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Book Review : The Little Prince

1.To what extent the book reflects the subject matters of this course?
Explain and illustrate it .
- In my opinion this book make me understand about complicated
relationship and many aspect.unsderstand about the meaning of
language due to inside of this book the content is quite use a
connotative meaning.
2. What do you think/feel about the society and yourself after you
read the book?,then explain it,using your own experience.
- I got a lot of ideas while the little prince travels to the stars. I used
to be one of those people in the past. the person whose the little
prince met in various stars. whether it was a king. It’s an adult who
was quick to conclude or just look everything at the surface. it’s an
conceit man that most of the times we pay too much to the voices of
the people around us But actually our own admiration is the best. or
used to a lamplighter who devoted himself to his duty that he forgets
to think of himself or even the little prince’s rose that hides her
feelings. make us lose something by the time I know it,it was too late
and finally, it was yourself who were sad and the star I like the best is
the star of the make me realize that sometimes we have
done wrong in the past. we can’t go back and fix it. instead of trying to
forget about it why don’t we accept it. accept it so that we can grow
up to be better people and never go back to making the same
mistakes in the past. because growing up is not a problem But growing
up and forgetting childhood is something we trend to forget.
As we grow up our memories about childhood can often be hidden
by ourselves. It can be see that every star that the little prince go.
each one grows up to be an adult and they have their own duty. Those
people spend so much time in their duty So sometimes they forget
their childhood.
After I read this book I have come to understand that a meaningful
life is to build a good relation and the more we build a relationship
with someone.this thing is like the little prince’s will become
more and more meaningful.
3.Which character in the book do you like the most? Why?
- I prefer the fox but many people know how cunning fox are. But
the little prince tamed the fox. The little price and the fox have formed
a relationship.spent time together and eventually they became a good
friend. They both mean each other. And this relationship gave the
little prince many lessons and insights.
First, the most important things may not be visible to the eye. For
example the fox told the little prince go back to the rose garden. There
were many roses, But that was difference from the little prince’s rose.
Those flowers had no meaning to the little prince.the little prince ’s
rose is special because the little prince spent time with his rose.They
made bonds, they watered her,they took care of her until she grew.
Make a rose special and it is the only one in the world.
Second, Building a bond or building a relationship with someone
takes trust and times for each other. like the fox said , “To me you are
nothing more than a little boy who is just like hundred thousand other
little boys. And I have no need of you And you, on your part, have no
need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like hundred
thousand other foxes. But if you tamed me, then we shall need each
other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you I shall be
unique in all the world…’’ We are all just strangers to each other.
They don’t mean anything to each other. But whenever we build a
relationship and bond with someone or something and spent time on
that. That thing will be special and meaningful to us.
And lastly, we have to responsible for every relationship we build.
Many of them have built relationship with someone. Even though
sometimes some relationship can be painful and tearful. But we
cannot avoid it. we must not forget to take responsibility for every
relationship that we have because it is what we built.Even sometimes
we have to cry.
4. Do you like/satisfy the ending? If YES,why? If NO?what should it be?
If you were the writer,what/how would you end the book?
-For the ending, Even though it’s a bit sad but I still like it. And also
hidden the lesson as well. When the little prince return to the his star.
the pilot acted as if he didn’t want the little prince to go. Maybe
because of their relationship the love and care that the pilot had for
the little prince. But eventually the pilot have to let the little prince go.
Just a the little prince told the pilot that even if we are’t stay together
but you will be my friend we will always be. when you looked up at
the sky at night you will have stars that can laugh. You will see him in
every star. You will think of the little prince’s laughter. because the
love is not about possession.It’s about letting the someone whose we
love or care do whatever they want and we must let our loved ones be
free. Let them do them desires. We can’t resist them.
5. Other perspective or comments that you want to add.
-In my opinion I want the writer to add some part of the content
because some content is too short. Like the part of the little prince
visits the tippler. In my opinion the content that I would like to have
more the story that the little prince should continue to ask the tippler
why you have to drink to forget about your shame so that the little
prince could learn some lesson from the tippler. And for me the
content is divided into chapter. make some children may not
understand and can not access the content of the story.

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