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1. Give one example of each of the knowledge levels.

Opinion: I think I’m going to play with my sister.
Conviction: I’m convinced that she is the killer.
Conviction: I’m convinced that today is going to rain because the sky is gray.
Knowledge: I know that today I’m going to sleep.

2. Fill in the table with the correct information

Name of the truth Concept of truth Example Concerned philosopher

Correspondence It is false to say it is It is false to say that Aristotle
not about something something that is pink
that it is or saying it is is black.
about something that it
is not; as well, it is true
to say it is about
something that is or
saying it is not about
something that it is
Evidence The truth is everything Cogitoa: “I think, Descartes
impossible to call into therefore I am”

Consistency A belief is true when it Mathematic truths Hegel

fits in with the set of (son equivalentes)
all our other beliefs
without creating a

Pragmatic A belief is true or not Sometimes untruth William James

based on whether it may be more useful
has a useful than truth.
application in the

Consensus Habermas, Apel

Authority It is the procedure “ Magister dixit” Medieval philosophy
which bases the truth
of a statement on the
prestige of those who
has proposed it.
(Is true depending on
who say it)

2.- Which theory of truth are these expressions related to? :

a) The ground is wet, it must have rained before.

b) When I cannot sleep I get up and drink a glass of milk. It really works, don´t ask me why.
c) I think Paul and Brenda are having a love affair, I saw them kissing each other in the park
d) A proposition is true when it fits well with the rest.
e) Propositions are true when they describe a real situation.
f) The doctor said that I just had a cold and should take some aspirins.
g) An idea is true if it helps me in life

3.- Give definitions for those terms and afterwards give a good example of each of them:

1. Dogmatism
2. Skepticism
3. Relativism
4. Subjectivism
5. Perspectivism
6. Hermeneutics

4.-Which one do you prefer; dogmatism or skepticism? Which one do you think goes better with
tolerance in society? Why? What are the pros and cons of dogmatism?

5.- Do you agree with relativism? Do you think that all opinions have the same value? Absolute
truth does not exist then?

6.- Do you agree with perspectivism? What kind of solutions does it provide?

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