Appendix - 7 Blasting Assessment

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REPORT 30-1646-R1
Revision 0

Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment

Glendell Mine
Modification to Development Consent

Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 838
Toronto NSW 2283

4 JULY 2007
Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment
Glendell Mine
Modification to Development Consent

Heggies Pty Ltd
ABN 29 001 584 612
Level 1, 14 Watt Street Newcastle NSW 2300 Australia
(PO Box 1768 Newcastle NSW 2300 Australia)
Telephone 61 2 4908 4500 Facsimile 61 2 4908 4501
Email Web

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Reference Status Date Prepared Checked Authorised

30-1646-R1 Revision 0 4 July 2007 Katie Teyhan John Cotterill John Cotterill

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 2

1.1 Project Description 1
1.2 Project Area 2


2.1 ANZECC Guidelines 4
2.2 Assessment of Railway Culverts and Transmission Lines 4


3.1 Historic Blast Emissions Monitoring Results 6



5.1 Monitoring Locations and Intervals 10
5.2 Instrumentation Requirements 10
5.2.1 Blast Emission Monitors 10
5.2.2 Weather Monitoring Instrumentation 10
5.3 Blast Design Records and Predicted Emission Levels 11


Table 1 Vibration Criteria at Infrastructure 4

Table 2 Allowable MIC and Blast Emission Predictions 8
Table 3 Blast Monitor Specifications 10
Table 4 Meteorological Measurement Parameters 10

Figure 1 Site Location Map 3

Figure 2 PVS Ground Vibration Velocity Site Law 6
Figure 3 Peak Linear Airblast Site Law 7

Appendix A Results of Allowable MIC Calculations (Graphical)

Appendix B Results of Allowable MIC Calculations (Tabular)

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 3

Heggies Pty Ltd (Heggies) has been commissioned by Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd (Umwelt), on
behalf of Xstrata Mt Owen Pty Limited (XMO), to conduct an assessment of potential noise and
vibration impacts from blasting associated with the proposed modification of the Glendell Mine
development consent.

1.1 Project Description

XMO proposes to modify the Glendell Mine development consent to enable the integration of
Glendell into the Mt Owen Complex Operations whilst enabling the implementation of a revised
conceptual mine plan. The revised conceptual mine plan includes:
y Undertaking mining in a north to south direction.
y Increasing the rate of ROM coal production from up to 3.6Mtpa to 4.5Mtpa.
y Undertaking mining through the use of excavator and truck operations.
y Alteration to the location of the approved out-of-pit overburden emplacement areas.

Integration of Glendell mine into the approved Mt Owen complex will include the use of existing
and approved infrastructure for coal processing and product coal transportation, life of mine
rejects and tailing management, water management and environmental management systems.
Other aspects of the proposed modification include:
y Relocating and rationalisation of site infrastructure.
y Relocating the mine access road.
y Extending the current development consent by 10 years.
y Reducing the approved diversion of Swamp Creek.
y Constructing a mine water transfer dam.

The proposed staged mine plan was provided to Heggies by XMO. Potential impacts from
blasting were assessed for each stage of the proposed conceptual mine plan; years 1.5, 3, 6, 9
and 12.

Blasting will typically be conducted four (4) times per week over the life of the mine and typically
between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm (EST) and 9.00 am an 6.00 pm (DST) Monday to
Saturday. It is proposed to extend the permissible time of blasting from 7.00 am to 9.00 am as an
emergency measure to ensure continuation of mining only; it would not be routine practice to
blast at this time. Blasting would only occur prior to 9.00 am where wind conditions are
favourable and temperature inversions are not present.

The average depth of drill holes is approximately 15 metres, with holes generally spaced between
six (6) and seven (7) metres apart. An average blast pattern will have approximately 390 drill holes
covering a surface area of approximately 16,000 m2. Ammonium nitrate based explosives will be
used and these can be either loose poured or pumped products depending upon the ground
conditions (including water make) and the surrounding rock type and strength. The blast is
initiated with the aid of primers and detonators with the detonation of each hole delayed in a pre-
designed sequence to optimise fragmentation within the environmental constraints.

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 1
1.2 Project Area

Glendell Mine is located in the Hunter Coalfields at Hebden in the Upper Hunter Valley of New
South Wales (NSW), approximately 25 kilometres northwest of Singleton, 26 kilometres southeast
of Muswellbrook and 2km north of Camberwell village. The closest privately owned residences
surrounding the Glendell DA area are located approximately 1.3km to the south and
approximately 2.7km to the east of Glendell Mine during the proposed Year 9 of operations.
Camberwell Church has also been considered as part of this assessment.

A 132kV Energy Australia power line crosses the eastern extent of the Glendell DA area in a north
to south direction. The main northern railway forms the southern and south-western boundary of
the Glendell DA area and separates the Glendell DA area from the neighbouring Ashton coal mine.
The Mt Owen Rail loop forms the eastern boundary of the Glendell DA area.

A site location map has been provided by Umwelt and is included here as Figure 1.

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 2
Figure 1 Site Location Map

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 3

2.1 ANZECC Guidelines

The NSW Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) advocates the use of ANZECC
guidelines for assessing potential blast emissions impacts at residential and other noise and/or
vibration sensitive receivers. The ANZECC guidelines are based on human comfort levels and are
much more stringent than those based on the potential for damage to structures. The ANZECC
guidelines are summarised as follows:
y The recommended maximum level for airblast is 115 dB Linear.
y The level of 115 dB Linear may be exceeded on up to 5% of the total number of blasts
over a period of 12 months. The level should not exceed 120 dB Linear at any time.
y The recommended maximum for ground vibration is 5 mm/s, Peak Vector Sum (PVS)
vibration velocity.
y The PVS level of 5 mm/s may be exceeded on up to 5% of the total number of blasts over
a period of 12 months. The level should not exceed 10 mm/s at any time.
y Blasting should generally only be permitted during the hours of 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs
Monday to Saturday. Blasting should not take place on Sundays and public holidays.
y Blasting should generally take place no more than once per day.

As outlined in Section 1.1, XMO proposes to undertake blasting from 7.00 am to 9.00 am as an
emergency measure to ensure continuation of mining only; it would not be routine practice to
blast during this time. Blasting would only occur prior to 9.00 am where wind conditions are
favourable and temperature inversions are not present. It should be noted that several blasts may
be initiated within the one blasting period on a particular day.

2.2 Assessment of Railway Culverts and Transmission Lines

The vibration criteria presented in Table 1 are proposed for the purpose of assessing blast
emissions from the proposed modifications to the Glendell mine development consent at railway
culverts and bridges along the Main Northern Rail Line and electricity transmission lines crossing
the Glendell DA area.

Table 1 Vibration Criteria at Infrastructure

Location Vibration Criteria

Railway culverts and bridges 25 mm/s
Electricity transmission poles 50 mm/s

The criteria have been confirmed as being applicable to the proposed modifications by the
relevant service providers; ARTC and Energy Australia. These criteria may alter in the future
through further consultation with the infrastructure owners.

The German standard DIN 4150.3-1999 provides criteria that have been specifically derived for
structures such as reinforced concrete engineered structures that are inherently much more
resistant to vibration effects. DIN 4150.3 provides a vibration velocity guideline value of 80 mm/s
for evaluating the effects of short-term vibration on buried pipe-work made from ‘clay, concrete,
reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete and metal (with or without flange)’.

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 4
In this context, the 25 mm/s criterion for culverts and bridges along the Main Northern Rail Line
can be considered as being overly conservative and it is recommended that this vibration criterion
at the Glendell site should be 80 mm/s. Notwithstanding this, a vibration limit of 25 mm/s for rail
culverts and bridges along the Main Northern Rail Line has been utilised for the assessment of
impacts from surrounding mining operations and has been utilised for the purposes of this

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 5

3.1 Historic Blast Emissions Monitoring Results

Measured airblast and ground vibration data recorded at Mt Owen mine (located adjacent to
Glendell in the Hunter Valley NSW) between January 2002 and June 2003 were analysed for the
purpose of blast emission prediction from Glendell. The proposed blast design at Glendell will be
similar to that undertaken at Mt Owen Mine. The measured emission data from Mt Owen have
been used to develop prediction site laws for ground vibration and airblast to form the basis of
future blast designs at Glendell.

Site specific relationships between the level of blast emissions and scaled distance (SD) have
been developed. The scaled distance is determined from the following equation:

SD = 3 where D is the distance from the blast site to the monitoring location and MIC is
MIC the maximum explosive charge mass (kg) detonated in any 10ms interval.

The site law for ground vibration is provided in Figure 2 together with the measured data utilised
in developing the site law.

The line labelled 50% is based on the median of the measured data set. However, the criteria
advocated by the ANZECC cater for the inherent variation in emission levels from a given blast
design by allowing a five per cent exceedance of a general criterion. Correspondingly, the “5%
exceedance” line has also been included in the blast emission site law.

Figure 2 PVS Ground Vibration Velocity Site Law


PVS(95%) = 326 * SD ^ -1.06

Peak Vector Sum Vibration (mm/s)

PVS(50%) = 144 * SD ^ -1.06


100 1000
Scaled Distance [m/kg^(1/3)]

Review of Figure 2 (and the statistical analysis involved in producing it) indicates that the 5%
exceedance line, developed in relation to measured ground vibration data from Mt Owen, is likely
to predict potential levels of vibration with a reasonable level of confidence.

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 6
The site law for airblast (blue lines) and the measured data is provided in Figure 3. The line based
on the median of the measured data set and the “5% exceedance” line has again been included.
For comparison, the corresponding exceedance lines based on the airblast prediction formula
provided in the ICI Blasting Guide (now Orica) are also shown in Figure 3 (black lines).

Figure 3 Peak Linear Airblast Site Law




Airblast (dB Linear)

Airblast(95%) = 120.5 -3.9 *log(SD)


ICI(95%): SPL(95%)=174.1-24log(SD)


Airblast(50%) = 111.5 -3.9 *log(SD)


Adjusted ICI: SPL = 169.7-24log(SD)


ICI(50%): SPL(50%) = 164.2-24log(SD)

100 1000
Scaled Distance [m/kg^(1/3)]

Review of Figure 3, and comparison with the ICI equations, indicates that airblast cannot be
predicted using the site laws generated from measured data with a reasonable level of
confidence. Hence, an adjusted form of the median ICI formula has been utilised for the
purposes of airblast prediction (line shown in red).

The 5% exceedance site laws for airblast and ground vibration utilised for the purpose of
predicting blast emissions from Glendell are:

PVS (95%) = 326 × SD −1.06

SPL(95%) = 169.7 − 24 log(SD)

where SPL(95%) and PVS(95%) are the levels of airblast (dB Linear) and ground vibration (Peak
Vector Sum, mm/s) respectively, above which 5% of the total population of data points will lie,
assuming that the population has the same statistical distribution as the underlying measured

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 7

The approach of this assessment was to determine the limiting factors to blast design at Glendell
with the aim of achieving the relevant criteria outlined in Section 2. Calculations were conducted
using the equations developed in Section 3.1 to determine allowable Maximum Instantaneous
Charge (MIC) and potential impacts at surrounding sensitive receivers including the closest
private residences and infrastructure to the Glendell DA area.

Table 2 contains the results of airblast and ground vibration predictions. The distance quoted in
Table 2 is the potential nearest distance that blasting could occur to the receivers. Actual
airblast/vibration levels will depend highly on the blast location within the active mining area in
relation to the nearest noise/vibration-sensitive receivers.

Table 2 Allowable MIC and Blast Emission Predictions

Blast Emission Prediction

Allowable based on lowest allowable MIC
Mine Stage

Allowable MIC based for each stage**

Distance to nearest receiver MIC based on PVS Predicted PVS
on airblast Ground Predicted
Vibration Airblast Level
(dB Linear)
Resident* 3056 m 4200 kg 210000 kg 115 1.3
1.5 year

Camberwell Church 3280 m 5200 kg 260000 kg 114 1.2

Electricity pole 320 m n/a 163000 kg - 13.7
Rail culvert or bridge 1280 m n/a > 1 million kg - 3.2
Resident* 2704 m 2900 kg 145000 kg 115 1.3
3 year

Camberwell Church 2950 m 3750 kg 190000 kg 114 1.1

Electricity pole 350 m n/a 213000 kg - 11.0
Rail culvert or bridge 1300 m n/a > 1 million kg - 2.7
Resident* 1660 m 670 kg 34000 kg 115 1.3
6 year

Camberwell Church 1989 m 1150 kg 59000 kg 113 1.0

Electricity pole 580 m n/a 970000 kg - 3.8
Rail culvert or bridge 400 m n/a 44700 kg - 5.7
Resident* 1360 m 370 kg 18800 kg 115 1.3
9 year

Camberwell Church 1640 m 650 kg 33000 kg 113 1.0

Electricity pole 50 m n/a 620 kg - 41.7
Rail culvert or bridge 90 m n/a 510 kg - 22.3
Resident* 2380 m 1980 kg 100000 kg 111 0.8
12 year

Camberwell Church 2407 m 2050 kg 105000 kg 111 0.8

Electricity pole 50 m n/a 620 kg - 50.0
Rail culvert or bridge 620 m n/a 167000 kg - 3.5
*Non-mine owned
**The MIC on which these predictions are based is shown in bold type in Column 4 or Column 5.

The results of the allowable MIC calculations are presented in graphical format in Appendices A1,
A2 and A3. Results are also presented in tabular format in Appendices B1, B2 and B3.
Appendix B does not contain a table regarding allowable MIC based on ground vibration at the
nearest private residence since airblast will always be the limiting criteria at any private residential
location. Notwithstanding this, a graph with this information is contained in Appendix A.

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 8
As can be seen from the results contained in Table 2, the proposed standard blast design is not
restricted during the initial stages of mining operations.

The most restrictive characteristics, in terms of allowable MIC (kg), is either airblast at the nearest
private residential location (Year 9) or ground vibration at an electricity transmission pole
(Year 12). The values provided here are the most restrictive of those likely to be encountered
while blasting on site. To determine the actual limiting MIC for a specific blast location the graphs
and/or tables provided in Appendices A and B can be utilised.

As the initial blasting in the proposed mine stage plan will be conducted at the furthest point from
the nearest privately owned residences and infrastructure, the opportunity exists to monitor the
blasting as mining advances to progressively update the blast emissions site laws (ground
vibration and airblast) and optimise future blast designs based on actual site conditions.

By adopting this approach, in conjunction with the inevitable future introduction of improved
blasting products and/or methods, it is anticipated that the blast emissions criteria can be met
without imposing any significant constraints on blast designs throughout the life of the mine.

In addition, XMO will undertake detailed designs for each blast, in consultation with relevant
service providers and authorities, in order to maximise blast efficiency whilst minimising dust,
fumes, ground vibration and airblast impacts on surrounding residences and infrastructure over
the life of the mine.

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 9

5.1 Monitoring Locations and Intervals

All blasting at Glendell should be monitored at a minimum of two locations; a reference location
and another location representative of the nearest noise and/or vibration-sensitive receiver.

5.2 Instrumentation Requirements

5.2.1 Blast Emission Monitors

Blast monitoring instrumentation should be employed to meet the primary specifications

presented in Table 3. The instrumentation should be installed, operated and maintained by
suitably qualified or trained personnel. The instruments should be externally calibrated at regular
intervals throughout the life of the project.

Table 3 Blast Monitor Specifications

Specification Seismic Airblast

Sample rate Minimum 1024 samples per second per channel
Frequency response 2 Hz to 250 Hz (3 dB points)
Resolution 0.016 mm/s 0.1 dB
Range 0.1 mm/s to 254 mm/s 88 dB to 148 dB
Accuracy 3% at 15 Hz 0.2 dB at 30 Hz
Communications Link Keyboard and modem
Recording mode Full waveform recording and archiving

Vibration velocity geophones should be coupled to the ground via a “star stake” embedded in the
consolidated surface approximately 25 m from the subject building or structure, with the
microphone positioned in the free-field.

5.2.2 Weather Monitoring Instrumentation

All blast monitoring should be accompanied by both qualitative description (including cloud cover)
and quantitative measurements of prevailing local weather conditions at the time of each blast.

Meteorological measurements should be guided by the requirements of AS 2923-1987 “Ambient

Air-Guide for Measurements of Horizontal Wind for Air Quality Applications” and the DEC. An
automatic weather station located at Glendell mine should be used to continuously record the
meteorological parameters as shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Meteorological Measurement Parameters

Measured Parameter Unit Sample Interval

Mean wind speed m/s
Mean wind direction Degrees from North
30 minute
Aggregate rainfall mm
Mean air temperature C

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 10
5.3 Blast Design Records and Predicted Emission Levels

Blast design records should be maintained for all individual blast events. The purpose of the
record is to assist in the design and optimisation of future blast events, planning and control of
blast emissions and to provide a traceable system of documentation in case of an exceedance or
a complaint.

The blasting coordinator should record the blast parameters for each blast event including
y Blast identification number
y Date of blast
y Location of blast (East, North, RL)
y Time of blast initiation
y Maximum Instantaneous Charge (MIC). [maximum explosive mass to be detonated in any
8ms interval]
y Plan distance from blast location to monitoring station
y Peak Vector Sum(PVS) resultant ground vibration level (mm/s)
y Peak Linear airblast level (dB Linear)
y Burden, spacing and powder factor
y Meteorological conditions (eg wind speed, direction, cloud cover, rainfall)

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 11

Heggies Pty Ltd (Heggies) has conducted an assessment of potential noise and vibration impacts
from blasting from the proposed modifications to the Glendell Mine development consent.

Historical blast emission data from Mt Owen, a coal mine adjacent to Glendell, were utilised for
the purpose of blast emission prediction from Glendell as the proposed blast design will be similar
to that used at Mt Owen. The measured emission data from Mt Owen were used to develop
prediction site laws for ground vibration and airblast to form the basis of future blast designs at

Calculations were conducted to estimate allowable MIC’s for compliance with the relevant airblast
and vibration criteria at the nearest potentially affected noise and vibration-sensitive receivers
including private residential locations, electricity transmission poles and railway infrastructure.
The results of these calculations are provided in Table 2, Appendix A and Appendix B. To
determine the limiting MIC for a specific blast location the graphs and/or tables provided in
Appendices A and B can be utilised.

As the initial blasting in the proposed mine stage plan will be conducted at the furthest point from
the nearest non-mine owned residences, the opportunity exists to monitor the blasting as
extraction gradually advances towards the residences and to progressively update the blast
emissions site laws (ground vibration and airblast) in order to optimise future blast designs based
on actual site conditions.

The approach of this assessment was to determine the limiting factors to blast design at Glendell,
with the aim of achieving the relevant criteria outlined in Section 2, and to provide guidance for
the future detailed design of blasting practices at Glendell. Where potential impacts on
surrounding private receivers and infrastructure within the vicinity of the Glendell DA area limit the
proposed standard blast design during operations, XMO will undertake detailed design for blasts
in consultation with relevant service providers and authorities.

Heggies Pty Ltd Blasting Noise and Vibration Assessment Glendell Mine
Report Number 30-1646-R1 Modification to Development Consent
Revision 0 Umwelt Australia Pty Ltd
(30-1646R1.doc) 4 July 2007 Page 12
Appendix A1
Report 30-1646R1
Page 1 of 1
Glendell Blast Emission Predictions - Limiting MIC based on Airblast at Nearest Residences




Overpressure (dB Linear)







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Distance from blast (m)

MIC 115kg MIC 335kg MIC 1000kg MIC 5000kg Residential Airblast Criteria (115 dB Linear)
(30-1646R1 Appendix A1 20070222.doc) Heggies Pty Ltd
Appendix A2
Report 30-1646R1
Page 1 of 1
Glendell Blast Emission Predictions - Limiting MIC based on Ground Vibration at Nearest Residences

Peak Vector Sum Vibration (mm/s)


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Distance from blast (m)

MIC 20000kg MIC 10000kg MIC 5000kg MIC 1000kg Residential Vibration Criteria (5mm/s)
(30-1646R1 Appendix A2 20070222.doc) Heggies Pty Ltd
Appendix A3
Report 30-1646R1
Page 1 of 1
Glendell Blast Emission Predictions - Limiting MIC based on Ground Vibration at Nearest Infrastructure



Peak Vector Sum Vibration Velocity (mm/s)








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Distance from blast (m)

MIC 134kg MIC 510kg MIC 1000kg MIC 5000kg MIC 10000kg Rail Vibration Criteria Electricity Transmission Poles Vibration Criteria
(30-1646R1 Appendix A3 20070222.doc) Heggies Pty Ltd
Appendix B1
Report 30-1646R1
Page 1 of 4
Distance vs Allowable MIC for Residences (Airblast Overpressure = 115 dB Linear)
Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg)
10 0.0 430 11.6 850 89.3
20 0.0 440 12.4 860 92.5
30 0.0 450 13.2 870 95.7
40 0.0 460 14.2 880 99.1
50 0.0 470 15.1 890 102.5
60 0.0 480 16.1 900 106.0
70 0.0 490 17.1 910 109.6
80 0.1 500 18.2 920 113.2
90 0.1 510 19.3 930 116.9
100 0.1 520 20.4 940 120.7
110 0.2 530 21.6 950 124.6
120 0.3 540 22.9 960 128.6
130 0.3 550 24.2 970 132.7
140 0.4 560 25.5 980 136.8
150 0.5 570 26.9 990 141.1
160 0.6 580 28.4 1000 145.4
170 0.7 590 29.9 1010 149.8
180 0.8 600 31.4 1020 154.3
190 1.0 610 33.0 1030 158.9
200 1.2 620 34.6 1040 163.5
210 1.3 630 36.4 1050 168.3
220 1.5 640 38.1 1060 173.1
230 1.8 650 39.9 1070 178.1
240 2.0 660 41.8 1080 183.1
250 2.3 670 43.7 1090 188.3
260 2.6 680 45.7 1100 193.5
270 2.9 690 47.8 1110 198.8
280 3.2 700 49.9 1120 204.2
290 3.5 710 52.0 1130 209.8
300 3.9 720 54.3 1140 215.4
310 4.3 730 56.6 1150 221.1
320 4.8 740 58.9 1160 226.9
330 5.2 750 61.3 1170 232.8
340 5.7 760 63.8 1180 238.9
350 6.2 770 66.4 1190 245.0
360 6.8 780 69.0 1200 251.2
370 7.4 790 71.7 1210 257.5
380 8.0 800 74.4 1220 264.0
390 8.6 810 77.3 1230 270.5
400 9.3 820 80.2 1240 277.2
410 10.0 830 83.1 1250 283.9
420 10.8 840 86.2 1260 290.8

(30-1646R1 Appendix B1 20070222.doc) Heggies Pty Ltd

Appendix B1
Report 30-1646R1
Page 2 of 4
Distance vs Allowable MIC for Residences (Airblast Overpressure = 115 dB Linear)
Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg)
1270 297.8 1690 701.7 2110 1365.7
1280 304.9 1700 714.2 2120 1385.2
1290 312.1 1710 726.9 2130 1404.9
1300 319.4 1720 739.8 2140 1424.8
1310 326.8 1730 752.7 2150 1444.8
1320 334.4 1740 765.9 2160 1465.1
1330 342.0 1750 779.1 2170 1485.5
1340 349.8 1760 792.6 2180 1506.2
1350 357.7 1770 806.2 2190 1527.0
1360 365.7 1780 819.9 2200 1548.0
1370 373.8 1790 833.8 2210 1569.2
1380 382.1 1800 847.8 2220 1590.6
1390 390.4 1810 862.1 2230 1612.2
1400 398.9 1820 876.4 2240 1634.0
1410 407.5 1830 890.9 2250 1656.0
1420 416.3 1840 905.6 2260 1678.1
1430 425.1 1850 920.5 2270 1700.5
1440 434.1 1860 935.5 2280 1723.1
1450 443.2 1870 950.7 2290 1745.8
1460 452.4 1880 966.0 2300 1768.8
1470 461.8 1890 981.5 2310 1792.0
1480 471.3 1900 997.2 2320 1815.4
1490 480.9 1910 1013.0 2330 1838.9
1500 490.7 1920 1029.0 2340 1862.7
1510 500.5 1930 1045.1 2350 1886.7
1520 510.5 1940 1061.5 2360 1910.9
1530 520.7 1950 1078.0 2370 1935.3
1540 531.0 1960 1094.6 2380 1959.9
1550 541.4 1970 1111.5 2390 1984.7
1560 551.9 1980 1128.5 2400 2009.7
1570 562.6 1990 1145.7 2410 2034.9
1580 573.4 2000 1163.0 2420 2060.4
1590 584.4 2010 1180.6 2430 2086.0
1600 595.5 2020 1198.3 2440 2111.9
1610 606.7 2030 1216.2 2450 2138.0
1620 618.1 2040 1234.2 2460 2164.2
1630 629.6 2050 1252.5 2470 2190.7
1640 641.3 2060 1270.9 2480 2217.5
1650 653.1 2070 1289.5 2490 2244.4
1660 665.0 2080 1308.2 2500 2271.5
1670 677.1 2090 1327.2 2510 2298.9
1680 689.3 2100 1346.3 2520 2326.5

(30-1646R1 Appendix B1 20070222.doc) Heggies Pty Ltd

Appendix B1
Report 30-1646R1
Page 3 of 4
Distance vs Allowable MIC for Residences (Airblast Overpressure = 115 dB Linear)
Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg)
2530 2354.3 2950 3732.2 3370 5564.0
2540 2382.3 2960 3770.3 3380 5613.7
2550 2410.6 2970 3808.6 3390 5663.7
2560 2439.0 2980 3847.2 3400 5714.0
2570 2467.7 2990 3886.1 3410 5764.5
2580 2496.7 3000 3925.2 3420 5815.4
2590 2525.8 3010 3964.6 3430 5866.5
2600 2555.2 3020 4004.2 3440 5918.0
2610 2584.8 3030 4044.2 3450 5969.8
2620 2614.6 3040 4084.3 3460 6021.8
2630 2644.6 3050 4124.8 3470 6074.2
2640 2674.9 3060 4165.5 3480 6126.9
2650 2705.4 3070 4206.4 3490 6179.8
2660 2736.2 3080 4247.7 3500 6233.1
2670 2767.2 3090 4289.2 3510 6286.7
2680 2798.4 3100 4331.0 3520 6340.6
2690 2829.8 3110 4373.0 3530 6394.8
2700 2861.5 3120 4415.3 3540 6449.3
2710 2893.4 3130 4457.9 3550 6504.1
2720 2925.5 3140 4500.8 3560 6559.2
2730 2957.9 3150 4543.9 3570 6614.6
2740 2990.6 3160 4587.3 3580 6670.4
2750 3023.4 3170 4631.0 3590 6726.4
2760 3056.5 3180 4675.0 3600 6782.8
2770 3089.9 3190 4719.2 3610 6839.5
2780 3123.4 3200 4763.8 3620 6896.5
2790 3157.3 3210 4808.6 3630 6953.8
2800 3191.3 3220 4853.6 3640 7011.4
2810 3225.7 3230 4899.0 3650 7069.3
2820 3260.2 3240 4944.6 3660 7127.6
2830 3295.0 3250 4990.6 3670 7186.2
2840 3330.1 3260 5036.8 3680 7245.1
2850 3365.4 3270 5083.3 3690 7304.3
2860 3400.9 3280 5130.0 3700 7363.9
2870 3436.7 3290 5177.1 3710 7423.7
2880 3472.8 3300 5224.5 3720 7483.9
2890 3509.1 3310 5272.1 3730 7544.4
2900 3545.6 3320 5320.0 3740 7605.3
2910 3582.4 3330 5368.2 3750 7666.4
2920 3619.5 3340 5416.8 3760 7727.9
2930 3656.8 3350 5465.6 3770 7789.8
2940 3694.4 3360 5514.6 3780 7851.9

(30-1646R1 Appendix B1 20070222.doc) Heggies Pty Ltd

Appendix B1
Report 30-1646R1
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Distance vs Allowable MIC for Residences (Airblast Overpressure = 115 dB Linear)
Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg)
3790 7914.4 4210 10847.9 4630 14429.2
3800 7977.2 4220 10925.4 4640 14522.9
3810 8040.3 4230 11003.3 4650 14617.0
3820 8103.8 4240 11081.5 4660 14711.5
3830 8167.6 4250 11160.1 4670 14806.4
3840 8231.8 4260 11239.0 4680 14901.8
3850 8296.3 4270 11318.4 4690 14997.5
3860 8361.1 4280 11398.1 4700 15093.6
3870 8426.2 4290 11478.1 4710 15190.2
3880 8491.7 4300 11558.6 4720 15287.1
3890 8557.5 4310 11639.4 4730 15384.5
3900 8623.7 4320 11720.6 4740 15482.3
3910 8690.2 4330 11802.2 4750 15580.5
3920 8757.1 4340 11884.2 4760 15679.1
3930 8824.2 4350 11966.5 4770 15778.1
3940 8891.8 4360 12049.2 4780 15877.6
3950 8959.7 4370 12132.3 4790 15977.4
3960 9027.9 4380 12215.8 4800 16077.7
3970 9096.4 4390 12299.7 4810 16178.4
3980 9165.4 4400 12383.9 4820 16279.5
3990 9234.6 4410 12468.5 4830 16381.0
4000 9304.2 4420 12553.6 4840 16483.0
4010 9374.2 4430 12639.0 4850 16585.4
4020 9444.5 4440 12724.7 4860 16688.2
4030 9515.1 4450 12810.9 4870 16791.4
4040 9586.1 4460 12897.5 4880 16895.0
4050 9657.5 4470 12984.4 4890 16999.1
4060 9729.2 4480 13071.8 4900 17103.6
4070 9801.3 4490 13159.5 4910 17208.6
4080 9873.7 4500 13247.6 4920 17313.9
4090 9946.5 4510 13336.1 4930 17419.7
4100 10019.6 4520 13425.0 4940 17525.9
4110 10093.1 4530 13514.3 4950 17632.6
4120 10167.0 4540 13604.0 4960 17739.6
4130 10241.2 4550 13694.1 4970 17847.2
4140 10315.8 4560 13784.6 4980 17955.1
4150 10390.7 4570 13875.5 4990 18063.5
4160 10466.0 4580 13966.8 5000 18172.3
4170 10541.6 4590 14058.5 5010 18281.6
4180 10617.7 4600 14150.6 5020 18391.2
4190 10694.0 4610 14243.0 5030 18501.4
4200 10770.8 4620 14335.9 5040 18611.9

(30-1646R1 Appendix B1 20070222.doc) Heggies Pty Ltd

Appendix B2
Report 30-1646R1
Page 1 of 1
Distance vs Allowable MIC for Rail Culverts (25 mm/s)
Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg)
10 0.7 430 55457.4 850 428361.8
20 5.6 440 59417.2 860 443659.0
30 18.8 450 63561.1 870 459316.2
40 44.6 460 67893.4 880 475337.4
50 87.2 470 72418.2 890 491726.9
60 150.7 480 77139.7 900 508488.9
70 239.2 490 82062.0 910 525627.6
80 357.1 500 87189.5 920 543147.1
90 508.5 510 92526.2 930 561051.6
100 697.5 520 98076.3 940 579345.4
110 928.4 530 103844.0 950 598032.5
120 1205.3 540 109833.6 960 617117.2
130 1532.4 550 116049.2 970 636603.7
140 1914.0 560 122494.9 980 656496.2
150 2354.1 570 129175.0 990 676798.8
160 2857.0 580 136093.7 1000 697515.7
170 3426.9 590 143255.1 1010 718651.1
180 4067.9 600 150663.4 1020 740209.2
190 4784.3 610 158322.8 1030 762194.2
200 5580.1 620 166237.5 1040 784610.3
210 6459.7 630 174411.7 1050 807461.6
220 7427.1 640 182849.6 1060 830752.4
230 8486.7 650 191555.2 1070 854486.7
240 9642.5 660 200533.0 1080 878668.9
250 10898.7 670 209786.9 1090 903303.1
260 12259.5 680 219321.3 1100 928393.4
270 13729.2 690 229140.2 1110 953944.1
280 15311.9 700 239247.9 1120 979959.3
290 17011.7 710 249648.5 1130 1006443.3
300 18832.9 720 260346.3 1140 1033400.2
310 20779.7 730 271345.5 1150 1060834.2
320 22856.2 740 282650.1 1160 1088749.5
330 25066.6 750 294264.4 1170 1117150.2
340 27415.2 760 306192.7 1180 1146040.6
350 29906.0 770 318438.9 1190 1175424.9
360 32543.3 780 331007.5 1200 1205307.1
370 35331.3 790 343902.4 1210 1235691.6
380 38274.1 800 357128.0 1220 1266582.5
390 41375.9 810 370688.4 1230 1297983.9
400 44641.0 820 384587.8 1240 1329900.2
410 48073.5 830 398830.4 1250 1362335.3
420 51677.5 840 413420.3 1260 1395293.7

(30-1646R1 Appendix B2 20070221.doc) Heggies Pty Ltd

Appendix B3
Report 30-1646R1
Page 1 of 1
Distance vs Allowable MIC for Electricity Transmission Poles (50 mm/s)
Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg) Distance (m) Allowable MIC (kg)
10 5.0 430 394394.7 850 3046368.6
20 39.7 440 422555.4 860 3155157.4
30 133.9 450 452025.8 870 3266505.8
40 317.5 460 482835.5 880 3380443.6
50 620.1 470 515014.3 890 3497000.5
60 1071.5 480 548591.9 900 3616206.3
70 1701.5 490 583598.2 910 3738090.8
80 2539.8 500 620062.8 920 3862683.8
90 3616.2 510 658015.6 930 3990014.9
100 4960.5 520 697486.3 940 4120114.0
110 6602.4 530 738504.7 950 4253010.8
120 8571.7 540 781100.6 960 4388735.1
130 10898.2 550 825303.6 970 4527316.7
140 13611.6 560 871143.6 980 4668785.3
150 16741.7 570 918650.3 990 4813170.6
160 20318.2 580 967853.6 1000 4960502.5
170 24370.9 590 1018783.0 1010 5110810.7
180 28929.7 600 1071468.5 1020 5264124.9
190 34024.1 610 1125939.8 1030 5420475.0
200 39684.0 620 1182226.6 1040 5579890.7
210 45939.2 630 1240358.8 1050 5742401.7
220 52819.4 640 1300366.0 1060 5908037.8
230 60354.4 650 1362278.0 1070 6076828.9
240 68574.0 660 1426124.6 1080 6248804.5
250 77507.9 670 1491935.6 1090 6423994.6
260 87185.8 680 1559740.7 1100 6602428.8
270 97637.6 690 1629569.7 1110 6784137.0
280 108893.0 700 1701452.4 1120 6969148.9
290 120981.7 710 1775418.4 1130 7157494.2
300 133933.6 720 1851497.6 1140 7349202.7
310 147778.3 730 1929719.8 1150 7544304.2
320 162545.7 740 2010114.7 1160 7742828.5
330 178265.6 750 2092712.0 1170 7944805.3
340 194967.6 760 2177541.5 1180 8150264.3
350 212681.5 770 2264633.1 1190 8359235.4
360 231437.2 780 2354016.4 1200 8571748.3
370 251264.3 790 2445721.2 1210 8787832.8
380 272192.7 800 2539777.3 1220 9007518.5
390 294252.0 810 2636214.4 1230 9230835.4
400 317472.2 820 2735062.3 1240 9457813.1
410 341882.8 830 2836350.8 1250 9688481.4
420 367513.7 840 2940109.7 1260 9922870.1

(30-1646R1 Appendix B3 20070222.doc) Heggies Pty Ltd

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