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Lingustic competence

I / Vocabulary

1- Formation of noun
- Necessarily
- Try
- Higher
- Allow
- Perform
- Deppressed
- protest
2- Formation of verb
- Education
- Perfomances
- Local
- Experience
3- Formation of adjectives
- Youth
- Education
- Prepare
- System
4- Formation of adverbs
- Education
- System
- Ritual
- Help

II/ Grammar
A°) Turn into Active or passive voice

a) Everybody can be controled by the boss from his office.

b) A lette ris being written now.
c) The children were being beaten by the headmaster.
d) The notice is being stuck on the board by the principal.

B°) Rephrasing

1a) Adjatotowa is good at boxing. He is good at dancing too.

b) Not only …………………….

2a) If you don’t pay me, i won’t go.

b) Unless ………………………..

3a) He abused of drugs and the police caught him.

b) Had …………………………

4a) You must obey your teachers whoever you are.

b) No matter ………………………….

C°) Put the bracketed verb into the correct tense.

1) Kosua usually (to get up) at 05 O’clock.

2) Jennifer just (to sweep) the kitchen.
3) Bola (to sweep) the classroom.
4) They went on holidays after they (to write) an exam.

D°) Change into either Active or Passive Voice.

1) The teacher is going to teach the new songs.

2) The retailer has bought a nice car.
3) Jojo is punished by the headmaster.
4) The money was not stolen by Aladin.

E°) Choose the right word in brackets to fill in the gaps.

1) I wish you ………………………. My name (know, knew, known)

2) He enjoys …………………….. football (play, played, playing)

F°) Put the bracketed adjective into the correct form.

1) Ghana is (large) than Togo.

2) English is (popular) language in the world.

G°) Complete sentence b to mean the same thing as sentence a.

1a) If it doesn’t rain, crops won’t go.

b) Unless ……………………………..

2a) If you don’t learn hard, you will fail.

b) Unless ………………………………

III/ Writing

I) Give the advantages and the inconveniences of

the Co-education.

II) After defining whatsapp, mention some of the advantages and

say how it can cause failure in school examination.

III) Your name is SAKA jojo, you are a health work and you have
been sent to your village Kpogan where abortion is still a daily
problem. Make a speech sensitizing the rural population on the
dangers of this practice.

IV) Translation

1- Titre : Le cancer du poumon.

***Plusieurs recherches montrent que le cancer du poumon
peut être dû au manque de légumes. Et certaines études
continuent d’analyser le régime de personnes qui ont le
cancer de poumon dans le passé comme dans le présent.
Les études montrent que les oranges mûres et les légumes aux
feuilles vertes sont des moyens préventifs qui bloquent
l’accroissement du cancer.

***A quel point le SIDA est-il contagieux ? Contrairement à

la plus part des maladies transmissibles telles que le rhume,
la grippe, la rougeole, le SIDA n’est pas transmis par
l’éternuement, la toux, le fait de manger et de boire dans les
mêmes ustensiles, ou simplement le fait d’être à proximité
d’une personne infectée. Après des années d’expérience, il est
évident qu’on ne s’expose en étant en contact occasionnel
avec un sujet infecté par le VIH.

***La circulation urbaine : Dans certaines rues, il y a deux

sens de circulation des voitures tandis que d’autres sont à
sens unique. Les piétons empruntent le trottoir. Chaque fois
qu’ils veulent traverser, ils feraient mieux d’emprunter le
passage clouté. Les chauffeurs doivent s’arrêter à chaque fois
qu’ils voient les gens sur le passage clouté ; afin de les
donner la priorité. La circulation en ville est contrôlée par
les feux tricolores ou par les policiers pour pouvoir éviter
les embouteillages.

2- Title : Mobile Phone.

***The invention of Mobile Phone has brought the world
closer than before. It has made life easier and also more
confortable. It has reduced the expenses and inconveniences
of traveling. Business contact can be made directly and
efficiently. A person in another city or village can save using
a Mobile Phone instead of traveling.

V) Writing

Topic1) The Internet is invading every aspect of life today.

You as a student, what is the importance of the Internet in
your studies ? Is there any inconvenience in the use of the
Internet ? What do you propose to make the Internet an
efficient tool for student ? Answer these questions in an
Article to be published in your local newspaper.
Your name is Junior AKPAGLI.

Topic2) Your name is TELOU Kodjo ; you took part in a

conference held in the congress palace of lome on 08th
January. The Theme was Teenage Pregnacy. Dr JOHNSON
developped this theme around two points, yhe causes and
the consequences.
As the medical delegate of your district, you are
required to submit a written report to your Director. Write
it in not more than 150 Words.

Topic3) As a medical delegate, you have been sent to the

district of Sola which is infected with mosquitoes. Because
of the numerous deaths reported daily, you are invited the
population at the medical centre to present themthe causes
of Malaria in the locality and propose Solutions.
Write a speech in not more than 150 Words. Your
audience, the chief of Sola, the Notables, the Regional
Director of healthof kara, the nurses and the population.
You speech is deliverd on 30th March, 2019, The National
day of Malaria.

VI) Vocabulary

1°) Form adverbs from

a) Abuse
b) Conflict
c) Operations
d) Recent

2°) Form adjectives from

a) Tragedy
b) Type
c) Illegality
d) Power
VII) Linguistic Competence

A°) Rewrite starting as indiacted in the brackets.

1) It’s a pity, all of them could not pass their examination.

If only …………………………..
2) Let’s take her to the chimic.
I suggest …………………………
3) Edna probably broke the drinking glass
Edna ………………………..
4) Kofi doesn’t speak English, Essi doesn’t speak French either.
Nether ………………………….
5) I’ve never visited a sunny city like this before.
This is ……………………………….

VIII) Vocabulary

1°) Form noun from

a) Agree
b) Excessive
c) Focused
d) Complain

2°) Form verb from

a) Longer
b) Urban
c) Badly
d) Threat

IX) Lingustic competence.

A) Rephrasing
1a) The night watchen slept, few minutes later the thieves
opened the door.
b) No sooner …………………………
2a) Policeman never joke with the traffic lights.
b) Never ………………………………….
3a) Ivan is Intelligent, but sometimes he seems silly.
b) In spite of ……………………………..
4a) She hadn’ttravelled, she hadn’t played basketball
b) Neither ……………………………..

B) Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1) Since we missed the meeting, we (shall) notify the
2) Unless you worked hard,you (will) not succeed.
3) People are fond of (to hear) Reggae music.
4) It is millions years since dinosaurs (to live) on earth.

C) Reported Speech
1) ¨My mother was fatter than you¨ Ekoue said.
2) The inspector congratulated Mr Amayi

D) Actve or passive voice.

1) Some gangsters forced me to get out of my Lamborghini.
2) New Officers are going to be built for the new clerks.
E) Write the verb into brackets in the correct tense
1) It is high time students (learn) their lessons.
2) The passenger missed the first bus. He wished he (leave)
home earlier.
3) As soon as i finish doing my homework, i (go) to bed.
4) Thieves (flee) before the Police arrived.

F) Correct what is wrong in these sentences.

1) Most passengers couldn’t help to cry in front of so many
dead bodies.
2) How long does the people stay under for many hours
3) Let’s grant the people enough money for emergency aid,
don’t you ?

G) Active or Passive voice.

1) Bill Gates is said to be a man of wealth.
2) Tom John is running after beasts
3) The Doctor has been sent for.
4) African governments have eradicated yhe tsetse flies.

H) Rephrasing
1) a) I have never witnessed such a terrible disaster.
b) It is ………………….
2a) We saw many villagers die under the water.
b) Many villagers ……………………..
3a) ¨Give us food and medecines¨ The developing contries
begged the internatioinal community.
b) the developing contries ………………………..
4a) ¨Where will you park the victims ?¨ The reporter
asked the fisherman.
b) The reporter asked the fisherman ………………………….

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