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Cells and Their Organelles

1. Read and answer

The cell is the basic unit of life. The following is
a glossary of animal cell terms. All cells are
surrounded by a cell membrane. The cell
membrane is semipermeable, allowing some
substances to pass into the cell and blocking
others. It is composed of a double layer of
phospholipids and embedded proteins. Plant
cells have an additional layer surrounding them
called the cell wall. The cell wall is made of
nonliving material called cellulose. The
centrosome (also called the "microtubule
organizing center") is a small body located near the nucleus. The centrosome is where
microtubules are made. During cell division (mitosis), the centrosome divides and the
two parts move to opposite sides of the dividing cell. The centriole is the dense center of
the centrosome. Only animal cells have centrosomes. Microtubules are shaped like soda
straws and give the nucleus and cell its shape.

A. What surrounds all cells?

B. At what level of organization does life begin?
C. What is meant by semipermeable?
D. What 2 things make up the cell membrane?
E. The cell membrane is also called the
_P_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ membrane.
F. Centrioles are found inside of what type of cell?
G. What additional layer is found around the outside of plant cells and bacteria?
H. Centrioles are found at the center of the
_C_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____. How do they help the cell?

The nucleus in the center of a cell is a spherical body containing the nucleolus that makes
ribosomes. The nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell (by controlling protein
synthesis). It also contains DNA assembled into chromosomes. The nucleus is surrounded
by the nuclear membrane. Materials can move from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
through nuclear pores in the membrane around the nucleus. Cytoplasm is the jellylike
material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are located. All cells, even
prokaryotes contain small bodies called ribosomes. Proteins are made here by a process
called protein synthesis.
I. Where is DNA found inside a cell?
J. What cell process is controlled by the nucleus?

K. DNA coils tightly during division and assembles into visible
_C_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
L. Where are organelles located?
M. Where are proteins made in a cell?
N. Do all cells need ribosomes?
O. The process of making proteins is called ________________

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) is a vast system of interconnected,

membranous, infolded and convoluted sacks that are located in the cell's cytoplasm. The
ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane. Rough ER is covered with ribosomes
that give it a rough appearance. Rough ER transports materials through the cell and
produces proteins in sacks called cistern which are sent to the Golgi body, or inserted into
the cell membrane. The Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex is a flattened, layered, sac-like
organelle that looks like a stack of pancakes. The Golgi body modifies & packages proteins
and carbohydrates into membrane-bound vesicles for "export" from the cell. Smooth ER
does NOT have ribosomes on its surface. It makes proteins and lipids that will be exported
by the cell. It also controls the Calcium level in muscles and detoxifies poisons, alcohol,
and drugs.
P. How does rough ER differ from smooth ER?
Q. Rough ER is connected to the _____________ membrane and to __________ER.
R. Proteins made by rough ER travel to the Golgi in sacks called _____________. Golgi
____________ and ___________ proteins for export out of the cell.
S. Give 3 jobs for smooth ER.

Chloroplasts are elongated or disc-shaped

organelles containing chlorophyll that trap
sunlight for energy. Photosynthesis (in
which energy from sunlight is converted into
chemical energy - food) takes place in the
chloroplasts. Only plant cells, not animal
cells, can make their own food. Cells also
contain fluid-filled sacs called vacuoles. The
vacuole fills with food being digested and waste material that is on its way out of the cell.
In plant cells, a large central vacuole takes up most of the space in the cell. Mitochondria
are spherical to rod-shaped organelles with a double membrane. The inner membrane is
infolded many times, forming a series of projections called cristae. The mitochondrion
converts the energy stored in glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for the cell. Both
plant and animal cells have double membranes and their own DNA. Cells also contain
spherical organelles called lysosomes that contain digestive enzymes. Nutrients are
digested by the cell here, as well as, old cell organelles that are going to be recycled.
T. What process takes place inside chloroplasts?
U. What is the energy for this process?
V. What pigment traps the energy?
W. Chloroplasts are found in what type of cell(s)?
X. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria are like in that they both have
_________________ membranes and their own _______.
Y. Food, water, and wastes are stored inside ______________.
Z. Digestion takes place inside _____________ containing _____________.
AA. The largest organelle in plants is the ____________ _____________.
BB. What organelle breaks down and recycles worn out cells?

1. You have below two figures representing an animal cell and a plant cell. You have to
color and label the cell structures following the next instructions:

 Color and label the cell membrane tan.

 Color and label the cell wall brown.
 Color and label the centrioles purple.
 Label the microtubules inside the nucleus.
 Color and label the nucleolus dark blue, the nuclear membrane yellow, and the
nucleus light blue.
 Label the nuclear pores.
 Color and label the cytoplasm pink.
 Label the ribosomes.
 Color and label the rough ER violet.
 Color and label the Golgi export vesicles red.
 Color and label the smooth ER light green.
 Color and label the chloroplasts dark green.
 Color and label the vacuoles purple.
 Color and label the mitochondria orange.
 Color and label the lysosomes tan.

Figure 1 - Animal Cell

Figure 2 – Plant Cell

2. Directions: Below is a list of organelles found in BOTH the eukaryotic and prokaryotic
cells. Match the organelle to its function. NOT all will be used. Answers will only be used

A. nucleus J. mitochondria
B. nucleolus K. ribosomes
C. lysosomes L. smooth ER
D. cell wall M. rough ER
E. cell membrane N. Golgi apparatus
F. flagella O. chloroplast
G. cilia P. cytoplasm
H. cytoskeleton Q. vacuole
R. large central vacuole

_______1. Transport system throughout the cell; has no ribosomes attached

_______2. Control center for cell; organelle which contains the DNA of a eukaryotic cell
_______3. A long whip-like or rotating organelle used to move the cell
_______4. The organelle found in bacteria, plant and animal cells; site of protein synthesis
_______5. Site of photosynthesis in plant cells
_______6. Site of cellular respiration; provides energy in the form of ATP to the cell
_______7. Contains enzymes that digest/break down substances; found in tears
_______8. Modifies, packages and ships organic compounds through and out of the cell
_______9. Located inside the nucleus; creates the ribosome, appears like a dark spot
_______10. The gel like substance in which organelles are located in
_______11. Organelle used to maintain shape and structure in a eukaryotic cell
_______12. Found next to nucleus, has ribosomes attached
_______13. Can be used for storage, but remains in the same location
_______14. Found only in plant cells, fills with water when wilting is occurring
_______15. Provides structure and protection in plant and bacteria cells only

3. Multiple choice

A. The object depicted in the figure on the right side:

1. is a bacterial cell.
2. could be either a plant or an animal cell.
3. is a plant cell.
4. is an animal cell.
5. is a ribosome.

B. Which of the following manufactures proteins for the cell?

1. Chloroplasts
2. Smooth ER
3. Ribosomes
4. Vacuole
5. Lysosome

C. The main function of the cell wall is to

1. Protect the cell and maintain its shape

2. Allow substances to enter and leave
3. Help the cell move
4. Store DNA

D. Which of the following is a CORRECT match between organelle and function?

1. Ribosome-glucose production
2. Chloroplast-produces proteins
3. Lysosome-storage bin
4. Golgi apparatus-modifies and packages

E. The organelle in the figure below is found in:

1. animals only
2. plants only
3. plants and animals
4. plants, animals, and bacteria
5. bacteria only

F. The organelle in the figure above is a

1. vacuole
2. chloroplast
3. golgi apparatus
4. mitochondria

G. Which organelle would you expect to find in plant cells but not animal cells?

1. Mitochondria
2. Ribosome
3. Chloroplast
4. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

H. Prokaryotic cells

1. do not contain a nucleus.

2. include bacteria.
3. are unicellular.
4. all of the above.

I. In a cheek cell ribosomes are made in the

1. The nucleus
2. The vessicle
3. Nucleolus
4. Rough ER

J. Which structure allows a cell to move?

1. ribosomes
2. nucleolus
3. cilia
4. chromosomes

4. Cell city analogy.
In a faraway city called Grant City, the main export and production product is the
steel widget. Everyone in the town has something to do with steel widget making and the
entire town is designed to build and export steel widgets. The town hall has the
instructions for widget making. Widgets come in all shapes and sizes and any citizen of
Grant can get the instructions and begin making their own widgets. Widgets are generally
produced in small shops around the city; these small shops can be built by the carpenter’s
union (whose headquarters are in the town hall)
After the widgets are constructed, they are placed on special carts which can
deliver the widget anywhere in the city. In order for a widget to be exported, the carts
take the widgets off to the post office where the widgets are packaged and labeled for
export. Sometimes the widgets don’t turn out right, and the “rejects” are sent to the
scrap yard where they are broken down for parts or destroyed altogether. The city
powers the widget shops and carts from hydraulic dams that are in the city. The entire
city is enclosed by a large wooden fence; only the postal trucks (and citizens with a proper
passport) are allowed outside the city.

Match the parts of the city (underlined) with the parts of the cell and describe the function
of the part of the cell.

Ribosomes ________________________________________________________________
Nucleus ________________________________________________________________
Endoplasmic Reticulum _____________________________________________________
Golgi complex _____________________________________________________________
Protein ___________________________________________________________
Cell Membrane ___________________________________________________________
Lysosomes ___________________________________________________________
Nucleolus ______________________________________________________________

5. Cell review

1. Is the above cell a…

a. plant cell b. animal cell c. bacterial cell
2. Is the above cell …
a. prokaryotic b. eukaryotic
3. Choose the letter from the diagram above that corresponds with the function
listed below.
1. ________ Transports proteins
2. ________ Produces energy
3. ________ Stores substances
4. ________ Transports lipids
5. ________ Creates ribosomes
6. ________ Allows substances to enter/exit the cell
7. ________ Liquid like environment that holds all the organelles
8. ________ Creates proteins

6. Label the cell below: nucleus, cell wall, cytoplasm, ribosomes, large central vacuole,
mitochondria, chloroplast, rough ER, smooth ER, golgi body, cell membrane.

7. Use the following choices:

A. Animal cells only B. Plant cells only C. Both D.
_____ a. A large central vacuole
_____ b. The nucleus contains DNA
_____ c. contain chloroplasts
_____ d. the mitochondria makes energy (ATP)
_____ e. The cell is flexible/ not rigid
_____ f. contain flagella
_____ g. autotrophic cells
_____ h. contain cell membrane
_____ i. shape is circular/oval
_____ j. undergo photosynthesis

8. Use the following choices:

A. Prokaryotic cells only C. Both
B. Eukaryotic cells only D. Neither

_____ a. Contains DNA

_____ b. Contains membrane-bound organelles
_____c. has a cell wall (think about this one!)
_____d. DNA is in a nucleus
_____ e. Has a plasma membrane
_____ f. contain ribosomes
_____ g. DNA is free-floating in the cytoplasm (nucleoid region)
_____ h. contain chloroplasts
_____ i. have ribosomes attached to the Rough ER
_____ j. have flagella (think about this one!)
9. Label the bacterial cell below. (cell membrane, cell wall, ribosome, nucleoid region,
and flagella).

10. Photosynthesis webquest

A. Website 2:
1. Write the balanced equation for photosynthesis.
2. (a) Where does the plant get the necessary reactants (molecules) to make sugar?
(Hint there should be two different places listed).
(b) Through what means (where/how) do these reactants enter the plant?
B. Website 3:
3. Where (in what organ) of a plant does photosynthesis happen?
4. Specifically in which organelle does photosynthesis take place?
5. What is a granum?
6. What is a thylakoid?
7. What are the two very important things that we get out of photosynthesis? Now
think…why are those SO important?
8. How does the Earth get all of its energy?
9. What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph? If you can’t figure
it out, click on the word autotroph!
10. Why are the people at the bottom of the page hugging a tree?
C. Website 4:
11. Do leaves have any other colored pigments in them, besides chlorophyll? List some
of these.
12. If leaves have other pigments, then why do leaves appear only green in the spring
and summer?
13. In the fall, what two environmental factors cause the chlorophyll to break down?
14. Once the chlorophyll breaks down, how does this affect the leaf color?
15. List some tree species that do not change color in different seasons.
17. How might weather affect the colors change and intensity of color in autumn
leaves? Use examples.

11. Using the definition bank provided, locate the vocabulary word in the word search

Definition Bank:

● This type of cell is approximately 3.6 billion years old and it does not contain any
membrane bound organelles. _________________________________________
● This type of cell is approximately 2.5 billion years old and it has membrane bound
organelles such as a nucleus. ____________________________________
● A phospholipid bilayer that gives a cell a barrier between itself and its
surroundings. Regulates what enters and exits a cell. ______________________
● The jelly-like substance in which all organelles are contained. _______________
● A network of filaments that provide shape and structure to a cell. ___________
● These are types of filaments that allow cells to move. ______________________
and __________________
● The “brain” of the cell. Contains nearly all of a cell’s DNA. ___________________

● This is where proteins are synthesized and transported throughout the cell.
● This is where lipids are synthesized and transported throughout the cell.
● A stack of flattened membranes that modify, package, and ship proteins and lipids
around the cell or outside of the cell. ______________________________
● A small organelle that contains enzymes that breaks down organic molecules and
worn down organelles. _______________________________________________
● The “powerhouse” of the cell. Converts chemical energy in food into useable
energy for cells. ____________________________________________________
● The site of protein synthesis. Can be found on the rough ER or in the cytoplasm.
● A large sac-like structure that stores water. ______________________________
● A large sac-like structure that stores nutrients and other materials. ___________
● Humans are classified as this type of cells. _______________________________
● Grass would be classified as this type of cell. _____________________________
● This is the example cell that we used to describe a prokaryote. ______________
● The site of photosynthesis. ONLY FOUND IN A PLANT CELL. __________________
● This external structure in plant cells provides additional structure and support.
Made of cellulose. __________________________________________________


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