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Writing coursework, especially for A Level Physical Education (PE) on a specific topic like netball,

can be a challenging task. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, critical thinking
skills, and the ability to present coherent arguments and analysis. Here are some reasons why writing
A Level PE coursework on netball can be difficult:

1. Complexity of the Subject: Netball involves intricate rules, strategies, and techniques.
Understanding and explaining these aspects in a comprehensive manner can be challenging
for students.
2. Research and Analysis: Producing a high-quality coursework requires thorough research and
analysis. This involves examining scholarly articles, sports science journals, and other relevant
sources to support your arguments and provide a solid foundation for your coursework.
3. Application of Theoretical Knowledge: A Level PE coursework often requires the
application of theoretical concepts to practical scenarios. It might involve linking scientific
principles to actual netball gameplay, which demands a deep understanding of both the
theoretical aspects and the sport itself.
4. Time-Consuming: Research, planning, writing, and editing a coursework project can be
time-consuming. Students may find it challenging to balance their coursework with other
academic and extracurricular commitments.
5. Formatting and Structure: Maintaining a proper structure, adhering to citation styles, and
presenting the coursework in a clear and coherent manner are essential aspects that add to the
complexity of the task.

While tackling these challenges, some students may opt for assistance from external sources.
However, it's important to approach this cautiously. It's recommended to prioritize academic integrity
and adhere to ethical standards. If students need guidance or support, seeking help from teachers,
classmates, or reputable academic resources is advised.

If someone is struggling with their A Level PE coursework on netball, one option is to seek
assistance from reliable academic writing services. However, it's crucial to thoroughly research and
choose a service with a proven track record of delivering high-quality, original work. Websites like
⇒ ⇔ might be an option, but individuals should exercise caution, read reviews,
and ensure that the service complies with academic integrity standards.
As like the other improvements I will allow myself a month to concentrate on this. Being fit has
increased my speed and strength allowing me to throw a powerful ball and sprint into the circle in
time to receive a pass to shoot. The ability to maintain equilibrium is needed to receive passes that
may not have come whilst in a comfortable position. This competition is held for the age groups
U14- U16 and U19’s. I think I perform this skill well as it’s a really easy one to master. With
practise players can become faster and maximise chances of getting away from opponents. After this
the oxygen will dissociate from the haemoglobin and therefore increased supply of oxygen allows
the speed and strength of muscle contraction to increase, as the constant supply of oxygen will allow
the tissue to work harder for a longer period of time. I spread my fingers around the ball, bend my
arms and try to keep my elbows close to my body. It aids the ability to carry out movements precisely
and efficiently. These tactics include, the knowledge of how and when to apply attacking skills and
defensive skills. We then chalk the fingertips and leap upwards touching the wall at the highest
point. They are all the basics of introducing the rules and game of netball. However the main type of
balance required for netball is Dynamic Balance. Netball - My Strengths and Weaknesses - A-Level
Physical Education. AS PE: Development of Competitive Sport - What is the question. Likewise I
will apply my newly acquired skills as best I can in my current game situations, like the other targets
I will have a netball player count how many times during each match my balance is a fault and
improve from the figures I receive. There are more competitions including the Commonwealth
Games, the FENA tournament and the international test series. In this game there is only 4 players as
opposed to 7 and the court size is reduced to one third of an actual netball court. The strength of
muscle contraction will increase because the muscle tissue will be able to react quicker and perform
the chosen movement more effectively. Rebecca hasn’t been given the same amount of opportunities
as many other sports people and this has had a negative effect. She knows this as she has probably
been taught how to throw a ball from a young age; therefore it is a fundamental motor skill. One
person faces the wall and the other person stands behind them with the ball (about a metre behind).
Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. It can be
improved with practice (obviously) and skill drills. They do this by making a pass from the centre
circle. Schools are instrumental when it comes to introducing children to new sports. For example, in
order for a player to win a toss up she will have a better reaction time than her opponent. Even
though she has been concentrating on improving a skill, she has also improved her endurance and
fitness level by training so much. The cool downs will include a slow jog or fast walk to loosen
muscles for a few minutes. However they can assess their general agility by using the Illinois Agility
She is experiencing evaluation apprehension which could have a negative or positive effect on her
performance. Lianne has still only just caught up with Aimee as she is ready to pass the ball again.
For example show the girls where I wanted them to run to in session 3, and run through it, showing
them the speed I wanted them to come away from the line at and where I wanted them to receive
the centre pass. A warm up increases heart rate and blood flow around the body, warming synovial
fluid making joints more mobile. My arms are not as powerful to throw an accurate pass whereas I
can throw a short fast pass easily. It will be carried out inside in either the sports hall or the gym. See
other similar resources ?5.00 4.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were
looking for. Introduction to netball for KS3 looking at the various passes, attacking, defending,
shooting and playing the game. The rules and equipment are adapted in this game, for example the
ball size is 4, the time allowed with the ball is 5 seconds instead of 3 and there is 2 halves of
5minutes. She can achieve this without being any less pleasant an opponent to play. Feeder then
passes ball over the head of worker, who then has to run backwards and catch ball before it bounces.
After that they will do side steps and raising their arms above their heads while moving from one
end to the other. This activity aims to improve cardiovascular and muscular endurance and stamina.
There are two age groups these include the U13’s and U14’s. They also need good footwork and the
ability to open up space on the court. With Kim I looked for whether she was throwing the ball to
the right place, and whether she was taking into account how far away the player was from her and
where they were going. I think I don’t react fast enough, I am sometimes not in the right position,
and I anticipate for too long and am not fast enough on my feet. The place I find is best to receive a
pass is to the side of the centre. Her fitness did not show any increases from the 1 st session to the
last. Firstly to stretch the vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, and vastus intermedius you take hole of
your ankle and pull it up to behind your quadriceps by your gluteus maximus and hold for a few
seconds. She was only out of breath a little after the whole warm up. Although she clearly enjoys
playing there is room for a little more determination and a more apparent desire to win. Our customer
service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 26 May 2023
Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook
Share through pinterest Dratsak1's Shop 3.00 3 reviews Not the right resource. Especially when it's
the team's centre pass, Maisie tries to get free, as she needs to get the ball. I would still include the
same skill in this session if I did it again because it is very good to know how to fo this well in the
game situation. The county selectors go to each county and pick the best talents and move them to
play at county level. I think when you throw a shoulder pass it’s best to aim for your team-mates
head and chest (this will make it easier for them to catch the ball). It allows me to concentrate better
when aiming at the net. She knows this as she has probably been taught how to throw a ball from a
young age; therefore it is a fundamental motor skill. Doing this in similar conditions to a match
should also help improve your speed, balance, and coordination as these aspects all affect a player’s
Rebecca has to progress by increasing the duration, intensity and frequency at whilst she trains. The
plan contains a large amount of activities, an extensive TP’s list, use of ICT in a lesson, use of a
non-participant, and specific differentiation options both harder and easier. Therefore these types of
stimulants are banned substances under Class 1 of the IOC (International Olympic Committee) rules.
Speed is important during netball because it requires a great deal of effort over a short period of
time. I think I play better when I’m in an attack position because when I play defence I find it really
hard to gain possession of the ball, intercept the passes and mark the ball. From observing myself,
when I shoot I make it look effortless and I think my shooting is consistent. It does however warm
all muscles as they use their legs for bending up and down and their arms for turning the cone, and of
course increases the heart rate and blood flow around the body. These scores reflect what saw I and
how well they performed the tasks and how they improved. If I can improve from throwing a fast
pass to a slow one by varying and switching the speed and type of pass it will catch the defender out.
Belle Vue Leisure Centre, Kirimanshulme Lane, Longsight, Manchester England M12 4TF. As
muscle temperature increases when warming up the muscles have more elasticity and flexibility,
which reduces the risk of injury because each muscle is able to cope with the demand. Most netball
players have good dynamic balance as they move fast and have to constantly readjust their positions;
netball players maintain balance through the coordination actions of the eyes, ears, and
proprioceptive organs in our joints. Traditionally emphasis in sport was always on public school boys.
This gives me extra power when I go to release the ball. This is a common problem in Netball players
as it is easier to wait for a pass than to jump up and snatch it. I will be using cones to mark out the
areas and a stopwatch to time some of the drills. I am going to continue to practice improving my
game to get a county position, as I feel there is still room for improvement in these areas and others
in my game. For example show the girls where I wanted them to run to in session 3, and run through
it, showing them the speed I wanted them to come away from the line at and where I wanted them
to receive the centre pass. I feel I have a lot more confidence when playing now, my defending and
balance are the biggest improvements and I will continue to practice these to ensure I always mark
the opposition and receive a pass without falling over and disobeying the footwork rule. Specifically
in this area women’s opportunities, provision and esteem suffer due to the traditional emphasis of a
male rugby dominated welsh culture. Lianne has still only just caught up with Aimee as she is ready
to pass the ball again. However the main type of balance required for netball is Dynamic Balance.
Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews
BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 16
April 2020 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share
through facebook Share through pinterest Sophie Jancey Not the right resource. These movements
happen as a result of the nervous system and muscular system working well simultaneously. They can
be pulled up for this whether they have the ball or not. Your competitive level is far more serious and
the amount of practice is much more than it was at the sporting level. After the feeder has passed the
ball, she then has to do the same and try to receive the ball. Firstly to stretch the vastus lateralis,
rectus femoris, and vastus intermedius you take hole of your ankle and pull it up to behind your
quadriceps by your gluteus maximus and hold for a few seconds. The beginning of the 20 th century
the game started to become popular in the British Commonwealth countries. Warming up and cooling
down appropriately is important to a game.
Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. So I was
looking for the timing of the player running into the centre third and to the position out to the side of
the centre and whether the centre got the timing of the pass right to the position and if that was right
they would have received the pass with no problems. I will be able to identify the weaknesses as I
have a good knowledge of the game and the rules. Samantha has been playing the position of goal
shooter since she was 10. Then, starting at the baseline hop from one end of the court to the other,
hopping from side to side of the sideline. A Centre pass must be caught or touched by a player in or
landing in the Centre third, if this does not happen then it is considered over a third and a free pass
is awarded to the opposing team. These movements happen as a result of the nervous system and
muscular system working well simultaneously. However she was not good at the heel flicks as she
went too fast and was not kicking her heels far enough back. These score reflect how well they
performed the tasks and how they improved from beginning to the end of the session. Another
important aspect of Netball is the reaction time of a player. I realise how important an action plan
can be, due to my past experience with my Personal Performance Portfolio for AS level P.E. For the
action plan to be successful she needs to train, and could base her training programme on the training
principles. Also when receiving a pass at an awkward angle I sometimes get pulled up when I turn
my body around to shoot. The girls found it difficult at first but by helping them and practise I did
manage to get them doing it well. I think when you throw a shoulder pass it’s best to aim for your
team-mates head and chest (this will make it easier for them to catch the ball). This will reinforce and
improve their ability to get free. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to
reflect your happiness. They will swap the teams of two around so that they all get a go at attacking.
I failed to do this which prompted me to practice harder although the pace changing and defending
was achieved I still needed to work on balance and tactical plays. She marks her opponents very
closely and is very successful during most occasions. With Kim I looked for whether she was
throwing the ball to the right place, and whether she was taking into account how far away the
player was from her and where they were going. The higher our aerobic capacity the more efficient
we would be throughout a match resulting in a better performance lasting from beginning to the end.
Most netball players have good dynamic balance as they move fast and have to constantly readjust
their positions; netball players maintain balance through the coordination actions of the eyes, ears,
and proprioceptive organs in our joints. Its aims are similar to that above but at a more developed
level. However the main type of balance required for netball is Dynamic Balance. Agility is the
ability to maintain speed whilst changing direction. Netball - My Strengths and Weaknesses - A-
Level Physical Education. Speeding is also needed when dodging the opposition. The ability to
maintain equilibrium is needed to receive passes that may not have come whilst in a comfortable
position. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?10.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last
updated 26 May 2023 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin
Share through facebook Share through pinterest Dratsak1's Shop 3.00 3 reviews Not the right
resource. She will need to work for at least twenty minutes during which time she raises her pulse to
at least 60% of its' maximum.
The third person shouts go whenever they feel like it and both people will have to run to each line
that they are facing. I do however think that I could have fitted different skills into my sessions by
taking out some of the games or drills that focused on getting free in the last couple of sessions. Like
in the previous targets I will use the court to do this so I am aware of my boundaries when sprinting.
You have to remember which of your feet hit the ground first as this is your landing foot. Significant
others are the crucial aspect to social facilitation as it is with appropriate role models. They guard the
goal circle and the defensive third and must stop the goal shooter from scoring. To develop a more
detailed knowledge and understanding of the provision of. In a game situation I would never think
about pivoting if I had lost control of my balance. She did not make mistakes in the heel flicks,
however she was slow. When they reach this point they stop and record their score, which allows us
to work out our VO2 max. Stretching should be included in a warm down, this will loosen muscles,
prevent stiffness as muscles get tight after heavy exercise. Her motivation levels for today will be
high as well as her arousal levels as today is so important. The defenders are not aloud to deliberately
block the attackers view by placing their hands in front of their face or eyes. It’s the best short
distance pass to use when players like the Centre and Wing Attack need to pass the ball into the
semi-circle to the Goal Attack and back out again. Centres also restart the game each time a goal has
been scored. She said: “We really enjoyed the event and did pretty well but we’re always keen to
improve. Netball - My Strengths and Weaknesses - A-Level Physical Education. The cool downs will
include a slow jog or fast walk to loosen muscles for a few minutes. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 16 April 2020 Share this Share through
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Sophie Jancey Not the right resource. If the individual has a large number of fast twitch fibres in
their active muscles then they have a natural advantage. The final thing I do is I flick my wrists when
releasing the ball and like the shoulder pass I make sure I follow through. Please allow a few minutes
for this process to complete. When I do a bounce pass I use both hands as I find I get a lot more
power behind it, but if you find it more comfortable you can just use one hand. Reaction time is also
useful when dodging, intercepting and shooting. She does not get ruffled or even excited at all and
accepts good and bad fortune with equanimity. Using two thirds of the courts, 2 teams of two
combine to play against the 3rd team. Also to increase speed you need to improve your reaction time,
do this by rehearsing “toss-ups”. So Rebecca must realise how heavy the ball is and just how much
force she needs to apply for it to move into the net. If netball players have a higher VO2 MAX, for
example centre, they can use much more oxygen and will suffer less fatigue than those players with a
lower VO2 MAX (for example a Goal Shooter). This included their actual pass, which meant some
were to high some where too low and some did not go directly to the attacker.

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