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Learning Area: Reading and Writing Skills Grade Level: 11

Teaching Date: February 19, 2024 Semester: 2nd
Time: 9:45-10:45 Quarter: 3rd




D. 1
D. 2
D. 3


Topic: Name It, Claim It!

Reference: Reading and Writing Skills- Grade 11, Quarter 1- Module 3: Name It,
Claim It… First Edition, 2020 by Rowena M. Magdayao.
Materials: Laptop, projector, and instructional materials.
Integration: EsP/Values, ICT, Art, Philippine Politics Governance, and Science.
Strategies: Arts of Questioning, Venn Diagram, Collaborative Approach,
Identification, Demonstration, Essay.

III-PROCEDURE Components/Activities of ET
 A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson.

 Prayer

 Checking of attendance What are the types of properties

 Energizer

 Review

 B. Establishing a purpose for the The learner…

lesson.  Identifies claims explicitly or implicitly
made in a written text.

 C. Presenting  The teacher will present a short video of

debate about abortion.
examples / instances of the new
lesson. (MOTIVATION)  Afterwards the teacher will ask these

What is the video all about?

Abortion is murder?

Doing abortion is right or wrong?

The abortion should be legalized here in the


 D. Discussing new concepts and Identifying and Analyzing Claims

practicing new skill # 1.
Determining Implicit information

Critical reading allows you to distinguish the

information that is clearly stated(explicit) in
the text from ideas that are suggested(implicit).

Implicit information

Means implied or understood though not

plainly or directly expressed.

Explicit information

Means to fully and clearly express something,

leaving nothing implied.


Is the central argument or thesis of the text. It

is also called a position. It is a statement
essentially arguable but used as a primary point
to support or prove an argument. A claim is
statement that is not considered by all. It
persuades, argues, convinces, proves, or
Characteristics of a good claim

A claim should be argumentative and


A claim should be a specific and focused,

A claim should be interesting and engaging.
A claim should be logical.

Types of claim

A. Claim of Fact

This relates to statement that can be easily

verified and not dependent on a person’s
preference. This is based on data, documents,
scientific observation result, and research.

Earth is warming rapidly.

B. Claim of Value

This involve judgments and evaluations. It

consists of arguments about moral,
philosophical, aesthetic topics. It judge
whether something is good/bad, right/wrong,
just/unjust, ethical/non-ethical.


It is wrong to make a noise when someone is


C. Claim of Policy

This advocates a specific course of action. It

asserts that specific policies should policies
should be instituted as solutions to problems. It
requires proposal of clear and measurable
actions or steps, justification of the proposed
action, advantages of the proposed action, and
possible counter arguments. Claim of policy
argue that certain conditions should exist.
Almost always “should” or “ought to” or
“must” are included in the claim.

The death penalty should be abolished because
it does nothing to prevent murder.

Legislation should be passed to stop the sale of


 E. Discussing new concepts and Activity

practicing new skill # 2. Identify the type of claim used in each
statement. Write F for claim of fact, V for
claim of value, and P for claim of policy.
1. It is better to be feared than to be loved.
2. Local malls should provide more parking
3. Gun control leads to fewer accidental deaths
4. Monet’s art is more beautiful than Picasso’s
because of its use of soft clor, uplifting subject
matter, and unique technique.
5. Cheating is not good.
6. Smoking is an addiction that people are
genetically predisposed to.
7. Pornography is dehumanizing.
8. One common effect of video game addiction
is isolation and withdrawal from social
9. The growing childhood obesity epidemic is
a result of technology.
10. The interest rates for credit cards should be

1. V
2. P
3. F
4. V
5. V
6. F
7. V
8. F
9. F
10. P
 F. Developing
1. How did you find the activity?
 Mastery. (ANALYSIS)
2. What are the strategies in
identifying the types of claim?

 G. Making generalization and 1. What are the types of claim?

abstractions about the lesson.
2. In real life scenarios share the
importance of knowing the claims?

 H. Finding practical applications of COLLABORATIVE ACTIVITY

concepts and skill in daily living.  The teacher will divide the class into
(APPLICATION) two groups.

 The students will be going to create

two(2) examples of each types of claim.

 They have three(3) minutes to prepare

and two(2) minutes to prepare.

 This activity merits 20points.

 I. Evaluating Direction:
In a 1/2 crosswise, write your insights about
Learning. (ASSESSMENT) the types of claim.

What is claim of fact?

What is claim of policy?
What is claim value?

 J. Additional activities for Direction:

Differentiate the
Application remediation. similarities and differences of the claim of
(ASSIGNMENT) fact, claim of value, and claim of policy using
Venn diagram.

Prepared by:



Checked and Observed by:

Cooperating Teacher

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