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Writing coursework, especially for subjects like GCSE Geography, can be a challenging task.

requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, research skills, analytical thinking, and effective
communication. Students often face difficulties in managing their time, conducting thorough
research, and presenting their findings in a cohesive manner.

GCSE Geography coursework typically involves fieldwork, data collection, and analysis, which adds
an extra layer of complexity. Students need to synthesize information from various sources, apply
theoretical concepts, and demonstrate critical thinking skills. Additionally, meeting the specific
requirements and guidelines set by the educational institution can be demanding.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed by the coursework or struggling to meet deadlines,
seeking assistance can be a viable option. ⇒ ⇔ is a platform that offers academic
writing services, providing support for students facing challenges in their coursework. Professional
writers on the site can help with research, data analysis, and crafting a well-structured and insightful
coursework paper.

While seeking help is a personal choice, it's essential to prioritize ethical considerations and adhere to
academic integrity. Assistance from platforms like ⇒ ⇔ should be viewed as a
supplementary resource to aid learning rather than a substitute for personal effort.

In conclusion, GCSE Geography coursework demands time, effort, and a solid understanding of the
subject. If students feel overwhelmed, seeking assistance from reputable platforms like ⇒ ⇔ can be a valuable option, but it's crucial to use such services responsibly and
I expect to find that High order stores that have a specialist product (carpets, computers, electrical
goods) to cluster so that the customers can compare the styles and prices. The street furniture was
clear because there would be less people to use them whilst in the frame. As you can see on the land
use map on page 6 the River Holford flows through urban. However, when the averages are done for
the trampling scale in both areas, the average is higher in Pillow Mounds than R.H.G. This does agree
with the evidence of earlier graphs. There were lots of street flowers perhaps because it was safer to
put it here rather than the busy high street. The other results on the bar graph also support this theory.
See other similar resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. The depth at site 6 generally decreased from 0.099m at site 5 to 0.0812m which
came. The M5 motorway assists Exeter with most of it communications and trade. Width from
source to mouth along the River Holford (m). This is because there is a main road fenced off near
R.H.G and the pollution was coming right into the area. This, links in with the annotated photo and
spider graph where they support the view that there would be more tourism in Pillow Mounds. We
predicted that there would be more people in the core than the frame as the core has more attractions
within it. At site 2 the cross sectional area was 0.28035 m2 which was higher than at the. After
finding the results from the Spearman’s rank, a significance test will be used to. It can be easily seen
from this scatter graph that the width increased as you went form. This, links in with the annotated
photo and spider graph where they support the view. Compare that to the photo of R.H.G, where
there are no buildings and no cars. Also, in R.H.G, there are signs of wildlife (rabbit holes), and there
are large amounts of overgrown plants which show that the area is not well managed by the people
who own it. However this was hard to do as we were pushed for time and had to move on to other
things quickly. Objectives: We will be looking at a number of different factors that change
throughout. We could see from our sketches and photographs if this was the case. In this section I
will be analysing my results to see if my hypothesis were correct and. Also, after each graph there is
a description of it. The morning may be extremely busy and then by mid afternoon the numbers may
have completely changed. It is tailored towards the sub-topics that we have selected as a school,
which are Tropical Rainforests and 'Hot Deserts' in the Living World t. Only 3 % of the houses don’t
have central heating which reflects the quality of the housing in this area. Limestone is well jointed
which means that the rock has vertical and horizontal. Depth (m) 5 0.016 0.51 0.083 0.04 0.07 0.089
0.053 0.15. The results were given a score from 3 to -3 with -3 being the worst and 3 the best. The
velocity was measured using a hydroprop and an impeller.
These are the different factors that we sampled and how many we chose to sample at. Then we
could average the score and get a more reliable result. RekaVadkerti 5 years ago report 5 Empty
reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel Report this resource to let us
know if it violates our terms and conditions. This is due to the fact that there will be less friction.
There was a main road near Pillow Mounds but it was more out of the way. The gradient decreased
from source to mouth and this can be seen in this scatter. People buying new houses in the
Colchester area could use my results to find a house within their price range and a house that is
perfect for them. Customers like to compare prices and styles so they do comparison shopping to
make sure they have seen everything that particular shop has to offer. I found evidence of clustering
at the top of the high street, near the Odeon, where four estate agents group all round one corner.
Mark schemes are included and the 9 mark question uses a diamond 9. By clicking “Accept
Cookies,” you consent to store on your device all the technologies described in our Cookie Policy.
See other similar resources ?0.00 3.50 4 reviews Download Save for later Not quite what you were
looking for. Its landscape quality, derelict land, litter, traffic flow and noise all were poor. The land
surrounding the river is the river’s watershed and underneath it is peat. These can both tell us how
much people have walked over the ground by showing different amounts of grass etc. We are trying
to investigate weather it applies to Exeter clear marks should be found around the city that indicate
that core and the frame exist. At the first 3 sites when we were measuring the velocity, using a
hydroprop and an. These all led me into producing a good piece of coursework. This will make more
people want to visit because it is easier to get there. There are more personal shops in Queens Street
such a solicitors and estate agents.This again shows more characteristics of the frame as it is a less
densely populated area. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch.
?4.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later ?4.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Last
updated 20 May 2019 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin
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the right resource. My aim was to investigate the physical channel characteristics along the course of
the. Here many green sites can be found, they are a lot cheaper and are close to main roads. This is a
particularly helpful method because it shows the land use of the core and frame. It's great that it
allows students to take ownership of their own revision and track it accordingly. We noted down
what the weather was like and which way the pedestrian were going. However, it shows that there is
no Broad leaf grass in one of the spots in R.H.G which means that Pillow Mounds had higher plant
diversity. At site 7 the cross sectional area was 0.219 m2 which was a decrease from site 6.The.
There were some limitations when we were measuring our data and the methods we. There was only
exposed topsoil in 3 spots in R.H.G. This tells us the same as all graphs that talked about how much
the ground had been walked on each area.
It was originally built with the intentions of it being a. Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. It is tailored towards the sub-topics that we
have selected as a school, which are Tropical Rainforests and 'Hot Deserts' in the Living World t. It
then rises significantly to reach the largest average depth of 23 before falling, rising and then falling
again to finish the average depth at Stop 10 being 8.67. These access points can be easily seen on a
map of the area for backing up these results. The sheets are designed to be slotted into lessons or can
be used as part of a revision programme. This survey I record will allow me to compare the different
types of shops and services in the two study areas. The river gets more powerful as you go down its
course. This will also make more people want to visit Pillow mounds because the more access points
will make it less of a walk to get there. Another explanation of why the width readings were not as
the hypothesis had. The trampling scale is used to show how trampled the ground is in the area. As
you can see from the table above, this hypothesis was. Detailed answers for structured and short
essay questions are provided to teach students how to construct their answers in a cogent manner.
However the surveys seem to match up to our predictions and made sense according to the core and
frame outlines. This is the Spearman’s Rank formula written in mathematical notation. Now a
statistical test called Spearman’s Rank correlation must be undertaken to see. The water is also
getting deeper as the river is now entering its middle course. We could have improved this by doing
pedestrian counts in time slots.for example form 9-10, 11-12 and so on. Some of the features found
here include interlocking spurs, V-shaped valley, meanders and step like waterfalls as the river
meanders down its course. This is a particularly helpful method because it shows the land use of the
core and frame. Nearer the edge of the town the houses will become newer. The results were given a
score from 3 to -3 with -3 being the worst and 3 the best. It was impossible to get a reliable result
when it must change everyday and every minute. Thank you! Empty reply does not make any sense
for the end user Submit reply Cancel emercarr 5 years ago report 5 Empty reply does not make any
sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel See more Report this resource to let us know if it violates
our terms and conditions. However this was hard to do as we were pushed for time and had to move
on to other things quickly. Thisis Bradshaw’smodel andtellsushow differentcharacteristics change.
Average Depth 0.0122 0.1246 0.0686 0.093 0.09904 0.0812 0.0876 0.152. Tracker shows the source
of each question so that you can access the mark scheme. It scored 2 in the Index of Decay section
which isn’t too bad; it just had a bit of paint peeling on a few houses. Our Subject Officers are all
former teachers and are here to support you with delivering our qualifications.
This fits into the Burgess and Hoyt models this type of housing forms a zone in both theoretical
models. See other similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite
what you were looking for. It also has a small percentage of category D shops (17%) which are
general services. Unfortunately our Census data was fairly old and I think that we would have found
different trends if we had more up to date census data. In my introduction I will be talking about
where in the UK the River Holford is. If we wanted to we could have gone inside the shop and
asked the owner. Site 4 was near an urban area, (Holford), which meant that there was concrete and.
Average Flow Rate (s) 100 47.733 58.507 15.68 13.565 16.55 81.33 87.163. The survey shows that
air pollution in R.H.G was -1, and in Pillow Mounds, it was 2. However the surveys seem to match
up to our predictions and made sense according to the core and frame outlines. There was only 3
pieces of litter in R.H.G but there were 30 pieces in P.M. There were also 57 cars parked in sight of
where we were in P.M, compared to the 0 in R.H.G. This shows us that specialist stores like to group
together outside of town because the land is cheaper and generally they can purchase more
warehouse space. My third hypothesis was that gradient would decrease as you went from source to.
National Park and is set in a valley just north of the Brendon Hills. There is also a large percentage
of category C shops which are legal and financial service shops (17%). The depth increases until plot
4 where it is 0.2 and. It can be easily seen from this scatter graph that the width increased as you
went form. In this section I shall be describing the different sites at which we collectedour. The graph
shows the amount of litter in each area, the amount of people seen around both areas at the time that
we visited, and the amount of cars parked around the area at the time we visited as well. You would
also be able to see if the new depth readings followed the same trends as. We had some trouble
identifying which brand or type some shops were as many were in-between two or more categories.
The depth then increased until plot 5, (where the water was at its deepest), and then. And that is that
more people have been in the Pillow Mounds and have eroded the ground by walking over it. The
average depths then falls slightly to 9cm before returning to 10cm. Suitable for GCSE Geography
students. (Escape Room Mixed with a self marking and instant feedback Quiz - Perfect for students
to do whilst social distancing. There were many problems that we encountered on our river study.
Average Depth 0.0122 0.1246 0.0686 0.093 0.09904 0.0812 0.0876 0.152. I think we could have
improved this by researching more streets in Exeter and making sure we had the correct type of shop
written down. The land surrounding the river is the river’s watershed and underneath it is peat.

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