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Prepared By/
Salar Dara
Acropolis of Athens, Greece
Language in Greece:
Greek is the Official Language of
It is also the mother tongue of the great
majority of its citizens.
There are other non-official and
minority languages.
There are different dialect of Greek
Most popular languages among Greeks
includes: English, German, French, and
Culture and Society:
Ancient Greece’s culture had
enormous influence.
significant impact on the Roman
Empire, which eventually controlled
Greek culture became fundamental
to Western civilization.
Byzantine Empire received Classical
Greek culture directly.
In eighteenth- and nineteenth-
century Europe and the Americas,
the Neoclassicism movement
resurrected Classical Greek study.
Diversity and Family Value:
Greek Diversity: Greek Family Values:
Greeks make up the vast majority of The Greeks are known to have
the country's population by 98%. respect, unity, and hospitality as the
Their alphabets still remained the main family values in their culture.
same and they speak their languages families play an important role in an
with passion. individual’s life.
Ethnic minorities like the Turks, Age is significantly considered in
Bulgarians, Albanians, Armenians, Greek families, elders are given an
Macedonians, and Jews who are extreme respect.
scattered across the region and
Successful Business Negotiators:

Like to build personal relationships respects assertiveness and speak

before doing business. forcefully.
The level of information sharing is Neither uses violence nor insult.
strongly depending on how strong the Highly educated about gestures and
relationship between both parties. body languages.
Needs time and the negotiations are Employs polychronic work style which
usually performed slowly. is conducting multiple actions and
Do not start negotiation on the first goals at the same time.
meeting. Cautious of not causing loss of face
Is educated about the hierarchy of the when employing.
opposite party. They may use pressure techniques as
making final offers.
Strategic Alliances:
prominent geopolitical role as a
middle power, due to its political
and geographical proximity to
Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and
States, France, Italy, Bulgaria, the
other NATO countries, Cyprus and
the rest of the European Union.
Greece also maintains diplomatic
relations with other countries.
What is Interesting About Greece?

Greece is generally credited

with having the world’s first
Greece is today classified as
an advanced economy.
In 2001, Greece adopted the
euro as its currency
Business Meetings:
It's crucial to make a good first
Wearing a modest suit, present oneself
as tidy, elegant, and professional.
Don't bring up business during the
casual chat, and be prepared for it to
take longer than expected.
Be prepared for many interruptions and
digressions throughout the course of
the discussion.
To understand a situation, Greeks
often need a little time and space to do
Greek Negotiations:
Building lasting and trusting personal relationships.
Expect negotiations to be slow and protracted, and be prepared to make several trips
if necessary to achieve your objectives.
Most Greeks enjoy bargaining and haggling.
The level of information sharing depends largely on the strength of the relationship.
Communication in Greece can be direct and straightforward.
He country may use pressure techniques that include making final offers or nibbling.
Greeks enjoys discussing politics and are often well informed.
Etiquette and Customs in Greece:

Basic Etiquette
Visiting Etiquette
Eating etiquette
Gifting etiquette
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