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Report Codifies, Details

Sandwich Wall Panels
Report on the state of the art for precast prestressed sandwich wall panels
consolidates approaches and design examples into one, now-published volume

recast prestressed sandwich wall March/April issue of PCI Journal, with insulation layers. The ability to
panels provide a host of a number of design examples to follow prestress the products also allows the
advantages to designers and in the next issue. The report is a panels to achieve taller heights than
contractors, particularly in such substantial volume, filling more than other types of monolithic panels.
popular construction projects as 40 pages that discuss the material’s The report’s goal is to take the
industrial buildings, warehouses and history, design considerations, thermal various techniques used around the
food-processing plants. But their use performance, manufacturing processes, country to produce and erect these
varies widely between regions, owing to tolerances and repair procedures, panels and present them so designers
different levels of familiarity with the and contractors are aware of the
products and contact with precasters possibilities, explains William C.
who create these components. That ‘This state-of-the-art Richardson Jr., president of Stresscon
knowledge base is about to expand and Corporation in Colorado Springs,
the available manufacturing options for presentation will help Colo., and a member of the committee.
designers to grow with the introduction “As the popularity of sandwich wall
this spring of a new report presenting eliminate some of the panels has grown, designers who have

the state of the art for sandwich wall seen the potential for the products have
panels. misunderstandings.’ all devised their own ways of designing
Prepared by the Precast/Prestressed with them,” he says. “This state-of-the-
Concrete Institute’s Committee on methods for handling, shipping and art report has pulled all of that
Precast Sandwich Wall Panels, the storing, erection techniques, and information together to create a
report presents a detailed examination inspection needs. consensus for designing with these in
28 of the panels, their advantages, and The panels typically consist of two both load- and nonload-bearing
their design criteria. The report results wythes of precast concrete sandwiched situations.” Adds Seeber, “We tried
from nearly five years of work by the around a layer of expanded polystyrene very hard to provide recommendations
committee to compile and document or other insulating material that on how to go about using these panels
various approaches and techniques used measure between two and six inches without restricting what’s already being
around the country. “This is the first thick. The insulation and thermal done successfully with them.”
time this has ever been done,” explains breaks provided by the three layers
consultant Kim Seeber of Gettysburg, create high energy efficiencies without Realizing The Potential
Pa., who chaired the PCI committee. affecting precast construction The committee members see the
“Our ultimate goal is to create a techniques. The panels can be load- report as an educational tool as much
Recommended Practice handbook for bearing or nonload-bearing, and they for those unfamiliar with the products
the industry. The first step in that offer the advantage of providing an as for those actively specifying them,
program is to compile a state-of-the-art architectural finish on their exterior says John Dobbs, executive vice
report as to where wall panels are right surface, providing both structural president of Hamilton Form Co. Inc.
now and condense various approaches system and an architectural panel in in Fort Worth, Texas, and current
into one unified whole.” one piece. Because the panels are committee chair. “There are many
produced in a factory, they offer many architects and engineers who use
Report Now Available advantages over tilt-up panels produced precast wall panels almost exclusively
To achieve widespread distribution, on-site, including better quality control when designing industrial buildings,”
the report was published in the of the finish and installation of the he notes. “But many others don’t
Deublin Company, Waukegan, Ill., J.W. Peters & Sons Inc.

realize the potential that these panels how panels work and behave in the Chapter One: History. Sandwich
can offer for providing a load-bearing field. This state-of-the-art presentation wall panels have been used in the
member that will support the roof will help eliminate some of the mis- United States for more than 40 years,
while supplying an architectural facade understandings.” the report notes. Although production
simultaneously. We want to let them The report doesn’t need to put a materials have evolved, today’s panels
know the full range of what the panels hard sell into its message, he adds. “We are manufactured with materials found
can do. Educating designers to the want to stress the intrinsic value of the in any typical precasting plant. The
potential is the key, and this report will panels and the advantages they offer. panels offer the traditional advantages
achieve that.” The combination of providing a load- as all precast products, including
Seeber agrees. “The key problem bearing member with a hard, durability, economy, fire resistance,
arises because the panels are not architectural finish and higher large spaces between supports, and use
completely understood theoretically for insulating values is a strong package.” as shear walls, bearing walls and
what they can do,” he says. “As a result, Here are some of the highlights from retaining walls. They also can be


there are differences of opinion about the report: relocated to accommodate building
expansions, and the insulation proper-
ties provide superior energy perfor-
mance. “There is virtually no limit to
the R-Value that can be provided,” it
In general, there are three types of 29
• Non-composite panels are analyzed,
designed, detailed and manufactured
so the two concrete wythes act
independently. Generally, there is a
structural and a non-structural wythe,
with the structural one being thicker.
• Composite panels feature two panels
that act together to resist applied
loads, allowing the entire panel to
perform as a single unit. This is
accomplished by providing full shear
transfer between the wythes.
• Semi-Composite panels act as a
composite or partial composite panel
during stripping, shipping and
erection, but then perform as non-
Top to bottom: Corewall Panel System (wet cast), Spandeck Wall Panel System (wet cast), composite panels for in-place loads.
Spancrete Wall Panel System (dry cast), Insulated Double Tee Wall Panel System. (Experience had shown that early
bond between certain insulation
types and the concrete wythes pro-
vides sufficient shear transfer for
composite action during handling.
Because of thermal forces and move-
ment in the panels, this bond cannot
be depended on permanently.)
Chapter 2: Design Considerations.
The design of sandwich wall panels is
similar to other types of precast
prestressed members once the type of
panel to be designed and manufactured
is selected. The report indicates that the
keys to successful design are twofold: to
ensure that the actual structural behavior
of the panel coincides as nearly as
possible to the predicted behavior and
the original design assumptions; and to
detail the panel and connections to
accommodate anticipated movement.
Wythe thickness typically runs
between two and six inches but can be
made as thick as necessary to achieve Gymnasium & Aquatic Center, Colorado Springs, Colo., Stresscon Corporation.

together and keep the panel intact such aspects as corners, openings and
during handling and service conditions; hanging panels.
shear connectors, which transfer shear Chapter 3: Thermal Performance.
The report points out that concrete
sandwich wall panels provide the best
Wythe thickness structural insulating system available by
typically runs between positioning the most vulnerable portion
of the assembly—the insulation—
two and six inches but between two durable layers of concrete.
“With this insulating technique,” it
can be made as thick as says, “construction time is reduced

while the owner receives a durable, low-

necessary. maintenance, fire-resistant wall
assembly that delivers the highest R-
forces between the wythes; and non- Value per unit cost.”
shear connectors, which are tension The report stresses that although
elements not capable of transferring there are many insulation types on the
30 longitudinal shear forces between the market, insulated concrete sandwich
Thermoform Plastics, White Bear Lake, Minn., wythes. panels must use a cellular or rigid
Fabcon Incorporated. Panel widths, thickness, span and
bowing considerations also are spelled
the imposed loading. Most panels are out, as are different elements of flexural
made as thin as possible, with the design and levels of prestress required
ultimate thickness usually being for each type of panel. In addition, load SANDWICH
determined by the panel type and final bearing design needs for such diverse

use. For example, the required fire- loads as roof, wind, seismic, soil,

;;;;; ;;
resistive rating may require a specific temperature and differential shrinkage ANGLE AND
between wythes are delineated. Other
thickness, while a non-composite panel SHIM

usually results in a thicker wythe than a sections detail shear wall considerations STACK

composite panel in the same condi-

tions. The use of form liners or reveal
and a host of external connections
among the components, foundation, ;;;;
strips on the exterior wythe also require roof and floor slabs. BACKER ROD CIP STEM WALL

a thicker panel to satisfy code The final sections in this chapter
requirements. look at detailing considerations, and
Other considerations discussed in
detail in this section include wythe
they outline some of the primary needs
for interaction with other trades, ;;;;;
connectors, which tie two wythes especially as they relate to finishing Non-shear wall to foundation connections.
insulation because it provides the
material properties most compatible

;;;; ;
with concrete. These properties include REBAR BENT INTO

moisture absorption, dimensional

;;; ;;;;;

stability, coefficient of expansion, and INSERT

compressive and flexural strengths.
; ;
“The selection of the insulation type to WALL PANEL

enhance energy performance is as

important as the reinforcement needed

;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;
to enhance structural performance,” it STACK STACK

;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;
The cellular insulation used in
sandwich panels comes in two primary ;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;
forms: thermoplastic and ther- Sample connections for panel bases used for retaining wall
mosetting. Thermoplastic insulations
are better known as molded expanded applied heat from accelerated curing. to affect the insulating material.
polystyrene (beadboard) and extruded The insulation being used must exhibit In some locations, the report
expanded polystyrene (extruded board). superior performance capabilities reminds, freeze-thaw cycles during the
Thermosetting insulations consist of because of these high temperatures. It building’s lifetime will produce forces
polyurethane, polyisocyanurate, and also needs to resist loading from foot on the insulation that work to break or
phenolic. traffic during production, the high tear apart individual cells. This can be
“A concrete sandwich panel is a moisture levels from the curing of a mitigated by using an alternative
unique environment for an insulating plasticized mix, and the compressive insulation material, such as extruded
material,” the report points out. During forces and flexural stresses. Once the polystyrene, which will not be affected
manufacture of the panel, for instance, panel is cured and erected, the by these environmental changes.
the insulation is exposed to high insulation also is exposed to continuous This chapter also outlines pro-
temperatures from hydration and moisture and vapor drive that continue
‘Properly constructed
and calculated concrete
sandwich panels can
provide significant
advantages over other
wall systems.’


cedures for calculating energy efficiency
in a wall panel, including zonal
methods, isothermal analyses and
thermal-mass requirements. “Properly 31
constructed and calculated concrete
sandwich panels can take full advantage
of energy-efficiency principles and
provide significant advantages over
other wall systems.”
Chapter 4: Manufacture. The
manufacture of sandwich panels
generally follows the same procedures
as other precast prestressed products,
the report explains. These policies are
explained in PCI’s “Manual for Quality
Control for Plants and Production of
Precast and Prestressed Concrete
Products,” Manual MNL-116-85.
There are three standard methods
for casting the panels:
• Wet Cast or normal slump, in which
the panels are made in long-line, steel
Atlanta City Detention Center, Atlanta, Ga., Gate Precast Company. forms with bulkheads separating each
panel. The bottom wythe strand,
reinforcing steel, and other required
materials are placed, and the first
layer of concrete is placed. Insulation
then is placed with wythe ties that
connect the bottom layer of concrete
and project into the top layer. The
top wythe strand, reinforcing steel,
etc., are placed, and the final layer of
concrete is cast and finished. In some
cases, both the top and bottom
strands are stressed in the initial
production step.
• Dry Cast or zero slump, in which
zero-slump concrete is placed by
machine. This method typically is
used for hollow-core planks and has
been adapted for use with sandwich
wall panels. Henderson County Courthouse, Hendersonville, N.C., Metromont Materials Corporation.
• Machine Cast methods developed by
different precasters to produce
various cost efficiencies or benefit attention has to be given to curing both section, along with the relationships
enhancements. Each system uses the top and bottom wythes efficiently to that exist between different tolerances.
Wet or Dry Cast method as its base ensure each receives the proper amount The potential for cracking and how
but is produced in a way that the of heat and cures evenly and repairs can be made also are addressed.
company has patented for its own thoroughly. Other key topics addressed In general, sandwich panels may
use. in this section include handling, crack in ways similar to other concrete
potential finishes and detensioning. wall panels, the report says, and their
This chapter also explains the Chapter 5: Product Tolerances. occurrence can be predicted and should
critical need for properly curing the The proper tolerances that can be be watched for in the erection process.
panels to achieve top quality. Because achieved in the manufacturing and Repairs can be performed in several
of the internal insulation layer, special erection processes are described in this ways, depending on the size of the
crack, but the report points out that the
repairs will not return the cracked panel
to its original uncracked stiffness.
Chapter 6: Handling, Shipping &

Storage. This chapter explains that

panel lengths and widths can vary
widely due to project requirements as
well as to transportation restrictions
and handling-equipment capabilities.
In some areas, for instance, 12-foot-
Harrison County Jail, Ind., Concrete Alfa Laval Flow, St. Charles, Mo., Fabcon wide loads can be transported

32 Technology Inc. Incorporated.
unescorted while in others the
restriction is for any above 10 feet.
Panels are shipped either on edge or

in a flat position, depending on
equipment being used, finish
SANDWICH SANDWICH requirements, and the flexural design of
LOOSE STRAP PLATE the panel. The chapter outlines a
variety of considerations for
determining how the panels will be
shipped and how such factors as job-
site access can impact their delivery.
BEAM Chapter 7: Erection. Panel erection,
WALL PANEL HOLLOW CORE as with other components, is achieved
WALL PANEL by using proper-sized cranes and
rigging, the report details. In most
cases, specific erection diagrams
showing hook-up locations will be
provided by the precaster. Temporary
Non load-bearing panels to beam or joist connections. bracing may be required during the
Lacks Industries, Grand Rapids, Mich., Phillip Morris Plant, Newport News, Va., Tindall Concrete VA Inc.
Fabcon Incorporated.
savings and design enhancements
available and by encouraging more
precasters to produce these com-
ponents. In fact, says Seeber, it has
begun to achieve that result. “I’m
already seeing a better and wider use of
the panel from people who have
reviewed the report prior to its
publication,” he says. “New fabricators
are making the panels available,
creating a higher market penetration,
particularly in the West.”
Hamilton Form’s Dobbs also
anticipates growth, pointing out that
regional distances are not a problem.
“Although most precasters tend to ship


within a 200-mile radius of their plant,
some precasters are prepared to ship
virtually anywhere in the country, and
Pettit National Ice Center, West Allis, Wis., Spancrete Industries Inc. more plants are being set up to produce
these products,” he says. “The market is
erection of load-bearing panels, which growing for them, and the
Where To Get It most often is achieved with wall braces. opportunities are fantastic. No designer 33
The main body of the PCI’s new Chapter 8: Inspection. This chapter should let the thought of lack of
report, “State of the Art of Precast reassures the designer that the availability deter him from considering
Prestressed Sandwich Wall Panels,” inspection of sandwich wall panels concrete sandwich panels.”
was published in the March/April follows normal pre-pour and post-pour Adds Stresscon’s Richardson, “I
issue of PCI Journal. Specific design in-plant procedures as outlined in PCI- think this report will be a great boon to
examples showing the panels in use Certification standards. (All plants engineers and to precasters who aren’t
were published in the subsequent PCI-Certified to produce sandwich wall in this market yet. That in turn will
issue. To receive copies of those panels must follow specific quality give designers more options and make
issues, contact PCI headquarters, processes and undergo semi-annual them more aware of the availability and
175 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1859, inspections of their production facilities possibilities. This state-of-the-art
Chicago IL 60604; Ph: 312/786- to receive certification.) The section approach has been a long time in
0300; Fax: 312/786-0353. also points out that periodic inspection coming.” ■
A stand-alone version of the report of any stored panels awaiting delivery
will be available shortly as well. to a site should be performed to ensure — Craig A. Shutt
Details on its publication and price no problems arise.
can be obtained from National The report is seen by committee
Marketing Director Brian Goodmiller members as offering great potential for
at the same address. expanding the market, both by alerting
designers and engineers to the potential

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