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Record of initial ideas

To be completed by the candidate

This page records initial meeting(s) with your supervisor to agree your project ideas. Additional pages can be
submitted if more than one idea has been explored.

My idea(s) for topic/title:

I have selected the topic of autism, which is a broad name for symptoms mostly pertaining to a set of disorders
caused by issues with brain development in early childhood. My primary areas of interest will be the impact of
nutrition and cognitive variables. I chose this subject because I want to support the growing autism community,
which I think is a fascinating and thought-provoking condition. so, "does nutrition factor influence on autism more
than cognitive factor?" is the title I have chosen.

My preliminary research and development of my project ideas:

The main two broad methods I plan to be focusing my project on are: cognitive and nurtion factors , I have read
Keservani, Raj K, et al. Nutraceutical Fruits and Foods for Neurodegenerative Disorders. Elsevier, 17 Nov. 2023.
As autism is neurodegenerative disorder, I think this book could teach me a more in-depth understanding of how
nutrition and food affect autism while yet being more personal. After looking over each of these sources and a few
others additional studies and online resources, I will evaluate all the benefits and drawbacks of each argument for
the method's success in order to reach a fair judgment.

My summary of the comments and advice from my supervisor (and specialist consultant if applicable):

Modifications I have made as a result of my discussion with my supervisor (and specialist consultant if applicable):

My proposed title, aims and objectives:

 what is autism and what is the main causes of it?
 to what extent does the nutrition factors affect autism?
 to what extent does the conginitive factors affect autism?
 which argument is stronger?


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Candidate number Candidate’s full name
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Part A: Candidate proposal

To be completed by the candidate

Working title of my International Extended Project.

Present the topic to be researched in the form of a short statement/question/hypothesis with clear focus.
Is nutrition factor affect autism more than cognitive factor?

My initial resources will be

My initial resources will be Keservani, Raj K, et al. Nutraceutical Fruits and Foods for
Neurodegenerative Disorders. Elsevier, 17 Nov. 2023, the place with autism children website,
mental health foundation, Grandin, Temple, and Richard Panek. The Autistic Brain : Helping
Different Kinds of Minds Succeed. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014. I will continue looking
for more studies for mental health of autism people.

The courses of study or area(s) of personal interest to which the topic relates
I want to go to medical school, and I think this subject will help me learn more about patient comfort and potential
ethical concerns with using unapproved medical approuches.

My project aims and objectives

My plan is to compose a 5,000-word report using the given title. It will center on four questions: “what is
autism and what is the main causes of it?”: “to what extent does the nutrition factors affect autism?”: ”to what
extent does the conginitive factors affect autism?”: and “which argument is stronger?”
As time goes on, I intend to include more sources because I'll be looking into concepts from the initial sources.

Provide details of the courses that you are currently studying

Qualification type Awarding body and subject Qualification type Awarding body and subject

eg A-level, IB, Modern eg AQA Mathematics, OCR

Apprenticeship, BTEC Computing, WJEC English

A-level Mathematics
A-level Biology

Notice to candidate You must not take part in any unfair practice in the preparation of project work required for
assessment and you must understand that to present material copied directly from any book or any other
sources without acknowledgement will be regarded as deliberate deception. If you use or attempt to use any
unfair practice you will be reported to OxfordAQA and you may be disqualified from all subjects.

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