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Essay Question:

A descriptive essay: You are a 30/35-year-old successful adult- Write a 400-word

essay about how you have influenced change in the world and how the Access
program has contributed to your thriving success.

Include the following information on the top of the first page.

First and Last Name

Access Class Location/Teacher’s Name
Pathways Book Level/Word Count
Essay Topic

Access Essay Writing Contest Rubric

1 2 3 4 CRITERIA
The essay The essay is The essay is The essay is
poorly focused on focused on focused,
addresses topic topic and the topic and purposeful, FOCUS/
and includes includes few includes and reflects
irrelevant loosely related relevant original MAIN POINT
ideas ideas ideas insight and
Provides little Supports main Supports Persuasively SUPPORT
or no support point with some main point supports
for the main underdeveloped with main point
point. reasons or developed with well-
examples. reasons and developed
less concrete reasons
examples. and/or
Little or no Some Organizes Effectively ORGANIZATION
organization of organization of ideas to build organizes & FORMAT
ideas to build ideas to build an an argument ideas to build
an argument, argument: a logical,  Paragraphs
or contains coherent  Transitions
fallacies in the argument
Little or no use Some use of Appropriate Effective and LANGUAGE USE &
of elements of elements of use of creative use STYLE
style style elements of of elements
style of style to  Sentence
enhance structure
meaning  Word choice
 Audience

Many errors in Contains Uses correct Uses correct CONVENTIONS

grammar, frequent errors grammar, grammar,
spelling, and in grammar, spelling, and spelling, and  Grammar
punctuation, spelling, and punctuation punctuation  Spelling
makes reader’s punctuation. with few throughout  Punctuation
comprehension errors. with very few
difficult. errors.


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