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31/5/23, 18:50 UNIT 1: PRESENT AND PAST TENSES: Attempt review

Started on Wednesday, 31 May 2023, 6:38 PM

State Finished
Completed on Wednesday, 31 May 2023, 6:49 PM
Time taken 10 mins 56 secs
Marks 28.75/42.00
Grade 6.85 out of 10.00 (68%)

Question 1
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Decide whether the verb form in italics in each of the following sentences is suitable or
unsuitable. If suitable, choose TRUE. If unsuitable, choose FALSE.
1. Sally didn't go on a blind date before.

Select one:

True 

Wrong answer. It refers to lack of experience in the past rather than an action at a specific
time in the past. The correct answer is "Sally hasn't gone on a blind date before".
The correct answer is 'False'.

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31/5/23, 18:50 UNIT 1: PRESENT AND PAST TENSES: Attempt review

Question 2
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

2. What did you wear to the wedding party?

Select one:

False 

Wrong answer. Please, revise the grammar rules.

The correct answer is 'True'.

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Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

3. Were you eating spaghetti every day during your honeymoon in Italy?

Select one:

True 

Wrong answer. It refers to a specific action in the past which is now finished. The correct
answer is "Did you eat spaghetti every day during your honeymoon in Italy?"
The correct answer is 'False'.

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Question 4
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

4. I didn't know you had split up.

Select one:

False 

Wrong answer. Please, revise the grammar rules.

The correct answer is 'True'.

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31/5/23, 18:50 UNIT 1: PRESENT AND PAST TENSES: Attempt review

Question 5
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

5. I desperately wanted to believe him, but I suspected he was lying.

Select one:

False 

Wrong answer. Please, revise the grammar rules.

The correct answer is 'True'.

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Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

As Peggy walked home after her first date with Patrick, she tried to remember everything
that happened.

Select one:

False 

Well done. It refers to an action in the past that occurred before another action in the past.
The correct answer is "As Peggy walked home after her first date with Patrick, she tried to
remember everything that had happened."
The correct answer is 'False'.

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Question 7
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

7. The sitcom has begun over 1,250 episodes ago.

Select one:

True 

Wrong answer. It refers to a specific action in the past, i.e. the action is clearly linked to a
specific time in the past. The correct answer is "The sitcom began over 1,250 episodes ago."
The correct answer is 'False'.

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Question 8
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

8. Once they finished arguing and shouting, and as the waiter went off to fetch the bill, Mr.
and Mrs. Buttler glanced around the restaurant to see if people at the neighbouring tables
were witnessing the scene.

Select one:

True 

Wrong answer. The verb refers to an action that occurred before another action in the past,
so we should use the past perfect.
The correct answer is 'False'.

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31/5/23, 18:50 UNIT 1: PRESENT AND PAST TENSES: Attempt review

Question 9
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

9. When his mother got home she would make a cup of tea and read the newspaper.

Select one:

False 

Wrong answer. Please, revise the grammar rules.

The correct answer is 'True'.

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31/5/23, 18:50 UNIT 1: PRESENT AND PAST TENSES: Attempt review

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

10. I would be really naughty when I was a little girl.

Select one:

False 

Well done! As the statement does not refer to a habit in the past, but to a state, the use of
would is incorrect. We should use a stative verb in the simple past (was) or the form used to +
stative verb.
The correct answer is 'False'.

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Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Choose the most suitable option for each gap in the sentences that follow.
1. Bettina usually _____________ dinner with her children in the evening.

a. cooks 
b. is cooking
c. cook

d. has cooked

The correct answer is: cooks

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31/5/23, 18:50 UNIT 1: PRESENT AND PAST TENSES: Attempt review

Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

2. For the last two years, Larry ___________________ a book on parenting.

a. is writing

b. has been writing 

c. has written

d. was writing

The correct answer is: has been writing

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31/5/23, 18:50 UNIT 1: PRESENT AND PAST TENSES: Attempt review

Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

3. Look! That man _________________ your son's bike!

a. is stealing 
b. steals
c. stealing

d. stolen

The correct answer is: is stealing

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Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

4. ______________ before? Eric, this is Amanda.

a. Did you two meet

b. Have you two met 

c. Were you two meeting

d. Have you been meeting

The correct answer is: Have you two met

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Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

5. ______________ anyone interesting at the party last weeked?

a. Did you meet 

b. Have you met
c. Were you meeting

d. Have you been meeting

The correct answer is: Did you meet

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Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

6. Eric __________ a flat yet, so he's still living with his parents.

a. found

b. didn't find
c. is finding

d. hasn't found 

The correct answer is: hasn't found

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31/5/23, 18:50 UNIT 1: PRESENT AND PAST TENSES: Attempt review

Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

7. The phone suddenly ____________ while Jane was reading a bedtime story to her kids.

a. rang 
b. was ringing
c. had rung

d. is ringing

The correct answer is: rang

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31/5/23, 18:50 UNIT 1: PRESENT AND PAST TENSES: Attempt review

Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

8. Jane ___________ as our kid's nanny for 10 years now.

a. works

b. is working
c. worked

d. has been working 

The correct answer is: has been working

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31/5/23, 18:50 UNIT 1: PRESENT AND PAST TENSES: Attempt review

Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

9. Anita _____________ pretty overwhelmed at the moment due to too much work.

a. is feeling 
b. feels
c. has felt

d. has been feeling

The correct answer is: is feeling

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Question 20
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

10. We weren't worried because she ______________ the situation to us.

a. explained

b. has just explained

c. had just explained

d. just explained

The correct answer is: had just explained

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Question 21
Partially correct
Mark 0.75 out of 1.00

Matching exercise 1.
Read the following unfinished sentences carefully. Then choose the correct option to
complete each sentence. When you finish, click on "Check" to see your answers corrected.

I haven't been on a for two months.


We went to Greece... for our first family holiday.

I've been waiting here... for two hours. He stood me up!

It's ages since I last... saw my cousin; I should give him a ring.

While she was for the housewarming party, she fell off a ladder.
decorating the room...

Evie went to see the
doctor after making an because she thought she was pregnant.

For Joe's retirement
party, we booked the
after the wedding ceremony.

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It was raining as we before inviting everybody.

walked home...

The correct answer is: I haven't been on a date... → for two months., We went to Greece... →
for our first family holiday., I've been waiting here... → for two hours. He stood me up!, It's
ages since I last... → saw my cousin; I should give him a ring., While she was decorating the
room... → for the housewarming party, she fell off a ladder., Evie went to see the doctor after
making an appointment... → because she thought she was pregnant., For Joe's retirement
party, we booked the hall... → before inviting everybody., It was raining as we walked home...
→ after the wedding ceremony.

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Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Matching exercise 2.
Read the following unfinished sentences or dialogues carefully. Then choose the correct
option to complete each sentence or dialogue. When you finish, click on "Check" to see your
answers corrected.

When I'm not surfing in the I like playing soccer with my friends.

When I was a
child,... I used to go to the beach every summer.

How's your cousin Emma doing? No idea. I haven't heard from her for ages.

I am seeing a patient at the but I won't be long.

What's the matter? You seem upset. I am. I have just failed my driving test.

It took a long time,... but eventually I got used to living in the city.

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It's the first time... I have shared a flat with a roommate.

I really don't mind... doing the housework every now and then.

The correct answer is: When I'm not surfing in the Internet,... → I like playing soccer with my
friends., When I was a child,... → I used to go to the beach every summer., How's your cousin
Emma doing? → No idea. I haven't heard from her for ages., I am seeing a patient at the
moment, → but I won't be long., What's the matter? You seem upset. → I am. I have just
failed my driving test., It took a long time,... → but eventually I got used to living in the city.,
It's the first time... → I have shared a flat with a roommate., I really don't mind... → doing the
housework every now and then.

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Question 23
Partially correct
Mark 16.00 out of 20.00


Read the following texts carefully and fill in the gaps with a suitable form of the verb in
brackets. When more than one verb tense could be used, the option you have to choose is
indicated next to the verb. Do NOT use capital letters and/or contracted forms.

Martin Baxter and Gilbert Hughes, who  (work/use a perfect progressive verb form) in
Yellowstone National Park for the last 8 years,  (have) a close encounter with three bears
last week. Before entering the park that day, the manager  (tell/use a simple tense form)
them not to be afraid, so they (be/not) especially worried. They  (film) many different
animals in the park before, and they  (know) it was dangerous, but they  (never /
expect) to meet danger with the well-known group of bears! They decided to stop filming
when they  (see) that the whole family  (run/use a plural form) towards the camera!
They  (stop/use a perfect tense) filming since then!

Mathew and Laura  (go out) ever since they  (meet) at university four years earlier.
Mathew  (think) it was time to ask her to marry him, so he  (buy) an engagement ring.
He was determined to make an unforgettable proposal so he  (make/use a simple tense
form) a reservation in a fancy restaurant the previous week. Unfortunately, while Mathew
 (drive) to pick her up, he was so nervous that he  (crash) into another car on the way!
When he  (wake up) in the hospital, he saw that Laura  (wear) the ring. She  (find)
it in his jacket, and knew it was for her!
Congratulations! You have finished the use of English Practice of this unit
Remember that you may try this Practice Section exercises up to three times.
Then, go on working with the Progress Check for a general revision of the unit.

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