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ca ty) — ~ unit 2 Airframe. (cmap 4 7 k ve sshor) 1) Explain DLL and Dut 3 Tension, ope + Buckling - - Maximum — Shears 5 Bending 5 “Tersion a BLL Coesiqn Umit load ) = the. de stanesr woud expect the a0 in wgemyice = = jousk thal Component +o expemence, In _-© Ti bees “hanepore ALC +25 4 oll ay oe neve, Ate 444 tg forces: Avobarte Ale 6 oe &) DUL - - (design, wimare load) - 1 WO 1s tL x fast focter Mimimun ~ taderey _facker Specified i in destan aequdrernent s ts 1S Studion must- centteps withstand DUL without | Ce nope : a = = © Tension - A tensile load extension ts ene Which tends +o streteh a structure} member + toveponents designed +o wstsr tensten are Known as _ (a) Compression = ofposte ot tensile load« £ | d +0 Sherten Struccural meters - Compenens_ _ designed _ to wasters coniwressioy are enon > stubs -_ (@) Sheaw- Tends to stile. _ene. face. of me - material over 8n__ adjacene face. ore ange to resist shear free Lf verted joints J Bending - Bending of strumuve._Invetves 5 _ baste loadings — * Tension as -the outer edge ° Compression as the Mmuer e ° Shear across the stuaure ag the ferees try to spe it: Terston - Tersien or twiseing forces | produ. tensiery On __eutken edge. , Cemepresson tn ste, ceviere. fo Sheas across the. _srrumre Rurictin’ Ours +o ~trin Sheer materials wher trey etc. subjected +e end loads and -to ties Ee oo Sudoyected to COWL pre ssive. forsee _ 2) Otscribe. Tous s werk , monesguc. 5 seni = moneceque types of constructions - — 72) Frameurork - conctsts of Utne pauge. creel tubes welded to atest _to_forim__a__space___frame LL brtavgutan nape. to Dee _tne most vig : gece ferme wih “each tube. Carrey ING perfe load tne wagnitude. of whieh depends on wWnerner tne Alo S aijlorme er on _oAvund Le. baa } de is a ebrong » Asi Ly Comstructea and ret Fivetay Ltaovtle free. lotite srmurtire —fravuerjork is covered by a Wabewerght Aluwsinium or fobric sim +o give an enclosed AOA Dyn Ass COLD: epprent= load Blacypong ceoroas Ver * 1 &) Monoceque construction ~All -+he leads Ltaken by the sein win juste gine freeworad franes ov formers ty 9 toe regurred shape. Een clrgnt- olen +p skin can serous wraren tne Stru Exe Sores. needs ‘to be butt In areund holes m the stueture for windows | doers or undetaui tee whl weaken the ctructuve - “This yp of _ Conseruction ic _on urreblen © Bert jatar’ oud the gy loads greakts the purse— MORO LOGUE smueture Was role sheng anougly ond odolibono srructural members lenowy es Be singers Skiffeness) gine _Longrerons wre acteleo} — tp Aun Lengenutse. aLevy the fuselage, joieing the _fromes togeroes «Li ausoy Burp sity) VS then attached tp frames ond stringers boy qveti {ond _dstist tne sherk maruiats ty corry 100d. —B_adhetm bonding * str st athe Sti ___ ators tes length + 4° of Ipngerons ate | bes seat Aol s of passeaces Ales { 2TH) Laplein tape fe farl_snfe and damage —(a)eope pe of mn Alc Atauture fs Lepmed oy Tolerance types of _ WnstAuckions the nuinimuim ute teeing wth fim he" Knew) Chae WO ArOSTEPHTC ABUIBe Eo 0 cerur tbupe- _ una fo components of ols enolveg Mibu foe / _ feted ou Ae_eunebe of Fuyrng orice , wyeus of sycles a ef =_ landang , pAessuLriatron events , acl” oy een mM a Catendas boss: Alter tre lapsed le cous 2! forique cycle. hes been yeadsred Gyestrouted. nthe. interim of tre Repland 04 j aS wuninuee the Unwanted of for! tans ie Aan | Ape, om pfotigue, Me destwots apply tre _prinupl* aeike for! sape construtior) an ola 4ofeaane + (©) Fail cape and damage -tolerdinte Structume — Lavge Lode Al ane, designed with a fail-safe 08 “‘Wamage. tolerant staucure - “Ts can oe desl ved me A StU oir _w failure pf mw poscicuhor part iS Loripensatra with nua _Oterrunolunie. _load- path paovidid by an adja park _ thor fc able to ary the. leads fora _Uinetied. tue, _peuiod _“Typiatty tts Ts srAueture Wiel | abies guy aingle. _ failure. Or. atk In Any ene stiucwral Werutper nr Saf ely UsAy the newial splinting lads custil te nen potodic AIS PELETOT) 24. wing oLtta dan ents ound also vetivt porrzontal otabilizes, Atanusenle Parnes - f bs - the itm Cs [re ee TE yomnd.o wo mies besutbe tne Wnewuction of _pUgnic det s Fugne dec windews frittd _to__pressuata eat a withstand born +ne- toads of __pressusizasara — a ep loads prem birdstite, + They ere “ povstauked _pperian —E “fo each side of A toughened. Gloss poured araned _ a dean vin | __Naseat » bn eeariey —vonducrt pee applied tp the Inside Hae putes aLs prevents tee. fom “uted +> neat tne. winder: This | A DOI A Oud waiees the wrdow move edi WEN ond able. +o witrttand ondsuikes’ The Sages Loaeiins Beret) _ of a biadsar ce _ ic _gabsortoed by i @ oer and depasua Wrvidsuens Arc nbtonned to tne jp Ce — “_py__wotts _pessing rnaough Hace the _e{ He. winds orn = i ——— - i » Torsion oh 5) fxplein the. construction of wings sion A _longerens: spars ye ribs | Stringers 4M ; 4- 231 @ Torsten box - [sa structua™ formed be ' ' the. wing spars, erm and ibs to — Fee St bending and tronsting —loands— dis B) spar way joe, of sin (Ch) spears - the mainplanes 4 oo spas , twin spar onr_rnmnps —5 pacer Cons CEULEIEY jst A conyntional — styweeuere. ee of ean ttaedney the — maeral ine _ ibs and _shinges posi the 4 fomr and qar < pares +p the os pee boows These 4 wean componente Pf rer peo members —92Vina__ jse-_ y \n iy tne § torreon box: _ i Stringers ~ ore _spanw Lhy by _snfeming __the- wm _3t tow pre sston - a ‘ 4) ibs - Maman tne. aercfeil shape. of ue: Suppert the Spaxs Senge and _ bureung and — pass conunrrated — loads from ~__ Langine Laan olay SAA pas” a — = (@ Lengeons — leap ms ale beams Ma hve foselage trot ore. fied le prdmnatiy fro nose. to tail: They are. often placed te tloer and tate the vam bedadvny toads He ~Tthire-—oe— ano of m- a _ = _Hheh sit me 6), Pesci be the di fferen& types of metals anid — construction ma teaials— in_afe manu faetuaring 4 _ ther ad eee ere - 2) Stee} 4 Gs atleys py vse} Where, tema is * £ va al i Etch miterial fe chee fur tts pad Pepe eit aid 49 fatigue. strength Wert Adtistance — gerength to welgit yet | : fire resistance ue i 2s N Awatiniuery and ibs alloys Soe tae, mort widel used metals fer structural use dive. tv a aac strength +p vouignt: adbio with | gaaatunin type- aueys predomi duse. bo “ther qved farigae . Sesistance. Duraluaid is a. copper = pased obuwhaiann , otoy Wy nag peer cyrxusion oesistance. except when clad with poe aliiwuiniun (Aldad >> Te atao | has gvod thewal £ electrical cp dusted’ ty — lott ie dafficust tp weld a - _ : | view ¢ tig ne pemaucies can be Vanere d - a 3) Titanium Ts Ae ~ tenain SHef 4 tan be used Whae frre pirtection is requrred eq: fore watly Tt has good strength ard Reon tds Lorwosion aeststance upto teurp of 400°C ee +) hag nesta rm atleys ave also used thence _prnerpel Dadsaankonge beng phen a x “Thie fees an evcetlent” sheng +o Aiqurt- Tae Satin The elastic prrepesercs of- estum are WOE werg SAGs frlcoony fo tts we wm pei Vdert/ cteuehuver 15 buuled , Principle _¢ of flight pet __ ') Explain * Newton! Laws of motion , . ) mass force ) Werk j pocienr 4 energy A a units: (pauynbar iy ayeNewtons frst aad of motion = A body wot wemain at vest oF in uniferm motion tno ceramhe Une unless acted on by an_extemna unbalanced force a sNlewteni second lero of motion - The acc!" ae bedy from a sta of rest 5 or uniform mover in a Straight Une js propertional -to the applied force and Inversely prepersional to +e mass 2 Nevtons third law of motion - Every action has on ual an opposite. aeaLkion - me \P) Weigne - force due fo gravity (F =m xq) unit - Newt (N) _ - —#) Mass ~ Quantity of matter mn a_eody ee Unit - Kilegram (eq) a )) forte ~A push or pulf that— causes change mM merino 9 bedy . 7 mole ware - Newton (N) = 2) Wert — A force is card todo werk on ee) When Tr moves the focy m the olérectiom jn _which the force is PO as Wert = fewce x distance unit - Teule CT) #) fower — Rare of doing ort + unit wort (co) 4) Enegy = Mase hat energy if Te has the ability “tp to werk The amount ef energy x body ocesset (x mmeasused toy the oundoyut= of werk Ik un do unwt- doule (2). 2) 5 — _ af Explain Theta: = _ oy: Cov: Li . (with forrmuta = TINUE ane bermouuis thearenr —> @ Theory of concinurity - ten = CAN nen hes be, Gated ach dew ergy and mass. na. tan from fe strayed » con only be_ the effeee | tis b MA: To aéenonstrars, 2 Aste merple_ = As on ra - a Shrew, 7 —eucave foconsid., a 4 fa sigh ae. ey A _weduced cwroes— 4 _ Which mass Sectional i z The On flow | os Mass _ jen mete Soe pee a tue. wil) be “Hhe—_predusck- of fhe oe i tnh oven. (A) tre airftow veloty (Vv) and the an | density (@) - Mass —flew will yeoman svitant _ ) AE a —peints— ateng the tube Bgn sop _cmeinuity is _ | Ax NX = constant: __ ® Remain tere = Tn _sthe cready Hews ah an ideal flutd the cum of fhe. presume. energy | ond the Cette en y remains constant” (This statemene can be expressed ae __ Pres cure energy + inette energy = Constant OR Pot Yon RV = Conatant 3) Draw 4d mark te various terms as applicable to on seofeil e4-_ cher Une + Mean coumber time _j war Couper 5 Max twitkuess ere ” pe — MAKIMON) “THICKNESS MAeIMON CAME 4), Explain the 19m Aeredynavuic Centre. | Lente of pres Swe , piteuing moments > 4) Acamdynanic. centre - The. AC tea tixed point on -the- cherd Une and Is defined as the point where all changes in -the. raagnitud ¢ of Lift force effectively fake place and_a_potnt about wich tne pitching mowient_willl yea constant a normal angles of attr. Applied for the Llengitudinal stabiity of the Ale’ {b) “Gentes of pressure — The. Whole Surfare_op the _aertoil contributes te Uipt_eut- the pofht along the chord where the distritouted he ls effeumely toncentrared 1S eprjed Centre of Po _ _ 3 Pitching moments -_ the change in pons austribution with angle. of attack for symmerria\ |, aerrhoi)] Symierical eerofel ae Der uft 5) Explain load facrer ; Ning leading ; #spect rari ; Sweepbact® 4 Mean acredynamic chord 7 fngle of ee atta f Angle. ef imeidence — a) Lead fiaetwr - The. xazio oe 4 the. wmagne ef an ale to the load imposes dey fe . 7 jp load pare (n) > a a uedg n= y ting teading - Ratio of arena apt wad gn to tog & LC wmea Wing toading = tres rapt weight 7 srewed wing A _ c) Et- ratio - Peo ertion of Span and the avg ard, (AR = ble) + Tp the planferrn has _cusvature_ ond the avq . cherd fs not easiy determined , out { expression is b7*]S° Wyere b = span and t= angq. Pe te ¥ chakd . | ~ (pwn deeeens Ue owesoe secel 4) Sweepback — A _swept- wimg filed to atlew: a hgh max Speed _, but te hae an _morased tenalency +o stall first Near -the tips * Loss of Uft ab the_ fips Mover the CP forward, giving a nase. — up pitching momene oo _ ~ Outboard suction prusures tend to = aaa BY WE ~tovsarals tip Laterat axis «=. ©). Mean acredy nawite chord = A rece alae why ef same spon woud Nave. joreadty Siwitar prtening moment chamrackenistics - The NAC Is tocote, on the yeference axis of the Afe and fs a priMm, mefp- for len Mat stoloility canstieremaons + f) Angle of uc— (%) - aka a wile INdeley, Angle bho +he cherd ture 4 relative arr flow: D).ngle- ef mettence - le lets ng ree chery tine _@nd longitudinal ants of 16 ' Angle ts fh _ for wing bur variable for tail plane_- ©) Explain Adverse. allen arag, 4 how is it preven 1) Show various types of daag en wag TOTAL PRAG Lnduced drag Para site. drag a pion deg brag a: wag 7 oo ~ Prepie rag | ®) Explain Induced drag 4 how 1 can be “duced — + Wing tig vortices creathcertam veartical velocity __atyflew Mn the. viemity of wing seen penents _in_-the. Vervical velocity strengthen —f._deumuas bh ___, which reduces tne effective. angle i Strenger the verricesy , qreateoy the “realuctiom of effective angle of aztec - Therefore, UP E qeneaated rrequces - Inerder +o _veplace. thurs _ UP lost ory ___inurea sed —upnsh 4 deumwash wing must be , __ floven ab vey _cuagles of otto Wirich yt _ arena Te ‘extra drag ts Aled as Tmotuced drags * Methods of. seducing “mduced. a oo - Dying end plases =A flake plate atthe. vig. tp wrtt yestrick- the +ip vertices ‘onda sito CHete—te —an—murented — or" ae @® Tp tanks - Pact ewes plaved ak the wg Hips wi! have. a Suita, penetrial effeck , will also weduce _ wy aoe ben aing VLD WYeUE oe © wragiers — Thue me sun vetul auepile hin ‘ form part of emg Gp ingles poe. are Plowing from 9, peck a phe Povrety bt, botrern_te_tep Surface, a frrenayth ob tip verte. Vortex Generated by ust ; further veduces the sre, bhp vores + yh Wn tte shape ~Destyns xisaly wea. “heise tan ler themed _up Wwrng: tps tas are used to rede _ 7 se Th odolition, sual Pabermete with und of the wan wh ® 4) Drew diag. of forces _ma_er¢ level 5 Ctomde | Descend and “turns with formulae applicable a a) Ferces M__lesep Hegne ne ct ~ — _ a i \ \ — —_|f Ss _ soaaiaaiaal ad T— > Thaust ree +o awn fe ee gee on Extra thrust reqpired 4 ” ————patenrce tax wands compe oh wag ht : _- 2). Feree. tin: tescand Total Reaetlon Forsacd wnupon =f aye ols)

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