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Freezing and confiscation

[Sources: Samaniego, E. 2021. European Criminal Law: Legal English for Court Staff. ISBN: 978-3-9818235-5-4; Directive
2014/42 on the freezing and confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of crime in the European Union, https://eur-; Directive 2018/843
on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, https://eur-]

The following word combinations have been taken from the Directives above. Match Column 1
with the most logical option from Column 2.

Column 1 Column 2

1. To freeze…t a. organised crime

2. To launder… e, l b. cooperation

3. To fight… a, d c. money laundering

4. To commit… f d. terrorism

5. To adopt… i e. the proceeds of crime

6. To facilitate… b f. a criminal offence

7. To prevent… c, a, d g. an operation

8. To finance… d, a h. into force

9. To transfer…l, e i. common rules

10. To execute…k j. national systems

11. To provide… m, b, i, s k. a confiscation order

12. To conduct… g l. money

13. To approximate… j m. for safeguards

14. To waive… p n. the value

15. To collect…s, l, e o. of property

16. To participate… r p. a right

17. To deprive… o q. proceedings

18. To initiate… q, g r. in a criminal organisation

19. To estimate… n, e s. data

20. To enter… h t. property

(1) t; (2) e (l could also be possible); (3) a (d could also be possible); (4) f; (5) i; (6) b; (7) c (a and d
could also be possible); (8) d (a could also be possible); (9) l (e could also be possible); (10) k; (11) m
(b, i and s could also be possible); (12) g; (13) j; (14) p; (15) s (l and e could also be possible); (16) r;
(17) o; (18) q (g could also be possible); (19) n (e could also be possible); (20) h.

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