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Writing coursework, especially for a subject like GCSE Geography, can be a challenging and time-

consuming task. It requires in-depth research, analytical skills, and the ability to organize information
coherently. Students often find themselves grappling with complex concepts, extensive reading, and
the pressure to meet strict deadlines.

GCSE Geography coursework typically involves fieldwork, data collection, and analysis, which can
be overwhelming for students who may have limited experience in these areas. Additionally, the need
to adhere to specific guidelines and formatting requirements adds an extra layer of complexity to the

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Your project will be marked out of 100 and the total mark will then represent 25% of your final
GCSE The marks will be awarded according to three main areas. The characteristics of a c.b.d would
be containing shops, offices and financial institutions. I have discovered that there are a high
concentration of high order, specialist shops and services towards the town centre and the type of
shop changes the further you are from the CBD. Boulder clay is also present on top of which
vegetation has formed. This photo helps to answer one of the enquiry questions, as it shows an
environmental effect of tourism in Cromer. The main road being much closer, to R.H.G meant that
there was much more noise. In R.H.G, the noise was -2, compared to 2 in Pillow Mounds. You can
also see that there is a very low amount of young people and the few that there was, were young
children with their families. There were lots of street flowers perhaps because it was safer to put it
here rather than the busy high street. Although tourism has allowed these changes the economic
impact is very unsteady as there have not been any long term changes such as the building of a local
sixth form or university, so that there are better prospects for Comers younger residents. Also,
although the speech bubble on pg 28 shows that a substantial amount of tourists think Cromer needs
developing, this graph shows that the major believe Cromer will still have a good economic future
without this development. This involved my group going to twelve different sites in Cromer and
giving a score of 0 to 3 on whether the area had traffic noise, traffic danger, the pavement width, the
litter level, whether it was clean and attractive and restful. Here are some pictures to show why
Keswick is a honeypot site because of its breath taking scenery. This area of Internet Geography is
devoted to GCSE Coursework has been developed to assist students completing GCSE Geography
Coursework Projects. Some of the features found at this stop include interlocking spurs and V-
shaped valley. The core is used by these kind of stores because they are large companies competing
for large profits.They want the main part of the core as this is where all people go to shop and
therefore where all their trade comes from. I think this method was reliable as I was only counting
the shops I saw and there weren't really any factors that would've affected my data collection. This
stop also has its own micro climate compared to the mountain top because it is in a valley. Leaving
Cert Geography 2017 Prescribed List of Topics Leaving Cert Geography 2018 Prescribed List. We
have shown this in all the investigations we carried out. Our investigations took place in Torquay; at
both the CBD and the Willows retail park. The threat of tide and storm, and the response of natural.
As well as there being a good environmental impact; tourism also creates a bad environmental
impact in Cromer such as traffic congestion and litter in the main shopping area. The flow charts help
me answer one of the enquiry questions; on tourism offering Cromer a good economic future. And
that is that more people have been in the Pillow Mounds and have eroded the ground by walking
over it. The younger generations are also migrating to industrial cities like Leeds, and Birmingham,
and also to academic cities like Oxford. This is a strange figure because it also has a 37% of
households who don’t have a car at all. Most of the tourists believe that Cromer should be developed
to suit younger people. The street furniture was clear because there would be less people to use them
whilst in the frame. I repeated this survey two more times throughout the day to get an accurate set
of data, and to also see if the amount of traffic changes during the day. He doesn’t speak to the
media but objects on several grounds, including his claimed right to salvage on the foreshore which
he feels would be hampered by new defences.
It is situated in the north of the Lake District it is surrounded by lots of tall mountains. Also
secondary data is less reliable than primary data. The graph shows the amount of litter in each area,
the amount of people seen around both areas at the time that we visited, and the amount of cars
parked around the area at the time we visited as well. Get this resource as part of a bundle and save
up to 14% A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series
of lessons, in one place. We noted down what the weather was like and which way the pedestrian
were going. Although this data was reliable, a factor that could've affected it is the time of year, as
there may have been more traffic or noise if we visited in August. Interpretation- The population
pyramid on the previous page shows the different age ranges of people that live in Cromer and
Newham. Even their names, though evocative, had displayed foreboding. Your project will be
marked out of 100 and the total mark will then represent 25% of your final GCSE The marks will be
awarded according to three main areas. Although the data that I found out was useful to my
coursework I didn't find this method to be as reliable as it could've been. This is because it is
situated in an area of outstanding beauty, which means there cannot be that much development in
the town especially if it affects the area. There was and remains anyway the problem of objections. It
began in 1990 when a storm demolished 300m of revetment running south-east from the village. It is
possible for tourism to offer Cromer a good economic future, by increasing job rates and improving
services such as schools and parks. The pressure increases in this air trap as the wave gets closer, thus
damaging the cliff face over time. But down in Beach Road, the losses are physical as well as
financial. Due to the fact that footpaths are been overused, they get eroded casing the council to pay
out a large sum of money to repair these paths. Tourism in Cromer could be greatly improved if there
was better access to the roads. It picked up penalty points because of its access to public open space
and its noise. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. Some of these differences are related to physical characteristics as well. Your project will
be marked out of 100 and the total mark will then represent 25% of your final GCSE The marks will
be awarded according to three main areas. This can be linked back to Fig.16 which is the business
dependency survey results. Cromer is about 180km away from London, and accessibility to the resort
is poor. Researching other streets would further our evidence and help us to make a better
conclusion. Also, there was only one walking access point to Robin Hood Green, whereas there were
three or four walking access points in Pillow Mounds. The housing quality is much higher than
Manor Road and it is close the CBD as well so it’s ideal. The town has developed ahead of its time,
evidence for this is that the hotels and residential areas were built much earlier than in other resorts.
It is a 20 th Century terraced housing area which would have rich people because they are very
expensive houses. I have started with a table of raw data which I have then refined and finally I have
taken each measurement and presented it in separate graphs.
The big stores were mainly in the core and smaller ones in the frame. Get this resource as part of a
bundle and save up to 14% A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular
topic, or a series of lessons, in one place. Nowadays the rich have moved out of town to places like
Lockhart Avenue because it is a much nicer place to live. Interpretation- The above speech bubble
which was answered by tourists shows that the majority think that Cromer does need to be
developed, with only one person thinking nothing has to be done. Some of the features found here
include interlocking spurs, V-shaped valley, meanders and step like waterfalls as the river meanders
down its course. This involved me going to the different sites (the beach and Garden St) and
deciding if there was litter, vandalism peace and quiet etc and give a rating from -3 to 3. I found that
the area with the highest trampling scale was R.H.G (8). The lowest trampling scale was also in
R.H.G but was equalled by Pillow Mounds (1). The increase in car ownership obviously goes hand in
hand with an improvement in the transport system of the UK which since the 1950’s has seen
improvements in roads especially motorways and urban by-passes have resulted in driving times
between places reduced and encourage people to travel more frequently and greater distances. This
estate seems to fit the outer circle of most theoretical models where suburban estates are found. The
World Tourism Organisation estimated there were 694 million international tourist arrivals in 2003, a
drop of 1.2 per cent (attributed to the problems of the Iraq conflict, SARS and a generally weak
world economy). We found that in Pillow Mounds, the amount of exposed topsoil in the two spots
was much greater that the two spots in R.H.G. There was 51% and 25% coverage of topsoil in the
two Pillow Mound spots and there was only 5% and 6% coverage in the two spots in R.H.G. This
shows that there has been more disturbance in the Pillow Mounds than there has been in R.H.G. This
evidence supports the evidence from the bar graph, as it suggests more people have been there.
Interviews I used interviews to find out what tourists and residents think about Cromer and tourism;
and this helped me answer my enquiry questions. I also chose to ask my questionnaires on Church
Street, and Garden Street as both are the main shopping streets. Keswick was an important wool and
leather centre until about 1500. For my GCSE Geography research project I have been asked to look
at the imp. Unfortunately our Census data was fairly old and I think that we would have found
different trends if we had more up to date census data. Also, I will link the data in different graphs
that say the same thing and the data which say opposite to each other. These shops rely heavily on
the business they receive from tourists. There was a high rate of street furniture in the high street.
Consider improving your GCSE coursework with Google Earth and Maps This article was written
for the benefit of my. I went at three different times during the day and for ten minutes I recorded
the amount of young, middle aged and elderly pedestrians that walked past using a simple tally
chart. Furthermore, along the cliff-top track which doubles back to the car park, there were, until last
year, some small chalets and static caravans. The threat of tide and storm, and the response of
natural. But down in Beach Road, the losses are physical as well as financial. Data Presentation and
Interpretation This is the main section of my coursework, and I will present all the data I have
collected in a clear and original way. The width then fell and rose again before finishing with an
average width of 140 at Stop 10. Also, there was only one walking access point to Robin Hood
Green, whereas there were three or four walking access points in Pillow Mounds. Also as 30 tourists
think that there is no problem in Cromer, this could show that Cromer has a good economic future as
there is a large amount of people that think Cromer is a perfect holiday destination. Fig. 12
Interpretation- The scatter graph above shows the amount of residents that think Cromer has a good
future in tourism. This data was collected to see if tourists increase or decrease things such as the
amount of litter and so on. Areas of the CBD were renovated with newer, more attractive buildings,
new roads, and pedestrianised areas in the town centre.
However this would have taken all day too do and would have been very tedious and boring.We also
should have increased the time we counted as 2 minutes is not long enough and wouldn’t have given
us a reliable result. It shows that the majority of residents questioned don't have a job in Cromer,
with only 20 out of the 52 residents asked working in Cromer. Although this data was reliable, a
factor that could've affected it is the time of year, as there may have been more traffic or noise if we
visited in August. It also has a well kept old town centre which is very popular for tourists, where
they can buy souvenirs and enjoy dinner at the many restaurants. It is possible for tourism to offer
Cromer a good economic future, by increasing job rates and improving services such as schools and
parks. GCSE Geography Coursework: Strand 4 - Interpertation of Data. There is also a large
percentage of category C shops which are legal and financial service shops (17%). The steep back
and side walls are up to 220 m high. Its score was 5 (with the higher the number the worse the place
is) and compared to other housing estates its Index of Decay was higher. They are so called because
tourists flock to these places like 'bees around honey'. For example, in Robin Hood Green, there is no
access for cars at all. Many of the residents believe that job prospects are low, as there is not much
demand for jobs in the tertiary or quaternary industry; and the few that there is are seasonal. Because
of this figure we can assume that people who live here are wealthy because they can afford to buy a
large detached house. This means that the majority of tourists think Cromer has a good future
whether it develops or not. One is Eric Couzens, who rejoices in the title of Lord of the Manor which
he reportedly bought at auction. The reasons for this may be that Cromer is a well loved tourist
destination. Also, they can buy their products in bulk because they have enough money and storage
capacity. Traffic is relatively high in the morning because tourists may be either arriving in Cromer or
driving into the high street. Data Presentation- In this section, of my coursework I will present all my
collected data as graphs, annotated photos, labeled maps, charts, etc. This estate seems to fit the
outer circle of most theoretical models where suburban estates are found. Around Tollgate there has
sprouted many office and computer stores this is another example of clustering. All of these either
mean that there have been more tourists recently or are reasons for the tourists to go there in the first
place. Compare that to the photo of R.H.G, where there are no buildings and no cars. Also, in
R.H.G, there are signs of wildlife (rabbit holes), and there are large amounts of overgrown plants
which show that the area is not well managed by the people who own it. Geography Coursework
How Does Farming Change Between Bredon Hill and Birli. I was then given a sheet with the results
for the residents questionnaire, and the results for the tourist questionnaire. This shows the height of
vegetation in all spots of R.H.G and Pillow Mounds compared to the soil compaction in the same
places. Useful to aid both teaching and revision. ?3.00 Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your
rating is required to reflect your happiness. Also there is not enough higher education, so a lot of
young residents leave Cromer for more developed cities, such as London and Oxford to receive
qualifications for better job prospects. Some of the features found here include interlocking spurs, V-
shaped valley, meanders and step like waterfalls as the river meanders down its course. GCSE
Geography Coursework Coastal Management at Whistable Does Long shore Drift exist in the
Whistable (North Kent) Coast.
I did this because; I thought there would be a lot of people who would be willing to answer my
questionnaire. This is because Cromer has to abide by strict development laws. Pedestrian Count To
answer my enquiry questions on the economic impact of tourism on Cromer and if tourism offers
Cromer a good economic future, I had to do a pedestrian count. The interview on page 27 also shows
that a resident thinks Cromer needs to improve for there to be better opportunities. This is a
particularly helpful method because it shows the land use of the core and frame. If we wanted to
improve this method we would have to do the survey over the course of a few days and get many
different peoples opinions to come to an average. In 1950 25 million international arrivals were
recorded worldwide a figure which has risen to 500 million by 1996. All the parks provide basic
opportunities for walking, riding, fishing and water sports. There is farmland near the river as the
river has progressed into its middle course. The Index of Decay only scored 1 which is good; it only
got marked down because of a little bit of deterioration of walls on some of the houses. They have
located here because the land is cheaper at the edge of town, there are good communication links.
The threat of tide and storm, and the response of natural. Your project will be marked out of 100 and
the total mark will then represent 25% of your final GCSE The marks will be awarded according to
three main areas. From my graphs, I can see what economic impact tourism has on Cromer. Fig.1
shows that the majority of residents in Cromer believe tourism brings money into the area. History
Coursework - Holidays In the Early Twentieth Century. It began in 1990 when a storm demolished
300m of revetment running south-east from the village. However, the average height of plant was
higher in R.H.G and the average soil compaction was much higher in Pillow mounds. In the high
street shop design and traffic was the best. Compared with Queens Street, which has 7% for both
clothing stores and specialist shops. As we only studied a few streets it would be unfair to draw a
precise conclusion. The results were given a score from 3 to -3 with -3 being the worst and 3 the
best. Also we learn that 16% of the houses here do not have central heating and 8% have no
amenities. There is usually many busy transport systems containing busses and trains, buildings tend
to be tall and high density. The C.B.D is densely populated. Beach Road has ended in mid-air for
some time and is getting shorter, its shortening matched by the collapse or in some cases demolition
in the interests of public safety, for which the owners must pay - of a number of bungalows. To
travel to Cromer we used the M11 to Cambridge (80km approx) and the rest of the journey we
traveled on smaller roads. Noise was obvious because if there are more people then there will be more
noise. The other is emeritus professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia,
Keith Clayton. Traffic congestion is a problem in Cromer as many of the tourists use cars to travel
around Cromer instead of public transport. This was supported by the fact that there was a score of -
2 for people in Pillow Mounds and a score of 3 for R.H.G. this means that more people were in
Pillow Mounds. See other similar resources ?1.50 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later
Not quite what you were looking for.
I chose to complete my survey on Church St because there are a lot of high street shops. I chose to
collect this data in the afternoon as this was the time both tourists and residents would be out. The
following page has a copy of the results from the tourist's questionnaires. They don’t need a car
because they are in walking distance of everything they need e.g town, hospital. This shows the other
point of view that Cromer needs to develop to increase its tourism, and will not be seen as a tourist
destination in a few years time as it not developed enough. I will be investigating tourism in Cromer,
because I have previously studied the impact of tourism in an LEDC (Kenya), and I think it will be
beneficial for me to study the impact of tourism in an MEDC (U.K). Also tourism is a rapidly
growing industry which can greatly benefit Britain as it is a tertiary industry, and has many benefits
so it is an important topic to study. Your project will be marked out of 100 and the total mark will
then represent 25% of your final GCSE The marks will be awarded according to three main areas.
This stop has its own micro climate compared to the mountain top. In1931, Christopher Addison
chaired a government committee that proposed a 'National Park Authority' to choose areas for
designation as national parks. The purpose of having three different age groups was to see if Cromer
is a popular place for all ages and therefore if it has a good economic future. A system of national
reserves and nature sanctuaries was proposed. Pedestrian Count To answer my enquiry questions on
the economic impact of tourism on Cromer and if tourism offers Cromer a good economic future, I
had to do a pedestrian count. This graph shows that a lot of the residents of Cromer think tourism is
a good industry and is beneficial to Cromer. Carlise to Keswick 39m, Penrith 20m, Windermere 23,
and Workington 22. This involved me going to the different sites (the beach and Garden St) and
deciding if there was litter, vandalism peace and quiet etc and give a rating from -3 to 3. My figures
show that it hasn’t’ necessarily the best shopping quality and street appearance. This shows that the
economic impact hasn't been as impressive as it could be as there are hardly any jobs in Cromer that
don't rely on tourism. I will highlight Cromer on every map and also any roads where I completed
my surveys. We also learn from this data that 80% of the houses in Lockhart Avenue are detached.
This chart can be linked back to the enquiry questions, as it shows whether tourism has improved
jobs and employment, therefore having an economic impact. The data on the pie chart is the amount
of exposed topsoil in the four, metre square, spots that we visited in both areas (2 in each area). This
photo supports the enquiry question as it shows the environmental impact tourism has had on
Cromer. People buying new houses in the Colchester area could use my results to find a house within
their price range and a house that is perfect for them. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To
ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. SECONDARY
INDUSTRY: Secondary industry jobs involve working in factories. I also noticed that some shops
and service group together, this is known as clustering. Honey pot sites are often encouraged because
they concentrate the damage caused by tourists on small sites, making conservation easier in other
parts of the managed area. Traffic is relatively high in the morning because tourists may be either
arriving in Cromer or driving into the high street. These parks are within easy reach of both urban and
rural conurbations, they all have motorways running near them which make them all easy access
sites. As well as the growth in tourism allowing more people to travel abroad it has also created jobs
for many people.

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