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Gurong Pinoy International

Social Science Major

Set 1

1. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy is adopted
in the constitution to assure the public of accountability and transparency?
A. Rural development and agrarian reform.
B. Public enterprise and incentives to needed investments.
C. Balanced and healthy ecology.
D. Full public disclosure
2. The important factors which have contributed to the weaknesses in the internalization of
desirable social values are the:
A. Lack of models among the very people expected to exemplify these values.
B. Use of approaches which are mainly cognitive rather than effective.
C. Lack of follow up systems from one grade level to another.
D. Minimum recognition and appreciation given to teachers.
3. To govern is to rule and government rules by laws. Whose main duty is the enforcement of
A. Police department C. Legislative department
B. Judiciary department D. Executive department
4. In teaching the democratic beliefs in the classroom, which of the following is MOST consistent
with current educational thought?
A. Democracy as the smoothest form of government is emphasized.
B. The teacher should effectively lead the discussion on current affairs.
C. Democratic belief can be taught based on respect for individual worth and faith
in ability of people to govern them.
D. Democratic beliefs can be taught by assuring that celebrations are observed to honor
national heroes,
5. Without limiting the rights of parents to rear their children, the Constitution provides a
compulsory elementary education for:
A. All children of school age C. All children of pre-school age
B. All physically able individuals D. Adult citizens & out of school youth
6. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos who were free and independent:
A. Timawa C. Aliping namamahay
B. Maharlika D. Aliping saguiguilid
7. The gallant champion of Filipino rights during the Spanish regime was:
A. Father Diego de Herrera C. Saint Francis Xavier
B. Father Martin de Rada D. Bishop Domingo de Salazar
8. The Spanish expedition responsible for naming the archipelago Filipinas:
A. Magellan’s expedition C. Legaspi expedition
B. Loarca expedition D. Villalobos expedition
9. Who said that Rizal is the greatest son of the Malay race?
A. Antonio Ma. Regidor C. Don Pedro Paterno
B. Ferdinand Blumentritt D. Dr. Maximo Viola
10. The third and last military Governor of the Philippines was?
A. General Wesley Merritt C. Major General Arthur MacArthur
B. General Elwell E. Otis D. Douglas MacArthur
11. At the bottom of the judicial system during the Spanish time were the:
A. Regional Trial Court C. Justice of the Peace Court
B. Municipal Trial Court D. Barangay Court
12. The law which has its applications where the military arm does not supersede civil authority
but is called upon to aid in the execution of its vital functions.
A. Martial Law C. Civil Law
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Social Science Major

B. Educational Act D. National Defense Act

13. It is an act of forgetfulness putting to oblivion the offense of which one is charged.
A. Pardon C. Commutation
B. Amnesty D. Reprieve
14. The cornerstone of all systems of effective administration of justice:
A. Rules of procedure C. Tenure of office
B. Social justice D. Executive clemency
15. Among early Greek philosophers, ________ introduced empirical knowledge by the use of
observation to explain universal truths.
A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Thales
16. What method of thinking-and-learning draws from the general qualities of knowledge to
particular knowledge?
A. Induction B. Deduction C. Discovery D. Problem-solving
17. The earliest people showed their scientific ability when they:
A. Discovered the use of iron C. Discovered the use of copper
B. Began to use bronze D. Started using polished stone tools
18. In which situation do we insist on belonging to a group thus resisting the risk of being
A. Conformity B. Radicalism C. Anarchism D. Pessimism
19. The social change that leads to the development of towns and cities in Europe was:
A. The slaves were able to buy their freedom
B. The traders and business become rich
C. The use of money as payment for service rendered
D. The downfall of the monarchy
20. The worst effect of capitalism due to the Industrial Revolution was:
A. The low salaries of the worker
B. The decrease in the employed workers
C. The high price of commodities
D. The capitalists were getting richer & the workers poorer
21. Which of the following inventions started the fast weaving process of cloth?
A. Flying shuttle C. Power loom
B. Cotton gin D. Spinning jenny
22. This invention produced electricity that greatly improved works of the machineries:
A. Air breaks B. Dynamo C. Petroleum D. Internal Combustion engine
23. The fundamental focus of ritual activities in a native culture is the:
A. Belief that the human body is ugly and must be healed
B. Belief that the place or shine for ritual gives a special protection for the family
C. Belief that it can be drive away bad sprints
D. Belief the more tools and charms the family possessed, more family protected
24. In the archeological record, these have only very indirect traces or often leave no traces at
A. The world of the mine C. Formation of the land
B. Size of the community D. Technological knowledge

25. Asians established different organizations in order to show the world that:
A. They culturally bound to one another
B. They are capable of developing their own resources
C. They are interested to help each other
D. Asia is for the Asians
26. The Philippines can be found in the region of:
A. Southwest Asia C. South Asia
Gurong Pinoy International
Social Science Major

B. Southeast Asia D. Eastern Asia

27. The ruler who ordered the burning of the Confucian classic was:
A. Shih Huang Ti C. Pan Chao
B. Tai Tsung D. Kublai Khan
28. What aspect of inquiry is NOT related to ethical conduct in research?
A. Security of participants
B. Respect of confidentiality
C. Voluntary participation by respondents
D. Limitation in research scope
29. Most scientists now believe the theory of continental drift which means:
A. That were was only one supercontinent
B. That continents are still moving slowly
C. That continent have moved in the distant past
D. That were was once a time the continent cracked
30. A delta is being built of deposits of sand and soil as a:
A. River dumps its soil and rock pieces along its lower path
B. River flows into the quiet waters and it slows down
C. River moves slower and spreads out a wide area
D. River flows rapidly through the land
31. The biggest river in the world:
A. Yellow River in China C. Mississippi River in the US
B. Rio Grande in Mexico D. Amazon River in South America
32. It is called the biggest river in the world because:
A. Melting snow and ice add greatly to the supply of water in the area.
B. This area receives more rainfall than it can store in the ground
C. The ground is filled with moisture and cannot absorb any added deposits
B. Water flows out of a huge area.
33. The systematic explanation of observed phenomena drawn from social manifestation or
patterns in social life is _______.
A. hypothesis B. theory C. assumption D. truth
34. Scientific inquiries conducted on social change over a period of time are ________.
A. trend studies B. cohort studies C. panel studies D. case studies
35. Which area of the world is generally known as the Fertile Crescent?
A. Plains of the Nile, Egypt C. Plains around Syria
B. Plains of Mississippi D. Low lands of Holland
36. The two essential dimensions in teaching Social Science are _______ and _______.
A. observing and inferring C. searching and imparting
B. seeing and listening D. knowing and thinking
37. Known as the Land of the Aztecs was the _______.
A. Valley of Mexico C. California
B. Yucatan Peninsula D. South America
38. Social stratification is the system or process of signing men their respective ranks in a society
based on:
A. The acquired social and cultural heritage of the society
B. The individual learning about his social position in the society
C. The income, wealth, education, occupation and lifestyle
D. One social stratum to another horizontally, vertically or laterally
39. Eligibility for membership in a kin based social unit is determined by:
A. Biological relationship C. Mutual interest
B. Sociological rules D. Political and jurally arrangement
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Social Science Major

40. Which island was the scene of the first landing of US troops when they recaptured the
Philippines from the Japanese?
A. Samar B. Leyte C. Cebu D. Mindanao
41. Greetings behavior in a variety of social contexts could be observed through:
A. The way the greeting behavior serves as an indicator of social standings
B. Inferring and abstracting a set of cultural traits relating to greetings
C.Through the manner of shaking hands, how touching and vigorous the handshake was
D. Two persons merely shaking hands
42. The internet is cutting many people in, but increasingly cutting many people out because:
A. It balances the user into 50-50% basis for the rich and the poor
B. It creates a broader outlook for all the people
C. It gives a clear presentation as to what people stands for
D. 88% of the world’s internet users are wealthy industrial nations
43. In what countries are half of the populations the poorest in the world?
A. Bangladesh and India C. Cambodia and Laos
B. Maldives island D. Sri Lanka and Vietnam
44. This is an animal or plant species or some other object or class of objects, with which the
group believes it has a mystical relationship.
A. Sorocate B. Totem C. Kaingang D. Mesmer
45. Concentration in thinking which leads to a constant, unbroken line of thought is _________.
A. infusion B. focus C. intention D. direction
46. The choice of the nation’s economic system is important because it determines:
A. The quantities of each good that will be produced.
B. The distribution of goods and services
C. The manner in which goods will be produced
D. All of the above
47. Which of the following instances shifts the supply curve to the left?
A. Better technology C. Decrease in the number of sellers
B. Decrease in cost of production D. Increase in number of sellers
48. The law of supply and demand is important in the Philippines economy because it is:
A. A mix of economies C. A dominantly market oriented economy
B. A command economy D. A traditional economy
49. In every society, certain positions are assigned to individuals on the basis of age, sex, marital
status and similar other criteria. These patterns are:
A. Culturally defined C. Learned from parents
B. taught in school D. Universally accepted and practices
50. An aspect of Philippines culture that does much to promote interpersonal communication
beyond the community boundary is:
A. Fiesta celebration C. Election
B. Tagalog movies D. zarzuela

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