Experiment 5 Heat

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EXPERIMENT 5 SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER EXPERIMENT OBJECTIVES To evaluate and study the performance of the shell

ll and tube heat exchanger at various operating conditions To determine the heat load, log mean temperature difference (LMTD), overall heat transfer coefficient, U.

SUMMARY This experiment is about the heat exchanger (HE). There are two types of heat exchanger; double pipe and the shell and tube. Double pipe heat exchanger is the simplest one meanwhile the shell and tube heat exchanger s the most commonly used. This experiment is held in Lab 6A. The objectives of this experiment is to evaluate and study the performance of the shell and tube heat exchanger at various operating system and to determine the heat load, log mean temperature difference (LMTD), overall heat transfer coefficient U. In this experiment, the pressure, the flowrate of water should be taken care of because the pressure drop and waters flowrate contributes to the final result of this experiment. The type of the fluid in the shell and tube heat exchanger is

NOTATION INTRODUCTION & THEORY To design a shell and tube heat exchanger, it is necessary to relate the total heat transfer rate to fluid temperature (inlet and outlet), overall heat transfer coefficient (U) and the total surface area for the heat transfer. Two such relations may be obtained by applying energy balance (sensible heat relationship)to the hot and cold fluid. Sensible heat expression might be obtained by relating total heat transfer rate to the temperature difference between the hot and cold fluids and constant specific heats are assumed. These equations are independent of flow arrangement and heat exchanger type. Therefore, these equations are, Q hot = m (hot) Cp (hot) T (hot) [1] [2]

Q cold = m (cold) Cp (cold) T (cold)

An expression may be obtained by relating the total heat transfer rate to the temperature difference between hot and cold fluid, where T = Tn-Tc. This expression would be an extension of Newtons law of cooling, with the overall heat transfer coefficient (U) used in placed of the singe convection (h) as Q = U A (T)m. The varies with position in the heat exchanger. It is necessaries to work with a rate equation of the following form, Q = U A (T)m Where, (T)m = Log mean temperature difference Q = Total heat load A = Total heat transfer area This equation 3 with equations q and 2 would be performed a heat exchanger analysis. Before this can be done, however the specific form of (T)m must be established for the parallel flow and current-flow heat exchanger. Parallel Flow and Counter Flow Heat Exchanger According to Figure 1, the hot and cold fluid temperature distribution associated with a parallel flow heat exchanger would be summarized to determine expression for (T)m as, 1 = T hi T ci Therefore, and 2 = T ho T co [3]

(T)m =

1 2 ln( 1 / 2)

Equation 4 would give the log mean temperature difference (T)m. Equation 4 and equation 3 would be able to determine the rate of heat transfer for parallel flow.

Thi Tci Heat Exchanger

Tho Tco

Figure 1: Parallel Flow The hot and cold fluid temperature distribution associated with the counter current flow heat exchanger in Figure 2 in contrast to the parallel flow exchanger, therefore, would be summarized to determine the expression for (T)m as,

Thi Tci Heat Exchanger Figure 2: Counter-current Flow Therefore, (T)m = 12 ln( 1 / 2)

Tho Tci

Equation 5 would give the log mean temperature difference (T)m. Also this equation and equation 3 would be able to determine the rate of heat transfer for counter flow.

Set 1 Actual Flow : m / hr : USGPM


CW FC : 1.4 m3/ hr : 6 USGPM T13 : T1 : 25.8 C T14 : T2 : 48.9 C PG-C : 7 DP (Shell): 318

HW FH : 2.3 m3/ hr : 10USGPM T11 : T1 : 60.0 C T12 : T2 : 46.6 C PG-H : 2.0 DP(Tube): 922

Temp, 0 C / 0 F , Inlet Temp, 0 C / 0 F , Outlet Pressure, psig, Inlet Pressure Drop, mm H2O CALCULATE FOLLOWING : Temp Change, 0 C / 0 F Average Temp, 0 C / 0 F Q, Head Load, BTU / HR Computer ratio Q H

T2-T1 : 23.1 C T2 + T1 : 37.35 C 2 QC : 124, 395,6


T2-T1 : 13.4 C T2 + T1 : 53.5 C 2 QH : 120,493.06



Results Table Run 1

Table Run 2

Set 2 Actual Flow : m3/ hr : USGPM CW FC : m3/ hr : 10 USGPM T13 : T1 : 29.1 C T14 : T2 : 45.8 C PG-C : 7.0 DP (Shell): 926 HW FH : m3/ hr : 10USGPM T11 : T1 : 69.8 C T12 : T2 : 45.2 C PG-H : 2.0 DP(Tube): 913

Temp, 0 C / 0 F , Inlet Temp, 0 C / 0 F , Outlet Pressure, psig, Inlet Pressure Drop, mm H2O CALCULATE FOLLOWING : Temp Change, 0 C / 0 F Average Temp, 0 C / 0 F Q, Head Load, BTU / HR Computer ratio Q H

T2-T1 : 16.7 C T2 + T1 : 37.45 C 2 QC : 150,316.5


T2-T1 : 24.6 C T2 + T1 : 57.5 C 2 QH : 220,697.25



Set 3 Actual Flow : m3/ hr : USGPM CW FC : m3/ hr : 10 USGPM T13 : T1 : 32.2 C T14 : T2 : 50.6 C PG-C : 9.0 DP (Shell): 891 HW FH : m3/ hr : 15USGPM T11 : T1 : 70.0 C T12 : T2 : 49.0 C PG-H : 6.0 DP(Tube): 2022

Temp, 0 C / 0 F , Inlet Temp, 0 C / 0 F , Outlet Pressure, psig, Inlet Pressure Drop, mm H2O CALCULATE FOLLOWING : Temp Change, 0 C / 0 F Average Temp, 0 C / 0 F Q, Head Load, BTU / HR Computer ratio Q H

T2-T1 : 18.3 C T2 + T1 : 41.4 C 2 QC : 183,154


T2-T1 : 21.0 C T2 + T1 : 59.5 C 2 QH : 283,227.84



Table Run 3

Table Run 4

Set 4 Actual Flow : m3/ hr : USGPM CW FC : m3/ hr : 10 USGPM T13 : T1 : 35.8 C T14 : T2 : 53.7 C PG-C : 9 DP (Shell): 900 HW FH : m3/ hr : 20USGPM T11 : T1 : 61.2 C T12 : T2 : 51.4 C PG-H : 15 DP(Tube): 3519

Temp, 0 C / 0 F , Inlet Temp, 0 C / 0 F , Outlet Pressure, psig, Inlet Pressure Drop, mm H2O CALCULATE FOLLOWING : Temp Change, 0 C / 0 F Average Temp, 0 C / 0 F Q, Head Load, BTU / HR Computer ratio Q H

T2-T1 : 17.9 C T2 + T1 : 44.75 C 2 QC : 161,018


T2-T1 : 9.8 C T2 + T1 : 56.3 C 2 QH : 177,030



SAMPLE CALCULATION FROM DATA RUN 1. COLD WATER (QC) Convert 6 gal USGPM to m / Hr 6 gal / min x 1m / 264.17 gal x 60min/1 Hr =1.36276 m / Hr
T C 21.11 26.67

997.4 995.8

Cp 4.179 4.179

T = T2 T1 = 23.1 C Refer to the table of H2O Interpolation to find at 23.1 C Interpolation to find Cp at 23.1 C

= y1 +

( x x1 ) ( y y) ( x 2 x1 ) 2 1

= y1 +

( x x1 ) ( y y) ( x 2 x1 ) 2 1

= 997.4 + ( 23.1-21.11) (992.1-994) (26.6721.11) = 997.4 + 1.99 (-1.6) 5.56 = 996.827 kg m3

= 4.179 + (23.11 21.11) (4.179 4.179) (26.67-21.11) = 4.178 + 1.99 (0) 5.56 = 4179 kJ/kg. C

(m)cold = x flowrate = 996.827 Kg / m x 1.36276 m / Hr = 1358.43 Kg / Hr


= (m)cold x Cp x T = 1358.43 Kg / Hr x 4.179 KJ / Kg. C x 23.1 C = 131,136 KJ /Hr x 1000 J / KJ x 9.486x10-4 Btu / J = 124,396 Btu/hr


T C 10 15.56

999.2 983.6

Cp 4.195 4.186

T = T2 T1 = 60.46 46.6 = 13.4 C Interpolation to find at 13.4 C Interpolation to find Cp at 13.4 C

= y1 +

( x x1 ) ( y y) ( x 2 x1 ) 2 1

= y1 +

( x x1 ) ( y y) ( x 2 x1 ) 2 1

=999.2 + (13.4 - 10.0) (998.6-999.2) (15.5613.4) =998.256 kg/m3 (m)hot = x flowrate =998.256 Kg/m x 2.2713m/Hr =2267.3 kg/hr

= 4.195 + (13.4-10.0) (4.186-4.195) (15.56-13.4) = 4.1808 KJ/kg. C

= (m)hot x Cp x T = 22367.3 Kg/Hr x 4.1808 KJ/Kg. C x 13.4 C = 127,022 KJ/Hr x 1000 J / KJ x 9.486 x 10-4 Btu / J

= 120,493.06 Btu/hr


= 124,395.6 Btu/hr 120,493.06 Btu/hr


= [(124,395.6 + 120,493.06)] / 2 = 122,444 CALCULATION PARALLEL FROM DATA RUN 1.

LMTD for parallel:

1 = Th in Tc in

=60.0 C 25.8C =34.2 C

2 = Tc out Th out

= 48.9 C 46.6 C = 2.3 C T=(34,2 C 2.3 C)/ln (34.2 / 2.3) =31.9 C / 2.699 = 11.8178 + 273.15K = 284.96 K

Then, find U,

Q UA ( T ) m

Q A( T ) m

=(122,444) / [31.67 ft x 1m / (3.2808 ft) x 284.96 K] = 146.037 m-2.K-1


LMTD for counter flow:

1 = Th in Tc out

=60.0 C- 48.9 C =11.1C

2 = Th out Tc in

=46.6 C 25.8 C =20.8 C

( T ) m = 1 2

ln 1 2

= (11.1 20.8) / ln (11.1 / 20.8) =15.44 +273.15K

= 288.59 K Then, find U,

Q UA ( T ) m

Q A( T ) m

= (122,444) / [31.67 ft x 1m / (3.2808 ft) x 284.96 K] =144.2 m-2K-1 DISCUSSION A heat exchanger is a device designed to efficiently transfer heat from one fluid to another. In a heat exchanger hot and cold fluids enter separate chambers or tubes of the heat exchanger unit. The hot fluid transfers its heat to a conductive surface (solid partition) between it and the cold chamber, subsequently the partition transfers the heat to the cold fluid. The hot and cold fluids are never combined According to Newton's Law of Cooling heat transfer rate is related to the instantaneous temperature difference between hot and cold media in a heat transfer process the temperature difference vary with position and time From our result, the ratio get nearest to one is RUN I. The factors that influence the result to get nearest to one because of the flow rate. Differential pressure in shell more lower than differential pressure in tube because cold water are came into shell and the hot water are come into the tube. In our calculation, the value U of parallel flow and counter current flow are differences. The values of U in parallel flow are higher than counter current flow because it exchange of heat transfer in shell and tube heat exchanger. The values of U in parallel flow is 146.037 m-2.K-! and the values of U in counter current flow is 144.2 m-2K-1 The equation to find heat hot and cold is:

QH = (m)hot (Cp)hot (T)hot


Qc = (m)cold (Cp)cold (T)cold

The value for flow rate has to convert in m 3/hr. Base on the calculation, to find density and Cp we have to used interpolation. Other we use formula Q UA ( T ) m which Q = total heat load, A = Total heat transfer area, (T)m = log mean temperature differrence . we use this formula to find overall heat transfer coefficient, U. In this experiment also we have to determine if the heat exchanger is a parallel or counter current flow. Different flow with different formula we use. For parallel flow we use

2 1 where 1 = Thi - Tci. And 2 = Tho Tco . For counter current flow we use (T)m = ln 1 2
same above but 1 = Thi - Tco and 2 = Tho Tci . Then we compare the log mean temperature, (T)m to determine which flow rate is better. From the result, we can see that (T) m

(counter current flow) always give higher value than parallel. This is because the heat

exchange in the same time so the temperature will increase. From the result we can show that the cold water and hot water is increase from run I to run IV. So we can see that if the flow rate increase the temperature also will increase. Hence if the temperature cold and hot water increase, the average temperature also will increase CONCLUSION From this experiment, the Run that get nearest ratio to 1 is Run I. The Factor that might be influence this result is the flow rate of cold and hot water. The counter current flow always give highest reading than the parallel flow. This is because counter current flow is a efficient circulating in heat exchanger. To determine which flow is better we have to calculate log mean temperature, (T)m overall heat transfer coefficient, U for parallel and counter current flow. TUTORIAL

1. Compare and calculate the valves of Q Q hot 1). Run I-Cold water


and Q cold and select the set of temperature and

flow rates data where calculated values of Q hot and Q cold are close to each other (ratio Q cold

Q cold = m (cold) Cp (cold) T (cold)

m (mass flowrate) = (density) FR (flowrate)---------- (1) To find (density) and Cp (specific heat): Interpolation: (from Table A-9 Properties of saturated water) (density) = 996.827 kg/m3 Cp (specific heat) = 4.179 KJ/kg. C FR (flowrate) = 1.3627 m3/hr (see Result) m (mass flowrate) = (density) FR (flowrate) = 996.827 kg/m3 1.3627 m3/hr = 1358.43 kg/hr

Temperature Change, T = 23.1 C (see Result) Q cold = m (cold) Cp (cold) T (cold) =1358.43 Kg / Hr x 4.179 KJ / Kg. C x 23.1 C = 131,136 KJ /Hr x 1000 J / KJ x 9.486x10-4 Btu / J = 124,396 Btu/hr Run IV- Hot Water Q hot = m (hot) Cp (hot) T (hot)

m (mass flowrate) = (density) FR (flowrate)---------- (1) To find (density) and Cp (specific heat) Interpolation: (from Table A-9 Properties of saturated water) (density) = 988.256 kg/m3 Cp (specific heat) = 4.1808 KJ/kg. C FR (flowrate) = 2.2713 m3/hr (see Result) m (mass flowrate) = (density) FR (flowrate) = 988.256 kg/m3 2.2713 m3/hr = 2267.3 kg/hr Temperature Change, T = 49.75 C (see Result) Q hot = m (hot) Cp (hot) T (hot) = 22367.3 Kg/Hr x 4.1808 KJ/Kg. C x 13.4 C = 127,022 KJ/Hr x 1000 J / KJ x 9.486 x 10-4 Btu / J = 120,493.06 Btu/hr Ratio Q = 124,395.6 / 120493.8 = 1.032 Compare value Q hot = 120,493.06 Btu/hr and Q cold = 124,395.6 Btu/hr, the differential of heat transfer between Q hot and Q cold is 3902.6 Btu/hr. We can see that cold water in the tube transferred more heat than water in the shell and this have make the heat transfer between hot and hot water in run 2 are most efficient than others. 2. Determine the type of fluid flow in this heat exchanger (Parallel/Counter Flow). Calculate the log mean temperature difference (LMTD) for this shell and tube heat exchanger.

This experiment we using Counter Current flow. Tm C.C.F = (1- 2) ln (1 / 2) Counter Flow: 1 = T hi T co 2 = T ho T ci Calculations of the log mean temperature difference (LMTD) for this shell and tube heat exchanger: RUN 1 Tm C.C.F = (1- 2) ln (1 / 2) Counter Flow: 1 = T hi T ci 2 = T ho T co 1 = 60.0 C 48.9 C = 11.1C 2 = 46.6 C 25.8 C = 20.8C Tm C.C.F = (11.1C 20.8C) ln (11.1C / 20.8C) = 15.44 RUN 2 Tm C.C.F = (1- 2) ln (1 / 2) Counter Flow: 1 = T hi T co 2 = T ho T ci 1 = 69.8 C 45.8 C = 24.0 C 2 = 45.2 C 29.1 C = 16.1 C Tm C.C.F = (24.0C 16.1 C) ln (24.0 C / 16.1 C) = 19.78 RUN 3 Tm C.C.F = (1- 2) ln (1 / 2) Counter Flow: 1 = T hi T co 2 = T ho T ci

1 = 70.0 C 50.6 C = 19.4 C 2 = 49.0 C 32.2 C = 16.8 C Tm C.C.F = (19.4 C 16.8 C) ln (19.4 C / 16.8 C) = 18.06 RUN 4 Tm C.C.F = (1- 2) ln (1 / 2) Counter Flow: 1 = T hi T co 2 = T ho T ci 1 = 61.2 C 53.7 C = 7.5 C 2 = 51.4 C 35.8 C = 15.6 C Tm C.C.F = (7.5 C - 15.6 C) ln (7.5 C / 15.6 C) = 11.06 3. Compute the overall heat exchanger coefficient, U for this heat exchanger if given A= 31.67 ft2 (Total heat transfer area for heat exchanger). Q average = U C.C.F Tm C.C.F Area

RUN 1 U C.C.F = Q average Area Tm C.C.F Q average = (124,395 Btu/hr + 120,493 Btu / hr) 2 = 122.444 Btu/hr Given area, A = 31.67 ft2 converts to m2 31.67 ft2 1 m2/ 10.764 ft2 = 2.942 m2 Tm C.C.F = 15.44C = 15.44 C + 273.15 K = 288.59 K

U C.C.F = 122,444 Btu/hr (2.942 m2 288.59 K) = 144.2 Btu/m2.hr.K

RUN 2 U C.C.F = Q average (Area Tm C.C.F ) Q average = (150,316 Btu/hr + 220,697 Btu/hr ) 2 = 185,506 Btu/hr Given area, A = 31.67 ft2 converts to m2 31.67 ft2 1 m2/ 10.764 ft2 = 2.942 m2 Tm C.C.F = 19.78 C + 273.15 K = 292.93K U C.C.F = 185,506 Btu/hr (2.942 m2 292.93 K) = 215.25 Btu/m2.hr.K RUN 3 U C.C.F = Q average (Area Tm C.C.F ) Q average = (183,154 Btu/hr + 283227 Btu/hr ) 2 = 233,190.5 Btu/hr Given area, A = 31.67 ft2 converts to m2 31.67 ft2 1 m2/ 10.764 ft2 = 2.942 m2 Tm C.C.F = 18.06C + 291.21 K U C.C.F = 233,190.5 Btu/hr (2.942 m2 291.21K) = 272.18 Btu/m2.hr.K

RUN 4 U C.C.F = Q average Area Tm C.C.F Q average = (161,018 Btu/hr + 177,029.9 Btu/hr ) 2 = 169,023.95 Btu/hr Given area, A = 31.67 ft2 converts to m2 31.67 ft2 1 m2/ 10.764 ft2 = 2.942 m2 Tm C.C.F = 11.06C +273.15 = 284.21 K U C.C.F = 169,023.95 Btu/hr (2.942 m2 284.21 K) = 202.146 Btu/m2.hr.K 4. How overall heat transfer coefficient, U varies with the flow rate of the water? Note: The Q (total heat load) is approximately equal to the average value between calculated value of Qc and Qh. When there are changes in flow rate of water, the heat transfer for hot and cold water will be different from before changes take place. So, with the heat transfer of both hot and cold water will change, heat transfer will affect the value of overall heat transfer coefficient, U

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