Qualitative Study Nurses Challenges

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Qualitative Study: Nurses’ Challenges

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Qualitative Study: Nurses’ Challenges

The CASP qualitative checklist is a very useful fable for researchers, students, and

practitioners to quickly determine the quality and credibility of any qualitative research. It

helps determine the authenticity and dependability of evidence generated from qualitative

research. These elements can be summarized as follows: clarity of the research question,

suitability of design and methodology adopted, enabling optimal operationalization data

collection procedures ensuring validity, reliability, value-added approach for sampling,

adequate use of qualitative techniques, reflexivity, and Suitability methods cross-over

between different paradigms.

An illustrative example of the checklist is a qualitative study by Akkus et al. (2022)

that focused on nurses working in pandemic clinics during COVID-19 outbreaks in Turkey.

Nineteen nurses actively working at pandemic clinics during the study were interviewed. 4 It

investigated their experiences and challenges during the pandemic while classifying study

results into important themes like psychosocial adaptation, protective measures, care

treatment-related difficulties, information availability, and working conditions.

This research has a vital role in contributing to the clinical stage on a global basis. It

determines psychosocial stressors that nurses face, difficulties linked with PPE use associated

with challenges of caring for COVID-19 patients’ issues related to restricted accessibility and

reliable information sources. From a practice point of view, this research outlines the need for

more financial and moral backing for nurses during such epidemics.

In terms of methodology, this study employed an inductive qualitative design and

conducted interviews via WhatsApp mobile application due to pandemic restrictions.

Snowball sampling was used up to the saturation point. The researchers followed the

Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) guidelines that ensure

transparency and rigor in reporting (Buus & Perron, 2020).

In conclusion, this study illuminates the myriad challenges faced by nurses tending to

COVID-19 patients in Turkey, emphasizing the necessity for interventions to fortify their

psychological and physiological well-being. It advocates for improvements in compensation

and the provision of moral support for nurses amidst such health crises.


Akkuş, Y., Karacan, Y., Güney, R., & Kurt, B. (2022). Experiences of nurses working with

COVID‐19 patients: A qualitative study. Journal of clinical nursing, 31(9-10), 1243-


Buus, N., & Perron, A. (2020). The quality of quality criteria: Replicating the development of

the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ). International

journal of nursing studies, 102, 103452.

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