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Alamat: Kamp.Parang Desa. Pa'bentengan Kec. Eremerasa Kab. Bantaeng

Soal Ulangan Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :

Kelas : VIII

Selesaikanlah soal-soal berikut dengan baik dan benar !

Tigers are the biggest of all cats. They live in the grasslands and forests. Their stripped coat gives
them good camouflage when they hunt. They love meat to eat.
1. What are the biggest of all cats ?
2. What do they eat ?
3. Where do they live ?
The boys and the girls are busy cleaning up the classroom. Udin is sweeping on the floor. Lina is
cleaning the whiteboard. Edo is putting the book back into the shelf. And, Dayu is taking the rubbish to
the rubbish bin outside.
4. What is Lina doing ?
5. What are the boys and the girls doing ?
6. What are Udin and Edo doing ?
7. Who is taking the rubbish ?
8. ( +) She is watering plants
(-) ....................................
(?) ....................................
9. (?) Do you play the guitar ?
(+) ...................................
(-) ...................................
10. (-) She is not beautiful and kind
(+) ............................................
(-) .............................................

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