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OOMD questions Object Oriented Modeling and Designing (BE Computer Department) Questions on Use Case diagrams 1.

Why do we really need the use case concept? Can't we just ask users what they want to see in a system and leave it at that? 2. What do you call the entity that initiates a use case? 3. What is meant by including a use case? 4. What is meant by extending a use case? 5. Is a use case the same as a scenario? 6. Think of something you just purchased where you faced an array of choices. What use cases were you thinking of when you made your decision? 7. Name two advantages to visualizing a use case. 8. Describe generalization and grouping, the relationships among use cases that you learned about in this hour. Name two situations in which you would group use cases. 9. What are the similarities between classes and use cases? What are the differences? Questions on State Machine diagrams 1. In what important way does a state diagram differ from a class diagram, an object diagram, or a use case diagram? 2. Define these terms: transition, event, and action. 3. What is a trigger less transition? 4. What is the difference between sequential substates and concurrent substates? 5. Must every state diagram have a final state (the one represented by the bull's-eye)? Questions on Sequence diagrams 1. The sequence diagram looks like it might be useful for more than just system analysis. Can I use it to show interactions in an organization? 2. Sometimes a sequence involves recursion. How can I represent recursion in a sequence diagram? 3. You mentioned that the brackets in a guard condition are UML's way of

saying if. Can I also show while in some way? 4. Before each sequence diagram, you started with a class diagram. Do I always have to do this?

5. Create an instance sequence diagram that shows what happens when you successfully send a fax. That is, model the object interactions in the best-case scenario of the "Send fax" use case of a fax machine. Include objects for the sending machine, the receiving machine, the fax, and a central exchange that routes faxes and phone calls.

Questions on Activity diagram. 1. What are the two ways of representing a decision point? 2. What is a swimllne? 3. How do you represent signal transmission and reception? 4. What is an action? 5. What is an object node? Question on Component diagram. 1. What is the difference between components and artifacts? 2. What are the two ways of representing the relationship between a component and its interface? 3. What is a provided interface? What is a required interface? 4. Where component diagram fits in SDLC. Question on deployment diagram. 1.How to you represent a node in a deployment diagram? 2. What kinds of information can appear on a node? 3. How does a token-ring network work? 4. Consider your home computer system to be a set of nodes. Draw a deployment diagram that includes your CPU box and peripherals. Include artifacts. Question on Package Diagram: 1 .What's the grouping thing? 2. What are different notations to represent package diagram? 3. What are the naming conventions used in Package diagram?

4. What different relationships you find among packages? 5. What are stereotypes notations are used in class diagrams?

Question on Class Diagram: 1.What is class ? 2.What are different relationships you find among the classes? 3.What is association, dependency, realization, generalization, specialization, aggregation and composition relationships. 4.Difference between aggregation and composition relationships. 5.What is an active class, abstract, concrete and leaf classes? 6.Realization and generalization. 7.How do you represent friend class / template class relationship? 8.What is provided/ required interface. 9.What is implements and extends relation among class and interfaces?

Question on Concepts 1.Explain SDLC and where each diagram fits into SDLC? 2. What is a Object. 3. Explain polymorphism 4. What is encapsulation? 5. What is design pattern? 6.Explain different design patterns. Answer refer from grady booch :-)

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