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Gurong Pinoy International

Social Science Major

Set 7

1. The process that encourages students to manipulate or to experiment with objects (artifacts,
relics) or with events they might gain new insights into the nature or objects, events and
relationship is referred to as:
a. Problem Solving c. Values clarification
b. Discovery d. Concept mapping
2. The social Studies is a learning component of Makabayan in basic education that
uses________ approach to instruction.
a. Multidisciplinary c. Un-disciplinary
b. Interdisciplinary d. all of the above
3. All test instruments are assessed according three important criteria or standards:
Validity, Reliability and usability. Validity refers to an instrument’s truthfulness reliability to its
consistency; and usability to its:
a. Practicality c. Effectively
b. Specificity d. Generality
4. The way of presenting and clarifying content by means of oral interactions between teachers
by means students refers to:
a. Debate c. Socio-drama
b. Discussion d. Role playing
5. The valuable process for planning the content appropriate for the fulfillment of educational
objectives is called:
a. Concept map c. Venn diagram
b. Fact storming d. Semantic web
6. Refers generally to grouping techniques in which students work towards some common
learning goals in small heterogeneous group of usually form five students.
a. Cognitive learning c. Know-want-learn-technique
b. Inquiry learning d. cooperative learning group technique
7. What approach to instruction involves creating a setting within which students feel compelled
to pursue solutions to problems that are meaningful to them?
a. Concept mapping c. inquiry-oriented teaching
b. Valuing d. moral reasoning
8. The general rule in playing instruction is teaching strategies should be consistent with:
a. Activities c. sources
b. Objectives d. techniques
9. The discipline that provides an understanding of the social relationships and political systems
those are essential in regulating individual and group behavior within a society.
a. History c. Sociology
b. Economic d. Political Science
10. The discipline that provides an understanding of the physical or natural environment of the
earth surface including the various landscapes, climates and natural systems that brings about
changes in the human condition.
a. History c. Anthropology
b. Geography d. Political Science
11. The standard or criteria used in making judgment about whether something is positive or
negative, good or bad, pleasing or displeasing.
a. Skills c. Values
b. Beliefs d. Attitudes
12. The knowledge situations that guide perception, categorizes information, interpret
experience, draw influences, and evaluate information refers to:
Gurong Pinoy International
Social Science Major

a. Schemata c. Assessment
b.Procedure d. Subject matter
13. The form of government in which political control is exercised by all the people either directly
or through their elected representatives is_____.
a. Communism c. Socialism
a. Autocracy d. Democracy
14. The shared interests of all citizens, according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, which I the basis of
the social contract and the notion of the common good.
a. Will of all c. Particular will
b. Majority will d. General will
15. Plato’s vision as the ultimate end of the political community or the polis which is more
commonly understood today as the state.
a. The wealth of nation c. The freedom of the polis
b. The power of the polis d. The good life
16. a model of democracy which views democracy as a mechanism for citizen participation in
political life and the structure which insulates him/her from government abuses.
a. Protective democracy c. Classical democracy
b. Developmental democracy d. People’s democracy
17. A form of feminism emphasizing the enhancement of the legal and political status of women
and improving their educational and career prospects.
a. Socialist feminism c. Radical feminism
b. Liberal feminism d. All of the above
18. An element of conservative thought which accepts leadership from above guiding and
supporting those who lack the knowledge, experience or education to protect their own
a. Tradition c. Hierarchy
b. Pragmatism d. Human imperfection
19. The core principle of liberal ideology which reflects a belief in the supreme importance of the
human being as opposed to any social group or collective body.
a. Reason c. Consent
b. Freedom d. Individualism
20. The strategic foreign policy emphasizing the necessity of preventing hegemony from
merging in order to ensure both regional/global peace & stability.
a. Balance of terror c. Balance of power
b. Collective security d. Comprehensive security
21. The criticism against international organizations whose executive bodies lack accountability
to popular assemblies or inadequate opportunities for popular participation.
a. Democratic peace c. Democratic transformation
b. Democratic deficit d. Democratic oversight
22. The description of the post-Cold War period where there is one preeminent states the
existence of a single great power.
a. Unipolarity c. Bipolarity
b. Tripolarity d. Multipolarity
23. The most basic unit of analysis in the field of international relations
a. Nation-state c. International organization
b. Local government unit d. Multinational corporation
24. A model of civil-military relations w/c clearly delineates the authority between political &
military agencies of government & seeks the military out of politics.
a. Subjective model of civil-military relations
b. Transformation model of civil-military relations
Gurong Pinoy International
Social Science Major

c. Penetration model of civil-military relations

d. Liberal model of civil-military relations
25. A form of government that is principally characterized by a fusion of executive and
legislative powers within the assembly of legislature.
a. Fusion of powers c. Unitary form of government
b. Separation of powers d. Federal form of government
26. A form of government that is principally characterized by a fusion of executive and
legislative powers within the assembly or legislature.
a. Military government c. Parliamentary government
b. Aristocratic government d. Presidential government
27. An electoral system which considers the candidate who gathered the highest number of
votes, even if these votes are less than the majority of the electorate, as the winning candidate.
a. Second Ballot system c. Single-member plurality system
b. Alternative vote system d. Additional member system
28. When parents decide to send their children to a private school and pay their tuition fee
instead of sending them to public school. They don’t get their share I the benefit derived from
the taxes they pay. This is a case of:
a. Social injustice c. Social inequity
b. Double taxation d. Double jeopardy
29. Elections in democratic politics are deemed to be performing number of functions. One of its
functions relates to the turn-over of politics leadership, either wholly or partially, from incumbents
to a set of newly-elected officials.
a. Educating voters c. Recruiting politicians
b. Influencing policy d. Making governments
30. It is a type of political culture where citizens view their active involvement in politics as both
desirable and effective. Citizens see their active involvement in politics as crucial to the life of
the community.
a. Subject culture c. Participant culture
b. Civic culture d. Parochial culture
31. A model of representation which views the representative of the people as their
spokesperson whose principal function is to articulate and advance the interests of his
a. Trustee model c. Resemblance model
b. Delegate model d. Mandate model
32. This is a type of political party composed of trained and professional members who are
expected to be committed to their platform based on the party ideology
a. Constitutional party c. Representative party
b. Mass Party d. Cadre party
33. It is a group of people organized for the purpose of controlling the government through
election or other means.
a. Political party c. Political community
b. Pressure group d. Interest group
34. What is the principal means through which culture is transmitted from generation to
a. Community action c. Family
b. Church d. Language
35. Which refers to the act of the president to stay the execution of a convict?
a. Commutation c. Pardon
b. Reprieve d. Amnesty
36. These are networks of groups which share attitudes and beliefs in their activist advocacies of
certain issues involving the environment, human rights, welfare of labor, or the status of women.
Gurong Pinoy International
Social Science Major

a. Political coalition c. Nationalist movements

b. Global coalition d. Social movements
37. It is a type of group where membership is based on birth rather than recruitment. Families,
tribes, clans and ethnic groups are examples of this type of group.
a. Political group c. Institutional group
b. Associational group d. Communal group
38. What form of immunity is enjoyed by legislators while the congress in session?
a. Presidential immunity c. Parliamentary immunity
b. Diplomatic immunity d. All of the above
39. What was the term office of the president under the 1935 Constitution of the Philippines?
a. Six years without re-election
b. Four years without re-election
c. Six years with one immediate re-election
d. Four years with one immediate re-election
40. What is the procedural and substantive right of citizens to fair trial which requires in general,
among others jurisdiction, notice and hearing?
a. Equal protection of law c. Due process of law
b. Bill of attainder d. Double jeopardy
41. What law provided for the granting of independence of the Philippines upon fulfillment of
certain conditions?
a. Jones Law c. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law
b. Tidings McDuffie Law d. Spooner amendment
42. Who was the famous sculptor who made the Oblation in the University of the Philippines and
the Bonifacio monument in Caloocan.
a. Edgar Doctor c. Elizaide Navarro
b. Napoleon Abueva d. Guillermo Tolentino
43. All Filipino citizens have the right to vote and to be voted upon as government officials. What
is the constitutional right called?
a. Suffrage c. Passive right to vote
b. Electoral right d. Political franchise
44. Who surrendered Corregidor including the whole Philippines to the Japanese?
a. Elwell Otis c. Jonathan Wainwright
b. Douglas MacArthur d. Edward King
45. Who was the president who launched Philippines 2000 to uplift the economy of the
Philippines so as to attain the stats of Newly Industrialized country (NIC)?
a. Fidel V. Ramos c. Diosdado Macapagal
b. Elpidio Quirino d. Ferdinand Marcos
46. What is the right of the state to take private property for the benefit of the people but with
just compensation to the owner?
a. Sovereign power c. Police power
b. Power to tax d. Power of eminent domain
47. Who were referred to as the people who had the opportunity of acquiring a good education
during the Spanish period?
a. Penisulares c. Ilustrados
b. Creoles d. Insulares
48. What do you call the policy of extending a nation’s dominance over other nations for
economic and political advantages?
a. Nationalism c. Liberalism
b. Imperialism d. Militarization
49. Which of the following is a coastal center of trade where the Chinese government allowed
Westerners to carry on business?
Gurong Pinoy International
Social Science Major

a. Treaty port c. Sphere of influence

b. Concession d. Entrepot
50. What method was used by the Spaniards Portuguese to fight Napoleon’s forces where small
band of soldiers made sudden surprise attacks?
a. Propaganda warfare c. Blitzkrieg
b. Guerilla warfare d. Divide and Rule

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