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-Redacta una cuartilla en ingles de actividades que solía hacer en su infancia
-Narra oralmente en ingles eventos pasados


When I was six years old I remember that with my cousins we went out to play in
the backyard of my grandparents' house, together with my two older cousins one
day we decided to make a club and build a kind of house.

To access this house we created a password, the dynamics in the club used to be
entertaining and we had a good time. One of these was that each of my cousins
presented a different dynamic and I remember that I had to do a magic show and it
did not turn out very well.

The club had lumber and sticks of trees that we used to cut in the yard, we sat on
concrete blocks and my older cousins painted it in colors.

The creation of the club was one of the perfect days I had with my cousins and my
brother, my cousins were five because my other cousin who lives in another town
came to visit.
-Redacta una cuartilla en ingles de actividades que solía hacer en su infancia
-Narra oralmente en ingles eventos pasados


During my childhood I used to go out to the yard to get dirty and to have fun, my
dad decided one day to make me a kite he told me that in his childhood he had fun
playing that toy.

In those days I used to wear a little blue bikini and black denim bermuda shorts. To
make the kite there had to be a lot of air or wind, mostly for hurricane seasons we
made the kites.

The materials we used were simple and simple like sticks, a bag and old cloth and
thread were the only materials so that in my childhood I could have fun.

One day with the kite already ready I decided to go out to the community field there
was too much wind and my dad had to run holding the kite so that it could rise and
grab a stronger way he had achieved it! Flying a kite used to be a feat but it was
not too much that time the kite started spinning and spinning I could not control the
thread it was trying hard and it was difficult to pull the kite, it was until I crashed into
a tree and I felt there bad because the kite made it pretty.

Other times in the afternoon I used to go to play or kick a football but the bad thing
that one of those exits explodes the ball of a friend I had to pay him but after all,
you keep being friends.

Another thing I used to do was play marbles in the yard, it was fun and frustrating
but sometimes you lost a lot or you cut yourself by the edge of the glass.

Also one of the games I played were the plastic spins since it was the new era I
used to grab it with my hand and throw it in the air and catch it again the worst
used to be that you break the top for other opponents.

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