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Cone Penetration Testing 2018 – Hicks, Pisanò & Peuchen (Eds)

© 2018 Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, ISBN 978-1-138-58449-5

Geotechnical characterization of a very soft clay deposit in a stretch

of road works

R.Q. Coutinho & H.T. Barbosa

Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE, Recife, Brazil

A.D. Gusmão
Polytechnic School of the University of Pernambuco – UPE, Recife, Brazil

ABSTRACT: The practice of piezocone testing for geotechnical investigations is advantageous for
rapidly obtaining parameters, continuous assessment of a soil profile and ability to estimate various
geotechnical parameters. However, its results require attention regarding its implementation and
interpretation, especially when the aim is to perform a geotechnical characterization of an area or deposit.
This paper addresses in situ tests (SPT, vane and piezocone tests) and laboratory tests of a stretch of
road works located in Pernambuco, Brazil. Stratigraphic classification, compressibility and strength
parameters were obtained through piezocone tests and compared to laboratory (oedometer and triaxial)
and in situ (SPT, vane) tests as benchmarks. The final results were discussed within the context of results
in the literature, including the results of the Recife (Coutinho 2007) and Suape (Coutinho and Bello
2012) soft clays, confirming the potential of the piezocone test to obtain good prediction of geotechnical
parameters in these soft clay deposits with correlations suited to the local/regional experience.

1 INTRODUCTION tests and Shelby tube samples, along five kilom-

eters of road works, some tests were chosen for
In recent years, geotechnical engineering has a sub-stretch as representative of the soft clay
evolved considerably in field investigations and deposit. Two SPT boreholes, two vertical vane
modern practices, which are useful for estimating shear tests (VST), two vertical CPTu tests and two
geotechnical parameters from the reference tests, undisturbed Shelby tube samples (φ4”) (Figure 1),
such as the piezocone test (CPTu). In Brazil, there were all run in accordance with Brazilian and
is a wealth of experience in the use of this test in international standards.
soft soils, such as the articles discussed and pre- The SPT borehole identified a thick layer of
sented by Coutinho (2007), Coutinho and Bello very soft organic clay, approximately 12 m in depth
(2012) and Almeida and Marques (2013). Impor- and NSPT ranging from 0/45 (no blows, only the
tant work that brings together the main activi- weight of the hammer) to 2. The remaining identi-
ties with the CPTu in South America, specifically fication tests were then carried out to characterize
Brazil, was presented by Coutinho and Schnaid this deposit.
The purpose of the present study is to perform a
geotechnical characterization of a soft clay deposit
in a stretch of road works, using onsite and labo-
ratory investigations, focusing on the parameters
obtained and estimated by the CPTu test, mainly
those related to the proposed stratigraphic classifi-
cation, compressibility and strength behavior.


2.1 In situ tests

From a comprehensive investigation involving a
significant amount of SPT, vane shear, piezocone Figure 1. Experimental program—study area.


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2.2 Laboratory tests
Based on undisturbed Shelby tube sampling (φ4”)
in the laboratory according to Brazilian stand-
ards, tests of characterization, specific gravity (γn),
organic matter content (OC), oedometer and tri-
axial UU-C were performed at depths of 2.4 m,
4.4 m, 6.4 m and 10.4 m, corresponding to layers
of organic clay identified by SPT. All tests were
used to compare the results of measurements and
estimations of the CPTu test (Figure 4).


3.1 Location and soil profile

The study area is located within the Suape Indus-
trial and Port complex, Ipojuca, Pernambuco, Bra- Figure 2. Casagrande plasticity chart (from Coutinho
et al 1998).
zil. The area is described as an extensive thick plain
of sedimentary clay soils, saturated, with low bear-
ing capacity, organic matter present and, in some
cases, occurrence of seashells and sand lenses in
the profile.
It is a practical case of state highway works that
rests on soft soil deposit across a landfill with an
average height of 5 m. Through the integrated anal-
ysis of all results it was possible to split the deposit
profile into four (4) layers. Layer 1 (L1:0.0–2.0 m)
consists of soft clayey silt; layer 2 (L2:2.0–6.0 m)
very soft organic clay; layer 3 (L3:6.0–13.0 m)
soft organic silt clay and layer 4 (L4:13.0–16.0 m)
medium to hard clayey silt (Figure 3).

3.2 Laboratory tests

All laboratory tests were carried out on layers L2
Figure 3. Results of vane shear test.
and L3. The characterization tests showed that the
soil in layer L2 has a clay content varying between
50% and 75%, silt between 20% and 50% and sand
<10%, similar to layer L3, which had less fines at
the beginning of the layer compared to the deeper
levels. The natural moisture (Wn) in layer L2 varied
from 159% to 185%, and layer L3 from 203% to
131%. The Atterberg limits were 70% for WP in layer
L2 and 62% in layer L3; the WL in layer L2 ranged
from 168% to 180%, and layer L3 138% to 168%. In
general, the Wn values in layers L2 and L3 were close
to their respective values of WL (Figure 5), presented
PI values ranging from 73% to 113%.
The analyzed samples were under the plas- Figure 4. Resistance-ratio, Su/σ’vm (Coutinho and Bello
ticity line, showing characteristics consistent 2012).
with organic clays examined by Coutinho et al.
(1998), which include Juturnaíba and Recife clays
(Figure 2). The classification, according to USCS, According to Huang et al. (2009), both layers can
for layers L2 and L3 was CH, “clay with high be classified as organic mineral soil. The oedo-
compressibility”. metric tests showed that layer L2 has a rise in ini-
The average organic matter content (OC) of tial voids (e0), and drop in layer L3. The OCR at
the two layers (L2 and L3) was 12.42% ± 1.00. the beginning of layer L2 was around 2.6 with a


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downward trend, while layer L3 presented values modified from Skempton (1957), and Coutinho
of OCR of 1.6 on the surface, with the tendency and Bello (2012), together with the mean val-
to 1.0 at greater depths. In relation to the com- ues of various Brazilian clays, including Recife
pression index (CC), layer L2 had average values and Suape clays. The proposal by Coutinho
around 1.2, while the layer L3 values were close to et al. (2000) represents clays from Recife-PE,
1.5. The values of Su along the two layers (L2 and Juturnaíba-RJ, Sarapuí-RJ and satisfactorily for
L3), obtained from triaxial compression tests of Suape clays (Coutinho and Bello 2012). For this
type UU, were around 12.75 ± 0.72 (Figure 5). analysis, Su values were corrected according to
Bjerrum (1973), with average PI of 98% corre-
sponding to a factor of μ = 0.61.
3.3 Vane shear test (VST)
The points of the study herein matched the
Two Su trends were observed for layers L2 and L3, proposal by Coutinho et al. (2000), between the
increased linearly in both layers the values. In layer correlations of Larsson (1980) and Mayne and
L2, Su = 3.45z + 1.48, and layer L3 with values of Mitchell (1988), forming the upper and lower lim-
Su = 2.94z − 13.82 (Figure 3). its, respectively.
The layer L2 sensitivity varied linearly accord-
ing to St = 1.06z − 1.73, with values close to one (1)
3.4 Piezocone tests
at the beginning and reaching five (5) at the end of
the layer, with ratings ranging from slightly to very The measures of the piezocone test, in the two
sensitive clay (1.0 < St < 5.0), according to Rosen- verticals, were consistent with the SPT borehole
qvist (1953). In layer L3, the sensitivity showed profiles. It was found that layers L1 and L4 show
little variability, with average value of 1.86 ± 0.9, greater resistance, not evidencing behavior in
with ratings ranging from insensitive to slightly the intermediate layers (L2 and L3), identified
sensitive clay. by SPT as “Organic clay, very soft, dark grey”.
Figure 4 shows the SuVSTcorr/σ'vm x IP (%) pro- Figure 6 presents the measurements (qt, fs, u2) and
posed by Mesri (1975), Larsson (1980), Mayne derived parameters (Qt1, Fr, Rf, Bq) of CPTu test-
and Mitchell (1988), Coutinho et al. (2000) ing. According to EN-ISO 22476-1, the piezocone

Figure 5. Profile geotechnical characteristics.

Figure 6. Measurements and derived parameters from piezocone tests (CPTu-01 and CPTu-02).


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measurements of the L2 and L3 layers were in
application class 1, consistent for soft soil deposits.


4.1 Soil behavior type (SBT)

The soil profile behavior was analyzed using
the charts with normalized and non-normalized
parameters. In order to define the layers, the non-
normalized charts (Robertson, 2010) showed more
consistency with the information in accordance
with the SPT research and laboratory testing.
Considering the CPTu-01, the ISBT profile (non-
normalized) resulted in the varying its behavior
from “clay to silt clay” (zone 3) in layer L1. In the
layer L2 it presented behavior of “organic mat-
ter” (zone 2) and in layer L3 the ISBT returned to Figure 8. Non-normalized SBT chart—CPTu-01.
the zone 3. In layer L4, the soil was interpreted as
“clayey silt to silty clay” (zone 4) and “silty sand to
sandy silt” (zone 5), a depth that showed greater
strengths. For the CPTu-02, layers L1 in zones 5, 4
and 3, and layers L2 and L3 behaved as “clay to silt
clay” (zone 3), and in layer L4 the ISBT was between
zones 4, 5 and 6, a layer that responded to the cone
of higher resistance (Figure 7).
The non-normalized charts of Robertson (log
qc/pa-log Rf and log qt-Bq) were clear in the con-
centration of points of layer L2 between zones 2
and 3, indicating behavior consistent with labora-
tory tests results (organic clay) (Figures 8 and 9).
Moreover, the charts showed that layers L1 and
L4 behave differently in relation to layers L2 and
L3, except for a few points that represent transi-
tion layers.

Figure 9. Non-normalized SBT chart—CPTu-02.

4.2 Nkt
The cone factor (Nkt) is a value that establishes
the relationship between the undrained strength
obtained by direct testing and strength measured
by the CPTu test (Eq. 1).

N kt =
(qt − v ) (1)

where Nkt = cone factor, qt = corrected cone

resistance, σv0 = vertical total stress in situ and
SuVST = undrained strength from vane shear test.
Having as benchmark the values of Su obtained
Figure 7. Non-normalized SBT index, CPTu-01 and by the vane shear tests, along the profile, the value
CPTu-02, from Robertson (2010). of Nkt in this study ranged from 7 to 13, with a


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mean value of 10 ± 3, obtained by linear regres- The estimated preconsolidation pressure (σ'p) in
sion (Figure 10a). In addition to this analysis, a layer L2 ranged from 22 to 36 kPa, with a slight
study was run on the variation of Nkt along the decrease to half the layer (4 m), continuing to
depth of the profile in layers of soft soil (L2 and increase after that depth, remaining in the range
L3). In layer L2, Nkt decreased linearly, namely of laboratory values that was 20 and 30 kPa. The
Nkt = 16.41–1.72z, while layer L3 Nkt showed lit- interface of layers L2 and L3 peaked at values of
tle variability, with an average value of 11.5 ± 0.9 80 kPa. In layer L3 the σ'p increases linearly to a
(Figure 10b). All values found agree with results value of 60 kPa, following a similar trend of labo-
checked for Suape clays according to Coutinho ratory values (33 to 35 kPa). The CPTu-02 results
and Bello (2012), close to the range presented by were very close to the CPTu-01, but not recogniz-
Coutinho (2007) for the Recife clays (Nkt = 12 ± ing the stronger layer at the interface of layers L2
1.3) and within the average Nkt range for Brazilian and L3.
clays (9–12) by Coutinho and Schnaid (2010). The OCR values in the layer L2 dropped from
Robertson (2012) proposed an estimation of Nkt 2.6 to 1.0, indicating possible overconsolidation of
from the of Fr values, according to Equation 2. this layer. In layer L3, OCR values were close to
1.0. The laboratory results for layer L2 varied from
N kt 10 5 7 l g ( Fr ) (2) 2.61 to 1.24, and layer L3 from 1.60 to 1.03, show-
ing the same tendency of the estimated results.
The Nkt obtained as proposed by Robert- Peak values were seen in layers L1 and L4.
son (2012) was with an average of 14.61 ± 1 The K0 estimated by CPTu-01 had an average
(Figure 10a), slightly outside the range in the study value of 0.51 ± 0.1 for layers L2 and L3. In the
herein and the Brazilian range. same layers, the estimated K0 with the CPTu-02
results were 0.54 ± 0.2. In the layer L3, K0 values
were coherent with normally consolidated (NC)
4.3 Estimated parameters clays and local experiences.
Geotechnical experience confirms the efficiency The interpretation of the estimated Su, values by
of the CPTu in estimating parameters. For the means of the CPTu tests, enabled layer L2 to be
present study, the preconsolidation pressure (σ'p) split into sub-layers.
was estimated as proposed by Chen and Mayne In the vertical Su estimated by CPTu-01, two
(1994) adapted by Coutinho et al. (2000) for the sub-layers of layer L2 were found, the first (L2.1:
Recife clays, σ'p = K1(qt − σv0) (where K1 = 0.222 2.0–5.3 m) with a slight drop to half the sub-layer,
for z <4.0 m and K1 = 0.244 for z > 4.0 m). The then a slight rise, with average values of 9.9 kPa
K0 values were estimated by Kulhawy and Mayne ± 1.9. The second sub-layer (L2.2: 5.3–6.1 m)
(1990), K0 = 0.1.Qt1 and the OCR values were with values around 26 kPa ± 11.8. The layer
estimated as proposed by Kulhawy and Mayne L3 showed linear growth, Su = 1.67z-4.38 (Fig-
(1990) (OCR = α.Qt1) adapted to the Suape clays ure 12a). Vertical Su of CPTu-02, Su in layer L2
by Coutinho and Bello (2012) (α = 0.17). The und- varied according to linearity Su = 80.14–14.29z,
rained strength (Su) was estimated from the Nkt and layer L3, Su = 2.33z-8.58 (Figure 12b). Similar
obtained by the VST test (Su = (qt-σvo)/NktVST). to that observed in other estimates, Su's estimates
remained close to laboratory values (Fig. 11).
Coutinho and Bello (2012) undertook an impor-
tant study on Suape clays and using piezocone
tests, found, in the analyzed profiles, a thick layer
of organic clay. As in the study herein, the authors
found OCR varying from 2 to 3 at low depths and
bordering 1 for depths greater than 3 m, and esti-
mated Su values in the range of 9 to 16 kPa.
While not identified by SPT and laboratory
tests, the CPTu-01 did show a sub-layer (L2.2),
with behavior different from the thick layer of
organic clay. For this layer, although presenting
higher values of tip resistance and lateral friction,
it cannot be argued that it is a sand lens, since the
value of u2, despite a slight decrease in this region,
still remained high.
This discussion is supplemented by the results
Figure 10. Nkt study: (a) general analysis; (b) in the of ISBT, in Figure 8, which shows that this layer did
profile. not leave zone 3, i.e. it continued to behave as “clay


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Figure 11. Estimated parameters from piezocone tests (CPTu-01 and CPTu-02).

ent with organic clays. The OCR profile was in

line with local studies (Coutinho and Bello 2012),
with higher values at the start of the layer, tend-
ing to decrease to the value of one (1) for depths
exceeding 4 m. The soft organic clay layers of the
studied deposit showed high compressibility and
low resistances, similar to the soft Brazilian clays.
In general, the CPTu tests showed consistency in
their measurements and the derived parameters
with the other tests performed along the profile.
The non-normalized charts, proposed by Rob-
ertson (2010), showed greater consistency in the
classification of behavior throughout the profile.
The average Nkt value obtained was 10, within the
Brazilian range of 9 to 12 (Coutinho and Schnaid
2010). This study confirms how important it is
to obtain parameters through laboratory and in
situ tests with correlations suited to local/regional
experiences. The results from in situ tests were
Figure 12. Estimated Su profiles from piezocone tests: consistent with the laboratory tests.
(a) CPTu-01; (b) CPTu-02.
High compressibility and low resistance values,
in general, require interventions to improve the
to silt clay”. This behavior stresses the likely occur- system’s behavior (landfill-soil), namely the solu-
rence of a thin layer of overconsolidated organic tions discussed by Almeida and Marques (2013).
clay or the presence of seashells.
De Mio et al. (2010) encountered similar behav-
ior in CPTu test results of soft clay sediments with REFERENCES
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