) Xmdm| Ho$ {ZnQ>mZ _|, ^maVr` ~r_m {Z`m_H$ Ed§ {dH$mg àm{YH$aU regulations, framed under the Insurance Regulatory and
A{Y{Z`_, 1999 Ho$ A§VJ©V ~ZmE JE {d{Z`_m| _| {d{Z{X©ï> g_`-gr_m Development Authority of India Act, 1999;
go A{YH$ Xoar; b) Any partial or total repudiation of claims by the life insurer,
I) OrdZ ~r_mH$Vm©, gmYmaU ~r_mH$Vm© `m ñdmñÏ` ~r_mH$Vm© Ûmam Xmdm| H$s General insurer or the health insurer;
Am§{eH$ `m nyU© AñdrH¥${V; c) Disputes over premium paid or payable in terms of insurance
J) ~r_m nm{°bgr H$s eVm] H$o AZg w ma AXm {H$E JE `m X`o àr{_`_m| na
{eH$m`V; d) Misrepresentation of policy terms and conditions at any time in
the policy document or policy contract;
K) nm°{bgr XñVmdoO _| `m nm°{bgr g§{dXm _| {H$gr ^r g_` nm°{bgr Ho$
e) Legal construction of insurance policies in so far as the dispute
{Z`_ Ed§ eVm] na AÝ`Wm H$WZ H$aZm; relates to claim;
L) ~r_m nm°{bgr H$s H$mZyZr g§aMZm, O~{H$ {eH$m`V Xmdo go g§~§{YV hmo; f) Policy servicing related grievances against insurers and their
M) ~r_mH$Vm©Am|, CZHo$ H$m`©H$Vm©Am| Ed§ _Ü`ñWm| Ho$ {dê$Õ nm°{bgr godm agents and intermediaries;
g§~§Yr {eH$m`V; g) Issuance of life insurance policy, general insurance policy
N>) Eogr OrdZ ~r_m nm°{bgr, ñdmñÏ` nm°{bgr g{hV gmYmaU ~r_m nm°{bgr including health insurance policy which is not in conformity with
Omar H$aZm, Omo àñVmdH$ Ûmam XmpIb àñVmd-nÌ Ho$ AZwgma Z hmo; the proposal form submitted by the proposer;

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 15 of 20 Plan No.- 914

O) OrdZ ~r_m VWm ñdmñÏ` g{hV gmYmaU ~r_m Ho$ àr{_`_ àmá H$aZo Ho$ (h) Non-issuance of insurance policy after receipt of premium in
~mX ^r nm°{bgr Omar Z H$aZm; life insurance and general insurance including health
insurance; and
P) ~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 Ho$ `m g_`-g_` na AmB©AmaS>rEAmB© Ûmam (i) Any other matter resulting from the violation of provisions of the
Omar {d{Z`_m|, n[anÌm|, {Xem{ZX}em| `m AZwXoem| `m nm°{bgr g§d{Xm Ho$ Insurance Act, 1938 or the regulations, circulars, guidelines or
instructions issued by the IRDAI from time to time or the terms
{Z`_ Ed§ eVm] Ho$ C„§KZ go CËnÞ H$moB© AÝ` _m_bm, Ohm§ VH$ {H$ do and conditions of the policy contract, in so far as they relate to
Ymam (H$) go (M) _| C{„pIV _m_bm| go g§~§{YV hm| & issues mentioned at clauses (a) to (f).
Note: In case of dispute in respect of interpretation of terms and
ZmoQ>: Bg XñVmdoO _| Cëbo{IV {Z`_m| Ed§ eVm] H$s ì`m»`m Ho$ {df` _| H$moB© conditions mentioned in this document the English version shall
{eH$m`V hmoZo H$s pñW{V _|, A§J«oOr ^mfm§Va {d{Y_mÝ` hmoJm & stand valid.
Amngo AZwamoY h¡ {H$ Amn Bg nm°{bgr H$s Om§M H$a b| Am¡a `{X Bg_| H$moB© A N Y M I S TA K E B E F O U N D T H E R E I N , R E T U R N I T
JbVr nmB© OmE, Vmo Bg nm°{bgr H$s gwYma Ho$ {bE Vwa§V bm¡Q>m X| & IMMEDIATELY FOR CORRECTION.

n[a{eï> - 1 Annexure - 1
g_ZwXoeZ: ~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 H$s Ymam 38 Ho$ AZwgma Assignment - As per Section 38 of the Insurance Act 1938
1) {H$gr nm°{bgr H$m nyU© AWdm Am§{eH$ hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ, Mmho dh 1) A transfer or assignment of a policy of insurance, wholly or in
à{V\$b Ho$ ~Xbo _| hmo `m {~Zm à{V\$b Ho$, nm°{bgr Ho$ D$na hr EH$ part, whether with or without consideration, may be made only
by an endorsement upon the policy itself or by a separate
n¥ð>m§H$Z H$aHo$ AWdm AbJ go EH$ ànÌ Ho$ Ûmam {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ instrument, signed in either case by the transferor or by the
{Og na XmoZm| hr pñW{V`m| _| hñVm§VaUH$Vm© `m g_ZwXoeH$ `m CgHo$ assignor or his duly authorised agent and attested by at least
{d{YdV àm{YH¥$V A{^H$Vm© Ho$ hñVmja hm|Jo & Bg na H$_ go H$_ EH$ one witness, specifically setting forth the fact of transfer or
Jdmh Ûmam gmú`m§{H$V {H$`m OmEJm Am¡a Bg_| {deof ê$n go hñVm§VaU assignment and the reasons thereof, the antecedents of the
assignee and the terms on which the assignment is made.
AWdm g_ZwXoeZ Ho$ VÏ` H$m, CgHo$ H$maUm| H$m, g_ZwXo{eVr Ho$
nyd©M[aÌ H$m VWm g_ZwXoeZ H$s eVm] H$m C„oI {H$`m OmEJm & 2) An insurer may, accept the transfer or assignment, or decline to
act upon any endorsement made under sub-section(1), where
2) Ohm§ {ZJ_ Ho$ nmg `h {dœmg H$aZo H$m n`m©á H$maU h¡ {H$ Eogm it has sufficient reason to believe that such transfer or
hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ àm_m{UH$ Zht h¡ `m nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ho$ {hV _| assignment is not bonafide or is not in the interest of the
Zht h¡ `m gmd©O{ZH$ {hV _| Zht h¡ `m ~r_m nm°{bgr H$m gm¡Xm H$aZo Ho$ policyholder or in public interest or is for the purpose of trading
of insurance policy.
{bE {H$`m J`m h¡ Vmo ~r_mH$Vm© Cn Ymam (1) Ho$ A§VJ©V {H$E JE Eogo
hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ Ho$ n¥ð>m§H$Z H$mo ñdrH$ma H$a gH$Vm h¡ `m CgHo$ 3) The insurer shall, before refusing to act upon the endorsement,
D$na H$moB© H$ma©dmB© H$aZo go _Zm H$a gH$Vm h¡ & record in writing the reasons for such refusal and communicate
the same to the policyholder not later than thirty days from the
3) n¥ð>m§H$Z na H$moB© H$ma©dmB© H$aZo go _Zm H$aZo go nhbo, ~r_mH$Vm© Eogr date of the policy-holder giving notice of such transfer or
_Zmhr Ho$ H$maU {bpIV ê$n _| XO© H$aoJm Am¡a nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ûmam Eogo assignment.
hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ H$m Zmo{Q>g {XE OmZo Ho$ A{YH$V_ 30 {XZm| Ho$ 4) Any person aggrieved by the decision of an insurer to decline to
A§Xa nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$mo CZ H$maUm| H$s gyMZm XoJm & act upon such transfer or assignment may within a period of
thirty days from the date of receipt of the communication from
4) ~r_mH$Vm© Ûmam Eogo hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ na H$ma©dmB© Z H$aZo Ho$ {ZU©` the insurer containing reasons for such refusal, prefer a claim
go `{X {H$gr ì`pŠV H$mo {eH$m`V h¡ Vmo Eogr _Zmhr Ho$ H$maUm| dmbr to the Authority.
gyMZm àmá hmoZo Ho$ 30 {XZ Ho$ A§Xa dh ì`pŠV àm{YH$mar Ho$ gm_Zo 5) Subject to the provisions in sub-section (2), the transfer or
Xmdm H$a gH$Vm h¡ & assignment shall be complete and effectual upon the
5) Cn Ymam (2) Ho$ àmdYmZm| Ho$ AYrZ, Eogo n¥ð>m§H$Z Ho$ {ZînmXZ na `m execution of such endorsement or instrument duly attested but
except, where the transfer or assignment is in favour of the
ànÌ Ho$ {d{YdV² gmú`m§{H$V hmo OmZo na, hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ nyU© insurer, shall not be operative as against an insurer, and shall
VWm {H«$`merb hmo OmEJm & {H$ÝVw `{X Eogm hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ not confer upon the transferee or assignee, or his legal
~r_mH$Vm© Ho$ nj _| h¡ Vmo dh {H$gr ~r_mH$Vm© Ho$ {dê$Õ H$m`©H$mar Zht representative, any right to sue for the amount of such policy or
hmoJm Am¡a Bggo hñVm§Var `m g_ZwXo{eVr H$mo `m CgHo$ H$mZyZr à{V{Z{Y the moneys secured thereby until a notice in writing of the
transfer or assignment and either the said endorsement or
H$mo Eogr nm°{bgr H$s am{e na `m nm°{bgr _| à{V^yV am{e na dmX MbmZo instrument itself or a copy thereof certified to be correct by both
H$m H$moB© A{YH$ma V~ VH$ Zht {_boJm O~ VH$ hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ transferor and transferee or their duly authorised agents have
H$s {bpIV gyMZm Am¡a CŠV n¥ð>m§H$Z `m dh ànÌ `m hñVm§VaUH$Vm© Am¡a been delivered to the insurer:
hñVm§Var Ûmam AWdm CZHo$ {d{dYV àm{YH¥$V A{^H$Vm© Ûmam gË`m{nV Provided that where the insurer maintains one or more places
CgH$s EH$ à{V ~r_mH$Vm© H$mo Z Xo & of business in India, such notice shall be delivered only at the
place where the policy is being serviced.
~eV} {H$ `{X ^maV _| EH$ go A{YH$ ñWmZm| na AnZm ì`dgm` MbmVm
h¡ Vmo Eogm Zmo{Q>g Ho$db Cgr ñWmZ na {X`m OmEJm, Ohm§ na Cg 6) The date on which the notice referred to in sub-section (5) is
delivered to the insurer shall regulate the priority of all claims
nm°{bgr go g§~§{YV godmE§ Xr OmVr h¢ & under a transfer or assignment as between persons interested
6) {Og VmarI na Cn Ymam (5) _| C{„pIV Zm{oQ>g ~r_mH$Vm© H$mo {X`m OmVm in the policy; and where there is more than one instrument of
h,¡ dh VmarI nm{°bgr _| {hV aIZo dmbo ì`pŠV`m| H$o ~rM, hñVmV§aU `m transfer or assignment the priority of the claims under such
instruments shall be governed by the order in which the notices
g_ZXweoZ H$o g^r Xmdm| H$s àmW{_H$Vm H$mo {d{Z`{_V H$aJor& Ama¡ `{X H$ht referred to in sub-section (5) are delivered:
na EH$ go A{YH$ hñVmV§aU `m g_ZXweoZ H$o ànÌ h¢ Vmo Eg o o ànÌm| H$o
Provided that if any dispute as to priority of payment arises as
AV§JV© Xmdm| H$s àmW{_H$Vm Cgr H$«_ go gM§m{bV hmJor, {Og H$«_ _| Cn between assignees, the dispute shall be referred to the
Ymam (5) _| C{„pIV Zm{oQ>g {XE JE h&¢ Authority.
`{X g_ZwXo{e{V`m| Ho$ ~rM ^wJVmZ H$s àmW{_H$Vm H$mo boH$a H$moB© _V^oX 7) Upon the receipt of the notice referred to in sub-section (5), the
hmoVm h¡ Vmo Cg {ddmX H$mo àm{YH$mar Ho$ nmg ^oO {X`m OmEJm & insurer shall record the fact of such transfer or assignment
together with the date thereof and the name of the transferee or
7) Cn Ymam (5) _| C{„pIV Zmo{Q>g àmá hmoZo na, ~r_mH$Vm© Eogo hñVm§VaU the assignee and shall, on the request of the person by whom
`m g_ZwXoeZ H$m, CgH$s VmarI Am¡a hñVm§Var `m g_ZwXo{eVr Ho$ Zm_ the notice was given, or of the transferee or assignee, on
Ho$ VÏ`m| H$mo XO© H$aoJm Am¡a Eogm Zmo{Q>g XoZo dmbo ì`pŠV `m hñVm§Var payment of such fee as may be specified by the regulations,
`m g_ZwXo{eVr Ho$ AZwamoY na Am¡a {d{Z`_m| Ho$ A§VJ©V {ZYm©[aV ewëH$ grant a written acknowledgment of the receipt of such notice;
and any such acknowledgment shall be conclusive evidence
AXm H$aZo na, Eogo Zmo{Q>g H$s àm{á H$s {bpIV nmdVr XoJm Am¡a Eogr against the insurer that he has duly received the notice to which
nmdVr ~r_mH$Vm© Ho$ à{V Bg ~mV H$m n¸$m g~yV hmoJr {H$ Cgo dh such acknowledgment relates.
Zmo{Q>g {d{YdV àmá hmo J`m h¡ {Oggo dh nmdVr g§~§{YV h¡ &

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 16 of 20 Plan No.- 914

8) hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ Ho$ {Z`_ Ed§ eVm] Ho$ AYrZ, ~r_mH$Vm© Cn Ymam 8) Subject to the terms and conditions of the transfer or
(5) _| C{„pIV Zmo{Q>g H$s àm{á H$s VmarI go, Cg Zmo{Q>g _| Zm{_V assignment, the insurer shall, from the date of the receipt of the
notice referred to in sub-section (5), recognize the transferee
hñVm§Var `m g_ZwXo{eVr H$mo nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V {hVbm^m| H$m nyU© or assignee named in the notice as the absolute transferee or
hñVm§Var `m g_ZwXo{eVr A{YH$mar H$s _mÝ`Vm XoJm Am¡a Cg ì`pŠV na assignee entitled to benefit under the policy, and such person
do g_ñV Xo`VmAm| Am¡a {Zdb am{e`m§ bmJy hm|Jr Omo hñVm§VaUH$Vm© `m shall be subject to all liabilities and equities to which the
g_ZwXoeH$ na, hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ H$s VmarI na bmJy hmoVr Wt transferor or assignor was subject at the date of the transfer or
assignment and may institute any proceedings in relation to the
Am¡a dh hñVm§VaUH$Vm© `m g_ZwXoeH$ H$s gh_{V {bE {~Zm `m Eogr policy, obtain a loan under the policy or surrender the policy
H$ma©dmB© _| Cgo njH$ma ~ZmE {~Zm, nm°{bgr Ho$ g§~§Y _| H$moB© ^r H$ma©dmB© without obtaining the consent of the transferor or assignor or
àma§^ H$a gH$Vm h¡, nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V F$U bo gH$Vm h¡ `m nm°{bgr H$m making him a party to such proceedings.
Aä`n©U H$a gH$Vm h¡ & Explanation – Except where the endorsement referred to in
ì`m»`m: `{X Cn Ymam (1) _| C{„pIV n¥ð>m§H$Z _| ñnï> ê$n go `h Zht sub-section (1) expressly indicates that the assignment or
transfer is conditional in terms of sub-section (10) hereunder,
H$hm J`m hmoJm {H$ g_ZwXoeZ `m hñVm§VaU `hm§ ZrMo Xr JB© Cn Ymam every assignment or transfer shall be deemed to be an
(10) Ho$ AZwgma geV© h¡, Vmo àË`oH$ hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ H$mo nyU© absolute assignment or transfer and the assignee or
g_ZwXoeZ `m hñVm§VaU _mZm OmEJm Am¡a g_ZwXo{eVr `m hñVm§Var H$mo, transferee, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be the
`WmpñW{V, H«$_e: nyU© g_ZwXo{eVr `m hñVm§Var _mZm OmEJm & absolute assignee or transferee respectively.

9) ~r_m H$mZyZ (g§emoYZ) A{Y{Z`_, 2015 Ho$ àma§^ go nyd©, {H$gr 9) Any rights and remedies of an assignee or transferee of a
policy of life insurance under an assignment or transfer
g_ZwXoeZ AWdm hñVm§VaU Ho$ A§VJ©V OrdZ ~r_m nm°{bgr Ho$ {H$gr effected prior to the commencement of the Insurance Laws
g_ZwXo{eVr `m hñVm§Var Ho$ Mmby A{YH$mam| Am¡a à{VH$mam| na, Bg Ymam (Amendment) Act, 2015 shall not be affected by the provisions
Ho$ àmdYmZm| H$m H$moB© à{V^yb à^md Zht n‹S>oJm & of this Section.
10) {H$gr H$mZyZ Ho$ `m H$mZyZ H$s e{ŠV aIZo dmbr àWm Ho$ hmoVo hþE ^r, 10) Notwithstanding any law or custom having the force of law to
`{X {H$gr ì`pŠV Ho$ nj _| g_ZwXoeZ Bg eV© na {H$`m OmVm h¡ {H$: the contrary, an assignment in favour of a person made upon
the condition that-
H$) g_ZwXo{eVr `m hñVm§Var H$s _¥Ë`w ~r_mYmaH$ go nhbo hmoZo na,
a. The proceeds under the policy shall become payable to the
nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V àm{á`m§ nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$mo `m Zm{_Vr ì`pŠV/ policyholder or the nominee or nominees in the event of
ì`pŠV`m| H$mo Xo` hmo OmE§Jr; AWdm either the assignee or transferee predeceasing the
I) ~r_mYmaH$ Ho$ nm°{bgr Ad{Y VH$ Or{dV ahZo na, dh d¡Y hmoJm & insured; or

~eV} {H$ H$moB© geV© g_ZwXo{eVr nm°{bgr na H$moB© F$U boZo H$m `m b. The insured surviving the term of the policy , shall be valid:
nm°{bgr H$mo Aä`{n©V H$aZo H$m A{YH$mar Zht hmoJm & Provided that a conditional assignee shall not be entitled to
obtain a loan on the policy or surrender a policy.
11) Cn Ymam (1) Ho$ A§VJ©V {H$gr nm°{bgr Ho$ Am§{eH$ g_ZwXoeZ `m
11) In the case of the partial assignment or transfer of a policy of
hñVm§VaU Ho$ _m_bo _|, ~r_mH$Vm© H$s Xo`Vm, Am§{eH$ g_ZwXoeZ `m
insurance under sub-section (1), the liability of the insurer shall
hñVm§VaU Ûmam àË`m^yV am{e VH$ gr{_V hmoJr Am¡a Eogo nm°{bgrYmaH$ be limited to the amount secured by partial assignment or
H$mo, Cgr nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V Xo` eof am{e H$mo AmJo g_ZwXo{eV `m transfer and such policyholder shall not be entitled to further
A§V[aV H$aZo H$m A{YH$ma Zht hmoJm & assign or transfer the residual amount payable under the same
n[a{eï> - 2
Zm_m§H$Z: ~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 H$s Ymam 39 Ho$ AZwgma Annexure - 2
1) AnZo hr OrdZ na OrdZ ~r_m nm°{bgr aIZo dmbm nm°{bgrYmaH$, Nomination - As per Section 39 of the Insurance Act 1938
nm°{bgr boVo g_` AWdm nm°{bgr Ho$ ^wJVmZ Ho$ {bE n[an¹$ hmoZo Ho$ nyd© 1) The holder of a policy of life insurance on his own life may,
{H$gr ^r g_` Eogo ì`pŠV/ì`pŠV`m| H$mo Zm_m§{H$V H$a gH$Vm h¡ when effecting the policy or at any time before the policy
matures for payment, nominate the person or persons to whom
{OZH$mo, nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$s _¥Ë`w hmoZo H$s pñW{V _|, nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V the money secured by the policy shall be paid in the event of his
àË`m^yV am{e H$m ^wJVmZ {H$`m OmEJm & death:
~eV} {H$ `{X Zm{_Vr Zm~m{bJ h¡ Vmo nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ho$ {bE `h Provided that, where any nominee is a minor, it shall be lawful
H$mZyZgå_V hmoJm {H$ dh ~r_mH$Vm© Ûmam ~ZmE JE VarHo$ go {H$gr ì`pŠV for the policy holder to appoint any person in the manner laid
H$mo {Z`wŠV H$ao Omo Zm{_Vr H$s Ad`ñH$Vm Ho$ Xm¡amZ nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$s down by the insurer, to receive the money secured by policy in
the event of his death during the minority of the nominee.
_¥Ë`w hmo OmZo na, nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V àË`m^yV am{e àmá H$a gHo$ &
2) Any such nomination in order to be effectual shall, unless it is
2) `{X Zm_m§H$Z nm°{bgr Ho$ _yb nmR> _| hr g_m{dï> Zht h¡ Vmo Eogo {H$gr incorporated in the text of the policy itself, be made by an
^r Zm_m§H$Z H$mo {H$`merb ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE, nm°{bgr na Eogm n¥ð>m§H$Z endorsement on the policy communicated to the insurer and
H$aHo$, ~r_mYmaH$ H$mo CgH$s gyMZm XoH$a VWm nm°{bgr go g§~§{YV registered by him in the records relating to the policy and any
A{^boIm| _| Cgo n§OrH¥$V H$amZm hmoJm Am¡a nm°{bgr Ho$ ^wJVmZ Ho$ {bE such nomination may at any time before the policy matures for
payment be cancelled or changed by an endorsement or a
n[an¹$ hmoZo go nyd© Eogo Zm_m§H$Z H$mo EH$ n¥ð>m§H$Z Ho$ Ûmam `m dgr`V Ho$
further endorsement or a will, as the case may be, but unless
Ûmam {H$gr ^r g_` {ZañV `m n[ad{V©V H$am`m Om gH$Vm h¡ & {H$ÝVw notice in writing of any such cancellation or change has been
O~ VH$ Eogo {ZañVrH$aU `m n[adV©Z H$s {bpIV gyMZm ~r_mH$Vm© H$mo delivered to the insurer, the insurer shall not be liable for any
Zht Xo Xr OmVr, V~ VH$ ~r_mH$Vm© nm°{bgr Ho$ _yb nmR> _| C{„pIV `m payment under the policy made bonafide by him to a nominee
~r_mH$Vm© Ho$ A{^boIm| _| n§OrH¥$V Am¡a ~r_mH$Vm© Ûmam nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V mentioned in the text of the policy or registered in records of the
gØmdZmnyd©H$ ~ZmE JE Zm{_Vr H$mo {H$E JE {H$gr ^r ^wJVmZ Ho$ {bE
3) The insurer shall furnish to the policy holder a written
CÎmaXm`r Zht hmoJm &
acknowledgment of having registered a nomination or a
3) ~r_mH$Vm© nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$mo, Zm_m§H$Z Ho$ n§OrH$aU H$s `m CgHo$ cancellation or change thereof, and may charge such fee as
{ZañVrH$aU H$s `m Cg_| n[adV©Z H$s {bpIV nmdVr XoJm Am¡a Eogo may be specified by regulations for registering such
{ZañVrH$aU `m n[adV©Z Ho$ {bE {d{Z`_m| _| {d{Z{X©ï> ewëH$ bo gHo$Jm & cancellation or change.

4) Ymam 38 Ho$ AZwgma {H$E JE nm°{bgr Ho$ hñVm§VaU `m g_ZwXoeZ go 4) A transfer or assignment of a policy made in accordance with
Section 38 shall automatically cancel a nomination:
Zm_m§H$Z ñdV: {ZañV hmo OmEJm:
Provided that the assignment of a policy to the insurer who
`{X nm°{bgr H$m g_ZwXoeZ {H$gr Eogo ~r_mH$Vm© H$mo {H$`m OmVm h¡, Omo bears the risk on the policy at the time of the assignment, in
nm°{bgr Ho$ Aä`n©U _yë` Ho$ A§Xa AWdm F$U H$s AXm`Jr na nwZ: consideration of a loan granted by that insurer on the security
g_ZwXoeZ H$s pñW{V _| nm°{bgr H$s à{V^y{V na {XE JE F$U Ho$ ~Xbo, of the policy within its surrender value, or its reassignment on
g_ZwXoeZ Ho$ g_` nm°{bgr Ho$ OmopI_ H$m dhZ H$aVm h¡ Vmo Cggo repayment of the loan shall not cancel a nomination, but shall
affect the rights of the nominee only to the extent of the
Zm_m§H$Z {ZañV Zht hmoJm, {H$ÝVw Cggo Zm{_Vr Ho$ A{YH$mam| na, nm°{bgr insurer’s interest in the policy:
_| ~r_mH$Vm© Ho$ {hVm| H$s gr_m VH$ hr {dnarV à^md n‹S>oJm &
LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 17 of 20 Plan No.- 914
`h ^r eV© h¡ {H$ `{X hñVm§Var `m g_ZwXo{eVr Ûmam nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$mo Provided further that the transfer or assignment of a policy,
{XE JE F$U Ho$ ~Xbo nm°{bgr Ho$ nyU© `m Am§{eH$ hñVm§VaU `m whether wholly or in part, in consideration of a loan advanced
by the transferee or assignee to the policyholder, shall not
g_ZwXoeZ go Zm_m§H$Z {ZañV Zht hmoJm ~pëH$ Zm{_Vr Ho$ {hVm| na Cgr cancel the nomination but shall affect the rights of the nominee
gr_m VH$ à^md n‹S>oJm, Ohm§ VH$ `WmpñW{V, hñVm§Var `m g_ZwXo{eVr only to the extent of the interest of the transferee or assignee,
H$m {hV Cg nm°{bgr _| h¡ & as the case may be, in the policy:
Am¡a `h ^r eV© h¡ {H$ hñVm§VaU AWdm g_ZwXoeZ Ho$ \$bñdê$n Omo Provided also that the nomination, which has been
Zm_m§H$Z ñdV: {ZañV hmo J`m h¡ Vmo g_ZwXo{eVr Ûmam nwZ: g_ZwXoeZ automatically cancelled consequent upon the transfer or
H$aZo na `m nm°{bgr H$s à{V^y{V Ho$ Abmdm, {bE JE F$U H$s AXm`Jr assignment, the same nomination shall stand automatically
revived when the policy is reassigned by the assignee or
H$a {XE OmZo na, nm°{bgrYmaH$ Ho$ nj _| hñVm§Var Ûmam nwZ: hñVm§VaU
retransferred by the transferee in favour of the policyholder on
{H$E OmZo na, dh Zm_m§H$Z ñdV: hr nwZ: g{H«$` hmo OmEJm & repayment of loan other than on a security of policy to the
5) {Og ì`pŠV Ho$ OrdZ H$m ~r_m {H$`m J`m h¡, `{X CgHo$ OrdZH$mb _| insurer.
nm°{bgr ^wJVmZ Ho$ {bE n[an¹$ hmo OmVr h¡ AWdm Zm{_Vr (EH$ go 5) Where the policy matures for payment during the lifetime of the
A{YH$ Zm{_Vr hmoZo H$s pñW{V _| gmao Zm{_Vr) H$s _¥Ë`w nm°{bgr ^wJVmZ person whose life is insured or where the nominee or, if there
Ho$ {bE n[an¹$ hmoZo go nyd© hmoZo na nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V àË`m^yV am{e H$m are more nominees than one, all the nominees die before the
^wJVmZ, `WmpñW{V, nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$mo `m CgHo$ dm[agm| `m H$mZyZr policy matures for payment, the amount secured by the policy
shall be payable to the policyholder or his heirs or legal
à{V{Z{Y`m| H$mo `m CÎmam{YH$ma à_mU-nÌ YmaH$ H$mo Xo` hmoJm & representatives or the holder of a succession certificate, as the
6) Zm{_Vr ì`pŠV `m EH$ go A{YH$ Zm{_Vr hmoZo H$s pñW{V _|, Zm{_V case may be.
ì`pŠV`m| Ho$ ~r{_V ì`pŠV go A{YH$ Or{dV ahZo na, nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V 6) Where the nominee or if there are more nominees than one, a
àË`m^yV am{e Eogo Or{dV ì`pŠV `m ì`pŠV`m| H$mo Xo` hmoJr & nominee or nominees survive the person whose life is insured,
7) Bg Ymam Ho$ AÝ` àmdYmZm| Ho$ AYrZ, `{X H$moB© AnZo hr OrdZ na `m the amount secured by the policy shall be payable to such
nm°{bgr boZo dmbm nm°{bgrYmaH$ AnZo _mVm-{nVm H$mo, AnZr nËZr H$mo, survivor or survivors.
AnZo ~ƒm| H$mo, AnZo n{V:nËZr Am¡a ~ƒm| H$mo `m Bg_| go {H$gr H$mo 7) Subject to the other provisions of this Section, where the holder
Zm{_V H$aVm h¡ Vmo Zm{_Vr Cn Ymam (6) Ho$ A§VJ©V ~r_mYmaH$ Ûmam of a policy of insurance on his own life nominates his parents,
or his spouse, or his children, or his spouse and children, or any
CgH$mo `m CZH$mo Xo` am{e Ho$ {bE {hVbm^r A{YH$mar hm|Jo, O~ VH$ {H$
of them, the nominee or nominees shall be beneficially entitled
`h {gÕ Z hmo OmE {H$ nm°{bgr _| AnZo A{YH$ma H$s àH¥${V H$mo Ü`mZ to the amount payable by the insurer to him or them under sub-
_| aIVo hþE, nm°{bgrYmaH$ Zm{_V ì`pŠV H$mo Eogm A{YH$ma àXmZ Zht section (6) unless it is proved that the holder of the policy,
H$a gH$Vm Wm & having regard to the nature of his title to the policy, could not
8) Cn`w©ŠV C„oI Ho$ AYrZ hr, {Og Zm{_Vr (EH$ go A{YH$ Zm{_Vr hmoZo have conferred any such beneficial title on the nominee.
na Zm{_{V`m|) na Cn Ymam (7) bmJy hmoVr h¡, CgH$s/CZH$s _¥Ë`w 8) Subject as aforesaid, where the nominee, or if there are more
~r{_V ì`pŠV Ho$ ~mX, {H$ÝVw nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V àË`m^yV am{e Ho$ nominees than one, a nominee or nominees, to whom sub-
section (7) applies, die after the person whose life is insured
^wJVmZ go nyd© hmoZo H$s pñW{V _|, nm°{bgr Ho$ AVJ©V àË`m^yV am{e `m but before the amount secured by the policy is paid, the amount
Bg àH$ma _aZo dmbo ì`pŠV `m ì`pŠV`m| (`WmpñW{V) Ho$ {hñgo H$s secured by the policy, or so much of the amount secured by the
nm°{bgr Ûmam àË`m^yV am{e H$m ^mJ, Zm{_Vr Ho$ dm[agm| H$mo `m H$mZyZr policy as represents the share of the nominee or nominees so
à{V{Z{Y`m| H$mo `m `WmpñW{V CÎmam{YH$ma à_mU-nÌ YmaH$ H$mo Xo` hmoJm dying (as the case may be), shall be payable to the heirs or
legal representatives of the nominee or nominees or the holder
Am¡a do Cg am{e Ho$ {hVbm^ A{YH$mar hm|Jo & of a succession certificate, as the case may be, and they shall
9) OrdZ ~r_m nm°{bgr H$s àm{á`m| _| go boZXmam| Ho$ A{YH$mam| H$mo g_má be beneficially entitled to such amount.
H$aZo Ho$ {bE `m CZ_| ~mYm Ho$ {bE Cn Ymam (7) Am¡a (8) _| go Hw$N> 9) Nothing in sub-sections (7) and (8) shall operate to destroy or
^r bmJy Zht hmoJm & impede the right of any creditor to be paid out of the proceeds of
10) Cn Ymam (7) Am¡a (8) Ho$ àmdYmZ OrdZ ~r_m H$s CZ g^r nm°{b{g`m| any policy of life insurance.
na bmJy hm|Jo Omo ~r_m H$mZyZ (g§emoYZ) A{Y{Z`_, 2015 Ho$ àma§^ hmoZo 10) The provisions of sub-sections (7) and (8) shall apply to all
Ho$ ~mX ^wJVmZ Ho$ {bE n[an¹$ hm|Jr & policies of life insurance maturing for payment after the
11) `{X nm°{bgrYmaH$ H$s _¥Ë`w nm°{bgr H$s n[an¹$Vm Ho$ ~mX hmoVr h¡, {H$ÝVw commencement of the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act,
CgH$s _¥Ë`w Ho$ H$maU CgH$s nm°{bgr Ho$ {hVbm^m| H$m ^wJVmZ Cgo Zht 2015.
{H$`m Om gH$m h¡ Vmo CgHo$ Zm{_Vr CgH$s nm°{bgr H$s àm{á`m| Am¡a 11) Where a policyholder dies after the maturity of the policy but
{hVbm^m| Ho$ hH$Xma hm|Jo & the proceeds and benefit of his policy has not been made to
him because of his death, in such a case, his nominee shall be
12) Bg Ymam Ho$ àmdYmZ OrdZ ~r_m H$s {H$gr ^r Eogr nm°{bgr na bmJy entitled to the proceeds and benefit of his policy.
Zht hm|Jo, {Og na {ddm{hV _{hbm g§n{Îm A{Y{Z`_, 1874 H$s Ymam 6
12) The provisions of this Section shall not apply to any policy of life
bmJy hmoVr h¡ `m {H$gr g_` bmJy ahr h¡ & insurance to which Section 6 of the Married Women’s Property
~eV} {H$ `{X AnZo OrdZ H$m, AnZr nËZr H$m, AnZo ~ƒm| H$m `m BZ_| Act, 1874, applies or has at any time applied;
go {H$gr H$m ^r ~r_m H$amZo dmbo ì`pŠV H$s nËZr Ho$ nj _| ~r_m H$mZyZ Provided that where a nomination made whether before or
(g§emoYZ) A{Y{Z`_, 2015 Ho$ àma§^ go nyd© `m ~mX _| {H$`m J`m after the commencement of the Insurance Laws (Amendment)
Zm_m§H$Z Bg Ymam Ho$ A§VJ©V {H$E JE Zm_m§H$Z Ho$ ê$n _| A{^ì`ŠV h¡ Act, 2015, in favour of the wife of the person who has insured
(Mmho dh nm°{bgr Ho$ \$bH$ na hmo `m Zht) Vmo _mZm OmEJm {H$ CŠV his life or of his wife and children or any of them is expressed,
whether or not on the face of the policy, as being made under
Ymam 6 nm°{bgr na bmJy Zht hmoVr Am¡a Z hr Cgo nm°{bgr na bmJy this Section, the said Section 6 shall be deemed not to apply or
{H$`m J`m h¡ & not to have applied to the policy.

n[a{eï> -3
Annexure - 3
~r_m A{Y{Z`_, 1938 Ho$ AZwgma Ymam 45 Section 45 as per the Insurance Act 1938
1) nm°{bgr H$s VmarI AWm©V² nm°{bgr Omar H$aZo H$s VmarI AWdm OmopI_ 1) No policy of life insurance shall be called in question on any
àma§^ hmoZo H$s VmarI AWdm nm°{bgr Ho$ nwZM©bZ H$s VmarI AWdm ground whatsoever after the expiry of three years from the date
nm°{bgr _| AZwd¥{Õ H$s VmarI (BZ_| Omo ^r ~mX _| hmo) Ho$ ~mX VrZ df© of the policy, i.e. from the date of issuance of the policy or the
g_má hmo OmZo na OrdZ ~r_m H$s {H$gr ^r nm°{bgr na {H$gr ^r date of commencement of risk or the date of revival of the
policy or the date of the rider to the policy, whichever is later.
AmYma na H$moB© àý Zht {H$`m OmEJm &
2) A policy of life insurance may be called in question at any time
2) nm°{bgr Omar H$aZo H$s VmarI AWdm OmopI_ àma§^ hmoZo H$s VmarI within three years from the date of issuance of the policy or the
AWdm nm°{bgr Ho$ nwZM©bZ H$s VmarI AWdm nm°{bgr _| AZwd¥{Õ H$s date of commencement of risk or the date of revival of the
VmarI (BZ_| go Omo ^r ~mX _| hmo) go VrZ dfm] Ho$ A§Xa OrdZ ~r_m policy or the date of the rider to the policy, whichever is later on
nm°{bgr na H$nQ> Ho$ AmYma na àíZ {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡: the ground of fraud:

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~eV} {H$ ~r_mH$Vm© H$mo CZ g^r AmYmam| Am¡a gm_J«r H$s {bpIV gyMZm Provided that the insurer shall have to communicate in writing
~r_mYmaH$ H$mo, `m H$mZyZr à{V{Z{Y`m| H$mo, Zm{_{V`m| `m g_ZwXo{e{V`m| to the insured or the legal representatives or nominees or
assignees of the insured the grounds and materials on which
H$mo XoZr hmoJr, {OZ na Eogm {ZU©` AmYm[aV h¡ & such decision is based.
ì`m»`m - I: Bg Cn Ymam Ho$ CÔoí` Ho$ {bE "'H$nQ>'' H$m AW©
Explanation I - For the purposes of this sub-section, the
~r_mYmaH$ `m CgHo$ A{^H$Vm© Ûmam {H$`m J`m H$moB© ^r Eogm {ZåZ{bpIV expression “fraud” means any of the following acts committed
H$m`© hmoJm Omo ~r_mH$Vm© H$mo R>JZo `m ~r_mH$Vm© H$mo OrdZ ~r_m nm°{bgr by the insured or by his agent, with the intent to deceive the
Omar H$aZo hoVw à^m{dV H$aZo Ho$ {bE {H$`m J`m hmo:- insurer or to induce the insurer to issue a life insurance policy:-
H$) Eogo VÏ` H$m gwPmd Omo gË` Z hmo Am¡a {OgHo$ gË` hmoZo na a) the suggestion, as a fact of that which is not true and which
~r_mYmaH$ H$mo {dœmg Z hmo; the insured does not believe to be true;
I) {H$gr {dœmg `m VÏ` H$m kmZ hmoZo na ^r ~r_mYmaH$ Ûmam {H$gr b) the active concealment of a fact by the insured having
VÏ` H$mo g{H«$`Vm go Nw>nmZm; knowledge or belief of the fact;
J) YmoIm XoZo Ho$ {bE Cn`wŠV H$moB© AÝ` H$m`©; c) any other act fitted to deceive; and
K) AÝ` H$moB© Eogr Ìw{Q>, {Ogo H$mZyZ {d{eï> ê$n go H$nQ>H$mar Kmo{fV d) any such act or omission as the law specifically declares to
H$aVm hmo & be fraudulent.
ì`m»`m - II: ~r_mH$Vm© Ûmam OmopI_ Ho$ _yë`m§H$Z H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo H$s Explanation II - Mere silence as to facts likely to affect the
assessment of the risk by the insurer is not fraud, unless the
g§^mdZm dmbo VÏ`m| na _mÌ Mwn ahZm H$nQ> Zht h¡, O~ VH$ {H$ _m_bo
circumstances of the case are such that regard being had to
H$s n[apñW{V`m§ Eogr Z hm| {H$ `{X CZ na {dMma {H$`m OmE Vmo Mwn them, it is the duty of the insured or his agent, keeping silence
ahZm ~r_mYmaH$ H$m `m CgHo$ A{^H$Vm© H$m H$Îm©ì` h¡ `m O~ VH$ {H$ to speak, or unless his silence is, in itself, equivalent to speak.
CgH$m Mwn ahZm ñd`§ _| hr ~mobZo Ho$ g_mZ Z hmo & 3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), no
3) Cn Ymam (2) _| Mmho Hw$N> ^r C„oI {H$`m J`m hmo, `{X ~r_mYmaH$ `h insurer shall repudiate a life insurance policy on the ground of
{gÕ H$a gH$Vm h¡ {H$ CgHo$ kmZ Am¡a {dœmg Ho$ AZwgma {_Ï`m H$WZ fraud if the insured can prove that the misstatement of or
suppression of a material fact was true to the best of his
`m _hËdnyU© VÏ` H$m Nw>nm`m OmZm ghr Wm AWdm VÏ` H$mo OmZ~yPH$a knowledge and belief or that there was no deliberate intention
BÀN>mnyd©H$ Zht Nw>nm`m J`m Wm AWdm _hËdnyU© VÏ` H$m Eogm {_Ï`m to suppress the fact or that such misstatement of or
H$WZ `m Nw>nmd ~r_mH$Vm© H$s OmZH$mar _| h¡, Vmo H$moB© ~r_mH$Vm© H$nQ> Ho$ suppression of a material fact are within the knowledge of the
AmYma na OrdZ ~r_m nm°{bgr na {H$E JE Xmdo H$mo Im[aO Zht H$aoJm & insurer:
~eV} {H$ H$nQ> H$s pñW{V _|, `{X nm°{bgrYmaH$ Or{dV Zht h¡ Vmo Cgo Provided that in case of fraud, the onus of disproving lies upon
JbV gm{~V H$aZo H$s {Oå_oXmar bm^m{W©`m| na hmoJr & the beneficiaries, in case the policyholder is not alive.
ì`m»`m: Omo ì`pŠV ~r_m H$ama H$m AmJ«h Ed§ _mob-Vmob H$aVm h¡, Cgo Explanation – A person who solicits and negotiates a contract
of insurance shall be deemed for the purpose of the formation
H$ama H$mo ~ZmZo Ho$ CÔoí` Ho$ {bE ~r_mH$Vm© H$m A{^H$Vm© g_Pm OmEJm& of the contract, to be the agent of the insurer.
4) nm°{bgr Omar hmoZo H$s VmarI go `m OmopI_ àma§^ hmoZo H$s VmarI go `m
4) A policy of life insurance may be called in question at any time
nm°{bgr Ho$ nwZM©bZ H$s VmarI go `m nm°{bgr _| AZwd¥{Õ Omo‹S>Zo H$s within three years from the date of issuance of the policy or the
VmarI go (BZ_| Omo ^r ~mX _| hmo) VrZ df© Ho$ A§Xa ~r_m nm°{bgr na date of commencement of risk or the date of revival of the
Bg AmYma na àý {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ {H$ àñVmd nÌ _| `m AÝ` {H$gr policy or the date of the rider to the policy, whichever is later, on
XñVmdoO _|, {OgHo$ AmYma na nm°{bgr Omar H$s JB© Wr `m nwZM©{bV H$s the ground that any statement of or suppression of a fact
material to the expectancy of the life of the insured was
JB© Wr `m AZwd¥{Õ Omar H$s JB© Wr, ~r{_V ì`pŠV H$m àË`m{eV Am`w go incorrectly made in the proposal or other document on the
g§~§{YV H$moB© H$WZ AWdm {H$gr _hËdnyU© VÏ` H$mo JbV VarHo$ go basis of which the policy was issued or revived or rider issued:
Nw>nm`m J`m Wm & Provided that the insurer shall have to communicate in writing
~eV} {H$ ~r_mH$Vm© H$mo ~r{_V ì`pŠV `m H$mZyZr à{V{Z{Y`m| `m Zm{_{V`m| to the insured or the legal representatives or nominees or
`m g_ZwXo{e{V`m| H$mo CZ AmYmam| Am¡a gm_J«r H$s {bpIV gyMZm XoZr assignees of the insured the grounds and materials on which
hmoJr, {OZ na OrdZ ~r_m nm°{bgr H$mo aÔ H$aZo H$m {ZU©` AmYm[aV h¡ & such decision to repudiate the policy of life insurance is based:

`h ^r eV© h¡ {H$ `{X nm°{bgr H$mo {_Ï`m H$WZ `m _hËdnyU© VÏ` Ho$ Provided further that in case of repudiation of the policy on the
ground of misstatement or suppression of a material fact, and
Nw>nmZo Ho$ AmYma na (Am¡a H$nQ> Ho$ AmYma na Zht) aÔ {H$`m OmVm h¡ not on the ground of fraud the premiums collected on the policy
Vmo nm°{bgr na aÔ H$aZo H$s VmarI VH$ g§J«h H$s JB© àr{_`_, Eogo till the date of repudiation shall be paid to the insured or the
aÔrH$aU H$s VmarI go 90 {XZm| H$s Ad{Y _| ~r_mYmaH$ H$mo `m legal representatives or nominees or assignees of the insured
~r_mYmaH$ Ho$ H$mZyZr à{V{Z{Y`m| H$mo `m Zm{_{V`m| H$mo `m g_ZwXo{e{V`m| within a period of ninety days from the date of such repudiation.
H$mo AXm H$a Xr OmEJr & Explanation - For the purposes of this sub-section, the
ì`m»`m: Bg Cn Ymam Ho$ CÔoí` Ho$ {bE, {_Ï`m H$WZ H$mo `m VÏ` misstatement of or suppression of fact shall not be considered
material unless it has a direct bearing on the risk undertaken by
Nw>nmZo H$mo V~ VH$ _hËdnyU© Zht g_Pm OmEJm O~ VH$ {H$ ~r_mH$Vm© the insurer, the onus is on the insurer to show that had the
Ûmam ñdrH$ma {H$E OmopI_ na CgH$m grYm à^md Z hmo & `h {gÕ H$aZo insurer been aware of the said fact no life insurance policy
H$s {Oå_oXmar ~r_mH$Vm© H$s hmoJr {H$ `{X ~r_mH$Vm© H$mo CŠV VÏ` H$s would have been issued to the insured.
OmZH$mar hmoVr Vmo ~r_mYmaH$ H$mo OrdZ ~r_m nm°{bgr Omar Zht H$s 5) Nothing in this Section shall prevent the insurer from calling for
OmVr& proof of age at any time if he is entitled to do so, and no policy
shall be deemed to be called in question merely because the
5) `{X ~r_mH$Vm© Eogm H$aZo H$m A{YH$mar h¢ Vmo Bg Ymam H$mo H$moB© àmdYmZ
terms of the policy are adjusted on subsequent proof that the
~r_mYmaH$ Ho$ {H$gr ^r g_` Am`w H$m à_mU _m§JZo go ~r_mH$Vm© H$mo amoH$ age of the life insured was incorrectly stated in the proposal.
Zht gH$Vm Am¡a {H$gr ^r nm°{bgr H$mo Ho$db Bg{bE àý{MpÝhV Zht
_mZm OmEJm {H$ ~r_mYmaH$ H$s Am`w àñVmd nÌ _| JbV ~VmZo H$m à_mU
~mX _| {_bZo na, nm°{bgr H$s eVm] _| g_m`moOZ {H$`m J`m h¡ &

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 19 of 20 Plan No.- 914

n[a{eï>-4 / Annexure - 4
Hw$b ^wJVmZ H$s JB© àr{_`_m| na bmJy Jma§Q>rH¥$V Aä`n©U _yë` KQ>H$
Guaranteed Surrender Value factors applicable to total premiums paid
nm°{bgr nm°{bgr Ad{Y / Policy Term "
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
1 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
2 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00%
3 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00%
4 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00%
5 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00%
6 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00%
7 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00%
8 57.50% 56.00% 55.00% 54.29% 53.75% 53.33% 53.00% 52.73% 52.50% 52.31% 52.14% 52.00% 51.88% 51.76% 51.67% 51.58% 51.50% 51.43% 51.36% 51.30% 51.25% 51.20% 51.15% 51.11%
9 65.00% 62.00% 60.00% 58.57% 57.50% 56.67% 56.00% 55.45% 55.00% 54.62% 54.29% 54.00% 53.75% 53.53% 53.33% 53.16% 53.00% 52.86% 52.73% 52.61% 52.50% 52.40% 52.31% 52.22%
10 72.50% 68.00% 65.00% 62.86% 61.25% 60.00% 59.00% 58.18% 57.50% 56.92% 56.43% 56.00% 55.63% 55.29% 55.00% 54.74% 54.50% 54.29% 54.09% 53.91% 53.75% 53.60% 53.46% 53.33%
11 90.00% 74.00% 70.00% 67.14% 65.00% 63.33% 62.00% 60.91% 60.00% 59.23% 58.57% 58.00% 57.50% 57.06% 56.67% 56.32% 56.00% 55.71% 55.45% 55.22% 55.00% 54.80% 54.62% 54.44%
12 90.00% 90.00% 75.00% 71.43% 68.75% 66.67% 65.00% 63.64% 62.50% 61.54% 60.71% 60.00% 59.38% 58.82% 58.33% 57.89% 57.50% 57.14% 56.82% 56.52% 56.25% 56.00% 55.77% 55.56%
13 90.00% 90.00% 75.71% 72.50% 70.00% 68.00% 66.36% 65.00% 63.85% 62.86% 62.00% 61.25% 60.59% 60.00% 59.47% 59.00% 58.57% 58.18% 57.83% 57.50% 57.20% 56.92% 56.67%
14 90.00% 90.00% 76.25% 73.33% 71.00% 69.09% 67.50% 66.15% 65.00% 64.00% 63.13% 62.35% 61.67% 61.05% 60.50% 60.00% 59.55% 59.13% 58.75% 58.40% 58.08% 57.78%
15 90.00% 90.00% 76.67% 74.00% 71.82% 70.00% 68.46% 67.14% 66.00% 65.00% 64.12% 63.33% 62.63% 62.00% 61.43% 60.91% 60.43% 60.00% 59.60% 59.23% 58.89%
16 90.00% 90.00% 77.00% 74.55% 72.50% 70.77% 69.29% 68.00% 66.88% 65.88% 65.00% 64.21% 63.50% 62.86% 62.27% 61.74% 61.25% 60.80% 60.38% 60.00%
17 90.00% 90.00% 77.27% 75.00% 73.08% 71.43% 70.00% 68.75% 67.65% 66.67% 65.79% 65.00% 64.29% 63.64% 63.04% 62.50% 62.00% 61.54% 61.11%
18 90.00% 90.00% 77.50% 75.38% 73.57% 72.00% 70.63% 69.41% 68.33% 67.37% 66.50% 65.71% 65.00% 64.35% 63.75% 63.20% 62.69% 62.22%
19 90.00% 90.00% 77.69% 75.71% 74.00% 72.50% 71.18% 70.00% 68.95% 68.00% 67.14% 66.36% 65.65% 65.00% 64.40% 63.85% 63.33%
20 90.00% 90.00% 77.86% 76.00% 74.38% 72.94% 71.67% 70.53% 69.50% 68.57% 67.73% 66.96% 66.25% 65.60% 65.00% 64.44%
21 90.00% 90.00% 78.00% 76.25% 74.71% 73.33% 72.11% 71.00% 70.00% 69.09% 68.26% 67.50% 66.80% 66.15% 65.56%
22 90.00% 90.00% 78.13% 76.47% 75.00% 73.68% 72.50% 71.43% 70.45% 69.57% 68.75% 68.00% 67.31% 66.67%
23 90.00% 90.00% 78.24% 76.67% 75.26% 74.00% 72.86% 71.82% 70.87% 70.00% 69.20% 68.46% 67.78%
24 90.00% 90.00% 78.33% 76.84% 75.50% 74.29% 73.18% 72.17% 71.25% 70.40% 69.62% 68.89%
25 90.00% 90.00% 78.42% 77.00% 75.71% 74.55% 73.48% 72.50% 71.60% 70.77% 70.00%
26 90.00% 90.00% 78.50% 77.14% 75.91% 74.78% 73.75% 72.80% 71.92% 71.11%
27 90.00% 90.00% 78.57% 77.27% 76.09% 75.00% 74.00% 73.08% 72.22%
28 90.00% 90.00% 78.64% 77.39% 76.25% 75.20% 74.23% 73.33%
29 90.00% 90.00% 78.70% 77.50% 76.40% 75.38% 74.44%
30 90.00% 90.00% 78.75% 77.60% 76.54% 75.56%
31 90.00% 90.00% 78.80% 77.69% 76.67%
32 90.00% 90.00% 78.85% 77.78%
33 90.00% 90.00% 78.89%
34 90.00% 90.00%
35 90.00%

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Guaranteed Surrender Value factors applicable to vested bonus
nm°{bgr nm°{bgr Ad{Y / Policy Term "
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
1 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
2 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
3 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28% 15.13% 14.94% 14.13% 13.20% 12.06% 10.61% 6.01% 6.01% 3.06% 2.00%
4 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28% 15.13% 14.94% 14.13% 13.20% 12.06% 10.61% 6.01% 6.01% 3.06%
5 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28% 15.13% 14.94% 14.13% 13.20% 12.06% 10.61% 6.01% 6.01%
6 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28% 15.13% 14.94% 14.13% 13.20% 12.06% 10.61% 6.01%
7 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28% 15.13% 14.94% 14.13% 13.20% 12.06% 10.61%
8 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28% 15.13% 14.94% 14.13% 13.20% 12.06%
9 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28% 15.13% 14.94% 14.13% 13.20%
10 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28% 15.13% 14.94% 14.13%
11 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28% 15.13% 14.94%
12 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28% 15.13%
13 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42% 15.28%
14 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55% 15.42%
15 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72% 15.55%
16 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93% 15.72%
17 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22% 15.93%
18 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58% 16.22%
19 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03% 16.58%
20 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58% 17.03%
21 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58% 17.58%
22 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66% 17.58%
23 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85% 17.66%
24 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16% 17.85%
25 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60% 18.16%
26 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18% 18.60%
27 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93% 19.18%
28 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85% 19.93%
29 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99% 20.85%
30 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38% 21.99%
31 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05% 23.38%
32 35.00% 30.00% 27.06% 25.05%
33 35.00% 30.00% 27.06%
34 35.00% 30.00%
35 35.00%

LIC's New Endowment Plan Page 20 of 20 Plan No.- 914

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