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SUPPORTING REPORT C: SOCIO-ECONOMY Supporting Report C:_ Socio-Eeonomy “Cable of Contents C: SOCIO-ECONOMY -. cl 1, INTRODUCTION-. - Cl 2. POPULATION... cl 2.1 Census Population - 2.2 Population Projection 3, GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP). co £ 3.1 Past Trend of GDP- ae cee co 3.2. Future Trend of GDP. co 3.3 Agriculture GDP. cu 4. EXTERNAL TRADE AND PAYMENTS-- e.12 4.1 Export and Impost- cn 4.2. Balance of Extemat Payments~ c3 $. BUDGET OF THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT- en 5.1 Revenue and Expenditure cn 5.2 Sectorial Distribution of Public Investment - ca 6. EXTERNAL DEBT AND AID: : - C4 6.1 External Debt - cata 6.2 External Aid-- cas 7. EMPLOYMENT STRUCTURE AND WAGE LEVEL- c.l7 7.1 Employment Structure ~ soo car 7.2 Wage Level- cas. 8. OTHER ECONOMIC INDICATORS.-- cas List of Tables and Eigures in Supporting Report C Table C.2.1 Table €.2.2 ‘Table C.2.3 Table C.2.4 Table C.2.5 Table €.2.6 Table C.2.7 Table C.2.8 Table 2.9 Table C.2.10 Table C211 Table C.2.12 Table C213 ‘Fable C2.14 Table C215 Table C216 ‘Table 2.17 ‘able C2.18 Census Population of BI Salvador, Region and Department OT Average Annual Growth Rate of Population for intercensal Periods of B} Salvador, Region and Departmen - CT2 ‘Area, Population and Number of Houscholds in the Stady Area by Department - C13 Population by Municipatity in the Study Area-~ - CTA Population of Municipatities in the Flood Prone Area : C16 Population Projection of El Salvador and Departments- ~ CRI Population Projection of Departments and Municipalities in the Study Area Population Projection of Cantons in Flood Prone Area---~ C710 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 1990 - 1995. - CT Gross Domestic Product by Economic Activity (at Current Prices)-------- C-P.12 Gross Domestic Product by Economic Activity {at 1990 Constant Prices) ~ Cras Export Structure (FOB) of El Salvador, 1993 - 1995------ cn Inport Structure (CIF) of El Salvador, 1993 - 1995 Cras Balance of International Payments of El Salvador, 1990 - 1994. CTAG Annual Budgets of the Central Government ~ - CTT Breakdown of Revenue of the Central Government - en Scctorial Distribution of Public Investment -- - CPAs Foreign-exchange Reserves and External Debt of HI Salvador: CTs Table C219 Table C.2.20 Table C.2.21 ‘Table C.2.22 Net Receipts of International Financial Assistance for Bl Bilateral Assistance of ODA for Hil Salvador - Employment Structures of Fl Salvador, Region IV and the Study Area Other Economic Indicators SUPPORTING REPORT - C. SOCIO-ECONOMY 1, INTRODUCTION ‘The Republic of El Salvador is located between 87° 43° and 90° 08" of east longitude and 13009" and 14926" of north latitude in the centre of the Cental America. It borders the Republics of Guatemala on the north and east, Honduras on the north and west, and faces the Pacific Ocean on the south. ‘The country occupies a land of 21,040 km’ and has a population of 5,118,599 in1992, ‘The Central Government consists of 14 ministries; (1) Presidencia, (2) Relaciones Exteriores, {3) Coordinacion del Desarrollo Economico y Social, (4) Interior y Seguridad Publica, (5) Justicia, () Hacienda, (7) Economia, (8) Educacion, (9) Defensa Nacional, (10) Trabajo y Prevision Social, (11) Agricultura y Ganaderia, (12) Salud Publica y Asistencia Social, (13) Seguridad Publica, (14) Obras Publicas, Transporte, Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano. It is located in the capital city, San Salvador, ‘The county is broadly divided into four regions; Regions 1, Il, III and IV, composed of 14 depatments under the jurisdiction of the Central Government. Further, the respective departments have administrative units of municipalities (municipios), villages (cantons) and settlements (casetios). “The Study Area belongs the Region LV in the eastern part of the country, and spreads over the four Departments; San Miguel, Usututan, Morazan and La Union. In the Departments, the Study Area could be divided into 41 units of Municipalities, consisting of 15 units in the Department of San Miguel, 9 units in the Department of Ustilutan, 13 units in the Department of Morazan and 4 units in the Department of La Union. The Study Area, covering almost all of these Municipatities, has an area of 2,247 km’ and a population of 473,956 in 1992. 2, POPULATION 2.1 Census Population 2.1.1 National Population During the period fromi 1950 to 1992, the national population census of the Republic of Fl Salvador was conducted four times; June 13 of 1950, May 2 of 1961, June 28 of 1971, and ca September 27 of 1992. According to these censuses, the Salvadorian population reached 5,118,599 in 1992 inereasing from 1,855,917 in 1950, accordingly the population deasity also increased from 88 persons/km? in 1950 10 243 persons/kmn? in 1992 (Table €.2.1). ‘The average annual growth rate of national population was 2.82 % for the period 1950-1961, 3.48 % for the period 1961-1971, and 1.73 % for the period 1971-1992, Among them, the urban population grew at the average annual rale of 3.33 %, 3.75 % and 2.90 % for the respective periods, and 2.51 %, 3.31 % and 0.78 % for the rural population (Table C.2.2.). A relatively slow growth rate of the national population for the period 1971-992 was mainly caused by a strong international emigration of population, and further a large number of emigrants from the rural areas to the urban areas brought a considerable slow growih in the rural population for the same period, 2.1.2 Population of Region IV In 1992, Region IV which contains the Study Area had the population of 1,129,484, corresponding (© 22 % of the whole population of the country. The population density of Region IV in the same year indicated 146 persons/kn2, which correspond to 60 % of the average density of the whole country (Table C.2.1). ‘The average annual growth rate of population was 2.50 % for the period 1950-1961, 3.40 % for the period 1961-1971, and 0.61 % for the period 1971-1992. As shown in Table C.2.2, the population geowth rate in Region IV was stower than the average growth rate of the whole country, and the population growth rate for the period 1971-1992 was very tow compared with these for two periods 1950-1961 and 1961-1971, due to an increase in the international emigrants to take refuge from civil conflict in Et Salvador. 2.1.3. Poputation of Departments Region 1V is administratively composed of 4 departments; Usultan, San Miguel, Morazan and La Union, which had a population of 310,362, 403,411, 160,146 and 255,565 in 1992, respectively (Table C.2.1). The population densities of the four Departments were 146 persons/km? for Usulutan, 194 persons/km2 for San Miguel, 111 persons/km? for Morazan and 123 persons/km? for La Union. Among them, the Departments of Morazan and La Union are a comparatively depopulated area, which have a half density approximately of an average of the whole country. C2 ‘The average annual growth rate of the population for the intescensat period from 1971 to 1992 was 0.25 %, 1,09 %, 0.12 % and 0.69 % for each department (Table C.2.2). As shown in ‘Table C growth, particutarly the growth rate of the Departments of Usulutan and Morazan recorded a . compared with the urban population, the rural population was very slow in the negative, due to an intemational emigration and/or a movement to big city in the country. 2.1.4 Population in the Study Area ‘Tables C.2.3 and C.2.4 give a population in the Study Acca by Department and Municipality, respect Population in the Study Area has been estimated at 376,623 in 1971 and 473,956 in 1992, based on the census popu 1971 and 1992 and the tertitoriat boundary of the Study Area. During the intercensal period 1971-1992, the annual growth rate of the population indicated 1.09 % on average, comprised of 2.54 % in the urban area and 0.12 % in the rural arca. ions Based on the 1992 census of population and housing, the Study Arca has been estimated to have 110,287 households in 1992, consisting of 74,463 houscholds in the Department of San Miguel, 15,140 households in the Department of Usulutan, 16,977 houscholds in the Department of Morazan, and 3,707 households in the Department of La Union. Using the figures of population and households, the average family size in the Study Area in 1992 has been estimated to be 4.3 persons/houschold, composed of 4.0 persons/rousehold in the urban area and 4.6 persons/household in the rural area. 2.1.5 Population in the Flood Prone Area ‘Table C.2.5 gives figures of population and households in the Municipalities prone to flood by the San Miguel River (hereinafter called the “flood prone area"). According to the flood records in the past, the flood prone area spreads over six Municipalities; San Miguel, Chirilagua, El Transito in the San Miguel Department, Usulutan and Concepcion Batres in the Usuluten Department, and Bl Carmen in La Union Department. It is composed of $6 Cantons in total. According to our survey, the flood prone area would have an area of 181.8 km™ and a population of 250,000 in 1992, consisting of 149,000 in the wiban area and 101,000 in the rural area, ‘The population growth for the period 19971-1992 would be estimated al an annual c3 rate of 1.73 % for the flood prone area as the whole, 3.14 % for the urban area and 0.23 % for the mural area. Number of houscholds of Municipalities where include the flood prone area in 1992 would estimated at 61,000 in total, consisting of 39,000 in the urban area and 22,000 in the rural area. ‘The family size would become 4.1 personsfhouschold in the whole area, 3.8 persons/houschold in the urban area, and 4.5 persons/household in the rural area, 2.2 Population Projection 2.2.1 General In 1992, a population projection of El Salvador was conducted for the period from 1980 to 2020 by the Population Directorate of the Ministry of Planning and Coordination of the Economical and Sociat Development (MIPLAN), using the results of population censuses in 1950, 1961 and 1971, leaving the result of the 1992 census out of account. After that time, in December of 1996 a new projection of population was published by La Direccion General de Estadistica y Censos (DIGESTYC). ‘The new population projection was closely carried out through the component method, taking into account each tendency of fecundity of Salvadorian women, life expectancy, infant mortality, and numbers of international and internal migrants, based on the census data since 1950. ‘This projection was made every year, ranging the period from 1995 to 2025 for the national population and the period 1995-2010 for population by Department and Municipality. In our Interim Report which was submitted in December 1996, the future population in the ‘Study Area was projected on the basis of the said old projection of national population. The old projection of population in the Study Area should therefore be revised by using the new national population projection. A new population projection in the Study Area would be discussed in the present report. ‘The population projection in the Study Area focuses on the years 2010 and 2020, taken into consideration that the construction works of the Project are scheduled to finish in 2010, and the {arget year of the Project is set in 2020. In addition, a projection of population in the flood prone area also would be made on the same years herein, for the purpose of making the basic Sst or, Tr Bom, oe we sreuosuog ¢ ist xo uy urs 7 we vedaypeogy ¢ oz wort sz 2OPRANS wawyedag a En ANTWLIVAIO NV NOIR YOAVNTVS 72.30 SOORISS TVSNIDUBINT HOS NOULVINdOS JO TLVY HLMOYD TINNY BOVUGAY —-TTOATAVE, CT 2661 PUR 1461 YpUOINIA K uorvegog ap S9TEUOIEEN FasUID :aDunOS, FF TE AL foo or vowsnet oP or oF 6665 UEZEION ce sy oF 909 weueon te oF oe TET Ty pans ues lea Ta SRD —STEMO TON wooueag zo og cers PRPTONE OT aT TOs WORE USE ST TS a CCRT RL 990 FO LO eos'si sa'st c'e uses week fre wont 050 AO 0% EeVBL ¥EE'OS SOLE C1 GOEL pels oh or €L woe weet URTeIOY £e0 CLO «EBT OGG HOE'SS LIEI® LPO'PT—-S'SBI_-SOG'OD168'DP PIO'ST «86. ce 6 rst vsze | roere ERS Spl 1€0 OBZ S'BPT—S6P'PIE 986‘! —GOS*SD] GSI CIS IET vLr'6El GE0'C6 ZOE 6 St 609 S'59TT TLLO'T [NSW Bes TEMy mI SORE SHOR soe We) VI R66T-ILETG Kusuag, stun (Ga) onrY wary’s “dog uouaredag WUROID fenuUY eZDAy WoRRIndeT TEL wonrinded 126 TS] SEOERSTETEPY JO “ON (Co) oy ANSWLNVEIG Ad VUY AGNLS THL NI SATOHASAOH 40 WANWAN UNV NOLLVINdOd VSRV CTO ATEVL, CT3 240% & tuo epvaN A Kvoreeay 2p s;BUOSEN SORIDD: 93005 eT TE OR Te Te zor re SUK op ofenuTg er iota eg £5 ot oot eomg eas & Feu oF ‘eran so Bator denon BF oe nt Pend oR Ein 86 sonva wo:odao009 a 1 foot se ie_Sa Sori Use els _gice ee ists yt ono nin 3 TRENT PL GEST ST TT SUA VENTUPY_ ev oncuai_ (dunn) en feuny VE Gedo NVANINSA 40 ANAHIVET 7 cot ce ot oot oot of oor co or 6 a8 % 01 «© 61 av - = mguar_ (adaunn) oN. 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Sesame seeds 7 “07 41383 “04 400103 19.2 4 Natural botssm 7008 01 9708 OL DLO 266 5 Obers 69130 Of © ISL—-07- 0.7.07 DB. IM Food, beverage and tabaceo BUS8 8B BLINN 17 1008683 69S V Sogsr(oot refined) 20583 30 24937-72998 2. Bread and eoafestenery 34635 OF M6165 04 44217 03M 3 Obes A930 SA $55822_ 51 BOW 44150 AV Minaral products 66328 07 MBB Os 0917 O08 747 1 Fuctoit 0 0 © 00 0 09 2 Greases and hbvicents 51880 o 09 a 3 Asptalt 39 0049000 3B OHS 4 Obes STALL 06 «8B Ot 120,879 08804 Y_ Industiatehemfeats GI7367 7.3 106898 6S 0858) G2 BT 1 Mediciaes 2333 WHS 26 38h 24 LL 2 Petfunony & cosmetics 400% 05 50,470 OS 109284 OR 742 3 Soap ssos 07 938007115693 OB 402 4 Cleansers snd detergents 76760 09 107865 10110,206 8 217 5 Insecteisss 46902 05 38751 04428230334 6 Others BRO LS MASH 13386 1D VI Paper snd cartons MOI 5G SBM 49 513653969. 1 Toilet paper 62875 07 SBM OS 62501 O41. 2 Caters 25605729 18597823 HBO 63S 3 Ole werzo1 20 224g75 21 Yro,08 21 VEE Textile and its products 885519 96 897076 821025501 97 ¥ Cotton 15095 02 3989503 75801 OS IAS 2 ares of cation 20582 14 RZD LE ABE O81 3 Teities of cotton 300% G3 3265503 $7,120 4 AI 4 Syeibeti tertiles © 00 o 00 0 : 3 Appsrels 300559 34 324965 30 347,174 73. 5 Toul, bedcothes,kitchencloh 117520 13 3691613 145;16 ma 7 Ober 297730 25936423 77.323 18 VIE Footwear and simitar goods mIs33 1d 1S 138.382 oa V Footware e866 07 0s 90913 220 2 Obes 6866707 06 57,969 04-46 IN Base metals and products 31629242 38 00666 34 ISS 1 Alumiatu products nigs2 13 14 19206 133 2 Apricuttral and forestry tools 33,3380 03 342650205 3 Obes 231002 26 -2ASTL_—-20— 274,365. 98 N. Hleetviemachinesand appieatas 184318 21 207,789 19251764 169 1 Retigelters $5323 06 1479 0.7 88034 262 2. Electie-tight bulbs DU 02 1940.2 26,250 Bo 3 Otters wrest 12 ego? 113748009 NE Other prodvets MEMS 40 4190334496208 B79 NU Maguila RANTS WA 375799 SHA SSDI 39S 509 a ____ 8859668 100.0 0.932127 1000 14836643 1000 180 ‘Seusce: Revista Hrimestal, Ost/Dic, 1995 & Jul/Sep, 1996, Banco Cental de Reseeva ci4 TABLE C243 IMPORT STRUCTURE (CI) OF EL SALVADOR, 1993:1998 Ht Unit: Thousand Colones is91 1395 rowih Rote Prodocs 1393 Tyas 857 vate “86 Vali 1993-1995, TTR tah aad TegRTAT PROTEST SITE ITY— GT SILC SP 36K 1 Alivecatte 48 00 1207 OL 14993 OL 1650 2 Meats and edit int 24 00 94903 04 SAH 05 I9NTL 3 Mik DJS 12-3787 190 215,81D 0.9L 4 Legumes and Vegetales 48616 03 M6088 05 «49991 OL 370 3 Fruits 9935 OL 53980 02 84388032 6 Wheat 224182 123871017 *GOR 10-219 7 Maize BISS1 04 © 19656709 253.229 09-5. & Rice BAIS1 03 7319903 -GHOS_ 02 9. Flours, ceteasand starches 37288 02 —HHTSS. 0D = ISDE 0237 10 Odbers WU 1S TIT 122830271000 Th Greases and oils ssess 2k SHRSID 24 OMBTE 22 1 Tats N60) 06 — 200.815 09 TERI 9G BBA 2 Vegetal os B28 05 183662 «1390098131273 3 Others sos 32012 63,055, “300 AIL Foods, beverages & tabacco 821,664 $4 WOMAIT 46 1262876 43 HO 1 Fish, canned fishes 2638 OL 8A 02 85000388. 2 Confectionary M1212 02 47236 «02 2B 02243. 3 Sauces 38957 02 4268302 70.206 02 HG 4 Soup, potage & broth S334 03 $8257 03 60887 0269 3 Milk 15060 01 38,395 02 = 54028-02939 & Beverages DAT 01 1388606 «= ASESIO. 0S S130 7 Alcohol beverages 12) Ol 4368702 -67,235. 2 NS & Soybean four dreges ofbexctalo 125971 07 13888606 155025053 9 Ones 498.075 27 487,058 22 —-SBIARL 2094 IW Mineral products 17185825 9.6 87 2599790 89 21a 1 Distilled ots From coat tool” 00 v0 187 00-623 2 Crode petroleum 11069909 58916275 43-9738 3247 3 Lightoits S600 121,362 OS 22942308 «1075S $ Lubricating ois D 00 toratd 0S Doss 07 3 Others 709703 38 TKDE 34 197,641 325. Industrial chemicals 21S E26 ISE UD SASK A 18.6 VE Plastics, artificatesins & rubbers 992,018 53 IMSS,I75 1479802 $0 220 VIL Skin, Bde & leather 36609 0S 86.34 103,179 04 96 VIL Weed and its products IST 09 17681 2379 07136 1X. Paper and ts materials 808087 4A 865,282 43 166 N. Textileand its materials 964816 $2 963,204 44 0 Footwares and those componcats 113,126 06 134,109 193639 0.7 MA NUL Ceramics, Glass & those products 21818 1S S684 M787 12108 [NIM Base metal ad its products 1330023 7.2 1,836,230 2038 69 6 NIV Machines and appacates 2960,506 16.0 3421.46 4si90H 181 A XV. Transportation equipment 2036,160 M13 2,508,043 S193707 0923S XVI Medicatinstruments and apparates 234,80 1.3° 3783277 407,780 I [XVII Toys, games & sport instruments 68356 04 «1672203124101 04370 VIL Other products 181499 1D 4220801919470. 89.7 NIN Maguita 1DELISD 1S BAILII ZS 4914273 17 80.2 Totst 18,550,143 1000 22522925 100.0 29,333825 1000 285, "Source : Revista Winestral, Oct/Die 1995 & ful Sep. 8996, Banco Central de Reserva CTS resny 9p evan oourg "966 “SOS/ ME TeASSWRL ENAdY suneS rd ‘oMDea: [RUOREWEIT NT ts sor sor v Noro IDEA) + SURG NPE SOUT ET Best Cee ¥661-0661 UOGVATVS 1 JO SLNAWAVA TVNOLLVNUGINI SO SONVIVE F1'T'D BTAVL CTA6 TABLE C218 ANNUAL BUDGETS OF THE C! ymount (USS Mition) RAL GOVERNMENT Rage NAT Revenue/Expenditure 1991 1993 199119951996 _Growth Rate, ‘A Revenue 617, 8808 10982 133.2 16932 2 1. Curcent revenue S21 $883 7S 9029 118 14659 24 2. Capital revenue 8 321 220 133 309 SL 790 3. Financial sources 322 NGS 1172 1790 1306 = MO. S81 B Expenditures 617A 7369 890.8 10982 13432 169322 L.Cunentenpenditue 519.7 $896 ILO 862.8 10823 13089 203 2, Capital expenditure tos 2324 (2608 2520228 3. Financial appticatc : : : 1363 : MI, Ratio to GDP (%) WX Revenue a CO 155 = 1, Coreent revenue 1s 99 107 24 BA : 2. Capital revere 02 05 03 02 03 08 : 3. Financial sources 06 200 «17 22d 13 : B Expenditures n6 RA 27 BSL Iss : 1. Current expenditure 98 99 102 06 03 9 : 2. Capital expenditere 18 28) 24297 23 : 3.Financiad applications = : 2 THLLGDP at Current Prices S311 5,962 6957 8126 9,548 10,932 Iss USS Million) ‘Source: Revisia Timestal en 1992,1993, 1994, 195 and 1996, BCR. Note : Forecast of Central Bank and EIU ‘TABLE C.2.16 BREAKDOWN OF REVENUE OF TH CENTRAL GOVERNMET Unit : USS Million Revenve 1991 1992 1993 1993 19951996 Average Annuat Growth Rate (%) Ao Tax Ravens a 7 1. tacome Tax. 453 403 420 643 48D BDA 2. Corporation Tax 589 643 843 1095 183.8 2086299 3. Import Tax: 973 OLS OLB 1412 2035130010 4. Value Adéed Tax (VAT) 199.3 195.2 339.7 390.5 4666 7629 340 ‘Total of Taxes 400.7 3913 SOIR 086 9886 NZS 267 B. Other Revenue 2163 M36 3130 3896 3845-4456 133. 6717369 $808 1.0952 1,383.2 1,6932___ 324 “Source: Infermation from the “Ministerio de Naclenda" CTAT TAB A. Amount (Colones Milton) ea nt sud 2) Health 1396 3) Water/Sanitation 205 4) Housing, 188.9 5) Others 287 4516 y Dns 2)Telesommunication 188.9 3) Transportation 02 4) Agriculture, Fnvironme 45.2 & Land Development 1 Totat 8827 __Varlation ia Total B. Percent to GDP 169 N47 210.3 96 3154 669 9032 2386 3823 212 105.1 1620.1 35 362.0 483.7 5628 1426 2385 416.3 00 3184 2907 927 3246, 7949 Su2 1564 4258 16128 10069 3193.1 8009 3017 3840 1262 192 381 3312 1259 8153 8217 40921 A140 27262 2903 $2186 68372 450 416.7 2784 4292 196.4 819.1 3282.3 11588 6144 1180.1 4290 E C117 SECTORIAL DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC INVESTMED AABA LOLA 20725 2,1398 2.2872 468.1 3585 4828 205.0 28 38860 TAI90 5832 NBS 405 S812 $3 28313 5568 2238 595.5 25 1302 34nd 124 58 11553 90.0 62835 26828 606.9 3628 69.6 3647 os. 32678 ‘9385 523.0 13013 504.7 59203 Tier Aad Frsjeaion 190 HT _ 1992 TST TS 996159719 Social Javestanent 105 150 203 289 2.73 246 228 257 202 LB Education| 013 025 065 070 0.74 O48 049 049 045 0.40 2) Health O34 044 026 035 055 032 036 053 028 «Oo 3) WaterSanitation 005 002 000 O18 068 049 047 052 033 048 4) Housing 046 066 058 049 020 023 O21 024 028 024 5) Others 097 O14 053 120 0.56 094 075 099 047 0.50 Other tavest 110 189 294 182 4S 391 361 3.00 248210 Enciey O31 029 145 029 108 135 4d 108 OOH 2)Telecommunication 0.46 0.80 0.55 054 «108 O71 086 048 040 0.29 3) Transportation 022 058 070 050 14 134 116 101 099082 Ay Agsiculture, Environme 9.11 022 023 0.19 O55 O51 O45 043 038 035 & Land Development Tout S339 497 441688637589 S87 4503.94 Source: Plan de Desarrollo Esonomiso y Social, 1994-1999 CTAB TABLE C248 FOREIGN-EXCIANGE RESERVES AND EXTERNAL DEBT OF EL SALVADOR EEE Unit USS Million ‘Average Annual hem 1990 1991 1992 1993 19911995 Variation Rate (%4) cas 7 (1990-1995) 1 GDP atCurrent Prices” 4,802 5,311 5,962 6,957 8,126 9,548 48 Total Reserves” $50 412 539668783857 n3 1. Foreign Exchange MS 287-422-536 619 TAL 15.1 2. Gold BS 1 17 2 BS 136 03 HL Total Extemat Debt” 2,147 2,180 2,261 2,012 2,187 2.264 3 1. Long-term Debt 1938 2078 2,159 1,905 2,002 2,065 1s 2. Short-term Debt 209 102102107185. 199 68 LV. Conditions of External Debt” (Average Valve) 1. Interest (4) 46 71 71 60 38 - 57 2. Maturity (Years) 28 173 24 Md M2 - 2s 3.GracePeriod (Years) 7.2 «48 «S40 4076, 58 {Annual Variation Rate (%) Y. Total Debt Service” 208 «248-233-292 341260 63 1 Principal 2467490 AR = 20.1 2. Interest B82 66 VE. Ratio of Total Debt Service (Average Percent) toBudget Expenditue(%) = «399288333 M19 305 Vil Ratio to GDP (%6) (Average Percent) 1. Total External Debt” 44.7 41.0 37.9 289 26.9 23.7 33.9 2. Total DebtService” «4.347 39420 4227 40 Source : 1) Data of CDR and EIU 2) Interrational Financial Statistics, IMF 3) World Debt Tables, World Bank cry TABLE C219 NET RECEIPTS OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL, ASSISTANCE FOR EL SALVADOR Uni ~ Average Ratio item 1989 1990 199119921993 for period to Total $ Million 1989-19934) |. Bilateral Aid 323.5 343.7 319432152789 3274 81.0 1.1 USA's Aid 3100 246.0 2300 23102070 2448 60.6 12Ratioof USA(% 83.0 16 72.0 LY HD TAB 2. Multilateral Aid S731 7877662768 19.0 2.1 1DB's Aid 461-63 08-253 BLS 9S 733 2.2 Ratio of 1DB(%) 89.2 lt 33000442384 3. Total 4252 340.6 394.1 39K 463.1 4042 1000 Source : Geographycal Distribution of Financial Flows (o Aid Recipients, OECD TABLE C.2.20 BILATERAL ASSISTANCE OF ODA FOR EL SALVADOR Unit: US$ Million Lean and Grant i Breakdown in 1991 Counties 1988 198919901991. Loan Grant. Technical Assistance, USA 318.0 310.0 247.0 «182.0 32.0 150.0 93.0 Germany 206 278 223 BS 23 25 14 Netherland a0 89 93 BL 00 8h 8 Japan 2 350 82S 0.0 1S 06 aly WSs $3 10S 0.0 i 03 Spain os 23 33 33 0.0 33 00 Sweden os 06 FI 24 00 24 OF ‘Norway 09 «2620 18 00 18 ot Others W767 330A 02 4S 14 3817 36773120 240.7 3452062. Souree : Economic Indicators, 1988/1991, OECD. C7.20 eqmouoog op oNasIEIN “Z66T “epUatALA A UOIDEIQod ap SofeuODEN sosUaD : POMOg CT. ow QO0T TOG OrT 907 QOOT THFIFE C'OOT SLOSS T [Hol 6b St tHe xt C1 00 O_O" poyroeds 10N gt Loe 10 69 00 66 FO ert wonezmeSiQ 1 sly ve Loly ot 6% LLG tS (ONE9B So0taies onsowog 91 sos yt WEE est 09 TE_CHBT'IE SONTANO’ TRO ST 609 ot wore STL gis LT S9t'e S01AI26 TPIEOY TEOOS 9] “ss 9E 00'S v6 vss «LZ COL ee wontonpg €1 srs oe T69 eet EIPEL 9 OOS'OOT «SURO AP UoRENstURUpE onQRg ZT 989 Li Lye eu eres Oe SBI'EE a0e189 RY LL 19 90 188 PL Ose TL 6SE'8T souRuy areIpouion] OT sss TE 8p ort 9408 SE OTTO = StoRRoUMUTUOD zp uodsuEL 6 uss 60 Loz zs srt OT SHS'9t aMEXSIY F [POH B sys Sel EOC OST 601 S8BELE OST Se6'RKE poxouRUOD { sss Vy 6ss's cu B0Sor O'S y99'T8 woRonastog 9 sz £0 Bey OL tO 869 90 9866 OIA SPS “GOIN ¢ 60s TOL Bserl SIL £8 OTST Srl OOS'SHT Ansnpur Suumuogmuey y s'6s v0 990 s'8z ro oe 10 196 Sonny € oL £0 ty 0709 st tT'9 90 LEeOT koystA Z see Bor sesso ves SLs 9EP'96I SSE Los'8RS amynousy 1 CH AT HORY CH) OPRATES cronry % GUN Te onmy % soqumN’ _% _soqumN, Auianoy OFMTOWODT ‘ON, wary Apis ATwOwy JOpOATES TS U66I ‘VAMV ACAIS AHL ONV AI NOIOTY ‘AOAVATVS Td JO STANLIAALS ININAOTAWA IT AWAVL INL'L661 Aronuey ‘sonsting [eroueuy reuoKeuroNN] : coms v6 ss 86 PD L606 : afeiony “¢ s9 Yor 06 S8 80 ws ¢s : sooug soumsued Z Tot ORL 98 TI GIT THL Bt e S9OHd STESOLOUA | (ArT) (96) 164 voneyey @ ane asoxonu] Supp] wo9M94 IC “A, 69 S91 LOT Cll Obl GLI 96I aSeroay “¢ ver Ver V6t vor vol LOL TIT ‘Supuey ‘Z Set Sel eel est sit vot ogi wsodaq ‘T (%) ssoxanuy yueg Jo sey feu “AT ve “9 sol t6 er £9 LOL Te aSeiay “¢ etl 06 Or sor gst Zit vet - seoug IOUMSUOD ‘Z 99 Sr Sol BL SL @% 69 - S900 STESSIOUAN “T (9) apex uoneyey “TIT : S991 GOST TLZL FFT O00 soolag ioumsuOD °Z 5 LOL SLIT C60i 690 '0OI so0ud STESOIOUA\ “T (001=066 1) $90Ud “TT oot 000 000 WO srs SHE 790 9%) ory oBucyoxg Jo uoneue A pon O98 SLB SLB SL8 L983 LG 808 COs (Ssarstop) ey aBueyoxg “1 SBIOAV 966T $661 F661 £661 C661 1660661 wary SAOLVOIGNI DUNONODTYAHLO WTS AVL C122 SUPPORTING REPORT D: REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE D: REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY. 1 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT -. Lt 1.1.1 Background of the National Development Plan--- 1.1.2. New National Devetopment Plan 1994-1999- ‘Supporting Report D: Regional Development Policy ‘Table of Contents National Development Policy- 1.2. Importance of Sustainable Development and. Development Policy for the Eastern Region(LV) in the. National Physical Development -~ 1.2. Present Situation and Development Orientation of the Region- LAND USE 2.1 Bxisting Land Use~ ee 22 Future Land Use: Da Da DA DA D2 D3 D4 Ds Ds D& List of Tables and Figures in Supporting Report D Table D.21 Table D.2.2 Table D.2.3 Table D.2.4 Figure DALI Figure D2.1 Figure D.2.2 Figure D.2.3 Existing Land Use of the Whote Country (1996)- Existing Land Use of the Study Area (1996) -~ Land Classification of the Whole Country and Study Area- Land Use Plan- Development Orientation of the Study Area Land Use in Bl Salvador -------~ Land Use in the Study Area ~ Proposed Future Land Use DT. - DTA D.T.2 DBI D.R2 DF3 DFA D: REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY 1. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1.1 National Development Poticy 1.1.1 Background of the National Devetopment Plan ‘The recent history of El Salvador’s economic evolution can be itemized as; 1) Dependent on coffee-only exports until the end of the 1950's, 2) Industriatization particularly in textile and diversified export-crops(cotton and sugar) in the 1960's-1970"s, and 3) Civil conflict and economic collapse in the 1980s. “To overcome serious problems in the national socio-economic situation during 1980's, the El Salvador Government formulated the following national development plans aiming at recovering peace and rebuilding the national socio-economic structure. 1) _ National Socio-economic Development Plan 1989-1994 ‘This Development Plan was made for establishing a market socio-economic system, limit the national role only for norm, opening overseas markets, and achieving stable and sustainable development gradually for the improvement of the life of all the people including the extreme poverty stratum, The national development goals of the plan were; a. Arrange the prerequisites to realize a firm and stable economic development, b. Upgrade the living and welfare conditions of the people, especially for extreme poor people, and c. Establish a basic principle for balanced development considering economic growth and environmental conservation, (o produce various benefits for the following generations. DA 2) National Reconstruction Plan 1993-1997 Afier the peace accord in 1992, the Government formulated and commenced “National Reconstruction Plan for 1993-1997, aiming at immediate actions to repair the buildings/focilities, vocation/training for ex-fighters, reconstruction of infrastructure facilities in the most affected areas and a land transfer progeam. 1.1.2 New National Development Plan 1994-1999 1) National Development Goals At present, the Government has issued the “National Development Plan for 1994-1999, According to the plan, the national goals are listed as follows; a. Stabilization of the political situ constitutional state, 1, democracy, tolerance, strengthening of the b, Strengthen policy measures for poverty and human training, cc. Self-supporting economy, and 4. Promotion of rational unity. 2) Priority of the Government Investment ‘The government investment strategies on the above national plan, targeting the investment goal at 5.4% of the GDP during this period, also reinforcing investment (non-financial sector) in the following sectors; a. Social Sector(education/culture, health/nutrition, water/sewer, housing, etc.) b. Economic infrastructure and environment(energy, communication, transportation, agriculture, enviroamen/physical development) D2

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