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26/12/23, 15:45 Cuestionarios


Estudiante: Churata Mestas Nora

Programa de estudio: CONTABILIDAD
Fecha de Inicio: 26 de diciembre de 2023, 3:01:50 p.m.
Fecha de Fin: 26 de diciembre de 2023, 3:45:29 p.m.
Tiempo Empleado: 44 minutos
Resultado: 12 / 20 (60%)

1 …………. you talk to Mr. Wilson ?

No, I …… 1/1

won’t /won’t be 

Will /will 

Won’t/won’t 

Will/do 

Will/would 

2 My friend ………….. a birthday party next week. 1/1

is going to has 

going to have 

is going to have 

is going to be 

is going to 

3 Excuse me, I ______ hear you right now. The music is too loud. 1/1 1/7
26/12/23, 15:45 Cuestionarios

can 

could 

can’t 

couldn’t 

could to do 

4 Let’s go to the disco tomorrow! I think it ……….. funny. 1/1

will be 

won’t be 

won’t 

will 

is going to be 

5 How many languages can you speak? 1/1

I can not speak any. 

I can speak three languages. 

I speak three languages. 

I can’t speak three languages. 

I can do it. 

6 They _________go shopping yesterday because the store was closed. 0/1

can to  2/7
26/12/23, 15:45 Cuestionarios

could 

could be 

couldn’t 

can’t 

7 How many hot dogs _______ you eat at one time? 0/1

can 

can’t 

couldn’t 

can be 

could 

8 Let’s go to the beach tomorrow! I think it ……….. sunny. 1/1

will be 

won’t be 

won’t 

will 

is going to be 

9 I ____________ drive a car until I was 34. Then I moved to the countryside, so I had to
learn. 1/1

couldn’t  3/7
26/12/23, 15:45 Cuestionarios

can’t 

can 

could 

can do 

10 He _________(goes) to bed early. 1/1

went 

gonne 

gone 

wenting 

weren 

11 Sarven is eight years old and _______ ride a bike very well. 0/1

couldn’t 

can 

can’t 

can not 

can ride 

12 ……… your friend going to be late?

No, she ………… 0/1

Is/ isn’t  4/7
26/12/23, 15:45 Cuestionarios

Are/isn’t 

Are/aren’t 

Are/is 

Are/are 

13 Dad and I _______ the car in the morning last Monday. (wash). 1/1

did washed 

did wash 

did washing 

washed 

washes 

14 Jennifer doesn’t think she…………. ready to leave in half an hour. 0/1

will be 

won’t be 

going to 

not going to 

going to 

15 My mother ____________ play the guitar very well when she was young. 0/1

can 

could  5/7
26/12/23, 15:45 Cuestionarios

can’t 

couldn’t 

could do 

16 …….. you going to meet her tomorrow morning?

Yes, I …….. 0/1

Are/are 

Are/am 

Do/do 

Is/am 

Is/Am 

17 I guess I ………… travel to Europe next year. 0/1

will 

am going to 

am not going to 

will be 

am 

18 I’m ………. to college today. 1/1

will go 

won’t go  6/7
26/12/23, 15:45 Cuestionarios

going 

go 

going to 

19 He ______ speak Japanese and English in class. He is an amazing student!! 1/1

couldn’t 

can’t 

can 

were able 

are able to speak 

20 Shops _____________sell cigarettes to children 1/1

must 

must have 

mustn’t 

must not to 

must to do 

Volver a Curso (/EducacionVirtual/Cuestionario/19859/Detalle) 7/7

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