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Vol.94, September 2019, pp.238-244

A Field-scale Overview of Facies Architectures and Depositional

Environment Integrating Core and Geophysical Log Data:
Study from a Marginal Gondwana Basin, India
Souvik Sen1,* and Joyjit Dey2
Geologix Limited, Dynasty Building, Level-4, Wing-A, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059, India
School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

ABSTRACT basins in peninsular India, spread over Hazaribagh, Ranchi and

Karanpura field is the western most member of the E-W Palamau districts of Jharkhand state, India (Sen and Dey, 2018), with
trending Damodar Valley basin, belonging to Indian Gondwana an area of about 2280 sq. km (Dey and Sen, 2018). This is the western
sedimentation. This paper aims to provide a field-scale depositional most part of the vast east-west chain of Damodar valley basin (Fig.1).
model of Permian Barakar Formation from Karanpura field in It is a saucer shaped basin, having a maximum length of 64 km in the
order to enlarge the knowledge of stratigraphic and facies east-west direction and a width of about 36 km in the north-south
architecture. The study reviews the findings from extensively direction (Priyadarshi, 2004; Dey et al., 2018; Dey and Sen, 2018).
available cores. Four major facies were defined, which represented Stratigraphy of the Karanpura field consists of thick sedimentary
a fluvial depositional environment. Observations from core analyses succession from Carboniferous to Cretaceous; lower to middle
were integrated with high resolution geophysical log data to Gondwana Group of rocks from Talchir to Mahadeva Formation (Dey
understand the stacking pattern and depositional cyclicity of et al., 2018). Karharbari, Barakar, Barren Measures and Panchet
Barakar Formation. The lateral and vertical distributions of the formations with thick shale beds with cumulative thickness of about
facies associations were highlighted by well correlations, which 500-800 m are present in the Karanpura area (Mendhe, et al., 2016).
established major fining upwards depositional cycles in the area. In the easternmost part of this coalfield, Precambrian basement rocks
The depositional model has been interpreted on a regional scale. (metamorphic rocks) and small patchy occurrence of Talchir formation
is noted. Barakar Formation occurs in north, south and western parts
INTRODUCTION of the basin with patchy occurrence in eastern part (Dey et al., 2018).
Facies analysis helps to understand the sedimentary structures and Barren Measures Formation is exposed mainly in north and
architectural elements, deciphers the depositional environment. This west parts of the basin. Central part of the basin is occupied
is the basic building block for sub-surface characterization, which is a with Panchet Formation. The study area lies between 23°43' N to
primary step for any basin exploration work. Karanpura field is the 23°47' N and 84°47' E to 84°53' E (Fig.1, same as in Dey et al., 2018).
western most part of the large east-west trending Damodar valley b The coal bearing formation was deposited unconformably over
asin, an important unit of Gondwana deposits in India (Dey and the Archean basement of quartzite and quartz mica schists. The
Sen, 2018; Kumar et al., 2018). Middle Permian Barakar Formation regional stratigraphic sequence of Karanpura coal field is presented
is the major stratigraphic unit. Few researchers (Casshyap and Kumar, in Table 1.
1987; Gupta, 1999; Hota, 2010; Mukhopadhyay et al., 2010;
Bhattacharya et al., 2012; Mendhe et al., 2016; Tewari et al., 2017; BARAKAR FORMATION – LITERATURE STUDIES
Dey et al., 2018; Dey and Sen, 2018, Kumar et al., 2018) have The Gondwana group of basins of India are intra-cratonic basins
published their work on various aspects of Permian Barakar Formation which occur along rifted grabens (Biswas, 1999). Approximately 5.5
from various parts of Karanpura area and adjacent sub-basins belonging km thick Gondwana sediments, mainly of fluviatile/lacustrine origin
to Gondwana (Raniganj basin, Durgapur depression etc.), but only a were deposited from Upper Carboniferous to Lower Cretaceous and
few publications are available on field scale interpretation. are preserved in the linear rift basins (Hota, 2010; Tewari, 2005; Tewari
This paper aims to: (i) summarize the various sedimentary and Maejima, 2010, Kumar et al., 2018). The Damodar Valley
architectures and facies associations from the Karanpura field, (ii) Gondwana basin of eastern India consists of a sequence of east-west
establish a regional sub-surface correlation and (iii) unravel a aligned sub-basins. Karanpura field is the western most member of
conceptual field-scale depositional model of Permian Barakar the set of sub-basins. The major part of Barakar Formation consists
Formation integrating the available dataset. To reach these objectives, of buff or dull brownish medium to coarse grained compact feldspathic
a coherent workflow combining extensively available core and sandstone with interbedded clay bands, grey shale and coal seams
high resolution well log analysis was used (data from Dey et al., 2018; (Singh et al., 2003), the average thickness of coal seam varies from 1-
Dey and Sen, 2018). Sedimentary structure and sub-surface facies 20 m and has its dip towards SE (Singh and Singh, 1996; Dey and
analysis and well log correlations (field scale, i.e. regional) were then Sen, 2018). The occurrence of Glossopteris, Gangamopteris and
performed which shows a vertical and lateral facies variation and Cyclopteroids fossil leaves were also observed in their usual state of
depositional environment of the Barakar Formation throughout preservation from the carbonaceous shale and clay band of Barakar
Karanpura field. Formation (Srivastava and Agnihotri, 2010; Tewari et al., 2017).
Casshyap and Tewari (2001) have extensively worked on Barakar
GEOLOGY OF THE AREA Formation, especially coal seams. Their detailed studies from various
Karanpura field, one of the major coal bearing unit of Gondwana coal mines and surface exposures suggest that Barakar coals were

238 DOI: 10.1007/s12594-019-1302-x | 0016-7622/2019-94-3-238/$

1.00 © GEOL.

Fig.1. Gondwana basins in Peninsular India. The basins along the Damodar valley trend are shown enlarged (adapted from Dey and Sen, 2018)
Study area - Karanpura field marked by ellipse with detailed map location

deposited in protected peat swamps and confined lakes in a meandering CORE ANALYSES
river environment. The same has been supported by Dey et al. (2018), Various sedimentary structures have been identified on the cores
based on the geophysical log based property characterization of middle from Barakar formation of Karanpura area and used for interpreting
Permian Barakar coals from northern part of Karanpura field. Based sedimentary architectures to depict depositional environment. Graphic
on the various coal assay parameters, Dey et al. (2018) concluded that logs from few of the core holes have been presented in Figure 2
the middle Permian Barakar coals to be high volatile bituminous coal (adapted from Dey et al., 2018). Core analysis performed on about
of A-B rank. Another work published by Casshyap and Kumar (1987) 1000+m of cores recovered from core hole drilling in Barakar
indicates a widespread flood deposits across western Bokaro and north Formation of Karanpura field (as reported in Dey et al., 2018; Dey
Karanpura coalfields. Gupta (1999) summarizes that in a few places and Sen, 2018) was used and they were analyzed for sedimentological
brackish water condition possibly existed along the meandering and stratigraphic perspectives focusing on lithologies, dominant
channel system. Possible marine signatures/influences have been sedimentary structures, bed contacts etc. Important sedimentary
reported from Barakar Formation of Ramgarh, West Bokaro coalfields structures, as seen in cores, are presented in Fig.3. Table 2 summarizes
on the basis of trace fossil assemblages, sedimentation character interpretations of identified sedimentary features.
and trace element content (Tewari, 2005). Although definite
marine signatures have not been observed from Jharia and Raniganj WELL LOG ANALYSIS AND CORRELATION
coalfields. Results from core analyses were integrated with geophysical well


Table 1. Regional stratigraphic sequence of Karanpura field (adapted from correlation purpose at the very first point to understand the lateral
Dey and Sen, 2018) distribution of various litho units and coal seams in the study area.
Age Formation Gross Lithology Thickness Packet to packet approach has been followed to establish regional
(m) correlation. Coal seams, being laterally continuous and easily
Tertiary Clay, Sand 8-17 identifiable in geophysical well logs, act as very good marker horizons
in the correlation process. Gamma ray curve acts as primary lithology
identification tools, with sands and shales displaying low and high
Barren Medium grained sandstones; gamma ray values respectively. The major benefit of Gamma ray curve
Measure siltstones; micaceous and 20-200 is its shape which strongly correlates to the grain size variation and
carbonaceous shales; ironstone
hence been extensively used (Sen et al., 2016), i.e. a fining upward
sequence will show gamma values increasing from bottom to top.
Permian Barakar Fine to medium grained sandstone; 400 Coals are characterized by low gamma value, high resistivity and
siltstone; shale; heteroliths; coals
low density values in geophysical logs, which easily distinguish coals
Talchir Green mudstones; fine to medium- Rarely from other associated lithologies (especially from sandstones) and this
grained sandstones; conglomerate; encountered is the reason why combination of multiple curves becomes always
rhythmites and diamictite. crucial and helpful in comparison being only dependent on gamma.
Unconformity Figure 4 presents regional correlation established in the study area.
Pre- Basement Mica-schist, Quartzite Sandstone units of Barakar Formation from study area shows two
Cambrian distinctive log signatures – cylindrical low gamma response and second
one with low gamma resting at the base of fining upward sequence
(with gamma value increasing towards top). Variation in thickness
logs (logs are shown in Dey and Sen, 2018; Dey et al., 2018) available and gamma signatures as well as their placement in the log with
from all the studied wells. The gamma ray, resistivity (shallow, associated lithologies have been crucial to interpret different
medium and deep), density logs were taken into account to identify sedimentary architectures. In geophysical logs, serrated gamma
and interpret major facies associations, their thicknesses; calibrated response indicates sand-silt/silty sand intercalations (Bridge and Tye,
 the findings from core. Well logs have been used for regional
with 2000). High gamma shales, being laterally and vertically consistent,

Fig.2. Graphic logs of five core holes, drilled in Permian Barakar formation, Karanpura field (adapted from Dey and Sen, 2018). All the graphic
logs display a general fining upward trend


Fig.3. Core photographs of various sedimentary architectural elements, as interpreted from the cores of study area (adapted from Dey and Sen,
2018), a. Channel sand with sharp base and basal feldspathic lags, b. trough cross stratification in channel sand body, c. current ripple laminations
with silty intercalations within channel, d. heterolith facies – levee, e. laminated shale – floodplain/overbank deposits, f. coal and g. shaley coal

indicates extensive floodplain deposits. Usually the floodplain deposits SHF implies vertical accretion via suspension in low energy
sit on top of the channel sands. Thin sandstone bodies within the environment and has been interpreted as floodplain deposits
floodplain shale sections can be interpreted as crevasse splay/ levee (Opluštil et al., 2005; Sen et al., 2018). Thin shale lenses between
deposits (Bridge, 1984; 1993). two channel sandstone units have been interpreted as deposition
from suspension on channel bars during low stage.
— SSHF: Two distinct sets of heteroliths were identified. Ripple
Facies Associations
cross laminated fine to medium grained sandstone closely
In this work, a facies is defined by its lithology, texture, components interbedded with shales, overlying channel sandstones define the
and primary sedimentary structures. Subsequently the different facies first type pf heterolith. This association implies deposition in
were spatially and genetically assembled in facies associations that vertical accretion in the overbank areas and hence interpreted as
represent unique depositional environments. The well log peaks and levee (Figure 3d). Second type of heterolith is characterized by
shapes, and the vertical facies recurrence were fundamental to identify fine grained thin sandstone units with sharp base, sandwiched in
the key stratigraphic surfaces. Overall four major facies sets have between coal/shaley coal and shales/carbonaceous shales. This
been established in the Permian Barakar Formation in Karanpura area has been interpreted as crevasse-splay deposits, developed when
– (a) sandstone dominated facies (SSF), (b) shale dominated facies flood water breaches the channel levees.
(SHF), (c) sandstone-shale heterolith facies (SSHF) and d) coal facies
(CF). — CF: (Figure 3f) Occurs in close association with floodplain
shales. Coal seams commonly show calcite mineralization within
— SSF: SSF is characterized by cross stratified sandstones (Figure the naturally occurring fractures, coals are occasionally shaley in
3b) and massive sandstones (devoid of any primary sedimentary nature (Figure 3g). SHF defines the roof and floor of most of the
structures) with sharp erosive bases with basal feldspathic lags coal seams, while few coal seams have been observed with
(Figure 3a). These are primarily the product of high energy sandstone immediately above them. Coal deposited in the
environment and interpreted as channel flow deposits (Allen, floodplain swamps. High groundwater level could have
1970; Tye et al., 1991; Lunt et al., 2004). Flat laminations and maintained the reducing condition in the swamps. Coals are
current ripple laminations interbedded with silty units (Figure normally vitrinite rich indicating humic plant materials (primarily
3c) associated with SSF might result from variations in flow cellulose and lignin) swamps (Sen, 2015; Sen and Banerjee, 2015;
velocity/energy and sediment load within the channel. Sen et al., 2016). A total of maximum eight group of coal seams
have been interpreted in the geophysical logs (Dey and Sen, 2018),
— SHF: Thick laminated shales (Figure 3e) are abundantly found which was also seen during core studies. Coal seams show typical
throughout Karanpura area, as identified in cores and correlated splitting and merging behavior in the study area. Dey et al., 2018
in well logs. Shales are carbonaceous and ferruginous in nature established a lateral variation of coal properties from their
at frequent intervals. SHF sits on top of SHF, thus defining a geophysical log based characterization of coal assay parameters,
fining upward trend, also supported by gamma ray log signatures. which depicts increasing overall coal quality (drop in ash content)


Table 2. Various sedimentary features, as observed in cores and associated interpretations from Karanpura area (modified after Dey and Sen, 2018; Dey et al.,
Sedimentary features in Core Depositional process Environmental interpretation
1) Trough cross stratified sandstone Migrating channel bed form Unidirectional channel flow deposit (Tye, 1991)
2) Planar cross beds above troughs Channel floor aggradation Channel deposit (Cant and Walker, 1976;
Lunt et al., 2004)
3) Current ripple/flat laminations in fine grained Variations in flow velocity and sediment Low energy deposits associated with channels
sandstone with silty intercalations load within the channel (Opluštil et al., 2005)
4) Massive sandstone (devoid of structures) Upper flow regime High energy channel flow deposit (Rust, 1972;
Lunt et al., 2004)
5) Erosive, sharp sandstone based Bottom of a flow unit Channel base (Dey and Sen, 2018)
6) Coarse grained lags at the base of sandstone Cease of rolling bed load resulting from Channel base (Allen, 1970; Lunt et al, 2004)
unit fall of initial energy/velocity of the initial
flow current
7) Ripple cross laminated sandstone, interbedded Deposition happened in vertical accretion Levee (Allen, 1970; Casshyap and Tewari, 1984;
with shale in the overbank areas of fluvial system Sen et al., 2016)
8) Laminated sandstone - shale intercalations are Deposition from suspension or low Abandoned channel fill (Opluštil et al., 2005)
observed lying immediately over the erosional velocity unidirectional currents
surfaces or medium-coarse grained sandstones
9) Heterolith defined by fine grained thin clastic Deposition occurring in low energy Crevasse-splay (Galloway and Hobday, 1996)
deposit with sharp base, lying between coal/ environment, developed when flood
shaley coal at bottom and coal/carbonaceous water breaches through channel levees
shale/shale intercalation at top
10) Laminated Shale, micaceous and Vertical accretion via suspension Flood plain (Sen et al., 2018)
ferruginous at places

from west to east and lower cleat porosity in the western part of are identified as major sedimentary architectural elements and the
the studied Karanpura coal field. whole assemblage represents a meandering fluvial depositional
Field Scale Depositional Model
This study takes a holistic approach to integrate core analysis and The Barakar Formation Cyclicity
interpretations from geophysical logs and establishes the vertical and Regional correlation using geophysical logs reveals maximum four
lateral disposition of various lithofacies identified in the study area. major depositional cycles with fining upwards (i.e. deepening upwards)
The Barakar Formation consist of repetitive fining upward sequences trends in the area. Each cycle normally has an initial high energy phase
with sandstone, siltstone shale and coals being the dominant lithologies. at bottom, followed by fine grained sediments deposited at top
Base of each fining upward sequence is seen to be made up of channel (Catuneanu et al., 2011). Cyclic successions are commonly observed
sand deposits (SSF). Thick cylindrical low gamma signatures represents in all fluvial settings occurring over a wide range of geological time.
multistory channel sandstone bodies, extensive lateral continuity of These cycles have been named as Cycle 1-4 (Figure 4) (see Dey and
such units may resemble with laterally accreting channel bar complex Sen, 2018). Top of Cycle-4 is marked by an unconformity, the contact
of fluvial system. The quartz/feldspar ratio varies from 2 to 7 in between Barakar and Barren Measures formations. A sequence
Karanpura field (from Casshyap and Kumar, 1987), which indicates stratigraphic study by Dey and Sen, 2018 had divided each cycle in
greater contribution from supra-crustal (sedimentary and metamorphic) two system tracts – low accommodation system tract (LAST) at bottom
terrains. Plagioclase feldspar is dominant over potassic feldspar. Higher and high accommodation system tract (HAST) at top, bounded by
quartz/feldspar ratio also indicates strong weathering in the source sub-aerial unconformities. LAST is characterized by erosional based,
area and/or prolonged abrasion of sediments during transportation or vertically stacked, amalgamated multistory channel sandstone
at the final site of deposition (Pettijohn, 1957, 1975). Casshyap and dominated facies and scarcely preserved floodplain facies indicating
Kumar (1987) reports a mean flow direction towards NW-WNW in a braided river system. HAST is characterized by overbank dominated
north Karanpura, which is very consistent across adjacent Gondwana facies with more cumulative coal thickness with respect to the LAST
sub-basins, i.e. from Raniganj coalfield through Jharia, Bokaro to segments, indicating HAST periods are favorable for yielding calm
Karanpura, with Karanpura being in the downstream direction and quiet floodplains of vegetation growth, i.e. peat, in a meandering
(Casshyap and Kumar, 1987). Laminated shales represent floodplain river system. Thus each cycle reveals a change from braided system to
areas accretion, deposited from suspension away from active channel. meandering depositional system (LAST to HAST). Out of the four
Floodwater, breached through levee areas, deposited crevasse splays cycles, bottom two (Cycle1-2) were correlated across the basin and
in the floodplain, giving rise to intercalated sandstone/siltstone-shale was found very consistent, while the two shallower depositional cycles
heterolith deposits (SSHF). The floodplains, because of very limited are only present in the western margin and seen to be pinching out
clastic influx, were the ideal place for vegetation growth (Sen and towards east (Figure 4). This defines the Karanpura basin as a half
Banerjee, 2015; Sen, 2015; Sen et al., 2016). Reducing environment graben with depocenter at west and basement high in the eastern part.
prevailing in the swamps promoted extensive peat formation at various
intervals in the Permian Barakar Formation, giving rise to major coal CONCLUSION
seams in the study area. Channel, floodplain, crevasse-splays, levees Analysis of sedimentary facies associations and architectural


Fig.4. Regional facies distribution in Karanpura field from west to eastward direction, well locations are along the line in the inset field map
(modified after Dey and Sen, 2018)

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(Received: 20 March 2019; Revised form accepted: 2 May 2019)


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