Castleton Gcse Coursework

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Writing coursework can be a challenging task that requires time, research, and effective organization

of ideas. The difficulty often stems from the need to delve deep into a specific topic, conduct
thorough research, analyze data, and present findings in a coherent and well-structured manner. For
GCSE coursework on a topic like Castleton, you may be required to explore various aspects, such as
geography, history, or cultural significance.

It involves:

1. Research: Gathering relevant information and data about Castleton, its history, geography,
and any other pertinent details.
2. Analysis: Understanding and interpreting the gathered information to draw meaningful
conclusions and insights.
3. Organization: Structuring your coursework logically, with a clear introduction, body, and
conclusion. Each section should flow seamlessly to present a cohesive narrative.
4. Citation: Properly citing sources and references to maintain academic integrity and avoid
5. Writing Skills: Expressing your thoughts effectively, with clarity and precision. Adhering to
the specified word count and format requirements is crucial.

Given these challenges, some students may find it beneficial to seek assistance. While there are
various options available, it's important to be cautious when considering external help. One option is
to explore reputable academic assistance platforms like ⇒ ⇔.

⇒ ⇔ is known for providing professional writing services, including custom

coursework assistance. Their team of experienced writers can help you navigate the complexities of
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important to use such services responsibly, and only as a supplement to your own efforts. Always
ensure that the assistance you receive is in line with your educational institution's policies and ethical

In conclusion, if you find yourself struggling with the complexities of Castleton GCSE coursework,
seeking help from a reliable platform like ⇒ ⇔ could be a viable option. However,
remember that academic integrity is paramount, and any external assistance should be used
responsibly to enhance your understanding and skills in the subject matter.
The open space in these areas was generally bungalows, relating back to the lower demand on land so
they can afford to spread floor space out rather than up. We expected this to give us a good idea of
the location of the CBD and see if it conforms to the typical CBD as described in a textbook. This
was unexpected as a lot more people on average should have been leaving but people may have been
staying longer as they realised how much of a nice a day it was and therefore wanted to make the
most of it. These points were randomly positioned in and around what we thought was CBD and we
all took the count at the same time to limit the chances of freak results from rush hour. This leads to
high levels of People visiting the area; this could also be the reason that people give it the title of a
“honeypot Site.”. Increased heavy use by walkers, horse riders and mountain bikers has led to
considerable erosion of paths in many areas. Around the corner towards Sheffield there are the Post
Office and more pubs. We did this to find out how much tourism has affected what is in the village
and how they have accommodated for the influx of tourists it gets. This may be because it had been
forecast to be a nice day so people wanted to get there early to fully enjoy it. Especially the impact
of the increasing number of people visiting the countryside. My conclusion is that buildings in
Castleton will be constructed using similar materials. This would have been because of the lower
demand on the land in the Inner Suburban area. When this was abandoned the castle gradually
became ruined until what remained was restored this century. There is lots of traffic diue to the fact
the area is a car park. There was still some housing but this housing was more lower-class and tended
to be blocks of flats. The environmentalist also says that many of the cherished places in Castleton
have been removed forever. There was vegetation in the area and this made the car park look pleasent
(for a car park that is!). There was an average amount of litter in this area considering the village's
fish and chips shop is in the area. There was erosion on the paths leading fron the car park to the
main footpaths and it was quite difficult to walk in some areas. Even on Kinnoul Street, where al the
ground floor land was used for residential means. He thinks that when he is older he would like to
become the chairman of the parish council because a lot of changes need to be made. We recorded
our data and did this all the way along our part of footpath. Tourists often ask villages questions and
scare the elderly by shouting and looking through their windows. This may be because the main car
park is located here as is the tourist information centre. Looking at the bar graph we can see that
clothes shops are by far the most common shop, 23 shops in total. There are no buildings in the area
but a new tourist information centre is being built ajecent to the car park to replace the old one
which was to small and old to cope with increasing tourism in the area. Castleton is famous for its
beautiful scenery in which many people come to hike, Cycle, and Climb. I expected that there might
be a bit of shop clustering amongst the phone shops and high order goods where the customer likes
to feel they have a choice between shops as they tend to be spending a lot of money. I asked the
people at their cars because this would give me an exact destination. I also think if we had more time
in Castleton we could have got more information, done more surveys and got more pictures to put
into our course work.
We did this at the start of our visit and just before we were leaving. Covering nearly 1438 square
kilometres (555 square miles) it contains beautiful and often wild countryside from the high (636m)
moor lands in the north, to the green farmland in the south. There was also some industry a bit closer
to the CBD which would need lots of cheap land to make a profit and accommodate their needs.
There were also a number of gift shops and department stores on the High Street, both 7 altogether.
It is also worth thinking about the fact that a lot of the way you are walking right above the
chambers of Peak Cavern. However 42% of the traffic was leaving Castleton at the same time and
this is probably because residents were leaving for work. Figure 13 shows less erosion on the
footpath but it is still eroded at 20cm at the deepest. From this, we could decide if some buildings
were there just for tourist purposes. GCSE Design and Technology: Short Course - North
Leamington School. More or bigger car parks may solve the problem but then again, may not be the
solution as this could increase the number of visitors causing more problems. Public transport
schemes are being developed and improved in the hope of encouraging visitors to leave their cars at
home, and use public transport or other means of transport. Obviously every body has got different
opinions on how much damage and rubbish there was. A wide selection of Gifts and mementos are
available to buy to remember the amazing boat trip, including Jewellery made from the Blue John
stone. Doing questionnaires like these it is better to use closed questions because you could get a
straight answer yes or no. But where we started, in the suburbs, there would be less traffic
congestion and so more freedom to park and not cause a traffic jam so there would be less parking
restrictions in the suburbs. This data is shown in figure 10 and 11 but it mainly shows which road is
used more and which the main way into Castleton is. We have shared some of these results from the
resident’s questionnaires with the other people in our group which means some people in our group
maybe have the same results. Progression will be a key factor in my Physical exercise program as in
each week I will be attempting to increase repetitions of my exercises that relate to power and agility.
We then divided this width by ten and at every tenth we went along and measured the depth of the
footpath. GCSE Design and Technology: Short Course - North Leamington School. As you climb up
the dale you get a good view of Peveril castle. Poll Ask the community Find out what other deviants
think - about anything at all. Also the surveys carried out on the locals and tourists shows what good
things the tourism has brought to Castleton. Castleton is one of the most popular centres in the Peak
District. There is no erosion in this part of the viullage because there is not vegetation and the roads
have recently been resurfaced. During the day we had to complete a series of tasks, which were.
Local shops were found between the CBD and the residential areas. By doing my exercise program
daily I will ensure that no reversibly will occur. Honey pot sites include The great pyramid of Giza
and the Grand Canyon in the United States. To prove the point that Castleton’s public transport
service is insufficient. I expected to find the vast majority of suburban area to be residential and
much of the CBD to be shops and offices.
I think that fig and fig show that most visitors to Castleton are day-trippers. There was erosion on the
paths leading fron the car park to the main footpaths and it was quite difficult to walk in some areas.
You had to fill in a table of how many and what different people passed by you in ten minutes while
you sit in the same spot. Impact of Tourism As shown in the above hypothesis we conducted a survey
to discover the impact of tourism on Castleton. I am going to create a study to find out if the
hypothesis is correct. The open space in these areas was generally bungalows, relating back to the
lower demand on land so they can afford to spread floor space out rather than up. The majority of
vehicles were cars but there were some 4-wheel drives as well as a people carrier. The supporting tick
lists enables students to tick off the covered content as they go and ensure they have the support
needed to complete their coursework effectively. Litter is a problem because some people see that
there aren’t any litter bins and they throw it on the floor, cars cause problems because they puff out
smoke and fumes which are going out and into the wildlife and finally erosion, the erosion of
footpaths and roads, there are currently plans for footpaths in Fairholms the management planners
have introduced steps on paths to stop path erosion, also put new cobbles down so people don’t walk
on the grass were it has been worn away. Another very important area is the main car park (this is
where most of my pedestrian counting, recording of places of origin etc will take place.) The final
and possible the most important area of interest is the tourist information shop, there is a lot of
information readily available such as bus timetables and even a student pack. Conclusion This was an
effective method as to finding out whether there were plenty of natural features that encourage
tourists to visit Castleton. The other 9% was mainly used by shops, industry, and open space, these
shops were all convenience shops selling everyday items such as newspapers and milk. I would
expect to find very little residential buildings and any that were to be terraced as there would not be
enough room, on the highly sought after land, on the high street for a garden. There was no litter in
the area that could be spotted without looking for it, bins are situated in this area. There was
vegetation in the area and this made the car park look pleasent (for a car park that is!). There is
obvious pollution caused by the almost constant traffic in the area. When this was abandoned the
castle gradually became ruined until what remained was restored this century. Increased heavy use
by walkers, horse riders and mountain bikers has led to considerable erosion of paths in many areas. I
need muscular strength when my team is doing man to man defence and I have to keep my opponent
out of the key. I asked this of the people I questioned so my data corresponded with the other data
from the questionnaire and so I had a good range of ages and so I had enough data to make it
relevant. As you climb up the dale you get a good view of Peveril castle. There is very little pollution
except for that coming from the passing traffic. Then as we approached the High Street and what we
suspected to be the CBD we found that the majority of the land was being used for retail purposes
with 72% of the land being used for this. The environmentalist also says that many of the cherished
places in Castleton have been removed forever. This plan is good because it means cleaners don’t
have to go around emptying all of the litterbins. The depth erosion doesn’t gradually increase it drops
straight away from both edges of the footpath. This corresponds to figure 14 as this graph shows the
sphere of influence and that approximately 55% of people come from close by around Castleton. The
majority of the National Park is in private ownership and most of it is farmed. Conclusion This
method was successful in telling us whether buildings in Castleton are constructed using similar
materials. This can be seen in figure 7 as nearly half the people I questioned went to Castleton for
recreational reasons but there is lots of variation in this section (shown in my questionnaire) from
nostalgia to grabbing a cup of tea.
Peveril is thought to have been an illegitimate son of William I. I asked the people at their cars
because this would give me an exact destination. The area is very noisy because of it being one of the
main areas in the village and traffic has to pass this point to get to the car parks and the caves. As we
progressed I expected the major use would remain residential, however, with less open space and the
housing to be more terraced with a few convenience shops on some of the street corners. There was
still some housing but this housing was more lower-class and tended to be blocks of flats. In our
group there were 4 people but towards the end of the day we split up into groups of two to get all
the tasks completed. Biological Individual Investigation What Effects Have Management Had On
Gra. There was an average amount of litter for the village in the car park. The cave was originally a
mine, dug mainly to mine Blue John, which is still mined here. The largest national park in England
is the Lake District. There are only a few bus services that enter Castleton; this is odd especially
seeing as though it has masses of tourists visiting all year round. I believe this is inadequate and
therefore proves my hypothesis. The are huge amounts of vegetation in this area including trees,
bushes and grassy areas. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Even though this
still only comes to an amount of eight shops for the locals. Doing questionnaires like these it is better
to use closed questions because you could get a straight answer yes or no. We are trying to find out
the effects of tourism on the area and why Castleton is a honeypot. We then passed through an area
of industry and railway lines with areas of open space and low buildings. We used Pindale Road,
Buxton Road and How Lane as these are the three main roads leading into Castleton and would
have the most amount of traffic. There are roughly seventy villages situated throughout the peak
district. People want to see the scenery for themselves so they come to Castleton to go for walks etc.
When this was abandoned the castle gradually became ruined until what remained was restored this
century. It was previously used as a rope-making factory, the only one of its kind in Europe. There
are up to 30 million visits to the Peak District National Park each year - only Mount Fuji National
Park in Japan has more visits. Results We found that buildings in Castleton are constructed with
similar materials; we think this is in order to keep the village's rustic charm and to keep it as a
traditional village rather than modernising. Also, due to the fact that most people going into
Castleton are at the age where they can drive (from figure 6) then it is likely that they took a car as
they wouldn’t want to pay for public transport. Increased heavy use by walkers, horse riders and
mountain bikers has led to considerable erosion of paths in many areas. The same principles apply as
the last timetable (see above). I expected the buildings on the outskirts to be less tall as they would
have more room to expand out the way instead of up. Mirfield is in many cases the complete
opposite to this; however, it is a commuter village, not a honeypot site such as Castleton.
The only place were you will see a lot of double yellow lines is in cities like Nottingham were there
is a lot of traffic. Around the corner towards Sheffield there are the Post Office and more pubs. At
these times local people have very little peace and quiet as their village is almost over-run by visitors.
It is also worth thinking about the fact that a lot of the way you are walking right above the
chambers of Peak Cavern. This plan is good because it means cleaners don’t have to go around
emptying all of the litterbins. The largest national park in England is the Lake District. However, it
also has masses of tourists visiting every year, even in winter. I thought that as we closed in on the
CBD the roads would become more and more congested and therefore there would be less room for
cars to be parked at the side of the roads so there would be restrictions closer to the CBD. My
conclusion is that visitors to Castleton do travel long distances to get there. Offices and shops
combined maede up only 15% of the land use in what we marked the CBD from the ground floor
land use data. There are hundreds of car passing (e.g. through Winnets Pass to Manchester) or
visiting Castleton. There was erosion on the paths leading fron the car park to the main footpaths and
it was quite difficult to walk in some areas. The CBD is usually the oldest part of the city and has tall
buildings to accommodate the needs for retail services in such a busy centre. Poorly maintained
buildings Brickwork of buildings similar. This sphere of influence means that people come from all
over Scotland to shop in Perth and so there were a lot of people on the High Street. Method The
method we used for this hypothesis was to conduct a 'Land use survey' when we were in Castleton.
There was no visible wildlife but we did see some nests in the trees in the area. I need agility and
flexibility during the game when I am going up for lay-ups and one on one plays. The tracing paper
is used to identify the different radius’s (each one 30 miles wide.). There is plentiful vegetation in
the area with lots of trees and large open fields in view. There aren’t many services on this side of
the CBD and it is mainly offices with few parking spaces meaning there weren’t as many people
shopping or going to their cars causing a dramatic fall in the diagram. I think that the shop with the
best position on the High Street is Debenhams as it is on the corner of King Edward Street and the
High Street giving it a larger shop frontage to attract custom. Training In my six week training
program I will be focusing on Agility, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance and flexibility,
because these are the areas which I feel that I have to improve on to become a better basketball
player. I only play at High school level because this is the only way I can play for a team in the
country I am living in. But there were a few minor problems that could have affected my results, one
of these was the vast weather difference between the two days, it was especially unfortunate because
there was exceptional weather on the Sunday (weekend), which is the Castleton’s busiest time of the
week (tourist wise). Maybe this is because it has everything the visitor might want. These two figures
(6 and 7) also show that the range of activities is spread out and that people visit Castleton for a
multitude of reasons and at any age. As you climb up the dale you get a good view of Peveril castle.
The main road has several more pubs and the Castle.

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