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Oddziat ! Nr dziennika! Kod szkoty oO O0000 ANGIELSKI ® ° Q @ Oli di wea Pumpusex Sfooooonoo00000 were NAZWISKO. UOOUDUUUU0U0000000000 UWAGAI Swoje odpowiedzi zaznacz poprzez zamalowanie koleczka, Prawidiowy sposdb zaznaczania to: @ ° ee0 e 1. How many cows can you see? © twelve O thiteon we or © fourteen © a bunny © amouse 4. Zaznacz zdania, w ktérych dziewczynka méwi prawdg o swoich upodobaniach. O Have you got a parrot? lo 1 ©) Ilike chicks id e O Have you gota tortoise? 5 ike chicken andeggs. | dont lke potatoes or pasta O Have you got a bear? - ° ° © Have you got a bird? >) Mike fish and cake. © A dont ke pears or tomatoes 6. Co moie powiedzieé Tomek o swoim | samopoezuciu? Zaznacz poprawng odpowieds. 5. Zaznacz zdania poprawnie opisujace on © She's got two white cats. tm hay Ov ©. He's got two black hamsters. 8 mr ay © tmsad. © She's got two white hamsters LO tmn ) tm hun O He's got two black pets. ay ome © tmanary Pew 7. Kasia marzy 0 Zéltych butach sportowych. Ktére | 8. Zaznacz zda buty wybierze dziewezynka? poprawnie opisujace obrazek. | © He's got short dark hair green trainers 5 Oo O yellow trainers He's got small ears and big eyes O He's gota tong neck © yellow trousers 5 © He hasnt got blond hat. O_ purple trainers : oe siocia fists, méwi prawde © swojej rodzinie. Sank @S95e08 . - Bb a BO tectum anda dad, © havent gota grandma ‘ncnca aaa © gaa 7* © haven't got a granddad O te got two cousins. O tre gota sister and a brother, © Ive got an uncle © Copyright by Olimpus, www olmpus.edupl 10. Zaznacz zdania poprawnie opisujace obrazek. © The duckisin the bedroom © The boats in the bathroom O The kite is in the garden © The trains in the kitchen 11. Oto tawka Krzysia. Ktérych prayboréw 2. Zaznacz zdania poprawnie opisujace obrazek. szkolnych nie ma na tawee Krzysia? : © The monkeys are on the car. © pen C © The snake is under the car © penci O nboer © The shino is next to O scissors O tle the car. a © crayons © pene case The tigers on the car. 13, Nauczyciel prosi, aby dzieci wyjely z plecaka zeszyty. Jak brzmi polecenie nauczy 14, Zbliza sig okres Wielkanocy. Ania chce zlozyé zyczenia swojemu nauczycielowi jezyka angielskiego z oka: Co moie powiedzie¢ Ania? la? © Take out your books, please Mery Christmas! © Take out your pencil cases, please > Happy Easter! © Take out your notebooks, please. ¥ Have a nice day! O Take out your toys, please CO00O0 Santa Claus is great! This is a doll ° 20 - 4= 16 © she's got short hair O she's gota hat O seventeen © sixteen oO She's wearing shoes. oO oO 18, Zaznacz zdania poprawnie opisujace potwora. © He's got three heads, O He's got three hands © He's got four feet O He's got six arms and seven hands 20. Zaznacz zdania poprawnie opisujace rysunek. © She's got a big car. et f © He's gota small car. = Om © She hasn't got a white car. O He's gotaig blackcar eighteen fifteen 17. Zaznacz zdania, w ktérych Ola poprawnie przedstawia swoja ciocie O This is myunce © This is my granny. O Thisis kate. © Myname is Kate. O Thisis my aunt Zbliza sie czas Wielkanocy. What is it? O tts an Easter bunny. O ttsan Easter basket © Itsan Easter egg. © ttsan Easter tower © 21. Ktére i ile zwierzatek jest w zagrodzie wujka Franka? © two sheep © two goats O two rabbits O one duck O two cows O three hens © Copyright by Olimpus, www ofmpus.edupl

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