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Mabest Academy Akure

First Term 2023/2024 Academic Session

First Term Examination

Class: Year 8.

Subject: BST 3( Computer studies).

Duration: 1hr30minutes

Instruction: Answer all questions in section A , B and any 3 in section C


1. The computers capable of handling variety of tasks are classified as ____A. super computers B.
general purpose computers C. special purpose computers D. None of the above

2. Desktops, laptops and palm tops are example of _______.(A). mini computers. (B). micro computers.
(C). super computer. (D). general computer

3. _________ generation of computers used vacuum tubes. (A). First generation. (B). Second
generation. (C). Fifth generation. (D). Sixth generation

4. _______ is a computer designed from scratch to perform a specific function..

(A). Mainframe (B). Special purpose computers (C). Micro computers (D). Laptop's

5. The full meaning of DOS is _____ (a) Data Operi Save (b) Data of service (c) Disk Option Save (d) Disk
Operating System

6. There are _______ function keys on the keyboard (a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 15 (d) 17

7. All are characteristics of a computer except ___ (a) reliability (b) automatic (c) versatility (d)

8. The physical part of a computer that can be seen, touched, and moved around is _______ (a) software
(b) ROM (c) flash drive (d) hardware.

9. Which of the following computer types represents data as variable and continuous values. (a)
Analogue (b). Digital. (c). Mainframe. (d). Microcomputer.
10. Artificial intelligence is a feature of..... (a). Second generation computer. (b). Third generation
computer. (c). Fourth generation computer. (d). Fifth generation computer.

11. The difference Engine and the Analytical Engine were invented by .... (a). Blaise Pascal. (b). Charles
Babbage. (c). Blaise pascal and Ada Lovelace. (d). Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage.

12. Computer are not classified based on .......... ( a). Size. (b). Colour. (c). Generation. (d). Purpose.

13. Supercomputer, mainframe computer, minicomputer, workstation, microcomputer or personal

computer are classification of computer by .......( a). Size. (b). Generation. (c). Purpose. (d). Usage.

14. Which of these is a component of computer system. (a). Hardware. (b). Software. (c). Peopleware.
(d). All the Above.

15. a system software that helps maintain a computer. (a). Application. (b). Utility. (c).
Damaging. (d). Hard. where the processing takes place. (a). Memory. (b). Processor. )

(c). Peripheral device. (d). None of the above.

17...........are set of instructions given to a computer to perform a particular tasks. (a). Program. (b).
Information. (c). Order. (d). Marching order.

18. Which of these is a common operating system available today. ( a). Norvell. (b). Windows Vista. (c).
Windows Xp. (d). All the above.

19. The digits ........ and ........are used in binary system. (a). 0,1. (b). 2,4. (c). 5,8. (d).8,10.

20. The utility program is also known as.........(a). Service program. (b). Sorting. (c). Loader. (d). All the

21. The software that supervises the computer and coordinate peripheral operations is .......(a)
Operating system. (b). Application Software. (Compiler. (d). Package.

22. Which of the following is not a computer hardware. (a). MS DOS. (b). Scanner. (c). Speaker. (d).

23. Computer is used in school for the following Except........(a). Recording Grades. (b). Keeping Record.
(c). Constructing Roads. (d). Typesetting Documents.

24. The large size computer that occupies a large Air conditioned room full space with large memory is
called........(a). Supercomputer. (b). Mainframe computer. (c). Microcomputer. (d). Minicomputer.

25. Computer software is divided into ....... and ........(a). Hardware and Software. (b). Software and
Peopleware. (c). Programs and System software. (d). System and Application.
26. The small symbol that blinks on the screen of monitor is called........(a). Cursor. (b). Space Bar. (c).
Caps Lock. (d). Pause bar.

27. A special multi-purpose device that receives instructions, Process it and produces desired results is
called.........(a). Satellite Dish. (b). Digital camera. (c). Typewriter. (d). Computer.

28. The central processing Unit consist of the following except.....(a). Memory unit. (b). Motherboard.
(c). Control Unit. (d). Arithmetic and Logic unit.

29. The output through the printer is referred to as.......(a). Output. (b). Garbage out . (c). Soft copy. (d).
Hard Copy.

30. Microsoft word is an example of........ software. (a). Application. (b). Utility. (c). System. (d). Tent.


1. IBM is an acronym for.....

2. The first generation computer used ...... Technology.

3. The second generation computer used...... technology.

4. CPU stand for..........

5. The biggest and the fastest computer is called........

6. The computer used for weather forecasting are called.......

7. ATM is an acronym for ..........

8. MS-DOS Stands for......

9. A computer that is designed to perform a particular tasks or specific task is called.......

10. The first generation computer was invented in the year.........

11. Digital computer Processes and store data in form of.......

12. ROM stands for ........

13. RAM stand for.......

14. DVD Stands for.......

15. A person that write computer codes is called.......

16. A person who impart computer knowledge to other people through Teaching or writing is called.....

17. Microsoft Excel is an example of...... Package.

18. UNIVAC stands for........

19. PC is also known as .......

20. OS is an acronym for.......


1. Define the following Terms

a. Computer System.

b. Software.

c. Operating System.

d. Computer Professionals.

2a. State 5 Examples of computer Professionals.

2b. Enumerate 5 Examples of output device.

2c. Highlight 5 components of computer system Unit.

3a. Describe Hardware component.

3b.List 5 Examples of Operating system.

3c. List 3 functions of Operating system.

4a. Mention 5 Features of First generation computer.

4b. State 5 Characteristics of computer system.

4c. List any 5 Examples of Input device

5a. Outline 4 Classifications of computer.

5b. Explain the 3 Types of computer.

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