Coursework For Elementary Education

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Writing coursework for elementary education can be a challenging task that requires a combination

of research, creativity, and a deep understanding of educational principles. It involves not only
presenting information but also demonstrating the ability to apply theoretical concepts in practical
settings. Here are some reasons why writing coursework for elementary education can be difficult:

1. Understanding Diverse Learning Styles: Elementary education coursework often involves

addressing the diverse learning styles of young students. Crafting materials that cater to
visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners while ensuring they align with educational
objectives can be challenging.
2. Adhering to Educational Standards: Coursework in elementary education must align with
specific educational standards and guidelines. Ensuring that your work meets these criteria
requires careful attention to detail and thorough research.
3. Incorporating Classroom Experience: Effective coursework should go beyond theoretical
knowledge and incorporate real-world classroom experiences. This may involve lesson
planning, classroom management strategies, and adapting to the unique needs of young
4. Balancing Creativity and Structure: Elementary education coursework often requires a
balance between creativity and structure. While engaging students with innovative teaching
methods is essential, maintaining a structured approach to ensure educational goals are met
can be challenging.
5. Time-Consuming Research: Crafting a well-informed coursework requires extensive
research on educational theories, teaching methods, and relevant case studies. This can be
time-consuming, especially for individuals with busy schedules.

Given the complexities involved, some individuals may find it beneficial to seek assistance. While
it's essential to approach academic tasks with integrity, seeking guidance or support is not
uncommon. If you're struggling with your coursework, one option is to explore ⇒
⇔. They claim to provide academic assistance, but it's crucial to evaluate the legitimacy and ethical
considerations of such services.

However, it's always recommended to approach coursework with a genuine effort to learn and apply
knowledge. Seeking help should be done responsibly, and using external services should be a last
resort after exploring all available resources and support within educational institutions.
Ideally, this is something you may also want to consider if you are pressed for time, or you feel
stressed with writing your coursework. Our lesson plan also had real world phenomena by
referencing an article about volcanoes in Hawaii. Sometimes even slight changes to the topic make it
much easier to find information on it. Simple logic and reasoning skills, combined with critical
thinking, make up the foundation of coding and programming. That’s because we tend to get around
the real measure most of the time but sometimes we make big mistakes.”. Other students will
demonstrate that they have heard some of the terms without developing an integrated understanding
of the way this process works. References Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of
control. Prepare to make a lasting impact on the lives of children, empowering them to become
lifelong learners and critical thinkers in a rapidly evolving world. The key to drawing valid
conclusions about what your students have learned is to plan both the task and the method for
scoring it based on an explicit description of what they could be expected to do in response to the
task. In other words, the teacher does not simply bring up the issue of what is between the particles
out of the blue. It is unethical and more of a capital offence in coursework writing. This will help
you reassess the shortcomings and make necessary changes. They come to realize both that there
must be empty space between moving particles and that this space allows the particles to
move—either to become more densely packed or to spread apart. Also, students will be
troubleshooting and debugging by the thinking-process of how components of the habitat are going
to fit together and follow dimension limitations. Narrative analysis was used to discover emergent
themes within the qualitative data collected pre- and postparticipation (as advised in Patton, 1990).
Candidates must take a minimum of 14 courses (42 credits) for the Master of Education and PreK-4
Level 1 Teacher Certification in Pennsylvania. These sessions added to the PST awareness of ways
tools and strategies emphasized in our methods classes are being used in the classroom. Quotes
should only be used to support arguments you build yourself. The volcanic alarm robot is something
that students would not otherwise get to experiment without the use of technology. I fixed this by
taking his finished piece and measuring how far away the holes were for my piece to fit into. Finally,
there is the actual writing of the paper itself, which means analyzing and summarizing any
information the student has collected during their studies. In addition, you must have strong
communication skills, which will help you engage young children and parents. Like in many
communities in the southern African countries, biogas technology has not been known and hence
implemented to the expected levels in the Province of Limpopo of South Africa. Moreover, graduates
of this program are eligible for Interstate Reciprocity Agreements, which allows them to become
certified in virtually any state. Random mutations can cause a change in a species’ gene pool. It
prepared me for the planning and implementation of effective formative and summative assessments
of instruction details and statements. We all had to work very closely together in order to correctly
scale our designs to fit each other’s (they all required some way of being linked together). There are
numerous programs and websites available to have students learn about and delve into the world of
coding. All of the chapters should support and prove your statement without being repetitive. Also,
through the use of this robot, students may practice problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
This activity is beneficial to an elementary classroom as it allows students to visualize actions they
may normally just read about in a textbook or watch a video of. The teacher had anticipated that the
empty space between particles would come up and was prepared to take advantage of that
opportunity. Some schools offer a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in Mathematics, but the
various programs have similar coursework. Hence, the services are equipped and skilled to offer
coursework within the tight deadline. Hence, hiring the best service is undoubtedly going to make
the necessary difference in your grade that you have been eyeing at. These should be viewed
holistically and are not meant to determine promotion or retention; a student may demonstrate or be
on track for proficiency without having mastered every skill. Importantly, it would help if you share
writing with your classmates, so you share the hurdles you’re facing and brainstorm the best
solutions for them. The online program at Drexel University includes core pedagogy courses and
field experiences that prepare students for teaching first through sixth grade in both suburban and
urban settings. These inquiries incorporated both physical building such as using the Lego bricks or
creating mazes and digital building through programming. 3D Printing and City X Our classroom
included three DaVinci Jr. 1.0 Wireless 3D printers from XYZ printing, which are low-cost machines
that are easy to set up, troubleshoot, and operate. There are several tools for synchronous learning
systems such as course management systems, learning videos, and web conferences. Regarding
whether science and social studies had initially been taken out of elementary schools due to
increased state testing requirements in reading and math, Poches said the approach then was the
same as now, in terms of finding “where we can make the most impact” in student learning. They
come to realize both that there must be empty space between moving particles and that this space
allows the particles to move—either to become more densely packed or to spread apart. As PSTs
developed TPACK throughout the semester they made informed choices of SAMR integration
within their lesson plans. But there’s also other particles other than air, like dust and etc. This is using
the technology as a significant task redesign. Results indicate statistically significant increases in
self-perceptions of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK), Personal Science
Teaching Efficacy as measured by the STEBI instrument, and CT-efficacy for teaching as a result of
participation in coursework. However, the quality of water is biologically substandard due to the
encroachment of the water source by wild animals and people. The CT Assessment also included
three open-ended questions to determine PST views of what is CT, ways CT can be integrated in the
classroom, and ways CT relates to other disciplines and fields with examples. I am excited to see that
it came together and although the dimensions may not be exact, the final product looks to scale.
Finding additional resources in the community, such as the ORNL Manufacturing Demonstration
Facility and Women in Computing roundtable, helped PSTs develop local connections and describe
how these skills are used in future careers (fall 2019 cohort). Unfortunately, the way science has been
taught in the United States has not always taken advantage of those attributes. My particular lesson
involved the exploration of flooding and how to prevent a flood, problem-solving, following
directions, coding, and engineering and design. Additionally, I was able to understand how the
program’s outcomes enhanced my professional work. I understood that effective instructional
leadership requires that the instructional leader follows the curriculum and knows how to collaborate
effectively with colleagues, families and community agencies. Understanding this would prove
crucial, especially in the development of curriculum plans and instructions for the school. The three
most common themes accurately described CT as pertaining to problem solving and included
problem solving, in general, solving problems like a computer, and solving problems with a computer.
I was worried whether the writer would manage to find 10 credible academic sources within such a
short deadline, but the expert did not only find these sources but presented a brilliant annotated
bibliography. These learning platforms can enable students to explore more and more subjects,
thereby enhancing their challenges and interests, as well as engaging their natural curiosity. We also
used pedagogical content knowledge by implementing the 5e model, phenomena, and the SEP’s into
our lesson. Big Orange STEM Saturday Conference Attendance Seven out of the nine fall 2018
cohort attended the Big Orange STEM Saturday conference.
This teacher-led discussion helps the students discern the bell-like shape that is often characteristic of
natural variation. Students can actually physically see and hold their creations when printed on a 3D
printer, and see how they work together to serve the purpose of a habitat. I understood the need to
be well versed in different curriculum standards in a way that enabled me to deliver easily and
instruct other elementary teachers how to cover these areas (Spivy, 2010). It also encompasses
different lessons in science and social studies such as plate tectonics, animal and plant cells, the
periodic table, effects of gravity and friction on motion, the Civil War, the American Revolution,
and the Westward Expansion. Child development study - I will compare my visits? The key to
drawing valid conclusions about what your students have learned is to plan both the task and the
method for scoring it based on an explicit description of what they could be expected to do in
response to the task. The first example, “Behavior of Air,” shows how a teacher can use a class
discussion as a way to assess what students understand. The PST reflections of robotics and
makerspace inquiries focused on the engagement they had with the activities and ways the activity
and tool could be used to teach specific subjects at the elementary level. This modeling activity itself
is not the assessment task, though. These should be viewed holistically and are not meant to
determine promotion or retention; a student may demonstrate or be on track for proficiency without
having mastered every skill. In addition, will make a heroic effort to
ensure you succeed. The participants’ responses were averaged over all 46 questions. There are also
professional standards and standards related to development, learning, and motivation. Empty reply
does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel klanger 12 years ago report 5 thanks.
This can help you to achieve a higher grade than the ordinary. Besides, even if you have a lot of time
on your hand, you still have several other topics to write on; therefore, it isn’t really worth it tiring
yourself on just one topic. It also helped PSTs get started with CT practices and tools, in general,
without the context of a specific discipline, making it a starting point for the instructor to build upon
in methods classes. The online program at Drexel University includes core pedagogy courses and
field experiences that prepare students for teaching first through sixth grade in both suburban and
urban settings. We realize that professors expect work to be handed in on time. The three most
common themes accurately described CT as pertaining to problem solving and included problem
solving, in general, solving problems like a computer, and solving problems with a computer. Table 2
includes the participant average results for pre and post PE and OE beliefs scores and standard
deviation, along with the p -value to help illustrate the contribution of each construct to the overall
statistical significance for both cohorts. This activity provided an important extension beyond what
was possible in the STEM nights, which only touched the surface of using CT for subject-specific
instruction. However, one thing remains a struggle and always will, which is coursework guidance.
Table 4 includes a summary of PST pre and post responses for each question. The preparation you put
in place for your coursework writing will determine how flowing your work will be. Implications for
teacher educators are that PST training should include modeling and opportunities to practice, teach,
and reflect upon CS activities in authentic contexts. They likewise learn how such mathematical
practices as ordering and counting data influence the shapes the data displays take. Other students
disagree that air can be between the particles or that air particles are touching, although they do not
yet assert that there is empty space between the particles. Finally, they described CT mathematics
and science practices used within the lesson by students, including visualizing and manipulating data,
designing and constructing computational models, developing and troubleshooting their
computational solutions, and investigating a system and communicating information about that
system. Hence, the services are equipped and skilled to offer coursework within the tight deadline.
Therefore existing assessments—whatever their purpose—cannot be used to measure the full range
of activities and interactions happening in science classrooms that have adapted to these ideas
because they were not designed to do so. Participant A also showed some growth in the types of
computer usage from using computer software to complete projects at the beginning of the semester
to using software for coding and makerspace projects at the end of the semester. You are probably
very used to learning things from class discussions and many other activities. I also learned how to
integrate and apply the knowledge that I have acquired both in school (undergraduate and MAT) and
in my career as an instructor. Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member
only perks. Developing an understanding of growth and fixed mindset at the beginning of the
semester set the stage for participating in many CT activities that inherently needed attributes of
curiosity and perseverance as PSTs solved problems (e.g., hour of code, inquiries, and City X). The
interactive activity is both an opportunity for the students to learn about the distinction between an
individual organism’s growth and growth patterns across a population and an opportunity for their
teacher to assess their learning. Participating in the City X project and designing their prototype in
Tinkercad allowed the PSTs to experience directly and develop CT practices, including decomposing
a problem presented by a citizen of City X into manageable parts, using abstraction by reducing
unnecessary details, and using algorithmic thinking by developing a written plan and design with
playdough that provided a step-by-step guide for creating the model using Tinkercad. It prepared me
for the planning and implementation of effective formative and summative assessments of instruction
details and statements. If you are tired of procrastinating, you can seek expert services to help you
with the necessary coursework assistance. The challenge is for teachers to develop tasks within the
Transformation section that lead to different learning from students, which can include greater
student engagement and, ultimately, increased student achievement and learning. I did have to end
up using sandpaper to get some of the edges off of the bottoms of the support, but once I did that the
supports fit perfectly into Brandon’s piece. However, one thing remains a struggle and always will,
which is coursework guidance. Setting short and long-term goals is critical, especially when the
institution requires that the instructor develops a career plan for the students at the elementary level.
Two PSTs stated that they did not know how to integrate CT in the classroom on the presurvey,
while none of the PSTs made this claim on the postsurvey. SOURCE: Adapted from Krajcik et al.
(2013). Reprinted with permission. Continue browsing if you accept these terms, or check out our.
Power, economic growth, political and economic independence, social justice and democracy and a
strong science and technology base are all functions of energy. This modeling activity itself is not the
assessment task, though. It allowed students to have a way of learning that was informative while
also being fun. On the same, the study recommends collaborative water quantity and quality
monitoring programs with various stakeholders in the area. The robotics inquiries used kits that
featured a drag-and-drop programming interface allowing a focus on computational concepts instead
of the syntax of a specific programming language (Ching et al., 2018; Nash, 2017). These kits made
the process of learning abstract CT concepts more tangible, as PTSs were able to interact with,
observe, and troubleshoot the robot in action. If there is too little information, it will be hard for you
to find the right data and evidence for your study. Additionally, this study used recommendations by
Mason and Rich (2019) to focus on developing PK with opportunities to practice, teach, and reflect
upon activities within authentic contexts. Applicants must have achieved at least a 3.0 grade point
average as an undergraduate. She hears their discussions and questions as they develop the models.
Among the program’s list of instruction standards, there was one specifying the need to create a
conducive and suitable learning environment for the elementary learners. Several recent studies since
the Mason and Rich (2019) literature review have looked at ways to influence elementary PST
confidence and use of CS and CT and maker-centered learning. Kaya et al. (2019) described how a
3-week CT intervention focused on ( ) curriculum, robotics, and gaming in an elementary
PST course positively impacted self-efficacy, interest, and confidence. And gene shuffling is different
combinations of genes that come from the parents. It would help if you have a designated working
It’s hard for (parents) to comprehend: How are my kids getting this (instruction) when it’s not on the
daily schedule?” Hibner said. Together with the basics of math and literacy, students also get to
explore various science topics. She provided a general example of asking students to use technology
to solve real-world problems at the beginning of the semester. In fact, there are many families who
are turning towards elementary schools for educational improvement, whereas others are using online
elementary classes for providing remedial help to struggling students. Medicine Student Life Opens
in a new tab or window. Hence, hiring the right service plays an important role in helping you
achieve a plagiarism-free paper. With us, fast turnaround does not involve compromising quality.
Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of
interest when they're released. Ultimately, the goal was to enable these new teachers to prepare all of
their students at an early age, regardless of ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status, for a
workforce with skills in STEM, particularly in CT skills and engineering. The TPACK framework
builds on the work of Shulman (1986) and is based upon the need for teachers to build subject-
specific pedagogical content knowledge. I know where to find the resources to help students learn to
code. Ironically, however, my involvement in the same education programs for which I had so much
advocated has changed this pattern of thinking. Grit in the classroom is a high priority for me, and
coding is a great way to practice this. Because of the difficulties they experienced with arranging the
display on paper, they reduced the size for all counts greater than 6 (see Figure 3-5 ). Crosscutting
concepts associated with energy flows and systems come into play as the students work out their
explanations. Most water supply schemes in the northern region of Malawi have not been studied,
Livingstonia is a good example. A paired sample t -test was computed for the participant’s average
responses for the PE scale to show a significant change ( p t -test was computed for the participant’s
average responses for the OE scale to show no significant change for both fall 2018 and fall 2019
cohorts. Personal teaching efficacy is the “belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the
courses of action required to produce given attainments, whereas outcome expectancy is a judgment
of the likely consequence such performances will produce” (Bandura, 1997, p.3). The participants’
responses were averaged as recommended by Riggs and Enochs (1990) for both the PE and OE
scales, and a paired sample t -test was completed to determine the level of significance of any
changes. Froschauer, L. (2018). Making sense of makerspaces. Each team was able to teach the
lesson to at least two groups of students. First, you have to reflect on the problem or situation the
customer presents, and then creatively design a solution. He could respond very precisely to the areas
where they are struggling by. Such academic papers are never written in the order that they are
structured in. Coursework, in particular, is another way to develop researching and writing skills as
well as taking an in-depth look at the topic of the study. It is best to tackle all coursework head on
since an offense approach is considered a more effective tactic than a defensive one. Discussion A
limited number of preparation programs in the United States provide opportunities to develop PSTs’
CT skills, and interventions of this nature are emergent with limited emphasis on developing
pedagogical content knowledge. Therefore, as a general rule, take time to list the resources you will
need during the writing process. When it comes to proper referencing, laziness does not pay. One
particular science unit, Hibner used as an example, might take a week or more, depending on the unit
and grade level. Each PST was asked to design a part of the solution for their selected citizen to
ensure that they each had a part in creating a prototype.
The process involves a number of essential steps, including a meticulous research of the topic,
independently conducted experiments, and possibly some practical application (in the case of some
subjects). So, I guess the true height is somewhere between 45 and 55.”. GCSE Home Economics:
Child Development Examiner report? pdf. By the time the program was coming to an end, I was
able to use data effectively to plan, deliver, and evaluate meaningful, engaging, and relevant
instructions. One particular science unit, Hibner used as an example, might take a week or more,
depending on the unit and grade level. As PSTs developed TPACK throughout the semester they
made informed choices of SAMR integration within their lesson plans. This group of students
ordered by magnitude each of the 261 measurements they took. Moreover, uplifting your academic
grade is not possible without the assistance of expert services in writing a plagiarism-free paper. It
usually requires a minimum of 30 semester hours in addition to the essential bachelor’s degree. They
identified and analyzed 21 studies,12 with PSTs using elements of effective PST preparation based
on recommendations from Ertmer and Ottenbreit-Leftwich (2010). Simple logic and reasoning skills,
combined with critical thinking, make up the foundation of coding and programming. Such academic
papers are never written in the order that they are structured in. Their coursework might also include
important science lessons like soil erosion, water cycles, gravity, states of matter, and friction. The
best submissions need time; however, submitting them beyond the deadline is harmful to you.
Notices “plateaus” in the display or in a group of similar values. “This number, 193, is really different
because the others are all between 160 and 165.”. This idea helps them begin to think beyond
individual organisms and consider what is happening to the whole population of silkworms. Journal
of Education, 193 (30), 13-19. Marr, B. (2019, May 22). 8 things every school must do to prepare
for the 4th industrial revolution. Forbes. Martin, L. (2015). The promise of the maker movement for
education. She can use the results to follow up on areas the students did not fully understand. The
experience has given me insight and courage to embrace my profession enthusiastically. The rubrics
for the assessment of genetic processes and understanding the seasons (see Tables 3-2 and 3-3 )
illustrate how sample student responses can be used to make the descriptions in a rubric more
concrete. According to DPI’s WISEdash website, in 2015-16, 54 percent of Portage fourth-graders
scored at or above proficient in science and 56 percent did so in social studies, outperforming
statewide averages of 52 percent in science and 54 percent in social studies. By adopting that format,
you have a better chance of getting good grades. The PSTs also spent time troubleshooting and
reprinting their objects as needed to find the best fit for their collective design. I was worried
whether the writer would manage to find 10 credible academic sources within such a short deadline,
but the expert did not only find these sources but presented a brilliant annotated bibliography. So,
Instead of replacement or enhancement, this is an actual change to the design of the lesson and its
learning outcomes. These districts understand the importance of providing high-quality teaching
experiences and opportunities to learn for our teacher candidates in a hands-on classroom
environment. With us, fast turnaround does not involve compromising quality. They can be a part of
any formal learning program or an improvised addition for an individual learner. Moreover, the best
thing about elementary schools is that these educational institutions offer an online environment to
their students for completing their elementary coursework. Three referred to “utilizing computers and
technology in the classroom” on the presurvey compared to six on the postsurvey.

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