Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

1. Compare and contrast how the humanistic-existential model and

the biological model differ in their understanding of causes of

To compare them I believe the focus of the thought or the issues

within the brain. What makes them different is Humanistic-existential
models also focus on emotional thoughts as well, for example they
believe that the causes of abnormal behavior is self-acceptance,
choices, values and meanings and biological model believe the
reasons are that it’s a malfunctioning of the organism the main one
being the brain.

2. Compare and contrast the origins of abnormality according to the

sociocultural, psychodynamic, and humanistic-existential

They all are similar in finding out the root cause of behavior from pas
experience or current conditions. I believe they differed in their
method of treatment and the sessions psychodynamic may be more
eager to hear and listen to what the individual think have caused them
to get to that state. Social culture

3. Describe the process of and structures involved in the

transmission of messages between neurons. Give an example of
how a psychological disorder can be related to a problem in

Synapse separates the neuron from the next, and the message than
move across that space. Electrical impulses reach the end of the
neuron and then the nerve ending is stimulated releasing
neurotransmitters which travels across the synaptic space to
receptors on the dendrite of the neuron neighbors. After it received
neuron receptors, than some neurotransmitter give a message to
receive neurons to “fire” which triggers its own electrical impulses.
The brain structures are involved. An example is when low activity of
neurotransmitters is a link to depression.

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using drugs in


The advantages and disadvantages of using drugs in psychotherapy is

that it may control the person issue for a duration of time quickly. The
disadvantages of drugs in psychotherapy is that the body can get
addicted to taking it given the patient a longer and harder time to
eventually get off of it.

5. You are a therapist treating a person for depression. Discuss the

advantages and disadvantages of psychodynamic therapy and
cognitive therapy to treat depression. Which of these options would
you recommend?

For a patient with depression I would recommend cognitive therapy as

it focus a lot on the thoughts of an individual and may be easier to aide
the patient with extracting out the reason that’s causing them to be
depressed. I think psychodynamic would be more directed to an
individual who isn’t consciously aware. The advantages of
psychodynamic therapy is they strive to help clients resume personal
development, the disadvantage is they allow they try to get the client
to speak about the emotions and what they believe is the cause of the
mental state. Cognitive advantages is it focu on the thoughts of an
individual. The disadvantages is it may not look deepr into ones pass
to figure out their emotions.
6. Discuss the behavioral and cognitive dimensions of the cognitive-
behavioral model of abnormality, and explain how the two are used in
combination to treat abnormal behavior.

Behavioral and cognitive dimensions are used together as the behavior

effect thinking and thinking effects behavior. They teach clients to be
mindful and accept many of their problematic thoughts.

7. Compare and contrast the beliefs of humanists and existentialists.

They both focus on human existence, but humanists are self-deceit,

observer, reflection and self-actualization and existential is avoidance
of responsibility, collaborator, varied, and authentic life.

8. Describe how gestalt therapy is like and different from client-

centered therapy.

They both guide their clients toward self-recognition and self-

acceptance. They differ because gestalt therapy is when the challenge
their patients, they ma frustrate them, demand them not stay and
express the real emotions.

9. Describe group therapy, family therapy, and couple therapy. Discuss

what each entails and the goals of therapy. Then provide a detailed
example of each. Identify what the setting is, who participates, what
the issue is, and what role the therapist plays.

Group therapy is with a group of individuals who require the same help
examples they all come together to support each other without direct
leadership, Family therapy includes all members in a family example
they will point out problem behaviors and interactions that can help
the family as a whole, and couple therapy is when the therapist work
with two individuals who are in a long term relationship example they
focus on structure and communication patterns in the relationship.
10. One unique part of the sociocultural model is the community
treatment aspect, a key component of which is prevention. Discuss
the three types of prevention and give examples of each.

Prevention methods is addressing families, peer group and school. For

example educating the family about parenting skills, teaching
resistance to peer pressure and setting firm policies in school ettings.

11. Discuss the reasons why culture-sensitive therapy arose and the
challenges it seeks to address.

Some people felt like it was easier for them to understand and aide
their sitation instead of making them feel horrible about their

12. List at least four elements of a culture-specific approach for

gender-sensitive therapy.

Understanding their living conditions, Being aware that their treatment

method is different from men, Allowing children to live with them, and
being sensitive to their sitation.

13. Many clinicians view their approach as “eclectic.” What is an

eclectic approach to abnormality? Describe at least one example of an
eclectic approach to abnormality.

Electric approach is a therapy approach that many clinicians utilize

today. It opens up many pathways for them to help aide or decrease
the episodes of the patients. An example is cognitive behavior therapy.

14. Give examples of possible factors developmental psychologists

might draw from each of the clinical field's major models.

I think the psychologist may take each major models into prospective
by figuring out what best may describe the reason or issues for the
behavior of the client and based on that the psychologist may
determine the most suitable treatment for the client. I also think the
psychologist may direct their view to the biological model because
most of psychological issues is an underlying issue of the organism.

15. What are the two key principles at the center of the developmental
psychopathology perspective? Give an example for each.
The two key principles are equifinality and multifinality. Equifinality is is how different developmental
routes may lead to psychological disorder and Multifinality is when a person have experience similar
developmental variabes and have clinical outcomes.

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