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“The Save” in depth breakdown

By Seb P
Story Summary
○ The story “The Save“ features boy named Oren who lives on a
reservation, and is staged on the day of his lacrosse game.
○ He is Iroquois
○ The main characters consist of his grandfather, his teammates,
and numbers 7 and 10 on the opposing team.
○ The story is focused much on Oren’s thoughts, the beginning he
retraces to moments before the game, followed by thoughts of the
present moment and his near future worries.
○ He manages to get some playing time at a sport he works very
hard on. He has a moment of success during the game where he
saves a shot but maintains negativity about himself insisting that it
was on accident.
○ After, he spent some time with his grandfather talking and his
grandfather told him wisdom to try and show Oren the positivity
there was within him. While they were out to eat he saved his
grandfather from an accidental flying piece of metal.
○ He found a mental turning point of positivity from that point on,
seeing that maybe his reality just depended on how he perceived
Theme Throughout the Story
Theme: The theme of mentality shaping reality is illustrated in the short story “The Save” by Joseph Bruchac
as Oren faces conflict with self doubt, and is drawn a clearer picture by his Grandfather who is characterized
with much wisdom so that the connection between Oren and his Grandfather could influence positivity into
Oren’s life, allowing him to succeed with a smile.
● Early in the story, Oren is anxious and doubtful about his ability to perform
○ He has a negative self attitude
○ He disregards his practice and skill for his anxiety and self doubt
● The story is framed to tell the reader that Oren’s obstacles are mental
● As the story progresses, the author reveals more character
○ Instead of Oren being seen as useless his skill is revealed through his grandfather's wisdom and the
positive views gained after saving his grandpa from the metal shard
● Ultimately, the story of Oren shapes the idea of how Oren’s mentality is painting his reality, and how an
outside pointer of wisdom from his grandfather can be the push to change mindset for a more positive reality.
Cultural Background + Author Background
● Joseph Bruchac:
○ 81 years old
● The Iroquois occupied a continuous territory around Lakes ○ writer and storyteller
Ontario, Huron, and Erie in present-day New York state and based in NY
Pennsylvania (U.S.) and southern Ontario and Quebec
○ His works are specifically
(Canada). They lived mainly in Ontario, upstate New York, and
about the indigenous
some sections of Pennsylvania
● 5 tribes: Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca.
people of America
● Agriculture was their source of food, growing crops from what ○ He has published poetry,
they called the “3 sisters“; corn, beans and squash. novels and short stories
● They ate only 1 meal a day, and also harvested berries and ○ He has a Ph.D. In
various greens. comparative literature
● Men did the hunting with spears, hooks and nets and attended Cornell,
● Their religion begins with the Sky World story, and they believe Syracuse and Union
in many spirits which most of the time they use to ask for Institute for his studies
permission to do things, such as killing for food. ○ His main ancestry is of
● over 81,000 reside in the U.S. today Abenaki, English and
Essential Question
● What roles do nature, spirituality, and the relationship between humans and the natural world play in Native
American literature?
○ The role of nature is seen when Oren shows the team the rez, with the buffalos
■ Through doing this he is exposing them to the relationship his kind has with animals, and I
think on a deeper level there was a spiritual connection that was not mentioned
○ At the same time, I think the role of fate also gives an aspect of nature interacting with humans
■ Oren experiences this first hand with the metal shard

● How does the concept of identity, including individual, communal, and cultural identity, manifest in Native
American literature? How do Native American authors navigate the complexities of cultural identity in their works?
○ most of the time authors connect with symbols, characters thoughts or direct refrence in the text
○ Joseph Bruchac navigates cultural identity every so subtly in this story
■ through the thoughts of Oren
○ The identity of Oren as an individual is in part created by the cultural identity that the iroquois hold
■ “And not one of those kids on the visiting team was Indian. While we invented the game. We
are the Iroquois. We are the Iroquois, we’re proud, we are strong”-(Bruchac 10)
● Oren reflects on his culture as a reminder of his identity
Is indirectly characterized when…. “The goal behind him was the standard six
feet by six feet, but it seemed as big as a barn door now that he was the one
guarding it.”-(Bruchac 1)…. This suggests he is an anxious character with worries
when it is his turn to step up.

And also when…”No way we can lose. No way. That was why he, the third-string
goalkeeper, had been given a chance. A chance to look like a bum.”-(Bruchac
5)…. This suggests he is a self negatively driven person because he is talking
down on himself in the moment where he needs most confidence.
The Grandpa
Is indirectly characterized when …..“My door is always open. That was what his
grandfather always said to Oren.”-(Bruchac 60)…. This suggests he is loving and
kind because he allows his grandson to see him whenever, to show that he is
always there for Oren.

Is indirectly characterized when ….“His grandfather shook his head. “I think it

was more than that. I’ve watched you practice. You have good reflexes.
Sometimes we can do things that surprise even ourselves.”-(Bruchac 100)…..This
describes his wisdom and understanding of what Oren experienced, on a much
more experienced level because he has been there and done that.

● Character vs. self is exhibited as the main type of conflict in the story. This really
helps shape the theme of mentality shaping reality where Oren is conflicted with his
negative self views, which hold him back from a happy life where he can perform well.
● Character vs. nature and character vs. Fate is shown when the grandpa is sitting
directly where the accidental piece of flying metal is heading straight at him, and Oren
jumps to save him just in time. His fate done by nature is only changed because of
Oren’s good reflexes. This helps illustrate the theme of mentality shapes reality,
because Oren finally after his grandpa pointed out his good reflexes, realized that he
has had skill all along, but never saw it because his mentality was too negative.
Significant Symbolism

● The game of lacrosse ● The metal flying shard

○ Represents feelings of passion, confidence and ○ represents values of fate, purpose and
adrenaline and the way they contrast anxiety skill
■ This symbol really allows you to ■ This symbol illustrated the fate
understand Oren’s passion, where he is at faced in life that is uncontrollable,
but at the same time emphasizes
heart, and the contrast built from his poor
Oren’s skill that when used with
mentality. By seeing how he engages with purpose, saved his grandpa. With
the sport outside of his anxiety and self this knowledge, the text is viewed
doubt, you are allowed to understand the at much a more detailed level
texts’ emphasis of what's holding him back because the meaning behind
from succeeding in lacrosse and life, climax moments like the flying
shard are fully understood.
Final Thoughts
The simple story of “The Save” by Joseph Bruchac unwraps with
meaningful characters, powerful symbols, and unique conflict that all ties to
the theme of mentality shaping reality is illustrated in the short story as
Oren faces conflict with self doubt, and is drawn a clearer picture by his
Grandfather who is characterized with much wisdom so that the
connection between Oren and his Grandfather could influence positivity
into Oren’s life, allowing him to succeed with a smile.
Works Cited!

Hope, Native. The History and Culture of the Iroquois. Accessed 8
Feb. 2024.

Joseph Bruchac Biography. Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

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