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Grammar (1) Habits and typical behaviour 4. » Grommar reference page 162 used to and would 3 Do these sentences describing habits or typical behaviour refer to the past, the future or any time? On a normal day, I'l update my status as soon as | wake Up. It's what I'm used to doing. used to play tennis with my dad most weekends. Sometimes we'd go fishing together. ‘ry to spend more time with real people — you'll soon get used to it. | didn't use to drink coffee, but now | really lke i. Where did you use to play when you were a child? moroaoce ‘What isthe difference in meaning between the sentences in each palt a-c? @ 4 | used to check my email every hour. 2. I'm used to checking my email every hour. b 4. On. normal day, I'l update my status as soon as | wake UP. 2 On a normal day 'd update my status as soon as | woke Up. © 1 I'mused to spending time with real friends. 2 I'm getting used to spending time with real friends. Used to and viould are often interchangeable, However, sometimes we cannot Use would and must use used fo. Choose the correct option to complete a-e below. Sometimes both options are possible. Can you work out the rule? | used to / would ply football on Seturday afternoons. b When I was younger, | used t0 / would have long heir. ‘e.My parents used to / would tive in Italy. Inthe summer, we used to / would go for long walks. ‘€ My grandfather used to / would drive an old Mercedes. In which of these sentences can used to be replaced by would? ‘a When he was younger, George used to cycle to school. b Where did you use to work? ‘© Both my parents used to smoke. 1d When | was younger, | used to be very thin, Compare aspects of your life ten years ago with your life now. Think about the folowing and write sentences using used to or would. Compare your answers with a partner. food getting around holiday time ideas and beliefs musical tastes spending money Think about your life now and discuss these subjects with your partner. fa A change you are experiencing now ~ for example, at school or work. bb Changes you would like to make to your life, Which changes would you find easy to et used to? Which would you find difficult to get used to? 35 Scanned with CamScanner 4. For questions 4-8, read the text Below and think of the word which best fits each gap, Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). ee yeu i2n uu tic attention (0) dia sometimes use the word |, and sometimes frightening, on. In recent years, shopaholics have come to the publ television and in newspaper articles. While the mec casually, shopaholics suffer tL lack (2) self-control. People live beyond their means itever their level of income, think spend money this in a ‘spend-happy’ society. debt. Many people, wha e weekend-long shopping excursions, 4 their purchases later. But (4) Without doubt, we live and are (3) _____— of shopping as a hobby. They tak: they do not have, and often rearel mean that they have a problem? Not necessarily. they can’t help it. They go on buying things . They shop when they feel depressed, life. They do not shop They buy things of control. ‘True shopaholics shop (5) —____— long (6) _____ they have huge debts and use spending as a way of coping (7) because they enjoy it, or because they need the things they buy. because they feel they have to. Shopaholics are (8) 2 Match a first sentence from ae with a continuation (4-5). a I'mused to getting up early. b I didn't use to enjoy watching football. ¢ I tend to reply to emails when | get them. d_ lam gradually getting used to not smoking. e When | first learnt to drive, | spent a fortune on petrol. I must admit, | fee! a lot healthier than | used to. | do it every day, so it isn’t hard for me. | used to drive all over the place going to see my friends. Otherwise, | completely forget. Now, | can’t get enough of it. enone 3 Choose the correct alternative in these sentences. ‘ “ Cae a not money ro 4 have to get some from the cash machine. 7 iad little / a little more time. ¢ None / None of my friends likes the same music as me. We had enough / plenty of time to finish our meal before the restaurant closed. : a wining the hari ‘the players had a few / few drinks to celebrate. onaniee 7 most / most ofthe time. You must be working too hard. noe 0 seriously, it was Just a bit / litle of fun. Wve me an Item /a piece of advice | shall never forget. Scanned with CamScanner

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