Sentence Completion Questions (Set 2)

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Social media has become an integral part of many people’s lives, but

its effects can be detrimental to mental health. Studies have found that Sentence Completion Question
spending too much time on social media __________. Additionally,
the comparison to others, or “compare and despair” phenomenon,
can create an unrealistic view of one’s life and accomplishments.
Moreover, cyberbullying and online harassment can be traumatizing
for victims. It is important for people to be aware of the potential
Which choice most logically completes the text?
harms of social media and regulate their online activity accordingly.
Setting daily limits, limiting access to certain sites, and taking regular
breaks can help mitigate the risks.

A can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness

B promotes a more productive lifestyle as it increases social interaction

C alleviates stress that comes from being isolated from peers

D influences people to treat others unfairly, due to jealousy

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Sentence Completions Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 1 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Virtual Reality (VR) has the potential to revolutionize the way
we interact with the world. From entertainment to education and Sentence Completion Question
healthcare, the possibilities are vast. VR can transport us to a virtual
world where we can play games, explore virtual environments and
collaborate with others in a shared experience. In healthcare, VR
can be used to treat mental health issues and pain management. In
education, students can experience interactive lessons, allowing them
Which choice most logically completes the text?
to better understand concepts. Finally, in entertainment, VR can
__________. With VR, the possibilities are truly endless.

A offer outdated entertainment experiences that require exterior input.

B put us into immersive experiences that are both fun and stimulating

C replace traditional forms of leisure like sports and live performances.

D limit interaction with others and increase social isolation.

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Sentence Completions Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 2 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Croatia is a popular destination for travelers seeking an unforgettable
vacation. From rocky beaches to bustling cities, there’s something Sentence Completion Question
for everyone. Explore the vibrant city of Dubrovnik, take a boat trip
to the Elaphite Islands, or relax on the stunning Adriatic coastline.
With its stunning scenery, delicious cuisine, and friendly locals,
__________. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway or a
family adventure, you’ll find something special here. With its unique
Which choice most logically completes the text?
culture, stunning views, and diverse attractions, Croatia is sure to
provide you with an unforgettable experience.

A Croatia should be visited after Spain or France

B a day trip is enough to see the country

C Croatia is a must-visit

D you will have plenty to eat in Croatia

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Sentence Completions Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 3 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Bike lanes are a great way to make roads safer for cyclists. They
provide cyclists with a designated space to ride, separated from Sentence Completion Question
car traffic. Bike lanes also help to reduce traffic congestion, as
more people are encouraged to ride their bikes instead of driving.
Additionally, bike lanes can improve air quality __________.
Furthermore, bike lanes provide an enjoyable and safe environment
for cyclists of all ages. Overall, bike lanes are a great way to make
Which choice most logically completes the text?
roads safer for everyone and help promote a healthier environment.

A by reducing the amount of emissions from vehicles

B through increased public transportation ridership

C by improving urban tree coverage

D through improved public health metrics

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Sentence Completions Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 4 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Gentrification is a process of renovating and improving a district
or neighborhood to attract wealthier residents. It often results in Sentence Completion Question
an increase in property values and rents, which can displace lower-
income residents. Gentrification can improve a neighborhood’s
infrastructure, services, and safety, but it can also lead to the loss of
local culture and displacement of long-term residents. Communities
should __________ to ensure that it works for the benefit of
Which choice most logically completes the text?
everyone. This requires public input, policies that protect vulnerable
residents, and incentives for developers to create affordable housing.
Gentrification can be a tool for revitalization, but it must be managed
responsibly in order to benefit the entire community.

A implement gentrification everywhere

B ensure that gentrification never occurs

C weigh the pros and cons of gentrification carefully

D invest in gentrified areas

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Sentence Completions Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 5 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn

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