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8th Grade | Quiz CH-3 original


SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024
English Literacy 8th Grade.
Ms. Claudia Alejos
January 2024

* Indica que la pregunta es obligatoria

1. Correo *

2. Last names- First Name *

Verb SAY vs TELL

Choose the correct answer.

3. Q1 - They walked out of the room without ____ a word. * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.


4. Q2 - Don't try to persuade me to talk because I'm not ____ a word. * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.



5. Q3 - I'm afraid I can't ____ for sure but I think it's OK. * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.



6. Q4 - I've ____ you not to do that * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.



7. Q5 - Did the joke he ____ make you laugh? * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.



Reported speech: COMMANDS

Choose the correct choice. Remember that the verbs change to infinitive
8. .1. Don't throw the paper on the floor." * 4 puntos

The shopkeeper told the boy _____ on the floor.

Marca solo un óvalo.

B) he threw the paper

C) not to throw the paper

D) not to have thrown the paper

9. 2. "Don't drive so fast." * 4 puntos

The policeman told me _____.

Marca solo un óvalo.

B) not to drive so fast

C) if I didn't drive so fast

D) that I shouldn’t have driven şo fast

10. 3. "Never use my computer without my permission!" * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.

He shouted that I should never use his computer without his permission.

He shouted to never use his computer without his permission.

11. 4. “Do not tell her what I said." * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.

He begged me to not tell her what he had said.

He begged that I didn't tell her what he had said.

He begged me not to tell her what he had said.

12. 5. "Please wait for me in front of the museum." * 4 puntos

The young woman asked her friend _____.

Marca solo un óvalo.

B) that she waited for him in front of the museum

C) if he waited for her in front of the museum

D) to wait for her in front of the museum

Reported Speech : STATEMENTS

Choose the best response. Remember with reported speech the verb tenses change.

13. 1. "He will come tomorrow." * 4 puntos

She told me that he ________ tomorrow.

Marca solo un óvalo.

will come

would come
14. 2. "I see the clouds." * 4 puntos

He told me that she ________ the clouds.

Marca solo un óvalo.



15. 3. "My mother is taking the bus to work tomorrow." * 4 puntos

He told me that his mother ________ the bus to work tomorrow.

Marca solo un óvalo.

was taking

will take

16. 4. ‘There was an accident outside the supermarket’. * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.

He said there had been an accident outside the supermarket.

17. 5. "I have seen that movie." * 4 puntos

He told me that he ________ that movie.

Marca solo un óvalo.

had seen

has seen
Reported speech: QUESTIONS

Choose the best response. Remember with reported speech the verb tenses change.
Introduce every sentence with IF/WH word.

18. 1. "Will Jane be preparing the dinner during the afternoon?" Robert * 4 puntos

asked me _____ the dinner during the afternoon.

Marca solo un óvalo.

C) whether Jane would prepare

D) if Jane will be preparing

E) if Jane would be preparing

19. 2. "Why are you so late? What is your excuse?" The officer wanted to * 4 puntos
know _____.
Marca solo un óvalo.

B) why I was so late and what my excuse was

C) If I was so late and had an excuse

D) that I was so late but had an excuse

20. 3. "When are you going back to Japan?" * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.

A) He asked when I was going back to Japan.

B) He asked when was I going back to Japan.

21. 4. "Can I use your phone?" * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.

A) I asked her could I use her phone.

B) I asked her if I could use her phone.

22. 5. "Where do you live? * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.

A) Miho asked me where do I live.

B) Miho asked me where I lived.

C) Miho asked me where did I live.


Choose the correct adverb of degree in each sentence.

23. 1. He is …… good at French. He will never be fluent though. * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.



24. 2. Droughts usually occur in places where it …….. rains. * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.


25. 3. Pedro ……. loves school. He even wishes he had classes at the * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.



26. 4. I didn't accept the job because the pay was …….. low. * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.



27. 5. Although he …… studies, he still gets good grades. * 4 puntos

Marca solo un óvalo.



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