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Project Step _2_: Team_23_

Team: #23

Project: Green Muscle

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 What did you learn in this activity?

What we learned from this activity is that the usefulness of the scorecard helps companies with strategic
planning, it is a management tool that allows us to see the relationships of the organization with action
measures to be carried out. This with the aim of having control in the organization and knowing the
relationship of the elements and their objectives that comprise them, such as: financial, customer, internal
business processes and organizational capacity.

 How are metrics useful to ensure quality?

Measures are standards that indicate how well an operation or process is performing, they help us to
quantify the percentage of effectiveness of our process and the error per product. The metrics also helps us
to describe the process condition, identify achieved outcomes and manufacturing defects. Metrics also
allow the whole organization a common understanding of the principal outcomes of the company, with
those metrics you can also provide short- and long-term feedback.

 How can the Quality Awards help a company to be successful?

The quality awards of a company help to take it to a higher level in the market compared to the
competition. It also helps to understand the company from a strategic perspective, in the same way it
reaffirms the sustainability of the company, allows the consolidation of a business, be more productive and
gives people confidence that it is a serious, committed and quality company.

 How does the activity enrich your professional development?

This activity as industrial engineers helps us to know how a real company should measure its objectives, to
ensure that it is fulfilling its mission and vision in society. All this must be raised in a responsible way and
using quality standards to base what has been said. I think that the development of these scenarios is very
important because in this way we can get an idea of how to carry out this analysis and what elements we
have to take into account when carrying out this analysis.

José Pacheco. (2021). 3 ejemplos de Balanced Scorecards y su aplicación en los negocios. 16/10/2021, de HEFLO
BPM Sitio web:

María José Solares Nualart. (2021). Balanced Scorecard para el área de operaciones de una empresa.
Presentación. 16/10/2021, de Gestiopolis Sitio web:

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