Stimulating Learning CHAPTER 3

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How important for you if a person says he believes in you? Just like a law, how did it change
the life of a person with disability?

“Everyone needs at least one person to truly believe in them”.(Lynne Nacci)

Don’t we all need someone to believe in us, not for what we do but for who we are?
When someone truly believes in you and shows you that they do, it gives you extra lift on your
wings. When you need that extra push, it can help you to soar a little higher and faster. It moves
you forward with strength that you didn’t know you had until someone gave you that helping
hand. Nothing is more motivating or inspiring than knowing that someone else believes in you
and is willing to put their trust in you. It is one of the greatest feelings on earth. We all know
how good we feel when someone believes in us. When we have someone who we know truly
believes in us it makes us want to move heaven and earth to make them proud. We work harder
and we correct ourselves faster, and when we recognize that someone is trusting us we don’t
want to do anything that would damage that trust as we realize how valuable a gift it is.
There are million other tactics people use to try and motivate people pressuring someone, using
passive aggressive comments to induce someone, threatening them, offering material or
emotional or physical incentives, etc. and while these tactics may prove to be temporarily
affective, they will never inspire true growth in others. Believing in them can.
A key to victory through life’s difficulties, its one person who believes in you more than you
believe in yourself. You can be that person to someone.
Human rights are important to all human beings regardless of nationality, race, region, or gender.
We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are enforced
by governmental laws. People with intellectual or developmental disabilities have the same legal
rights as others. Throughout the world people with disabilities are denied their rights to be
included in a wide-range of services from education to health care. Many people with disabilities
are often forgotten and is put away in institution because they cannot function in society. The
support of family, government and private organization are design to help accommodate people
with disabilities.
But because of these laws which acts not only as an instrument for persons with disabilities but it
also benefit entire human family because it strengthens the response against exclusion and
segregation and indeed it illustrates that reaching the furthest behind first is the key to leaving no
one behind.
These laws protect disabled individuals from certain kinds of discrimination, particularly
regarding employment, education and access to public services. The successful implementation
of these laws which lead to persons with disabilities having fundamental human rights like
freedom, respect, equality and dignity. They have the right to live to their full potential, to
exercise control over their own life and to live free from abuse or neglect. It keeps them from
living a miserable lives.
These laws help them overcome barriers that restrict them from participating in society on an
equal basis with others every day. They are accepted in the general school system and the
workplace, they are independently living in the community, and they have the right to vote, to
participate in sport and cultural activities, to enjoy social protection, to access justice, to choose
medical treatment and to enter freely into legal commitments. This was the change brought by
the laws to the persons with disabilities to ensure that they are properly treated and having
normal and peaceful lives.

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