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1. Introduction The THOMMEN CLASSlC altimeter plus barometers are the finest instruments on the world market.

. New that you have acquired a THOMMEN CLASSIC, you should therefore have full enjoyment in using it. Please read this booklet through carefully for rapid comprehension of the points you need to bear in mind te obtain accurate readings. First of ail, please note that this altimeter is available in a number of different models and measuring ranges. The measuring range of each instrument is engraved on the upper edge of the case. Any THOMMEN CLASSIC can be taken to an altitude of 15 000 m (50 000 ft) without being damaged by the barometric atmospheric pressure. 2. General remarks on measuring altitude With rising elevation above sea level, the barometric pressure decreases. Hence the reading provided by an atmospheric pressure meter (barometer) is a measure of altitude. The scale on the THOMMEN CLASSIC is calibrated not in pressure units, but in units of altitude (m or ft), se that the elevation can be read directly. A special design permits the same scale to be used for a number of successive pointer revolutions each representing 1 000 m (3 000 ft). This feature ensures unchanging reading accuracy regardless of altitude. Naturally, any altimeter will be affected by atmospheric pressure fluctuations. When the weather is changing, for example, a deviation amounting to 10-30 m or more per mbar/hPa can arise. The effects of such atmospheric pressure variations can be corrected by taking the folIowing steps: Whenever you reach a point of known elevation with the THOMMEN CLASSIC - as indicated by a map, railway station sign, route marker, etc. - check the reading. If there is any discrepancy, reset the altimter or the altitude difference to be corrected, by turning the serrated adjusting ring. In the absence of such checks at known elevations, measured differences of elevation greater than 500 m (1 500 ft) or over a horizontal distance of more than 10 km (5 miles), will probably not be as precise as otherwise. The THOMMEN CLASSIC is temperature- compensated, i.e. there is no change in the reading when the temperature changes but the air pressure and the momentary elevation do not. Air of a different temperature and humidity has a different weight (density) and produces a variation in the atmospheric pressure distribution. If the atmospheric pressure distribution changes, the reading of the altimeter will also change, although the momentary elevation stays the same. 3. Manipulation The only procedure involved in using the THOMMEN CLASSIC is the adjustment of the momentary elevation and setting of the barometric pressure by turning the serrated adjusting ring, which is exposed at the top and bottom of the instrument. (Referaise to sections 4. Altitude measurement and 5. Use as weather barometer.) Te do this, first hold your THOMMEN CLASSIC roughly horizontal and tap the protective glass lightly with your index finger. You'll see the pointer jump slightly indicating that it is working properly.

4. Altitude measurement Take your THOMMEN CLASSIC and. compare it with elther figure 1, 2 or 3, depending on the model. The THOMMEN CLASSlC indicates altitude with a pointer and a counter wheel. All you need te observe in checking the elevation are the altitude scale @, the figures on the counter wheel and the pointer. Since the counter wheel in the adjacent figure indicates between 0 and 1 km, the reading is 330 m. Disregard the coloured sectors, as they are required for measuring barometric pressure only.

When measuring altitude, proceed as folIows: At the starting point of your hike, climbing tour, etc., set the elevation accurately on the instrument. It can be obtained from a topographical map, route markers, etc. or, in Switzerland and other countries, from a railway timetable book or posting on the station building. b) If you observe the steps indicated in the General remarks section, your THOMMEN CLASSIC will new provide an accurate altitude reading continuously throughout the tour. Readings above 6 000 m (18 000 ft) The THOMMEN CLASSIC's counter wheel is numbered up te 6 km (18 000 ft). On models, with higher measuring ranges, the counter wheel shows the following altitudes for subsequent full turns of the pointer

5. Use as weather barometer You can aise make use of your THOMMEN CLASSLC as a highly accurate weather barometer. For stationary use, just turn the protective glass with the serrated adjusting ring until the red mark coincides exactly with the pointer. If the barometric pressure then changes, the pointer will move along the red arrow on the glass. Movement toward the tip of the arrow indicates falling pressure and toward the arrow's open end, rinsing pressure. When underway, you should check the reading of your THOMMEN CLASSIC occasionally at points of known altitude (see General remarks). If you find it necessary to readjust the altitude scale clockwise, it means the air pressure is falling, while a counter clockwise correction means it is rising. Reference point in this case is the position of the zero point of the altitude scale in relation to the red barometer scale (refer also to page 42: Reduced barometric pressure). 6. Measurement of barometric pressure The THOMMEN CLASSIC indicates the air (barometric) pressure by means of the pointer, the colours on the counter wheel (shown heratdically in the figures), the correspondingly coloured rings on the barometer scale @, and the small, white triangle above the km (1 000 ft) marking. a) Absolute barometric pressure (QFE) Absolute barometric pressure, designated QFE in aviation, is indicated fully automatically by your THOMMEN CLASSlC. All you need te dois check the colour on the barometer scale to which the white triangle below the counter wheel is pointing. In figure 3, it is the area where the red sector changes to the yellow. A glance at the transition from the red scale to the yellow one indicates that the pointer should be read on the yellow scale - so the reading is 931 hPa(mbar)

b) Reduced barometric pressure (QNH) You can determine the barometric pressure reduced to sea level (called QNH in aviation) for your location by first setting the geographical elevation of the point on the altimeter. Then the zero mark of the altitude scale will show the air pressure reduced te sea level on the red scale, in figure 3 it is 1022 hPa (mbar). Calculating the difference between the figure so obtained and normal pressure at sea level (760 mmHg, 1013.25 hPa (mbar) or 29.92 inHg) will yield the deviation from the relative barometric pressure, thus indicating the intensity of a Iow or high-pressure condition, Relative barometric pressure If you wish to determine the mean or relative barometric pressure for a specific altitude (according to ICAO standards), set the zero mark of the altitude scale te the small red triangle O. Now you can read the relative barometric pressure up te 650 m (2 000 ft) on the red scale, up to 1 640 m (4 930 ft) on the yellow scale and up to 2 600 m (7 740 ft) on the blue scale by imagining a straight line from the altitude scale to the centre. The pointer of the measuring instrument is disregarded in this case. 7. Barometer with altitude memory On your attimeter the glass \}ens with the red line and arrow can be turned without turning the serrated adjusting ring. Just hold the instrument on the serrated ring with the thumb and index finger of one hand, and turn the glass by pressing lightly with the index and middle fingers of the other. This enables you te use your instrument as a barometer without losing your momentary altitude reading. Example : You're on a hike and have reached a spot at which you'd like to rest for several hours or spend the night. Turn the glass as instructed until the red mark is lined up with the pointer: the instrument still tells you your elevation; b) the amount the pointer moves one way or the other in a given period of time tells you how the weather is changing (see point 5).

When you resume your hike, tutu the serraed adjusting ring until the red mark on the glass is again lined up with the pointer (the glass turns with the ring): c)You have now compensated for the change in barometric pressure. The instrument again shows your momentary altitude. When working with the QNH method, be careful to make sure that the red mark on the glass is lined up with the zero point of the altitude scale! 8. Technical Data Measuring ranges:6000 m or 9000m 21 000 ft or 27 000 ft Barometer scales: 790 to 553 mmHg (31 to 221/2 inHg) 1050 to 735 hPa (mbar) Accuracy: + 10 m ( +- 30 ft) when used propefly. Temperature effects on the instrument are well compensated in the -20C to +40C (-4F.,. +10501 =) range. Weight: About 90 grams (3.2 oz). Dimensions: 64 x 68 x 20 mm (2.5 x 2.7 x 0.8 in). 9. Accessories A cord and two combination holders are supplied with every THOMMEN CLASSlC. To carry the instrument around your neck, attach the cord to the cover as shown in the sketch.

One combination holder (with adhesive tape) is used to attach the instrument to a wall, your car dashboard, etc. After fastening the holder to the desired surface, mount the THOMMEN CLASSIC on the pins G). To set the instrument on a desk or table, cut the triangular support @ out of the other combination holder and insert its ears @ into holes . The support can be positioned to the desired angle. This combination holder can be used as a second wall fastener, either in its entirety or the cut-out portion (item ) alone. A special leather case which will protect your THOMMEN CLASSIC from mechanical damage is available. This

case is designed in such a way that you can operate and read the altimeter without having to take it out of the case.

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