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English Homework One

Monday 18th April 2022

Task 1

Poem Questions

1. The subject of this poem is love and it talks about what love is and the
meaning behind love really

2. -Rhymes in nearly every line

-Exactly 14 lines
- Final 2 lines
Task 2

The first quatrain talks about alterations and I think it’s saying that love
is never easily broken nobody can bend it easily essentially

The second quatrain says that love is fixated and it says it’s a star to
every wand’ring bark meaning that love is the star the guides you. It says
that it looks and tempests and is never shaken.

The third quatrain manages to personify love and time by saying that
love will not be taken a fool by time and this is personification because
love is an emotion and time isn’t human either. It saying love doesn’t
last mere hours or weeks but that true love last till the edge of doom.

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