Xcode 14 WebdriverAgent Installation

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Xcode 14 WebdriverAgent
Created By P Premnath Rajendran

Created @September 29, 2022 10:31 AM

Last Edited Time @August 15, 2023 2:26 PM

Last Edited By S Sahar Badran

If you face issue this “Cannot link directly with dylib/framework while building
WDA” while installing WebdriverAgent on your mobile, please follow the below link to
setup the Appium Beta via NPM

Commands to setup Appium Beta:

1. npm install -g appium@next

2. appium plugin install execute-driver

3. appium driver install xcuitest | appium driver install uiautomator2

4. appium -pa /wd/hub --use-plugins execute-driver

Start the Appium Beta server as mentioned in the below link


Xcode 14 WebdriverAgent installation 1

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