Achievement Reflection

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Geemel CB.

CLC 12

Personal Achievement
In my personal achievement, I had sung in front of my church with a solo. When I did this
performance, I went into it with many mixed feelings. I felt scared, excited, and nervous – my
mind was all over the place. The practicing beforehand was a lot of time and work, I would
practice the song over and over again until I could perform without the lyrics in front of me. I
memorized everything, the Spanish part and all, even the movements required to convey the
song’s message. I had a mentor helping me every Sunday following up to the performance and
she would tell me what to do and what to fix. She helped me throughout and was a big reason
why I did pretty well in the end. Whenever I had any questions to ask about the song, I would
ask her, and she would answer. In the future I know that if I get help from someone who knows
what they are doing, I will end up carry out the task at hand better.

On the day of the performance, I was super nervous. My hands were shaking, and I almost
threw up just thinking about it. When I was called up to finally sing, I tried to throw out all my
worries and walked as confidently as I could to the stage. This actually worked because in my
head I kept repeating a mantra in my head that reminded me it will be over soon. In any future
endeavors, I can use this strategy and feel better because I psyche myself in to presenting with
no worries. When I finally finished, people applauded, and I sneakily ran off the stage into the
comfort of my seat where my older sisters were.

In the end, there were many lessons I learned from the experience. Some of which can only be
applied to performances in general, which is fine because I am in the Dance Team and they
could be applied to that (refer to mind map for more details. Overall, I am proud of what I did
and look forward to remembering this achievement in the future.

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