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Minor Project Report

“Recruitment and Selection Process With Special Reference to

Emphasis World Pvt. Ltd.”
Title Of the Project
Submitted in requirement of partial fulfillment of BBA Degree of
GGSIPU, New Delhi

Submitted By Submitted to
Name: (Faculty Name)
Enrolment No.: Faculty Designation
Semester: IV Batch: 2022- 25


AFFILIATED TO GGSIPU, NAAC Grade ‘A’, ISO 14001:2015, 17020:2012, 21001:2018 &
50001:2018 Certified,
A Grade by GNCTD, A Grade by SFRC


I would like to thank our Director -------------- for their immense support and blessings. I thank
our HOD Dr Renu Ma'am for his support. I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude
to my research guide ---------, of Department of Management for her valuable suggestions and
guidance and for giving me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful research project on the
topic: “Recruitment and Selection Process With Special Reference to Emphasis World Pvt.
Ltd.” Without her help it would have been difficult for me to have reached this state of
completion of my project report. Also, I would like to thank my parents and friends who helped
me a lot in the preparation of this project.
I wish to acknowledge the help of all those who have provided me information, guidance and
other help during my research period.


It is certified that the work contained in the project report titled “Recruitment and Selection Process
With Special Reference to Emphasis World Pvt. Ltd.,” by “,” has been carried out under my/our
supervision and that this work has not been submitted elsewhere for a degree*

Signature of Supervisor: …………….


I hereby declare that this project report entitled “Recruitment and Selection Process With
Special Reference to Emphasis World Pvt. Ltd.,” was carried out by me for the degree of
BBA IV TH sem under the guidance and supervision of -----------a (Associate Professor) of
Department of Commerce, BSSS College. The interpretations put forth are based on my reading
and understanding of the original texts and they are not published anywhere in any form. The
other books, articles and websites, which I have made use of are acknowledged at the respective
place in the text. This research report is not submitted for any other degree or diploma in any
other University.

Place: Bhopal
Name of the Student:
Class & Section:


Chapter 1 Page No.

➢ Introduction 09

➢ Company Profile 11

➢ Scope of the Study 11

➢ Objectives of the Study 12

Chapter 2

➢ Literature Review 17

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

➢ Introduction 29

➢ Tools and Methods of Data Collection 29

➢ Sample Profile(sample size) 29

➢ questionnaire type & Technique of Analysis 29

Software used (if used)


Chapter 4

➢ Data Analysis(pie chart ,Table & graph etc)

Chapter 5
Findings and Conclusion


Appendices-Attach questionnaires/table if any

Chapter - 1


Acquiring and retaining high-quality talent is critical to an organization’s success. As the job
market becomes increasingly competitive and the available skills grow more diverse, recruiters
need to be more selective in their choices, since poor recruiting decisions can produce long-term
negative effects, among them high training and development costs to minimize the incidence of
poor performance and high turnover which, in turn, impact staff morale, the production of high
quality goods and services and the retention of organizational memory. At worst, the
organization can fail to achieve its objectives thereby losing its competitive edge and its share of
the market.

Human resource department plays a crucial role in this process. The backbone of any successful
company is the HR department, and without a talented group of people to hire, culture, and
inform employees, the company is doomed for failure.

Human resource is most valuable assets in the organization. Profitability of the organization
depends on its utilization. If there utilization is done properly will make profit otherwise it will
make loss. To procure right man at right place in right time, some information regarding job and
job doer is highly essential. This information is obtained through job analysis, job description
and job specification. Without these recruitment will be unsuccessful.
A well planned and well managed recruitment will result in high quality applicants for the
company. The recruitment process should inform qualified individuals about employment
opportunities, create a positive image of the company, provide enough information of the jobs
so that applicants can make comparison with their qualifications and interests and generate
enthusiasm among the best candidates so that they will apply for vacant positions.

What distinguishes a successful company from unsuccessful one is the quality of manpower.
The role of management is to optimize the use of resource available to it. The role of HR is to
incorporate the planning and control of manpower resource into the corporate level plans so that
all resources are used together in the best possible combination.
Managing people at work and control of human activities in employment is a function that must
be performed in all societies. It is essential in every type of employment for every occupation
and every type of employed manpower. Manpower management is essential in government as
well as private employment under socialism or communication in small business and in large.

Recruitment, as a human resource management function, is one of the activities that impact most
critically on the performance of an organization. While it is understood and accepted that poor
recruitment decisions continue to affect organizational performance and limit goal achievement,
it is taking a long time for public service agencies in many jurisdictions to identify and
implement new, effective hiring strategies.

Recruitment is a process which provides the organization with a pool of potentially qualified
job candidates from which judicious selection can be made to fill vacancies. Successful
recruitment begins with proper employment planning and forecasting. In this phase of the
staffing process, an organization formulates plans to fill or eliminate future job openings based
on an analysis of future needs, the talent available within and outside of the organization, and
the current and anticipated resources that can be expended to attract and retain such talent.

Selection is a process of hiring the best among the pool of candidates available.

‘Right person for the right job’ is the basic principle in recruitment and selection. Every
organization should give attention to the selection of its manpower, especially its managers. The
operative manpower is equally important and essential for the orderly working of an enterprise.
Every business organization/unit needs manpower for carrying different business activities
smoothly and efficiently and for this recruitment and selection of suitable candidates is
essential. Human resource management in an organization will not be possible if unsuitable
persons are selected and employment in a business unit.


1. The study is limited to the information given by the employees.

2. Meeting some of the top management associates in the senior cadre was difficult.

3. The study has been limited due to time constraint.

4. The study is limited based on the rules and regulations of the organizations.

To get right person at right place and in right time, the organization should have the specific and
clear policies and recruitment and selection methods which are essential for the growth of the

• To analyze the actual recruitment process in EMPHASIS WORLD PVT. LTD.

• To find whether the existing processes of recruitment and selection are taking place
scientifically or not.

• To review the importance and needs of recruitment and selection process.

• State, explain and evaluate various methods of recruit


Recruitment is one of the most critical human resource functions for organisations. Attracting the
right people, with the right blend of skills and experience into the right jobs, and aligning this to the
organization’s overall objectives is crucial to organization success.

Whether the economic environment is booming, and attraction and retention of a talented and flexible
workforce is essential for competitive advantage, or is in a downturn and the survival of the
organization depends on the productivity of staff, it is essential that the recruitment function is clearly

Emphasis World is HRM firm which provide Human resource Solutions to our clients for PAN India
location, services like Recruitment service, Human Resource service, payrolls, HRM solutions etc.

The working forces of Emphasis World Pvt. Ltd. all play a significant role in the continuous
progress of the company. Hence it is essential to keep them motivated and keep their spirits high. The
broad objective of the study was to provide the working forces of Emphasis World Pvt. Ltd. with
some new companies for student placement.
Therefore in order to have a deep knowledge and understanding about what should constitute the
placement schemes for the working force; a study was conducted (with the help of questionnaires)
100 students in “Right person for the right job” the basic principle in giving placements to the candidates.


Vision of our‘ s - To reduce the gap between candidate skills & knowledge and the industry needs by
discovering competent resources equipped with personality development and campus recruitment
training along with professional etiquettes & providing them the best possible opportunities to thrive
in their career & explore the hidden talents also.


Emphasis Team is dedicated towards achieving 100% placements and leaves no stone unturned in
preparing Recruitment schedule of the year by inviting HR Teams of different corporate to ensure the
smooth functioning of the Campus-Recruitment process. The Entrepreneurship Development area
also is encouraged & monitored with the view making Job-Creators apart from Job-Seekers.






 Banking / NBFC
 Manufacturing
 IT & Non IT
 Telecom
 Pharmaceutical
 Media & Entertainment
 Retail
 Insurance
 Trawl and Hospitality
 Education
 Real Estate and Construction
 E-Commerce

The Policies Related to Recruitment and
Selection Process
At EMPHASIS WORLD the recruitment and selection policy has been named “Talent
Engagement Policy” and the company will recruit the required human resources through policy.


The company is having a talent engagement policy which describes the approving authority for
recruitment, selection methods followed by the company. Talent engagement form attached as

For all recruitment engagement of talents in the organization, the process shall be initiated
through human potential department (HPD) only. Group HPD is the process owner and shall be
issuing the guidelines on this from time to time.

The recruitment of new associates is based on the vacancies in the approved organization
structure of the company.

For recruitment of any position in the organization, a manpower requisition duly filled in by the
format shown in the annexure-1 has to be sent by the department head. Based on the request, the
HPD will initiate the process.



• To create sound procedure to appoint employees within the stipulations of the approved
• To recruit, select and place competent and suitably skilled people who will contribute to
the achievement of the EMPHASIS WORLD’s strategic and operational requirements.
• To attract talented and motivated people who will achieve and contribute to the
EMPHASIS WORLD’s continued business success while enjoying long term carrier

• To recruit and select employees, but also to ensure the full utilization and continued
development of human resources.
• To ensure that all recruitment activities are handled according to best practice and
professional guidelines. • To create positive image of the company.

Chapter - 2

According to the Burack (1985) recruitment sources are closely linked to the organizational activities as
performance of employees, employee turnover, employee satisfaction, employee wishes and the commitment
of the organization (Burack, 1980). These recruitment and selection process should be done at each and every
sector for fulfilling their organizational goals (Nartey, 2012). Recruitment and selection practises were
important in the police department as said by Michael D. White and Glipsy Escobar (2008) in the world and
this paper shows the importance of seven issues relating to recruitment, selection and trainingpractises in the
organizations (M.N.Malhotra, 2014) (Terpstra.D, 1996).
Mohammed Nurul Absar (2012) says the importance of recruitment and selection in his paper by
considering both public and private manufacturing firms in Bangladesh (M.M.Absar, 2012). Some of the
research professionals and scholars say that there is a close linkage between the recruitment selection
employee satisfaction organization performance and HR practises (Gorter, 1996). In his paper Recruitment
and Selection of public workers: An international compendium of modern trends and practises say that the
importance of using technology in the recruitment and selection process for updating the organizational
resources (Hays, 2004).
Ongori Henry and Temtime Z (2009) say that in their paper the recruitment and selection practises
of the small and medium enterprises and make them to improve their HR practises (R.D.Omolo,
2012). French says that the importance of certain selection and recruitment activities in the
organizations (G.R.French, 2012).
Among recruitment sources Bernardin say that internal source of recruitment is effective compared
to the external source (H.John,2003). Decker & Cornelius say that compared to the traditional
recruiting sources the modern sources like referrals, casual applicants and direct approaches will
benefit at large (L.Barclay,1985) (Cappelli, 2001). Selection procedure also should be in
application to the modern techniques (M.Smith, 2001). The literature says that employers are doing
the traditional method of recruiting rather than the modern technologies (Schmidt, 1998). Chris
Piotrowski and Terry Armstrong say that in their article that around all the organizations are using
traditional recruitment sources and 30% of organizations are screening candidates honestly
(Armstrong, 2006). According to SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) says that
15% joined in the organizations are placing false resume (Gusdorf, 2008).

Chapter – 3

The research was done in order to understand the Recruitment and Selection Process followed at
EMPHASIS WORLD and the perception of the employees from all the cadres regarding it. To
know how an organization performs in terms of productivity and this should be directly
proportional to quality and quantity of its human resource. In order to get the right kind of
people in right place in the right time the organization should have the specific and clear
personnel, policies and recruitment methods which are essential for the growth of the
organization. Hence it was necessary to conduct a research on the process.


The sample undertaken to conduct research study consist of fifty people which is approximately
one tenth of the total strength working in the organization. The sample covered the employees
from all the cadres, encompassing the senior most officers to the workers. The sample was
collected from all the departments of the organization.


The primary method of data collection was the questionnaire method which was circulated to
the sample undertaken and the information was collected with its help. Also a general discussion
with the employees helped to gain information regarding the study. The secondary source used
to collect data was the company’s policy manual which contains the policy related to the topic.


Although attempt was made to gather all relevant information in connection to the study there
were many shortcomings and difficulties, which could not overcome.
• The research sample was limited to one tenth of the total employees hence the information
gathered could be limited.
• The conclusions are derived from the response of the employees which are expected to be
Final Selection Decision

Those individuals who perform successfully on the employment tests and the interviews, and are
not eliminated by development of negative information on either the background investigation
or physical examination are now considered to be eligible to receive an offer of employment.
Who makes that employment offer? For administrative purposes the personnel department
should make the offer. But their role should be only administrative. The actual hiring decision
should be made by the manager in the department that had the position open.

Chapter – 4

• Initial interviews will be conducted at the area office by the concerned area manager.
• Sometimes screening will be done by telephonic interview which is conducted by the HR
department in corporate office.
• The candidate will be filtered based on merit and experience.
• The company is recruiting its manpower through consultancy also. The consultancy will
be selected based on the process used by them before sending the candidate to the
• The candidate will be selected based on the communication and their presentation at the
time of interview. Subject knowledge is also essential based on type of the vacancy.
• The time lag between recruitment and placing will be done within one month.
• Rejected candidates will be intimated and their profile will be kept in data bank for a
period of 6 month.

1) The recruitment and selection process of company meets the current legal requirements.

4 19
14 % %
% Strongly
no opinion
59 disagree
% strongly

Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 10 19%

Agree 30 59%
no opinion 7 14%

Disagree 2 4%

strongly disagree 2 4%


Near about 20% of the respondents are strongly agree with the statement that recruitment and
selection process of company meets the current legal requirements, and 60% are agree only so,
total 80% of the respondent are in favor that the process of recruitment & selection meets the
current legal requirement.


The process of recruitment & selection which is followed by the company is helpful to meet the
company’s manpower requirement.

2) Recruitment & Selection Policy of company is clearly stated.

4% 2%

10 25
% Str gly gree
pi i
% e

Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 13 25%

Agree 30 59%

no opinion 5 10%

Disagree 2

strongly disagree 1 2%


The question was raised to know that employees are aware about the company’s recruitment &
selection policy or not. Near about 85% are agreed that the recruitment & selection policy is
clearly stated and only 8% are disagree.


So the recruitment & selection policy of company is clearly stated but it requires little bit
change. But the company policy should be updated time to time.
3) Internal source is better for company

4% 2%

22 35 Strongly Agree

Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 18 35%

Agree 19 37%

no opinion 11 22%

Disagree 2 4%

strongly disagree 1 2%


As per the respondent response near about 70% are agree with the statement that internal source
is better for company, 22% having no response and 6% are disagree with the statement.


After analysis it is better to get the manpower by internal source as they are aware about that
candidate skill and behavior but sometimes company will not get right candidate.
4) External source is better for company.

18 4
% % 30 Strongly Agree
40 8 opinion
% %

Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 2 4%

Agree 15 30%

no opinion 4 8%

Disagree 20 40%
strongly disagree 9 18%


Near about 55% are disagree with the statement that external source is better for company’s
recruitment process and about 34% are in favor of this statement.


From this question respondent are satisfied with the internal source but some are not satisfied
and they preferred external source.
5) I feel scarcity of manpower at my working place.

10 Strongly Agree

43 25 no

Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 10%

Agree 5 10%
no opinion 13 25%

Disagree 22 43%

strongly disagree 6 12%


Near about 60% are disagree with this statement, means they are not feeling scarcity of
manpower and Only 20% are agree with this statement.


This shows that HR department fulfills all the requirements of human resource in the
organization as soon as required. But as some are disagree with this statement means the
recruitment process needs change.
6) I feel that the right job is being performed by the deserved person at my working

8 17
14 % Strongly Agree
% no opinion
disagree strongly

Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 9 17%

Agree 22 43%

no opinion 9 18%
Disagree 7 14%

strongly disagree 4 8%


It is very important for any organization to recruit skilled manpower, to achieve its business
target. The question was raised to know the opinion that right job is performed by right person.
So 60 % are agree and near about 20% are disagree.


This shows company is recruiting right candidate for right job but some respondent are disagree
so selection process need improvement and proper verification of recruitee.
7) The employee’s competency matches with the job specification.

10 %
% 39 Strongly Agree
no opinion
41 disagree

Response Pattern Remark Percentage

Strongly Agree 1 2%

Agree 20 39%
no opinion 21 41%

Disagree 5 10%

strongly disagree 4 8%


Nearly 45% are agree with this statement and 20% are disagree but surprisingly 40% gave no
opinion this means they are not aware about other competencies,


This interpret ate that company’s recruitment process is helpful in getting right candidate for right
job but as per of the some respondent dissatisfaction the recruitment should be more filter. 8) To
what extent you are satisfied with the external source (job portals) for recruitment process.

33 %
no opinion
% strongly

Response Pattern Remark percentage

Strongly Agree 3 7%
Agree 4 9%

no opinion 22 49%
Disagree 15 33%

strongly disagree 1 2%


some respondent are satisfied with the external source of recruitment ,It is observed that most of
the candidates are recruited through “Reference” or other internal source and about 50% have
no opinion the external sources like job portals, consultancies.
9) To what extent you are satisfied with the employee’s reference for recruitment process.

14 20
Strongly Agree
no opinion
40 disagree
% %

Response pattern Remark percentage

Strongly Agree 10 20%

Agree 20 40%

no opinion 2 4%

Disagree 11 22%

strongly disagree 7 14%


60% of respondent are in favor of the statement that they are satisfied with the employee’s
referral, this helps in getting known candidates as company knows the skill and behavior of the
recruitee. But near about 35% are disagree with the statement so, recruitment process need good
external sources for recruitment process.
10) To what extent the selection procedure followed for your recruitment is suitable to your

% 28
4 Agree
40 strongly
% disagree

Response pattern Remark percentage

Strongly Agree 14 28%

Agree 20 40%

no opinion 2 4%

Disagree 10 20%
strongly disagree 4 8%


Near about 70% of the candidates are satisfied with the selection procedure and this shows right
person is in right job but near about 30 % are not satisfied so this shows that selection process
also needs some changes.

Chapter – 5

After a thorough study and discussion on the companies recruitment & selection policy, to know
its effectiveness in the organization a self designed questionnaire has been prepared to gather
the views of employees.

The questionnaire contains 10 questions related to recruitment & selection topic. The
questionnaire has been distributed to 50 employees from various departments (HPD, Marketing,
Legal (SCM), PNS, and Finance & Logistic) and asked them to answer the questions by
selection the given choices.

The responses of all the questions were summed up from all the answered questionnaires. These
summed up responses were calculated to derive the percentages to make the interpretation more
meaningful, being represented in the form of pie chart.

These are the findings:

1. The process of recruitment & selection which is followed by the company is helpful to
meet the company’s manpower requirement to some extent.

2. The recruitment & selection policy of company is clearly stated but no updation
according to the company’s objective.

3. Company is highly dependent on employee’s referral for higher position and for lower
posts company prefers job portals and outsourcing.

4. Company is recruiting right candidate for right job but some respondent are disagree so
selection process needs improvement and proper verification of recruitee.

5. Candidates are not timely informed for their selection and also for their rejection.

6. Too much time taken by the HPD in recruiting some important urgent posts.

7. Some respondent are satisfied with the external source of recruitment ,It is observed that
most of the candidates are recruited through “Reference” or other internal source and
about 50% have no opinion the external sources like job portals, consultancies.
8. After analysis it is better to get the manpower by internal source as they are aware about
that candidate skill and behavior but sometimes company will not get right candidate.

Chapter – 6

At this moment, I have reached the end of this research on placement and policies in EMPHASIS
WORLD Ltd. Now I have an idea of how placement department in HR works. And how candidates
are placed. I have also learned the methodology by which client companies are contacted for placing
the students. By research I also came to know that the IT courses in EMPHASIS WORLD have high
market demand in Corporates. Students are placed on daily basis. Now I am having a clear ideology
of approaching different companies for placement and the entire procedure of the placement
departments. I have a deeper understanding of its logical design.

As a whole, it’s hoped that this paper work has introduced benefits in the placement procedure. May
this research helps in understanding students mind set in further development in the promotion and
advertising of the company.

After concluding the study of the companies recruitment policy, interaction with some of the
recruitment manager, company associates and based on the responses received from the
associates the following suggests are made to the company for further improvement of the

1. The organization should not majorly Clear job description is given to the candidates at

the time of interview itself, to avoid disappointment after joining.

2. The candidate should be informed in time whether they have been selected or not. There

should not be any delay in informing the candidate.

3. There should be reliability on external sources.

4. Recruitment feedback should be taken by the candidates to improve the recruitment


5. The employees should be called for the interview only after checking their educational

qualifications and job experience in a proper way so as to save the time and cost

involved in the recruitment process.

6. Depend on the application bank as the major source for the details of the candidate for

recruitment purpose. It should also consider other sources which could provide them

better options.

7. Follow up to be done to the newly engaged employees to ensure that they have settled in

and to check on how well they are doing. If they have any problems it is better to

identify them at an early stage rather than allowing them to fester.

8. Internal job posting to be preferred to reduce cost of recruitment.

9. Organization should use social networking sites for creating pool of good candidates.


Books:K. Aswathappa, Human Resource Management, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010

❖ H. John Bernardin “ Human Resource Management”, Fourth Edition, Mc

Graw Hill,2000.

❖ Angelo S Denisi , “Human Resource Management” ,Second Edition, Biztantra, 2005.

❖ GaryDessler, “Human Resource Management” Tenth Edition, Pearson Education, 2007,pg.

❖ C.R. Kothari, “Research Methodology Methods and Techniques”, Second Edition, New
Age International Publishers, 2004.

❖ Information from Company Policy Manual

❖ Abhishek Agarwal - Expert Author ❖ Recruitment and Selection by
Duncan Brodie- Expert Author.

Journals & Articles:

❖ Articles by T.V Rao Learning Systems.

❖ Policies of CMC Ltd. ❖ Documents of CMC Ltd.





Questionnaires for associates:

I am -------------------a student of BBA II Year of ______________________l, and I am doing project

on RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION in the field of Human Resource Department. I would be
grateful if you could spare few minutes and answer the questions below. The answer will be kept
confidential and used for academic purpose only.

QUESTIONNAIRE [Kindly tick ( √ ) the options you think are right ]

1) The recruitment and selection process of company meets the current

legal requirements?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) no opinion d) disagree e) strongly disagree

2) Recruitment & Selection Policy of company is clearly stated.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) no opinion d) disagree e) strongly disagree

3) Internal source is better for company.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) no opinion d) disagree e) strongly disagree

4) External source is better for company.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) no opinion d) disagree e) strongly disagree

5) I feel scarcity of manpower at my working place.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) no opinion d) disagree e) strongly disagree

6) I feel that the right job is being performed by the deserved person at
my working environment.
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) no opinion d) disagree e) strongly disagree

7) The employee’s competency matches with the job specification.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) no opinion d) disagree e) strongly disagree

8) To what extent you are satisfied with the external source (job portals)
for recruitment process.
a) 0% b) 25% c) 50% d) 75% e) 100%

9) To what extent you are satisfied with the employee’s reference
for recruitment process.
a) 0% b) 25% c) 50% d) 75% e) 100%

10) To what extent the selection procedure followed for your recruitment
is suitable to your job.
a) 0% b) 25% c) 50% d) 75% e) 100%

Date: Department


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