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WEEK 12 Quiz

For these questions you need to say what kind of table you would ask SPSS to produce. Be very
precise! Say which variable would be in the row and column (if appropriate) and also any other
calculations you would ask SPSS to include, such as percentages. It may be helpful to draw the empty
tables, including column and row headings.

The imaginary dataset contains the following variables:

o Individual ID number – unique person identifier

o Household ID number – unique identifier for each household
o For each individual:
 Age in years (all respondents are aged 18 – 60 yrs) SCALE
 Gross annual income SCALE
 Amount of savings grouped into 5 categories: no savings; £1,000 or less;
£1,001 - £8,000; £8,001 - £16,000; more than £16,000 ORDINAL
 Employment status in 6 categories: Employed full-time (30 hrs per week or
more); employed part-time (less than 30 hrs per week); self employed;
retired; unemployed and claiming benefits; not working and not claiming
benefits NOMINAL
 Happiness rating (scale of 1-10 where higher score indicates more
happiness) SCALE

o For each household:

 Number of people aged 18 and over in the household SCALE
 Number of people under the age of 18 SCALE

There are a total of 2,000 respondents, with roughly equal numbers of males and females. These
2,000 individuals live in approximately 1,200 households, so in some instances data has been
collected on more than one individual per household.

What tables would you produce to represent the following information, or to answer the question:
1. Employment status FREQUENCY TABLE
2. Employment status broken down by gender CROSSTABS
3. Gross annual income and gender CUSTOM TABLES
4. Gross annual income and employment status CUSTOM TABLES
5. Can money buy happiness? CUSTOM TABLES
6. Warning: Children can seriously damage your wealth! Create new NOMINAL
VARIABLE (Has children vs. No children). Use new variable to create CROSSTABS
7. Some individuals are not working but are also not claiming benefits. What tables
would you produce to find out more about why these people are not claiming
benefits? CROSSTABS – Savings x Employment Status

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