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SY 2023-2024


Physics deals with the basic interactions of energy and matter. Understanding it becomes an integral part
in fully comprehending other branches of physical science. It tackles the fundamental ideas of the natural
world such as motion, force, energy, matter, heat, sound, light, and even the subatomic structure of atoms.
Physics, as a subject, is not only a collection of facts and formulas, but also a venue for students to
develop their own thinking models to further understand phenomena and occurrences that they may
encounter and experience while instilling in them important values such as insightfulness, dependability,
resourcefulness, informed decision making, competence and a sense of responsibility.

The meetings are allotted to discussions, lectures, rediscovery exercises, demonstrations of physical
phenomena, research, blended-learning and problem-based activities which would require them to be
knowledgeable in handling basic computer applications such as MS Office, LSGH’s Learning
Management System, Ranger360 LMS, online applications (Kahoot, Socrative, phET simulations,
Physics classroom interactives, Padlet, and Google Forms) and Zoom as a video conferencing tool. The
subject requires students to apply critical thinking skills from the concepts learned to be able to propose
and implement an advocacy on safety, equality, and conservation in pursuit of Spirit of Faith, Zeal of
Service and Communion in Mission.


1. Make-up for missed summative assessments is only
Guidelines on Make-Up given to students with excused absences (refer to
Summative Assessments Lasallian Student Formation Handbook).
2. The absent student submits an excuse letter to the
Learning Community Coordinator using the Send an
Excuse Form section in the Homeroom folder of
3. The Learning Community Coordinator forwards the
request to the concerned teacher/s.
4. The teacher informs the student regarding the
schedule of the make- up assessment.
5. The students are given 1 week to make up for the
missed assessment for Kinder to Grade10.
6. Non-appearance during the set make-up
appointment will merit a grade of zero (0) for the
missed assessment.
Submission Requirements must be submitted on or before the deadline. Late
of submission of requirements without any valid reason will not be
Requirement accepted.
1. All announcements, academic or otherwise are coursed through
Ranger360 Responsibility Ranger360, the school’s official Learning Management System
(LMS). Students are required to access Ranger360 every school
day. Students should allow their parents to access their LMS.
2. All materials posted in Ranger360 are considered
school property. These materials should be used for
academic purposes only.

Students are encouraged to request for a consultation with their teachers.

Student- Teacher
Consultation Please refer to the Lasallian Student Formation Handbook for the
Parents who wish to consult with the teachers may refer to the Lasallian
Parent- Teacher Student Formation Handbook for the procedure.
Consultation (PTC)

Generally, all Science classes are guided by the following policies and
Additional Department procedures:
Policies 1. The requirements and rules stated in the Lasallian Student
Formation Handbook will ALWAYS be followed.
2. Any student causing damage/breakage/loss to any laboratory
material and equipment will be liable for such through payment
to the Finance Resource Department (FRD). A photocopy of the
Official Receipt should be submitted to the laboratory
3. Grades 9 and 10 students are required to have a scientific
4. Formative assessments, such as but not limited to seatwork and
homework, are given to develop good study habits and attitudes.
Failure to submit/participate in such activities may result in a low
deportment grade and may also affect class participation grade.
5. The Science department promotes academic integrity. The code
of conduct for students will be posted in ALL assessments and
activities given to students. In case of any action violating this
code of conduct such as but not limited to submitting laboratory
work, worksheet, seatwork, performance task and other
activities not done by the student himself/herself or any
plagiarized work will merit the necessary sanction (refer to the
Lasallian Student Formation Handbook).



Written Works
Quiz 1.1: Vectors and Scalars (Cycle 2)
Quiz 50% Quiz 1.2: Horizontal Motion (Concepts) (Cycle
Quiz 1.3: Horizontal Motion Data Table
Completion (Cycle 5)
Quiz 1.4: Vertical Motion (Cycle 7)
Quiz 1.5: Horizontal Projectile Motion (Concepts
and Data Table Completion) (Cycle 9)
Quiz 1.6: Angled Projectile Data Table
Completion (Cycle 10)
Quiz 1.7: Law of Inertia and Law of
Acceleration (Cycle 11)
Long Test 50% Long Test 1.1: Horizontal Motion (Cycle 6)
/Research/Reflection Long Test 1.2: Projectile Motion (Cycle 10)
Performance Task
Performance Task 60% Scaffolding Activity (Launcher Design) (Cycle 5-
6) Popsicle Stick Catapult/Launcher
(Cycle 7)
Laboratory Work 20% Lab Work 1.1: Projectile Motion (Cycle 10)
Class Participation 20% Formative Assessments
● Exercises/Formative Assessments
● Oral Recitation

Periodical Exam (30%)


Cycle 1 Meeting 3 Subject Orientation

Cycle 1 Meeting 4-6

Vector and Scalar Quantities, Scaling, and Combining Collinear
Cycle 2 Meeting 1-5 Adding Collinear Vectors Graphically (Head-to-Tail Method) and
Combining/Adding Vectors and its applications

Cycle 2 Meeting 6 Introduction to Horizontal Motion

Cycle 3 Meeting 1-6 Performance Task (PT) Guidelines Discussion and Scaffold Activity
Cycle 4 Meeting 1-5 (Designing)

Horizontal Motion: Descriptors of Motion (Distance, Displacement,

Velocity, and Acceleration) and Introduction to Horizontal Motion
Data Table

Cycle 4 Meeting 6 Horizontal Motion Data Table Completion/Introduction to Horizontal

Cycle 5 Meeting 1 Motion
Word Problems
Scaffold Activity (Designing)
Cycle 5 Meeting 2-3
Horizontal Motion Word Problems

Cycle 5 Meeting 4 Introduction to Motion Graphs

Cycle 5 Meeting 5-6 Motion Graphs

Cycle 6 Meeting 1-4
Scaffold Activity (Designing) and Launching
Cycle 6 Meeting 5 Introduction to Vertical Motion
Cycle 6 Meeting 6
Cycle 7 Meeting 1-3 Vertical Motion

Cycle 7 Meeting 4 Introduction to Horizontal Projectile Motion

Cycle 7 Meeting 5-6
Horizontal Projectile Motion and Introduction to Horizontal Projectile
Cycle 8 Meeting 1-4 Motion Data Table Completion
Cycle 8 Meeting 5-6
Horizontal Projectile Motion Data Table Completion and Horizontal
Cycle 9 Meeting 1 Projectile
Motion Word Problems
Cycle 9 Meeting 2 Introduction to Angled Projectile Motion
Cycle 9 Meeting 3-6 Angled Projectile Motion
Cycle 10 Meeting 1-2
Cycle 10 Meeting 3 Laboratory Activity on Projectile Motion (Gizmo-initiated Laboratory
Work) / Introduction to Dynamics and Law of Inertia
Cycle 10 Meeting 4-6
Cycle 11 Meeting 1-2 Law of Inertia

Cycle 11 Meeting 3-6 Law of Acceleration

Cycle 12 Meeting 1
Periodical Exam Week (November 13-15)


CYCLE 1 August 16 - 23

CYCLE 2 August 24 - 31

CYCLE 3 September 1 -7

CYCLE 4 September 8 - 14

CYCLE 5 September 15 - 21

CYCLE 6 September 22 - 28

CYCLE 7 September 29 - October 5

CYCLE 8 October 6 - 12

CYCLE 9 October 13 - 19

CYCLE 10 October 20 - 26

CYCLE 11 October 27 and November 6 - 9

CYCLE 12 November 10

NOTE: 4 regular 40-minute classes and 1 double-period (80 minutes) class per cycle

Prepared by:

Mr. O’Mer Fernandez

Ms. Yomiko Elores

Noted and Approved by:

(Sgd.)Mrs. Vivien R. Avelino

Assistant Science Coordinator

(Sgd.) Mrs. Pamela C. Madiclum

Science Coordinator

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