Aqa Gcse Pe Coursework Examples

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Writing coursework, especially on a specific topic like AQA GCSE PE coursework, can be a

challenging and time-consuming task. AQA GCSE PE coursework often requires in-depth research, a
solid understanding of the subject matter, and the ability to articulate your ideas coherently.
Additionally, meeting the formatting and citation requirements can add another layer of complexity
to the process.

Students may find themselves grappling with various aspects, such as collecting relevant data,
analyzing information, and presenting their findings in a well-structured manner. Furthermore,
balancing coursework with other academic and personal commitments can be demanding.

For those seeking assistance, exploring professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can
be a viable option. These services often have experienced writers who are well-versed in various
subjects, including AQA GCSE PE coursework. They can provide custom-written content tailored to
your specific requirements, saving you time and ensuring a high-quality submission.

However, it's essential to approach such services with caution. Ensure that the service is reputable,
trustworthy, and respects academic integrity. Before making a decision, carefully review the terms
and conditions, customer reviews, and guarantees offered by the writing service.

Remember, while external assistance can be beneficial, it's crucial to use it ethically and responsibly.
Always make sure that the work you submit reflects your own understanding and ideas, and use
external help as a supplementary resource rather than a substitute for your own effort.
Flexibility training involves using a series of exercises to improve and extend the range of movement
at a joint by stretching and moving the tendons and ligaments just beyond the point of resistance. In
order to improve power I would need to use weights that work on improving muscular power. Write
a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. My
programme will go as over page, it is only three weeks long because I will repeat it in the same
pattern of improvement in the second half, raising the level each weak. Depending on the position of
the player on the field and the level at which the game is played, varying degrees of fitness and
combinations of components of fitness are needed. However, I think this is only a small
improvement because my agility testing could have been a little more intense. It is from these that I
get my position being “right back” and its useful because I can pass the ball to my team-mates
through any length of the field. Also, a weakness for our students is often the AO2 application of
content to sport, so we asked them to consider more personal examples. I have decided on only
doing plyometric training once every two weeks as I haven’t done it before and it can be quite
stressful on your joints. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. Once about 15-20 balls have been delivered I would then swap with the crosser
and then cross balls in with my left foot in order to improve it. You need to hold this stretch for 10-
15 seconds and repeat if necessary. It is suitable for all game players and in particular helps to
improve the height you can jump which is good for me in order to win headers during football
matches. I think it is a really useful resource, just wanted to check that I wasn’t missing something.
But if you just have a small injury or an illness, for example a cold you won’t need to start again and
will just be able to pick up from where you left off. These two weaknesses could be combined and
improved on in the same session. Take leg (a) and place one foot on the knee of the opposite leg (b).
This useful GCSE PE coursework teacher feedback sheet enables teachers to tick off the sections the
student has completed, whilst highlighting to the student areas they have missed. If I win the ball in
defence and become in control of the ball I sometimes find that my passes don’t go to who they are
supposed to go to and as a result we lose possession. All this contributes to pre venting serious injury
whilst the physical activity is taking place. Additional materials, such as the best quotations,
synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. In out fitness
programme gender is of no importance, as male and female will be doing the same activities. It
shows clearly that I improved as the weeks progressed. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To
ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report
this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. It shows I have good arm action
when entering the water, and my breathing is efficient because I breathe bilaterally. The aim of
plyometric training is to improve muscle power by training the muscles to contract strongly. Strength
and suppleness is the key to good court play in netball and therefore that is the reason why I chose to
try and improve it. This is lower than the first week but it means that because my starting beat count
has decreased by 9 beats per minute that I have gained in my fitness and my heart rate is overall
lower. Warming down prevents soreness and muscle fatigue by keeping the blood circulating and
providing oxygen for the muscles after the activity to reduce the amount of lactic acid that can occur.
If a balanced diet isn’t followed throughout the training programme then it is possible that I could
feel sick and therefore not participate in the training session as a result.
Then we need to make sure we overload or we won’t improve. It is recommended that 50-60% of
you diet should be made up from carbohydrates, 25-30% fat and 10-15% protein. Pull the legs apart
until you can feel a pull across the inner thigh. Both aspects of fitness could be improved in one
session simply by adding appropriate exercises to each station and by including heavier weights in
the circuit. I need agility and flexibility during the game when I am going up for lay-ups and one on
one plays. However it is complex and sometimes is hard to relate exercises to a sport. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. A circuit is usually
made up of 6-10 exercises which take place at stations. I also think the plan was more aimed at
strength than suppleness and I don’t rally think there was very many exercises that accommodated
the room for improvement of suppleness. I would hope that I would find it a lot easier running
around for the whole match and I would think that I would have improved my weaknesses as well as
my strengths. In a session I will work for 1 hour and complete 3 circuits in this time. Your head and
spine should keep alignment and posture should be correct. Some physical factors that can have a
negative or positive affect on performance are. You need tactics and to be able to move agilely and
with strength. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. Review 5 Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
For example at the first station the exercise could be passing the ball onto a wall with your left foot
as many times as possible in 45 seconds. The team that dominates in the air can win the ball in the
vital danger zone in front of the six yard box both when defending and attacking, and that team can
win the ball from long goal kicks. The instep is used for long ball passing, the heel can be used to
pass behind us, and the outside of the foot can be used to pass the ball quickly to the side of us, or
to bend the ball to pass it around an opponent. Your 1 repetition maximum (1RM) is the heaviest
weight you can lift once, for example if your 1RM was 100kg for a certain exercise and you were
training for muscular power then you would lift 60-80kg 10-15 times and repeat at least three times.
Warming down prevents soreness and muscle fatigue by keeping the blood circulating and providing
oxygen for the muscles after the activity to reduce the amount of lactic acid that can occur.
Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your
writing easier are also offered here. Fartlek training is used to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness
and to enable you to enjoy moving quickly. There were specific exercises for each so that the target
was met. In circuit training you do a different exercise at each station e.g squats, press-ups etc. Most
importantly I have to strength sure that Gcse am readily available for my child at all times. First a
player would cross the ball in and I would be trying to win the header and header at goal, the job of
the defender is to win the ball and the goal keeper’s job is obviously to save it. Both of these pictures
show the transfer of weight onto the bent leg in order to feel the stretch on the calf muscle. Looking
after your muscles helps to keep them performing to a high standard next time you do physical
activity or play sport. Many activities need both cardiovascular and muscular endurance and football
is one of them.
This is important because it is a major muscle in your arm and you don’t want to damage it before
you even start playing. Corners, throw ins and goal kicks are awarded to teams when the ball goes
out of play. Also it had a space so we could record our recovery rate and out heart rate, both resting
and just after exercise. This is a suitable training method as it would help me improve my speed.
First thing we do is we plan our skills mentally, how we’re going to do it, then we actually physically
do it followed by reviewing it. This would also be suitable for me in order to improve my speed and
general fitness. The rest periods are essential for recovery and they enable you to train for longer. At
the start I was motivated but as the weeks went on by I felt as though I wasn’t as motivated. Also, a
weakness for our students is often the AO2 application of content to sport, so we asked them to
consider more personal examples. It is most likely to be one of the best flexible forms of training
and it can be used to improve any kind of component of fitness. Once I have made sure of all of
these things I could begin to make sure that my surrounding environment is safe. Once about 15-20
balls have been delivered I would then swap with the crosser and then cross balls in with my left foot
in order to improve it. For example, weight lifting, mostly this is a predominantly male sport because
men tend to be stronger that women. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for
our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to
let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. It would be no good to you if you can make good
doges but your muscles were not strong enough for you to make them, causing you either injury or a
failed movement. This helps me because I am able to run or exercise for longer distances. Circuit
training can be easily adapted to suit the trainer just by changing the stations. I could keep swapping
the two positions 4 or 5 times until I show an improvement. When doing plyometric training it puts
great stress on joints so it is vital for beginners to warm up first. This resource hasn't been reviewed
yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. This is lower than the first
week but it means that because my starting beat count has decreased by 9 beats per minute that I
have gained in my fitness and my heart rate is overall lower. A circuit is usually made up of 6-10
exercises which take place at stations. Circuit training can be easily adapted to suit the trainer just by
changing the stations. This is what allows so many different types of people to enjoy the sport. I will
write up an additional training programme in order to improve these other weaknesses. This way the
right muscles get the right amount of work needed to improve. Someone who has back trouble may
need to concentrate on this area and the antagonistic muscles in the abdomen to support the body
where it is weaker. The object of the game is to score more goals than your opponents by propelling
the ball into the opposition’s goal. To train hard seven days a week will only begin to have
diminishing results, as my body has no time to rest.

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