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App for Android devices

Parametric Trusses

User Guide

[A].- Goals
The "Parametric Trusses" application performs the analysis of the influence of
multiple factors
on the structural behavior of a variety of flat trusses.
The trusses are not defined by the coordinates of its nodes and connectivity of
bars, but by
global geometric parameters. The properties of sections and materials, supports and
loads are
also parameterized.
When the user changes the value of any parameter the truss is updated and the
automatically recalculates and dynamically presents the results. This enables the
of structural design, determining the values that produce minimum forces, stresses,
deflections and self-weight of the structure.

[B].- Display organization

The application considers the size, resolution, and orientation of the device, and
items on the screen depending on the space available. Screen layouts are shown
below for two
smartphones of different size and resolution and a larger tablet.

3.8’’ screen with 480 x 800 pixels resolution

4.8’’ screen with 720 x 1280 pixels resolution
10.1’’ screen with 1280 x 800 pixels resolution

[C].- Parameters
The bottom of the screen contains the following control parameters: (in two rows if
orientation is horizontal or three if vertical)

- Selection bar, with corresponding icons and scroll option

- Text window with the value and units of the selected parameter
- Sliding bar to quickly modify the parameter value within the whole range
- Buttons for precise adjustment of the parameter value
The following table describes the available parameters, their units, minimum and
values of the range.
[C.1].- Geometrical parameters
Icon Parameter Units Min Max

Truss type 1 44

Number of panels 2 20

Total length cm 100 10000

Height increment between ends cm -1000 1000

Truss rotation º -45 45

Depth cm 10 1000

Depth increment on left end cm -1000 1000

Depth increment on right end cm -1000 1000

Parabolic depth variation cm -1000 1000

Parabolic height variation cm -1000 1000

Intermediate depth increment cm -1000 1000

Intermediate height increment cm -1000 1000

Intermediate position cm 0 Tot. length

[C.2].- Support Parameters

Support 1 type
- No restraints
- Horizontal Roller
- Vertical Roller
- Pinned Support

Support 1 location Between 1 and the number of joints

Support 2 type
- No restraints
- Horizontal Roller
- Vertical Roller
- Pinned Support

Support 2 location Between 1 and the number of joints

Support 3 type
- No restraints
- Horizontal Roller
- Vertical Roller
- Pinned Support

Support 3 location Between 1 and the number of joints

[C.3].- Loads Parameters

Top chord uniform load kN/m -100 100

Bottom chord uniform load kN/m -100 100

Point load 1 kN -1000 1000

Load 1 location Between 1 and the number of joints

Point load 2 kN -1000 1000

Load 2 location Between 1 and the number of joints

Point load 3 kN -1000 1000

Load 3 location Between 1 and the number of joints

The uniform loads are defined per unit length and the system applies them to the

[C.4].- Cross-section Parameters

Cross-section area for group 1 cm2 1 200

Cross-section area for group 2 cm2 1 200

Cross-section area for group 3 cm2 1 200

Cross-section area for group 4 cm2 1 200

[C.5].- Material Parameters

Modulus of elasticity kN/mm2 10 1000

Weight per unit volume kg/m3 10 10000

Tensile stress limit kN/cm2 1 100

Compressive stress limit kN/cm2 1 100

Assigning a lower compressive stress limit can indirectly impose a limitation on

local buckling.

[D].- Graphic Area

The system shows the truss in the central area of the screen. The scale is
adjusted based on the space available.
The user can choose the type of geometry (undeformed or deformed) by the
button (located in the upper left corner)

Undeformed geometry

Truss deflections

The deformed geometry is adjusted by a scale factor controlled by the slide bar
located on the
right side of the button (in vertical orientation) or in the lower left corner (in
landscape mode)

[E].- Display Options

The graph of the truss provides the user with selection or radio buttons (depending
on the
device and orientation) for the control of colors, intensities and thicknesses of
the bars. These
attributes are used to indicate the comparative levels of areas, forces, stresses,
etc. between
them, according to the following table of options:
Icon Option Color Intensity Thickness

By Group Constant By Area

By Group By Force Constant
By Group Constant By Force
Blue: Tensile
Red: Comp.
By Force By Area
By Stress By Area

In the last four cases, bars are represented in dashed lines when their stress
exceeds the
corresponding limit.

The representation of texts on members, and the symbols and values of loads and
may be configured by using the corresponding buttons or radio buttons:
Icon Option Texts on members

No texts
Values of forces in kN
Values of stresses in kN/cm2

Icon Option Visibility of loads and reactions

No visible symbols or values

Only visible loads symbols
Visible loads and reactions symbols
Visible symbols and values of the loads
Visible symbols and values of loads and reactions

In small screen devices it may be interesting to hide symbols or texts in order to

increase the
scale of the truss.

[F].- Analysis results in Joints and Members

When the user clicks on a joint or member in the graph, the application shows in
orange color
the following data:
- Joints: Coordinates [X, Y] in meters, Forces [Fx, Fy] (loads + reactions) in kN
Displacements [dx, dy] in millimeters.
- Members: Areas [A] cm2, Lengths [L] in meters, Axial Forces [N] in kN, Stresses
[S] in
kN/cm2 and Variations in Length (d) mm.
The text is arranged in two lines on the top when the orientation is vertical and
one line (over
or under the graph, depending on the device) when the orientation is horizontal.
Three output
examples are shown below:
Joint selection (vertical orientation) Member selection (vertical orientation)

Member selection (horizontal orientation)

[G].- Analysis results in Member Groups

For devices with vertical orientation, the application displays a statistical
summary of the four
groups of members, identifying in red the maximum forces and stresses:

[H].- Global results of the calculation

The last row of the table above contains the following values for the whole
- Area: Average value considering the length of the members in each group
- L tot: Sum of the lengths of all members
- P tot: Total weight of the truss
- N med: Weighted average axial force (in absolute value)
- N max: Maximum axial force in absolute value (with sign)
- T max: Maximum stress in absolute value (with sign)
When the device is oriented horizontally these values are reflected in a bottom
green text line
with horizontal scroll option:

The application previously checks the system stability and indicates it in the
bottom of the
figure, for the three possible cases:
 Statically determinated
 Statically indeterminated

UNSTABLE structures are marked in red. In case of indeterminate structures, the

indeterminacy degree is also indicated.

[I].- Automatic size option

When this option is selected, the application calculates the minimum areas required
for the
four groups so that no stress member exceeds the limits set in tension and
Adjustment is performed in cm integers.
While enabled, this procedure is always executed after any parameter modification.
When the
user manually changes any group area the system disables the automatic
If the structure is statically determinated, the calculation is performed in a
single step. If the
system is statically indeterminated, modification of areas causes in turn changes
in axial forces
and the application performs the necessary iterations to optimize all sections.

User-defined Sections

Automatic size of sections

In the example shown in the figure on the left, the areas established for the
groups are
respectively A01 = 20 cm2, A02 = 15 cm2, A03 = 10 cm2, A04 = 20 cm2. After
selecting the
automatic dimensioning option in the right figure, the areas become S01 = 25 cm2,
S02 = 18
cm2, S03 = 16 cm2 and S04 = 16 cm2, which are the minimum that do not exceed the
limits. The system is indeterminate and the variation of axial forces is also

[J].- Self weight option

When this option is enabled, the application automatically increases the forces
applied to the
corresponding nodes due to the truss weight (depending on the material density and
length and cross-sectional area of each member).
No self weight added

Self weight added

[K].- Output results in external files

The user can export the results of the current analysis at any time, in two
possible file types:

Graphics generation in DXF

The graphic and text information is organized in 17 layers and

placed in a DXF file (with automatic dimensioning).

This file is stored in the TRUSS directory of the device. The

user can import it into any software and set preferences about
visibility of layers, colors, fonts, etc.

Analysis Report Generation

This option generates a complete structural analysis document

of the truss, in TXT format.

The file is stored in the TRUSS directory of the device. The user
can import it into any text editor, set the format preferences
(Courier New size 8 is recommended) and modify it at will.

Here are the headers and some sample records from the different sections of the

Mobile App: Parametric Truss Analysis Report

Analysis name: Sample 01


Number of Joints 16 Degrees of Freedom 32

Number of Members 29 Unconstrained Degrees of Freedom 29
Number of Sections 4 Support Reactions 3

Statically determinated


Joint X(m) Y(m) Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Ax Ay

1 0.000 -1.500 0.00 0.00 X X

2 2.400 -0.600 0.00 0.00 - -
3 4.800 0.300 0.00 0.00 - -
4 7.200 1.200 0.00 -100.00 - -
5 9.600 2.100 0.00 0.00 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Member Ji Jf L(m) Ang(º) Sec A(cm2) Den.(Kg/m3) W(Kg) E(kN/m2)

1 1 2 2.972 -7.006 S01 15.00 7850 35.00 210000000

2 2 3 2.688 9.197 S01 15.00 7850 31.65 210000000
3 3 4 2.744 9.046 S01 15.00 7850 32.31 210000000
4 4 5 2.691 23.021 S01 15.00 7850 31.69 210000000
5 5 6 2.688 31.307 S01 15.00 7850 31.65 210000000
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Member 01 Member 02

107742 40403 -107742 -40403 107742 40403 -107742 -40403

40403 15151 -40403 -15151 40403 15151 -40403 -15151
-107742 -40403 107742 40403 -107742 -40403 107742 40403
-40403 -15151 40403 15151 -40403 -15151 40403 15151
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 118424 55092 -107742 -40403 0 0 0 0

2 55092 140348 -40403 -15151 0 0 0 0
3 -107742 -40403 215484 80806 -107742 -40403 0 0
4 -40403 -15151 80806 117802 -40403 -15151 0 0
5 0 0 -107742 -40403 254267 72360 -107742 -40403
6 0 0 -40403 -15151 72360 137561 -40403 -15151
7 0 0 0 0 -107742 -40403 215484 80806
8 0 0 0 0 -40403 -15151 80806 95927
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 -107742 -40403
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 -40403 -15151
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 215484 80806 -107742 -40403 0 0 0 0

2 80806 117802 -40403 -15151 0 0 0 0
3 -107742 -40403 254267 72360 -107742 -40403 0 0
4 -40403 -15151 72360 137561 -40403 -15151 0 0
5 0 0 -107742 -40403 215484 80806 -107742 -40403
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

25 26 27 28 29 D. Joints F. Joints

25 150553 51799 -28490 0 0 d 28 -46.29

26 51799 188361 -103599 -94181 51799 d 29 0.00
27 -28490 -103599 124721 51799 -28490 d 30 -46.29
28 0 -94181 51799 124834 -36983 d 31 0.00
29 0 51799 -28490 -36983 131105 d 32 -23.14


d 3 = 0.01375349 d 4 = -0.03156324 d 5 = 0.02008112 d 6 = -0.04332416

d 7 = 0.02782161 d 8 = -0.05503939 d 9 = 0.02974016 d 10 = -0.05122943
d 11 = 0.02714597 d 12 = -0.03881699 d 13 = 0.03437695 d 14 = -0.01915533
d 15 = 0.03916579 d 17 = 0.00708466 d 18 = -0.00022041 d 19 = 0.02406203
d 20 = -0.03156324 d 21 = 0.02812372 d 22 = -0.04394130 d 23 = 0.03066669
d 24 = -0.05351559 d 25 = 0.02734451 d 26 = -0.05202290 d 27 = 0.01624613
d 28 = -0.03617414 d 29 = 0.02347212 d 30 = -0.01983859 d 31 = 0.03150533
d 32 = -0.00203537


Joint X(m) Y(m) Fx(kN) Fy(kN) Rx(kN) Ry(kN) Dx(cm) Dy(cm)

1 0.000 -1.500 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.71 0.000000 0.000000

2 2.400 -0.600 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.375349 -3.156324
3 4.800 0.300 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.008112 -4.332416
4 7.200 1.200 0.00 -100.00 0.00 0.00 2.782161 -5.503939
5 9.600 2.100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.974016 -5.122943
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Member Ji Jf L(m) Ang(º) A(cm2) d(cm) N(kN) S(kN/cm2)

1 1 2 2.972 -7.01 15.00 0.179520 220.62 14.708

2 2 3 2.688 9.20 15.00 0.179520 220.62 14.708
3 3 4 2.744 9.05 15.00 0.313416 385.17 25.678
4 4 5 2.691 23.02 15.00 0.313416 385.17 25.678
5 5 6 2.688 31.31 15.00 0.192929 237.10 15.806
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Group nM Area N.Min N.Max N.Med S.Min S.Max A.Med L.Med L.Tot W.Tot

S01 7 15.00 0 385 233 0.00 25.68 15.51 2.71 19.0 224
S02 7 20.00 -358 -0 249 -17.88 -0.00 12.45 2.93 20.5 322
S03 8 10.00 -194 139 77 -19.43 13.87 7.68 2.91 23.3 183
S04 7 6.00 -351 184 159 -58.53 30.66 26.50 4.20 29.4 138

Total 29 11.98 -358 385 173 -58.53 30.66 16.35 3.18 92.2 867

[L].- Analysis File Management

The truss analysis can be saved at any point under the desired file name with the
values of all
parameters, options and current preferences.
These text files, with Anl extension, are stored in the TRUSS directory and can be
recovered at
any time.
The storage and retrieval is performed by choosing the corresponding options (in
the upper
part of the screen):

Open Analysis

The application displays all the previous analyses in the TRUSS directory and
allows the user to select any of them.

Once selected, the application reads the file and redraws its parameters,
options and preferences.

Save Analysis

The user is prompted for a code to generate the corresponding analysis file
and save the parameters, options and current preferences. The active
analysis file name is proposed by default in case the user wants to overwrite

The name of the analysis file is shown on the screen, under the truss graph.

Any previous analysis can be removed by deleting the corresponding file in

the TRUSS directory.

[M].- Preferences Menu

The four options for generating and managing external files are also accessible
from the user
preferences menu. In addition, the menu allows you to restore the initial truss
anytime and
includes the capability to show and hide pop-ups with the description of parameters
options. The application saves this choice internally.

The menu format depends on the Android version

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